Author Topic: Bengal un-neutered brown spotted -lost Lincoln area  (Read 1785 times)

Offline bunglycat

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  • Ginny B.Winston, Fifi, Smartie ,Bungly,Sophie,RIP
  • Slave to: Pandora , Cody, Smudgie , Blueberry , Angel and Merlin . RIP. Ginny B , Winston , Smartie, Bungly and Sophie and Fifi
Bengal un-neutered brown spotted -lost Lincoln area
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 20:53:21 PM »
Heard someone shouting near my house about half hour ago and ask him what he was looking for /lost.
He is a bsb who lives up the road and apparantly he has lost his Bengal un neutered male -i ask when ( thinking tonight -as i look for Winston if he is out of my sight for 2 mins!!) anyway it was  -5 days ago !
Not only that -but its a carrier of FIP !
I did say "do you think this cat should have been neuted"? Apparantly it is booked in to be done as it was too young before and it was risky due to the FIP -and now he can''t find it ????
 I also ask if he was still breeding and he said no !? whether or not thats the truth is another thing !
The cat was spraying indoors ,so he fitted a cat flap for it to come and go as he pleased ( names Brutus -the cat that is !)
Totally irresponsible as far as i am concerned - i lost a cat i took in to FIP and it was awful as she went downhill .
I am now Worried that Winston may meet it at the front onf my house /garden -i certaily don';'t want him to catch anything !
Luckily i have someone coming round wednesday about the cat-proofing and i think if he is reasonably priced (Roz put me on to him ) i am going to let him and my brother get it done asap .
Anyway -this cat is lost in Witham-St-Hughs area of Lincoln -but could be in any surrounding villages now i suppose.
Thought i would post on the off chance and also as i am not happy about this person and his breeding attitude etc !!


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