Author Topic: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!  (Read 1517 times)


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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2008, 15:39:12 PM »
Yes and if she dosnt know how to do something ie play you will have to teach her. I suppose play wouldnt come into every day life if all your doing is trying to survive.  :shy:

Offline Christina

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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2008, 15:30:25 PM »
hi, thanks for all the reassurance. i think maybe then that she is just loving the quiet life after being hounded by kids and dogs all her life (not that there is anything wrong with kids and dogs, just that so many of them was prbably a bit much for patch). as for playing, i dont think that she was ever played with at all. i know where she came from, shes my other halfs relatives cat, and in all the 7 years i have known them, i never saw any cat toys in thier house. she obviously doesnt know how to play like you all said. i never thought of it that way. she does actually love catnip though! ive already tried it with her and its the one thing she loves! maybe i will just let her be then. thanks again. i feel happy now knowing that shes probably content just lazing around!

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2008, 07:25:50 AM »
It might be that she thinks she is in heaven with the peace and quiet and being able to stay indoors.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2008, 01:59:16 AM »
Kocka came to me at age 10 and didnt know how to play. although she was very friendly and used to sit on my shoulder.

She learnt to play with bedmice.....hand under the duvet moving and she used to love it , once she got the hang of it. We then progressed tp ing pong balls and Mr fish whixh was her fave and it was w whiskers toy.

I even saw her outside playing foot ball with some old snail shells  ;D

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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2008, 23:42:47 PM »
My two are 11 and only been with me since Feb and do nothing lol!! Well Edgar does follow me and sometimes make a half baked attempt at playing when prompted but Oscar - he sleeps and sleeps and sleeps, then comes over for a cuddle, then sleeps then eats and then starts all over again!

I think some cats are maybe just like that. They got out at their last home but are indoor now and I think some cats just like an easy life - like some humans lol!!
Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

RIP Bertie 23/12/2007
RIP Oscar 31/08/2011
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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2008, 23:15:49 PM »
Once she knows she's safe and loved she should come round  :)

Offline Kirst

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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2008, 19:23:07 PM »
It may juts be after a life pushed outside she is loving the fact she can snooze in all day if she likes! :Luv2:

Beavis is a lazy bones too , he likes to eat  , sleep and sunbathe best of all and turns his nose up at most toys!

Offline pappilon

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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2008, 16:13:55 PM »
Hi Christina, My cat Phoebe is a rescue which came to me last year , i was told she was 9-10 years not old but the two privious owner both said that she is aggresive and thats why she ended in rescue :( When i got her they told me she was an indoor cat all her life and doesnt go out, first week here and she wanted so badly to go out that i did let her out, i think her choice to be an indoor and given the chance she loves to sit in garden for our she doesnt do much just sits there and watch everything, i think your cat being out most times in her privious home maybe wasnt what she wanted ,and now that she has the chice she wants to stay in, i agree with darkmoon give her time and space, also my Phoebe doesnt know how to PLAY, after few months with me evey time i tried to play with her she got really upset and moved or at times she just looked at me as she couldnt understand what i am doing , it was the first time for me to see a cat who doesnt know how to play so i posted here and i was told that it must be that when she was young no one played with her and she just doesnt know :( At times i felt guilty seeing her doing nothing but thats what she wanted just to sit in garden or come in and sleep, NO interest in anything, but few weeks ago when i ordered some toys and cat nip from purrs shop for my other cat and her( I still buy her things hoping she may like something :)), there was a little cat nip in there which was sent to me by Tan to try for my cats and i found Phoebe taken it out of the bag and holding it and roll over it, i was so surprised and pleased, i think because its small and very strong she likes it cos it doesnt scare her and she can hold it and then she drops it from sofa to the floor and i put it back and she kind of play with stinky, which is great, so i think your cat needs time and one day she surprise you, its best to let her do what she wants now and may be you can just put some cat nip close to her and see if she likes. Best of luck.  Pav

Dark Moon

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Re: older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2008, 15:42:39 PM »
Poor girl. Yes, she'll be o.k.  Encourage her to play - sure. But gently, and back off if she shows fear or resentment.

From what you say I suspect she was neglected more than you realize. She likely simply has no idea HOW to play. I have told Aridane's story in this forum before - she came to me from the humane society and had obviously been abused. Spent weeks sitting under my desk watching us. Not fearful, but not joining. Just watching. And she had NO idea how to play. Never had a cat who didn't know what to do with a string before.

But she ultimately came out, in her own good time. And adopted us. And played. And loved us. And became she whom I have ever after called "the Mother of us all" for all the love and care she gave us.

Hang in there. Your girl will be o.k.  Knowing that she's physically well, you just have to let her set her own pace. And, frankly, I think it's best if she stays in for a time. She's been through a fair bit and needs time and space and patience while she adapts.

My thoughts, and my memories of my beloved Ariadne, are with you.

Offline Christina

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older cat, bored or just lazy?!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2008, 14:58:43 PM »
hi all,
        i have two cats. one is only two years, whom ive had since a kitten. the other is older, about 8,called patch and ive had her for about afew months.  the younger cat is very active and always goes out, or if the weather is bad, wants to play indoors (with any of her various toys!) i was just wondering about the older cat though. at her old home, she was a bit neglected, and wasnt really loked after properly. she lived with 4 young children and a big dog, so was kind of the last priority there really. she was always outside there, very rarely came indoors, so i thought she would be an outdoor cat with me. she very rarely goes out here though. she will venture out but only for five mins or somehting. all she seams to do here is just sit or sleep. ive tried playing with her indoors, but she either ignores the toys or runs away as if scared. i think now that maybe she was always outside at her old house as it was scary for hers to be indoors with all the children and dog.
but i guess what im wondering is that are some cats just happy to just do nothing, and not play or go outside. surely she must get bored? i hope that she is happy here with me, but i just find it strange that she always used to go outside and now all she does is sleep or just chill on a chair or ,my lap (she does like her fuss!). at 8 shes not really that old,so i just wondered if its ok to just let her sit and do nothing all the time, or if i should be encouriging her to play? she has been vets and is otherwise  ok. would be nice to know if other peopls cats are like this. thanks for any comments!


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