Author Topic: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham  (Read 4827 times)

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2006, 16:33:16 PM »
Hi Mandy and  :welcome:,

So pleased you have joined our happy little crowd and great news that "Ginge" is doing well. 

Thank you so much for updating us and look forward to hopefully seeing some pics of the little lad and hearing from you again with more updates.

On behalf of everyone on Purrs thank you, thank you, thank you for opening your heart and your home to Ginge.  :Luv:

 Wishing you a :xmas: and a wonderful New Year.

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Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2006, 15:45:22 PM »
Hi mandy I think you are wonderful . my hero this week  :) He sounds such a little fighter he deserves every chance we can give him doesn't he.
We would love to see a picture when you get the chance.

How are your two getting along with a stranger ? especially one that is busy scoffing all their cod fillets hee hee .

You have clearly bonded with the little fella and I wouldn't want to be in your position if his former slaves turn up after all the love and care you have given him.

I think the thing that matters most of all is that someone loves him very much and gives him plenty of cuddles and attention and he is clearly getting that with you.
Do keep in touch its great to hear of a sucess story .  :Luv:
« Last Edit: December 21, 2006, 15:46:06 PM by Nick (Peanut & Boo) »

Offline Mandy

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2006, 15:31:52 PM »
Well, I finally got round to registering and I'd like to say "thanx people for your concern & comments". I've not yet named the little fella but tend to call him Ginge or Little Fella so for now I'll refer to him as Ginge.

Ginge / PDSA Progress Report

Ginge had his op on Wednesday and they kept him in overnight on pain killers, after a sleepless night I was allowed to collect him on Thursday. Using the PDSA has been a whole new experience to me and God bless them for the work they do but without going into too much detail I have to say that the difference between them and using my regular vet is very noticeable.

Anyhow back to Ginge, the vet had planned to remove the ball from both hips but due to the injury happening approx 2-3 prior was only successful with his left hip as the right hip already had new tissue growth formed making it too difficult to access without causing more damage. When I brought him home on Thursday he was clawing his way out of the basket and to my amazement when I opened the cat carry he just strolled out and made a b line for the food.

I am so proud of this little fella, to have gone through whatever he has gone through before I found him, then 3trips in 3days to the vets and finally the operation and to still show so much love and affection towards human beings.  His left side is healing wonderfully, Ginge must of thought so too as he took it upon himself to sneakily remove all 6 stitches, the right side was very bruised and seems to be taking longer to heal, it’s as if he knows when the stitches have done their job because he’s chose to leave these ones in place!

On Tuesday, I took him for a check up and collected more pain killers and anti biotics, the nurse was pleased with his progress and doesn’t need to see him now until 27th December so I’m pleased for him.

Where’s My Real Owner? :where:

I totally agree with each and everyone of you who commented on finding his real owner and I had the PDSA scan him on our 1st visit but unfortunately no chip was traced. Since I made the comments to Sam, I have tried a few other channels but still nothing. I guess what I was really saying was that, this little fella is such a love I wouldn’t want to give him up now but at the same time I would never deprive someone of having their baby back so if someone does come forward I know I would have to hand him over but I have to admit that I would only do this when I know he’s out of the woods with all 4 paws firmly on the road to recovery.

The friend whose house I was visiting the night I found him called in at the weekend and she commented how different he looked, he’d almost doubled in size, his coat looked healthier and most noticeable was his expression  had changed from a scared, frantic, desperate look to a relaxed, secure, content one. He’s even started playing with my other cats toys, his favourite one being a cardboard box lid with a whole cut out of it. I recommend it to anyone just place it on the floor and move it slowly, when they notice the carpet moving through the whole they go loopy, try passing something under the whole, they’ll love it.

Anyhow hope you’re all ready for Christmas, I know I’m not, since the little fella came along my time and funds have been redirected. Ho hum, a small sacrifice I think as I’m happy to know that his happier than he was less than 2 weeks ago.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone, I’ll keep you posted with any news.

In the meantime, I mentioned I'm calling him Ginge but I wouldn't name him that if I do end up keeping him. I'm not very good thinking of names so I'd more than welcome any suggestions. My other two cats are Ninja and Boycie.

Thanx again for your comments, advice and words of praise, it means a lot to me. xx

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2006, 19:03:43 PM »
well done to mandy. What a lovely compassionate lady . What absolute mercinary b******s the vets were to refuse to even see the cat. They should be named and shamed .I have never heard of a practice that refuses to at least look at a cat and give an initial assesment.
I would say it is unlikely that the cat had travelled far from his home in that state but its difficult to generalise. I can understand Mandy's reluctance to lose the little fella now she has looked after him and formed a bond but he is after all someone elses little treasure and his slaves must be worried sick.
He should have been scanned for a chip by the pdsa I should have thought.? certainly they would be happy to do it without charge.

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2006, 14:21:13 PM »
I've been fretting about this.  :( I know you'll have advised Mandy to have the little fella scanned for a microchip, Sam, and to call other vets in the area...

I hope Mandy does join the forum, then we can give her support.
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Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2006, 12:38:05 PM »
Thanks for the advice guys ..... You have echoed what I said to Mandy in my email.  I will pass this thread onto her and urge her to try and find little ones mummy.

I must say in Manndy's defence she has put up posters and posted on several forums about this little one and as yet she has had no response and he obviously isn't registered at her vet or the PDSA as lost.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 14:05:17 PM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline TeresaM

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2006, 20:59:50 PM »
I don't think you really have much choice, you have to try to find this little fella's family. I know how you feel my Ollie is stray who adopted us three and half years ago. I did everything I could to trace her owners knowing it would break my heart if I did, but it would break their hearts if I didn't. I think you know that in your heart of hearts, someone is probably out everynight looking and calling, give them the best Christmas present ever .. their fur baby back.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2006, 16:35:45 PM »
I am sure there is desparate owner out there searching for their cat and Mandy who has done so brilliantly needs to get some notices up locally to say she has the cat.

I am sure if it was her cat she would be desparate to have him back and she should be prepared to let the cat go back to its owner if possible.

She is a wonderful lady for getting this cat treated so fast and taking care of it and I wish there were more like her around  :hug: :hug:

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2006, 16:20:55 PM »
Oh dear, this has been preying on my mind since I read it a little while ago. I can't imagine how I'd feel if Blip had been involved in an accident and had been wandering, injured, unable to find her way home.

I note that you didn't comment or ask for others' comments Sam, but as Mandy has requested your advice, I'd suggest to her that she really must make every possible effort to find the little cat's owners. Perhaps the way to approach it is to ask her to put herself in their shoes? They must be so worried...

Mandy has been wonderful to care for the little cat the way she has.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2006, 17:27:12 PM by Christine (Blip) »
I'm a member of the British Humanist Association, the national charity supporting and representing people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2006, 12:09:22 PM »
I contacted the finder with some hints and tips on how to find this little ones slaves and to inform her I had posted a lost notice on this forum.

I have just received the following email message from Mandy (the finder) :


Thanx for the info and for listing him on chaptan.

Since I listed him and to save explaining it all again I've included this text on a chat forum . . . .

I found a very friendly and loving cat on 8th December, or maybe the cat found me. He was very skinny, unable to meow, he's front paws turned outwards & there was a serious problem with his back legs. I have 2cats of my own who I knew would be unimpressed when they met him but I knew he needed to see a vet so I took him home. I phoned my vets and explained the situation and because I'm out of work at the moment, I asked if they could check him over at a discounted rate but they refused without any consideration. On Monday I tried the PDSA who thankfully x-rayed him on Wednesday. A vet telephoned with the sad news that both hips were broken and that the injury had probably occurred between 2 - 3 weeks ago. He told me he could operate by removing the ball that sits in the socket from both hips but couldn't give any guarantees to the outcome. He did say that from past experience cats that he's performed such an operation on have managed to adapt and get around fine but then added that normally it's only 1 hip. I asked him to go ahead and operate but I was too upset 2 ask much else so I don't really know what’s involved. They've kept the poor little fella in overnight on pain killers so I still haven't spoken to the vet. Can anyone tell me more about this type of operation or if there are any good websites I could try?

I've just received a call from the PDSA to say I can collect him so I'm looking forward to bringing him back to what he may hopefully class as familiar surroundings. He's only a baby approx 1year old and until I've seen the vet I won't know how successful the operation has been or what to expect. What I do know is that he must be a fighter to survive what I can only assume he's gone through without any help and to still be as affectionate and loving as he is.

I am so soft when it comes to animals that you'll be happy to know that he's been indoors with me since I brought him home, the only time he's left my side is to go to the loo in my garden and when I went shopping to top up on cod fillets that I already treat my two with at least once a week.

As you can probably guess my two are not happy having another cat in the house but when I brought him home last Friday I thought it would only be temporary arrangement and it was a small sacrifice on their behalf to give this poor lost soul a bit of TLC. Knowing what I know now, with the brief information I have about the operation he went through yesterday I think I've already decided that he can stay with us, I'm sure my two will warm to him as he has shown no anger to them at all even when my older cat was staring at him hissing and growling.

To be honest I know I can do more to find out if anyone has reported him lost but I don't know how I'd react if someone did contact me to tell me it's their cat. I'd want them to know that he was being looked after and that whatever he needs to have an enjoyable life I would provide, but unless his owner was a vet (who didn't work long hours), without any children in a peaceful area, I wouldn't want to hand him over. Don’t get me wrong, I haven't condemned them as being bad pet owners, the fact the cat was wearing a sparkly collar with bell and cat flap magnet attached tells me they cared for him, I think that he may have suffered a certain amount of memory loss when he received his terrible injuries and couldn't find his way back home.

Hope you don't mind me asking but how do you think you'd deal with it if you were in my position.


« Last Edit: December 14, 2006, 12:10:30 PM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »
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Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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found - Very Friendly Ginger Cat - Dagenham
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2006, 14:05:23 PM »
Taken from the national pet register:

Very affectionate young looking cat wearing a sparkly collar with a bell and a magnetic cat flap opener. The cat is unable to meow and has a problem with his back legs. It seems the cat has been injured at some stage, maybe this caused it to become disorientated and lose its way home. If you think this could be your cat or know someone who has lost a cat of this description please contact
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.


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