Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

In Loving Memory Cats => Rainbow Bridge - In Loving Memory => Topic started by: Sootyca on November 09, 2014, 21:04:46 PM

Title: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 09, 2014, 21:04:46 PM
Seem to have a revolving door at the vets at the moment.

After Ginge, the third and "stray" cat that lives outside and I look after, bit a whole in his tongue a few weeks ago he hasn't been around as much. I thought he may have found somewhere else to look after him in his old age so haven't been too worried.  Anyway, when he was at the vets to sort his tongue out they weighed him and he was only about 2.5kg and they wanted him back to reweigh in a couple of months and to do bloods if he has lost weight.

He has usually been back at supper time to eat but sometimes that is the only time I have seen him.  He was around on Wednesday night, completely unfazed by the fireworks and ate supper fine and played with some toys I gave him. Didn't see him at all on Thursday or Friday until suppertime when he appeared walking very slowly - normally he bounds over crying for food.  He didn't want anything to eat. I honestly thought I wouldn't see him again but on Saturday morning I found him in the shed where he as a covered bed - he wasn't in the bed but was on the floor huddled next to some tools.  He reluctantly got up but didn't want any food and he was struggling on his back legs.

Got him into the vets immediately and he only showed signs of a slight temperature so had a painkilling injection and antibiotics.  I booked him in for Wednesday to have his bloods taken as he didn't want them taken over the weekend.  I didn't see him again until this morning when he was hidden in the shed again - this time I had put a blanket down so he would be a bit comfier.  I picked him up and brought him inside (where he doesn't really like to be) and put him on a blanket on the sofa.  He barely moved for 3 hours - initially all hunched up and then he relaxed more as he seemed to warm up.  Eventually after about 3.5 hours he showed a small bit of interest in things and ate about 1/4 of a slice of wafer thin ham and a tiny bit of tuna juice. 

After that he got up and wandered round - looking very stiff and sore and cried to go out.  I let him out - he really isn't an indoorsy cat and likes his freedom - and have just seen him now.  He looked a bit more interested in food tonight but only licked at a bit of gravy. He's still moving very slowly and has very little interest in what is going on.

I've had a cat die from kidney failure before and some of his symptoms are very similar, but they are very similar to low potassium, so am a little worried for him.  I'm fairly sure he isn't eating elsewhere - he has always been interested in food no matter how much or little he has eaten.  Today is the 4th full day that he hasn't had anything substantial.

Earlier today I was reconciled to taking him back to the vets and letting him go but now I'm not so sure    He's such a dear little thing that I don't want him to suffer but equally want to give him a fighting chance.  He just isn't himself at the moment.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: heather sullivan on November 09, 2014, 21:12:58 PM
maybe his mouth/tongue is sore where he had the hole? Most cats when they are ill huddle up and don't move. Poor thing, I would keep him in if possible for a few  days.  Maybe heat his food up slightly, if he can smell it he may be tempted to eat? :(
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 09, 2014, 23:01:15 PM
He's looking brighter tonight, moving a little better and has come over when he is called but he won't come in the house. He won't eat either - sniffs at food, maybe licks it a little but then won't eat it.  Maybe the antibiotics and painkillers are slower to take effect on him than they are normally. 

I'm ringing the vets tomorrow to see if I can get him in if he doesn't eat his breakfast.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 09, 2014, 23:14:31 PM
So very sorry but this does not sound good.

He is very light and not eating.............or drinking?

Ducha literally went down in 24 hours and his kidneys had been going for a while.

I suspect that Ginge maybe dehydrated, did the vet check?

Ducha had his birthday on the Monday ate chicken and by wednesday he had stopped eating completely and the only time he moved was when I took food to him and he struggled to get up and move away from the horrible stuff.

I hope that Ginge will improve and send all my thoughts  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 10, 2014, 07:27:21 AM

Sending positive thoughts for Ginge, bless his paws.   :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 10, 2014, 08:13:12 AM
I've had a cat before that died from kidney failure and it was heartbreaking at the end. As much as it will hurt to let him go I have promised him that I will not put him through that.  Re-reading the stuff on kidney problems it does seem he is showing more signs of low potassium.

This morning he has been round to say hello  but only after he saw me at the door to the shed.  He's eaten less than a teaspoon ful of food.

The vet on Saturday said he was just showing signs of a temperature and everything else was fine.

I know in other cats that I've had that have been dehydrated they have had a water injection and then all started eating again so I may ask if he can try that - I do want to give him every possible chance but on the other hand he has no quality of life at the moment.  The last thing I want him to do is die in pain somewhere.

I hate making this decision.

Edit - booked in for 10.30am. He has no quality of life so unless the vets can offer some sort of miracle to get him eating then I think I will have to say goodbye.  I can't put him through waiting for blood test results, it's not fair on him when he has no quality of life.  He's sat next to me purring - I've hardly ever heard him purr and can't think it is a good sign.  I do think the kindest option is to let him go. :(
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: heather sullivan on November 10, 2014, 10:05:16 AM
dont give up yet, if he does have a temperature/infection it could be making him lose his appetite. Also antibiotics can cause loss of appetite/nausea too, in humans as well as pets. Fingers crossed for him that the vet can do something :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 10, 2014, 13:39:12 PM
Well, he's still here  ;D

Not sure for how much longer though but will take things slowly. He had a completely normal temperature and was quite alert in the vets.  So they have taken him in to get him re-hydrated and run some bloods.  Going to run two sets - an initial in house one which may suggest what we are having to contend with and the ones they send away which will be a fuller set.   I didn't want to leave him for 2-3 days in the vets whilst the tests are done so agreed to the inhouse ones which would show up some possible problems. 

He is such a placid cat but absolutely refused to have his mouth opened and looked like he was really in pain when anyone tried to do it.   He doesn't have many teeth but I suppose the remaining 3 could be causing him problems - or it could be more serious than that.

I do worry that I have just caused him more stress by putting him through these tests but I just couldn't bring myself to let him go without seeing if he could be treatable.  I absolutely will not put him through constant vet trips though.

So, now on waiting for the phone duty.

Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: heather sullivan on November 10, 2014, 13:42:59 PM
it sounds like he has a problem with his mouth then, hopefully none too serious. My cat had an ulcer on his tongue a good few years  ago which stopped him eating. Fingers crossed for good news :Luv:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Kay and Penny on November 10, 2014, 14:39:32 PM
I had a cat with a massive ulcer on her tongue, years ago, and because she wouldn't open her mouth I had to take her to the vet five days in a row for an ab injection - I liquidised her food and she lapped a bit, and it cleared up very quickly once the abs kicked in - so fingers crossed it might be something along these lines
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 10, 2014, 15:09:19 PM
He did bite his tongue a few weeks ago - 3 teeth and can bite his tongue! Blood everywhere.  I was thinking the other day he hasn't really been right since then so it could be linked to it. No sign of infection though from any of his preliminary tests.

Hate waiting for the phone!

Oh, and to cap it all - he has a heart murmur as well.  Not sure how much  more could go wrong for him. 
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on November 10, 2014, 15:37:52 PM
How terribly difficult this is for you, you are both in my thoughts  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 10, 2014, 17:32:22 PM
Feeling a little better about putting him through this as his inhouse bloods have shown up nothing that isn't consistent with dehydration.  He's slept a lot apparently but still won't eat.  Main bloods are hopefully back tomorrow and they may show something worse.  He will have to be syringe fed if he doesn't eat  - and given he doesn't want his mouth opening I can't think that will go down very well.  They also mentioned scanning him as well if he doesn't start eating.

Syringe feeding is obviously not going to be a long term option.

So, it's still a mystery as to why he won't eat.  But he's comfortable and warm and will be monitored overnight so he's in the best place. I hope.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 10, 2014, 18:00:57 PM
 :hug:  Keeping everything crossed that if he has a comfortable night, and is rehydrated, he may well feel like food in the morning.  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Miroslav on November 10, 2014, 18:08:42 PM
Good luck to Ginge.

Hopefully he will have a good night and will be eating again very soon.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: heather sullivan on November 10, 2014, 18:30:52 PM
maybe while he is at the vets they may be able to look into his mouth? I wouldnt worry about the heart murmur, my cat has one since he was 3 and is 15 now. Hope the blood results tomorrow are normal  :Luv:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 10, 2014, 21:51:30 PM
I do hope the vets can get to the bottom of this, such a bloomin hard time for you and Ginge, sending all the good vibes I have  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: pappilon on November 11, 2014, 04:40:25 AM
 Sending lots of good vibes for Ginge, hope he starts eating soon and feels better :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 11, 2014, 06:51:40 AM

Topping up all of the love and positive wishes for Ginge. 

I agree about the heart murmur - Paddy lived with one for years without being troubled by it. 
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 11, 2014, 09:28:43 AM
First off, thanks for all the support.   :hug:

Can't fault the vets for keeping me informed! He's had a comfortable night and has eaten a tiny bit of dry food this morning and is brighter than yesterday but he is on a bit of medication.  Will get the bloods back later today they think and then will have to see what they show up and what the options are.  I forgot to ask if they managed to look in his mouth.

Hopefully getting him rehydrated will be helping him want to eat again.

Just hope that it comes back as something treatable - don't want to have put him through this only to have to let him go at the end of it. Surprising how one tiny little orange stray has wormed himself into my affections - didn't realise how much I would miss him!


Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Dawn F on November 11, 2014, 09:53:58 AM
poor ginge, still you can't do more than you are already, as had already been said the heart mumer isn't a problem we had one go on for years with one
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 11, 2014, 16:11:11 PM
In a way they worm in more cos you know they need help and have come to you for it. Sending loads more good vibes for Ginge  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 11, 2014, 17:37:59 PM
The bloods are back and they are no nearer finding out why he is not eating!  It is showing that he is hyperthyroid, which we did expect, but nothing else.  The vet said normally they eat a lot when hyper so he isn't showing typical symptoms - but I did tell her up until last Wednesday that would have been him.   Constantly wanting food.

He has apparently eaten a little bit of food again today but nothing like he should be doing so they are keeping him in on the medication and on the drip.  When he is eating properly they will look at his treatment for hyperthyroid.

Not sure what else they can do to find out why he isn't eating as I would have expected anything bad to show up on his blood results.   The best guess at the moment is that he has had some sort of bug that has stopped him eating and for some reason he won't start eating again. They have managed to check his mouth and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary there.

All very odd.  If he doesn't eat overnight I will have to see what they can do next.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 11, 2014, 17:41:06 PM
So strange!

however Kocka had a thyroid removed and she lost so much weight and eating was a real problem cos she just didnt want to.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: heather sullivan on November 11, 2014, 18:16:26 PM
thats good news in a way that they didnt find anything. Maybe it is just a bug thats put him off his food? or maybe he has a sore throat?
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Kay and Penny on November 11, 2014, 19:19:51 PM
is it possible an enlarged thyroid gland is making swallowing uncomfortable? When I suffered from temporary thyroiditis I found it difficult
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 11, 2014, 22:16:46 PM
They haven't mentioned an enlarged thyroid gland - I remember the first time he went on an unrelated issue that he said that it wasn't enlarged at all.

I was reading up on the thyroid and a small percentage of cats do lose their appetite but it usually goes hand in hand with other symptoms and can clear up when they start on the thyroid treatment.  He hasn't got any other symptoms at all - which is good.  I suppose it's possible that he has gone from one extreme (always hungry and wanting food) to the other.

Anyone know if a tumour would show up in blood work? I always imagine cancerous tumours would alter the cell count and therefore show up but I'm not sure if a non-cancerous one would.

Anyhoo, fingers crossed he eats properly overnight.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Rosella moggy on November 11, 2014, 22:32:53 PM
The bloods are back ............  It is showing that he is hyperthyroid, which we did expect, but nothing else. 

What are his numbers showing hyperT?  I was told our Tom was hyperT but he was only very marginally above high end of normal range.

Is it possible that initially dehydration/sore tongue put him off eating.  Have you tried going to the surgery and feeding him by hand?  Worth a shot?
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Rosella moggy on November 11, 2014, 22:39:28 PM
Have just skimmed your recent posts re Ginge.  Poor poor boy  :( :( :(  I don't suppose he has allowed a look into his mouth yet?  So sad  :(
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 12, 2014, 00:02:48 AM
As far as I know a cancerous tumour would affect his bloods but Dawn would know cos of her poor  Oscar
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 12, 2014, 07:02:51 AM
No idea on his numbers but will ask when they ring this morning - I think he is quite high.  They did get to look in his mouth but nothing out of the ordinary - he hasn't many teeth left to cause him problems. 

I did wonder if it was his tongue after he bit a hole in it but he isn't showing anysign of infection and was eating quite normally for 4 weeks after doing it - though he did miss a few meals by not being around. It could just be the dehydration stopping him from wanting to eat - he will have been on a drip now for 2 days so would think he would be rehydrated.

Hopefully he will have eaten properly overnight - he is eating small amounts but nothing that could sustain him long term.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Jiji on November 12, 2014, 07:20:44 AM
So sorry to hear about Ginge  :hug: I am not surprised you are missing him, he sounds lovely  :)  I do hope whatever ails him can be sorted  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 12, 2014, 09:01:41 AM

He is coming home today

:dance narna: :dance narna: :dance narna:

He's eaten overnight and is much brighter. Has a bit of diahorrea but nothing that will not clear up and they think he will be better at home.  He has to keep eating and then go back in a few days to get his thyroid treatment started. I think they want to give him a few days without medication or anything to see if he will eat without assistance.  He's obviously not out of the woods cos he needs to maintain his eating habits but if he does then yay.

Really didn't think he would survive.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: heather sullivan on November 12, 2014, 09:52:50 AM
ah great news. hope he keeps eating. my cat who is 19 has hyperthyroidism, and she eats 4 sachets a food a day! :) He sounds like a lovely cat. Any pics?
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 12, 2014, 12:29:13 PM
Great news and keep on eating Ginge  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on November 12, 2014, 16:55:24 PM
Good boy Ginge, keep up the good work  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 12, 2014, 17:44:57 PM
So pleased to read this Sootyca.   ;D  C'mon Ginge.  We're all rooting for you, sunshine.  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 12, 2014, 18:41:56 PM
He's back and it's like he's never been ill!  Seriously, complained all the way home and then demanded food the moment the carrier was open.  :Luv:

Eaten a full sachet of applaws chicken and some biscuits and am sure he would have had more.


Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: heather sullivan on November 12, 2014, 19:58:46 PM
Excellent news!  ;D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 12, 2014, 20:45:25 PM
That's just brilliant
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Rosella moggy on November 12, 2014, 21:02:05 PM
Oh blimey  :) :) :)  How wonderful is that?   :wow: :wow: :wow:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 12, 2014, 22:38:14 PM
So great  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 12, 2014, 22:53:35 PM
The picture is before his recovery :)

He's still eating and behaving like he's never had anything wrong with him.  I've taken off the top layer of the bandage as it was tight and bothering him a bit. 

Back at the vets on Saturday to start his Thyroid treatment.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 12, 2014, 22:55:47 PM
Gorgeous  and I love pale Gingers  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: pappilon on November 13, 2014, 05:37:42 AM
Aww what a gorgeous little man :Luv2: :Luv2:

 Sending lots more good vibes, Ginges way :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 13, 2014, 07:13:50 AM

Aaaahhh - yuo know my penchant for ginegrs is legendary, and he's a little beauty, blesshis paws.  What a hansum cat.  I love the little golden oldies, too.   :Luv2: :Luv2:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 13, 2014, 13:42:40 PM
He's either sulking or got himself into trouble - not seen him now since supper last night.  Normally it doesn't bother me when he doesn't show up for a few hours but at the moment he's a bit too fragile to be missing meals.  Hopefully he will come back for his tea later.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 13, 2014, 13:49:29 PM
Oh nooooooooooooo.

I thought you were probably keeping him in!

Hope he turns up very soon and your weather is better than here
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on November 13, 2014, 17:55:32 PM
He won't stay in - cries and wails if a door is shut on him - he's a proper outdoor cat.  Doesn't bother about the weather.  Plus he has a very strong smell which really isn't pleasant. :)  The one time I did have to keep him after having his teeth out he trashed the cage he was in!

Turned up for his tea and louder than ever.  Going to have to trust him more! 
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 13, 2014, 18:09:58 PM
Aw Sootyca - am so pleased.  Was hoping he'd turn up.  Probably just ridding himself of the vet smell by taking an airing.  ;) :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 13, 2014, 18:17:31 PM
Hope he is back soon
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on December 08, 2014, 12:44:19 PM
Ginge has been back for his check up today and has put on 350g in approx 4 weeks.  Yay.

He was due to have bloods taken but we are changing his medication as he is getting wise to all the tablet hiding spots in his food and is beginning to miss a dosage.  He will now be having a tablet that can be crushed into his food instead of one that is a slow release.

Really pleased that he is putting weight on - his appetite has dropped as well so it's all good :D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 08, 2014, 13:10:07 PM
Thats great news  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on December 08, 2014, 14:34:08 PM
Really pleased to hear that news!   ;D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Jiji on December 08, 2014, 19:34:36 PM
So pleased he is doing so well  :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on April 14, 2015, 22:42:17 PM
After a couple of good months, Ginge has now gone back downhill :(  He did put on weight but his levels still weren't right when he had his bloods done.  He was taken off tablets as we couldn't always make sure he gets the full dosage that he needed and put on the transdermal ear gel.  Initially he didn't like having this done and would twitch his ears and flatten them to stop me doing it - never worked and he got his dosage. 

However, he has now gone back to pre-tablet lethargy and lack of appetite.  I also suspect he has either gone deaf or just doesn't have the energy to respond - he never twitches his ears at any noise at all now and putting the gel in his ears has been easy.

Going to get him into the vets again this week and suspect he will have to go back onto tablets - even if we can't guarantee getting the right dosage for him he was much better on them than this gel.  I was considering paying for the op for him but I just wonder if the risk will be to great for him.  Harsh as it sounds, I can't really afford the £400+ I've been quoted if he isn't going to survive much longer.

If he has lost his hearing I'm not sure if it wouldn't be kinder to let him go - he is an outdoor cat, not overly happy inside and don't think he would adapt to being inside permanently. Being free roaming and deaf doesn't sound a great combination.

Will have to see what the vets advise I suppose - I'm quite happy to get him back on tablets and hope he perks back up.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 15, 2015, 00:48:06 AM
So sorry he has gone downhill and hope the tablets do the trick for him  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on April 15, 2015, 06:46:23 AM

Oh Sootyca.   Very difficult trying to second guess these situations.  Whilst I'd canvass the opinion of your vet, I think that you also know Ginge better than anyone else, and you know whether his quality of life is deteriorating to a point whether he's just existing or is going thruogh a bad patch.   :hug:

I dont envy your choice.  I do know that with hindsight, I wish I'd had the courage and the wisdom to let Paddy go much sooner than I did.  I could have made it so much easier for him.   :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on April 15, 2015, 17:29:55 PM
Well, he's had his appointment and had bloods taken. His temperature is fine but he has lost most of the weight he has put on - I think it was late Feb when he was last weighed and he was 2.9kg (up from 2.2kg in Nov). He is down at 2.5kg so has lost quite a bit in a short time.  Hopefully the bloods will be back tomorrow or Friday and will show something up. No real surprise he has lost weight - all he has had here today is 5 biscuits and a quarter of a sachet of chicken hilife. I think Sky needs this diet :D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 15, 2015, 17:49:11 PM
So sad when they are this light and dont eat..............just like my Ducha wqas.

Hope blood results are not too bad  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Liz on April 15, 2015, 18:49:47 PM
Complivit food supplement added to normal food will help with the weight I put 200gm on a kitten much to the vets surprise and am convinced it kept my Calichi boys weight stable till he got stuff for his mouth

You can get it from the vets and online it is wonderful stuff - looks like Bovril and 1 pump about a teaspoon is equal to a 4kg cats full days calories
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on April 15, 2015, 22:44:59 PM
Poor lad  :(   :hug: for you both.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: hollycat on April 16, 2015, 11:23:07 AM

Sorry to read about Ginge's probs and hope they are resolved soon.  :hug:

My Tigger (RIP) lost a lot of weight, about 750g in a week. He hardly ate and if he did he just brought it straight back up. An xray showed a tumour.

Has Ginge had an x ray?
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on April 16, 2015, 13:25:38 PM
Thanks everyone.   The vets have just called and his Thyroid levels have gone very high - can't remember what it is they check.  He is coming off the transdermal ear gel and going back onto tablets, but at a higher dosage.  Hopefully he will be eating again in no time - when he was on the pills he was responding well to them.  To be retested in about 3 weeks and then should see a difference again.

He's not had an xray as they are fairly sure it is thyroid - he isn't being sick off his food, he's just not eating and it is typical of how he was before he started the tyroid tablets.

Thanks for the tip on the Complivit - I will pick some up as he does need to get some weight on him.

Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 16, 2015, 16:06:23 PM
If he had a tumour something would show in the bloods cos this was mentioned by my vet for Misa.

I hope the tablets work great for him and he starts to eat and put on weight again  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on April 19, 2015, 19:44:43 PM
He's eating again :) Not as much as he used to but using the "little and often" theory on him.  I don't think he's out of the woods yet but he is getting his enthusiasm back :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on April 19, 2015, 22:55:41 PM
That sounds 'cautiously optimistic' Sootyca  :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on April 20, 2015, 06:42:49 AM
 :hug: :hug:   Glad to hear he's showing signs of improvement. 
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on June 09, 2015, 18:16:35 PM
Back at vets tomorrow - if I can get half a sachet of food into him a day it is a miracle. He hasn't really picked up properly from his last relapse and hasn't been eating properly but he has managed to eat enough to take his thyroid medication. He is out of tablets anyway next week so booked him in early to get a check up.  He does look frail but he doesn't look like he has lost weight - I do wonder if he is eating elsewhere but I'm not convinced.

The one thing he will eat is Dreamies :)  Even things like ham and chicken will just be picked at. He's also drinking a lot of water - never seen him drink up until the last month or so.  no doubt he will have more bloods stolen from him.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on June 09, 2015, 21:29:29 PM
Sootyca and Ginge  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 09, 2015, 21:35:36 PM
Hope all goes well at the vets  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: alisonandarchie on June 09, 2015, 21:56:27 PM
Thinking of you at the vets :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on June 10, 2015, 06:46:15 AM
Adding my thoughts to all of the others.  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Jiji on June 10, 2015, 08:46:04 AM
Hope all goes well today  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: hollycat on June 10, 2015, 12:22:57 PM

 :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on June 10, 2015, 16:08:23 PM
and more  :hug:  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on June 10, 2015, 19:12:52 PM
Ironically he chooses today to be quite lively and eat more than he has been doing.  He has lost weight - down to 2.4kg from 2.56kg since the end of April. I had forgotten that on the last set of bloods taken his liver enzymes were slightly elevated so the vets are now suspecting it is liver problems more than the thyroid causing issues - last time his bloods were taken they concentrated more on getting his thyroid sorted out so didn't really focus on the liver as they said the problems with the thyroid could be interfering with the liver enzymes.  His heart murmur is also more pronounced today but that could just be the stress of the vets.

He has had his blood taken and will see what comes of it - hopefully it will show something conclusively.  As much as I don't want him to be ill there has to be something causing these issues and he certainly can't keep losing weight and he can't live off Dreamies for the rest of his life!

Thanks for the good wishes :) 
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 10, 2015, 20:20:34 PM
Hope the bloods identifybsomething that can beveasily treated  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: alisonandarchie on June 10, 2015, 21:36:48 PM
All the best for the blood checks :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on June 15, 2015, 18:33:55 PM
Bloods are back but waiting for vet to look at them and ring me today......this was 4 hours ago so I'm not holding out hope of a call!

However, I have discovered he will eat ham, warm chicken and some tuna - not Applaws but proper human tuna and chicken.  He has also developed a taste for Gourmet Souffle.  He isn't eating anywhere near what he should be but at least I can get some substantial food in him...along with the Dreamies :D
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: alisonandarchie on June 15, 2015, 18:49:46 PM
Fingers crossed that the bloods will be ok :hug:

Glad he is eating a little and hope he starts to eat more :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on June 15, 2015, 19:34:21 PM
Thanks - I just wonder if he has gone on hunger strike to get better food! :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: alisonandarchie on June 15, 2015, 20:45:46 PM
 :shify: :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on June 16, 2015, 07:18:08 AM
Hope the Vet gets in touch with you today.  Sending a gentle ear rub for Gige, bless him.  Goood to hear there are things which are tempting his appetite.   :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 16, 2015, 12:05:21 PM
Hope you have heard from the vets  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on June 16, 2015, 13:58:27 PM
Took him in this morning - I rang up again and they wanted to see him.  Never usually a good sign.  He is now officially on "borrowed time". His weight hasn't dropped any more.  The only reason he is still with me is because he is fairly alert and playful and I have found a food he will eat.  And because I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye today.

He is showing signs of kidney disease - they couldn't take a urine sample as his bladder was empty but they are pretty certain after having the results back.  Something in his bloods is very elevated but I can't remember what.  he has some more tablets to try and help - they think that it could be nausea stopping him from eating and the tablets are supposed to help with that. They should also help with his heart murmur.

Given his age there isn't much to be done other than to monitor. Whilst he eats and doesn't lose weight he will be fine.

So he has to keep eating :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on June 16, 2015, 16:55:08 PM
Sootyca and Ginge  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on June 16, 2015, 17:33:44 PM

Oh treasure.  Sending you both a heartfelt   :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Dawn F on June 16, 2015, 17:46:52 PM
what a horrible situation  :hug:   keep on eating ginge
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on June 16, 2015, 18:32:26 PM
Thanks :) I'm a little upset - and will be more so when I have to make the decision. Knowing this tough little cat he could survive for months.

At least I'm forewarned as to what to look out for. I've had a cat with kidney failure before and didn't know about it so it was heartbreaking to see his deterioriation. 
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Jiji on June 16, 2015, 18:59:13 PM
So sorry the news wasn't better, hope the tablets help and he continues to eat  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 16, 2015, 19:44:49 PM
So sorry the news isnt better but hope he keeps eating for ages  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: hollycat on June 16, 2015, 19:53:05 PM

 :hug: :hug: For you and Ginge
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: alisonandarchie on June 16, 2015, 23:29:50 PM
The time you spend together will be extra special :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on June 18, 2015, 13:54:42 PM
He's gone from one extreme to the other - actually wanting food now and really eats his food like he used to.  I know it may only be short-lived and probably due to his new tablets but it's amazing the difference in him in just a few days.

Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on June 18, 2015, 13:56:29 PM

Oh gawd - he's just adorable.  All of my love for gingers is aroused by his photograph.   :Luv2: :Luv2:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on June 18, 2015, 13:58:25 PM
He is so lovable for all that is wrong with him.  the photos don't quite show how tiny he is  - but if he carrys on eating like he has done over the last 24 hours he won;t be tiny for long!
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: hollycat on June 18, 2015, 18:51:21 PM

I bet he was a bundle of trouble
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on June 18, 2015, 21:57:25 PM
It sounds as if he is not ready to let go yet. Keep up the good work Mr Ginge!
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: alisonandarchie on June 18, 2015, 22:29:00 PM
He is gorgeous, so glad he is eating well :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 06, 2015, 16:27:51 PM
Sadly I think his time may have come. He's booked into the vets tomorrow but I have a very horrible feeling he won't be coming back.  He's back to eating hardly anything and is very subdued.  In 24 hours he has had a handful of dreamies, a bit of tuna-juice and a couple of biscuits.  Realistically his quality of life is very low.

Unless he picks up in the next few hours and eats something more substantial or unless there is something else they can suggest or give him then I think it will be time to let him go.

It is the age old quandry though of am I doing the right thing?
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on July 06, 2015, 17:37:33 PM
Am thinking of you both, and sending every best wish for the outcome, whatever it may be.   :hug: :hug:   Ginge is such a gorgeous boy.  I can all too well imagine the turmoil you'll be feeling, but come tomorrow, you'll know better what to do once you've been able to see the vet
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 07, 2015, 10:18:21 AM
Thanks :)

The little warrior is still here - little being the operative word.  He is now 2.3kg and lost more weight.  There is nothing obvious about why he isn't eating other than the combination of all his problems.  As a last chance he has had an injection of antibiotics as is a bit sneezy and is now on metacam to try and ease his aches and pains in the hope that that will help him eat.  If it doesn't then I will let him go - there are other tests that can be done but realistically the end result would more than likely be the same. 

I'm not convinced I will have 2 weeks with him but he has to have a chance.

He has more lives than the average cat :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on July 07, 2015, 12:09:31 PM
Bless his paws.   :hug:  I think you feel easier in your own mind now, but it's never a cut and dried issue with our golden oldies.  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: hollycat on July 07, 2015, 13:35:07 PM

 :crossed:  and lots of  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: bickhamwitch on July 07, 2015, 16:27:20 PM
Such a heart felt decision. All we can do is what is right for them. But such a hard time we all know.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on July 07, 2015, 16:51:11 PM
You are both in my thoughts  :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 07, 2015, 16:56:51 PM
I hope that he eats a bit more, every day is special and you know you havr tried everything you can. Thinking of you both  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on July 08, 2015, 06:45:23 AM
I hope that he eats a bit more, every day is special and you know you havr tried everything you can. Thinking of you both  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Exactly so.   :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 08, 2015, 11:59:45 AM
Thanks everyone.  He has had a few biscuits but nothing that would sustain him really.  Still hoping that he will start eating more when the metacam kicks in - otherwise can't get his thyroid and liver medication down him. Tried the direct down the throat method and thought he would have a heart attack as he got that stressed - does not like being restrained!
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Dawn F on July 08, 2015, 13:13:13 PM
that is the hardest thing trying to medicate when they don't eat, its upsetting for everyone
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 08, 2015, 18:16:21 PM
Fortunately he will still eat dreamies so the tablets are crushed and the dreamies dipped in them - it's not ideal but at least I know he is getting some of his pills! The things we do.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 28, 2015, 22:51:42 PM
I think tomorrow is going to be the day.  :(

I don't know how he is finding the energy to keep going - he is nothing more than skin and bones now and hasn't eaten here for 2 days - even when he was eating he wouldn't have enough to feed a kitten.  He hasn't had any of his medication for a week or so as he wouldn't eat the food they were on.

I know deep down it is the right decision but I wish I could know for sure.  He doesn't look ill, he's very bright and active he's just not eating.  I don't want him to suffer by wasting away or not be able to get home one day and die away from home.

Or there could be another miracle overnight and he could keep digging his claws into life :)
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: bickhamwitch on July 28, 2015, 23:38:41 PM
It is so hard when they are still bright and active. Yet not eating and are just skin and bone. That terrible decision. Not to leave it too late, and not to let them go too early. I have always found they let me know. They let me know when they are only living for my sake. They let me know it's time to give them that parting gift. Time to let them go. If only they could go peacefully in their sleep. It rarely happens that way. And if only for that miracle. The one we know can't happen.
This makes me cry every time. But sometimes it helps.
Healing thoughts to you both.

May I Go?

May I go now?
Do you think the time is right?
May I say goodbye to pain filled days
and endless lonely nights?

I've lived my life and done my best,
an example tried to be.
So can I take that step beyond
and set my spirit free?

I didn't want to go at first,
I fought with all my might.
But something seems to draw me now
to a warm and loving light.

I want to go. I really do.
It's difficult to stay.
But I will try as best I can
to live just one more day.

To give you time to care for me
and share your love and fears.
I know you're sad and afraid,
because I see your tears.

I'll not be far, I promise that,
and hope you'll always know
that my spirit will be close to you
wherever you may go.

Thank you so for loving me.
You know I love you, too.
That's why it's hard to say goodbye
and end this life with you.

So hold me now just one more time
and let me hear you say,
because you care so much for me,
you'll let me go today.
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 28, 2015, 23:45:26 PM
So very sorry and once they have not eaten for a while their little bodies start to shut down, I would love for there to be a miricle but I know you will do what is best for Ginge  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: hollycat on July 28, 2015, 23:47:11 PM

So sorry Sootyca  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on July 29, 2015, 05:48:47 AM
Thinking of you both, Sootyca. 

Julie, that sums it up beautifully. 
Title: Re: Ginge Poorly :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 29, 2015, 13:04:32 PM
My Litttle Ginger Warrior has gone to sleep.


It was very peaceful and quick at the end and the right thing to do.  He had deteriorated so much since last night that it was the kindest and only option. 

I'll put a thread up in the memorial section when I can think straight. 

RIP my little Ginger Ninja.
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: hollycat on July 29, 2015, 13:06:00 PM

RIP Ginger

 :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Dawn F on July 29, 2015, 13:14:04 PM
I'm so very sorry hear this rip ginger  :hug:
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: bickhamwitch on July 29, 2015, 13:25:26 PM
You will hold him in your heart forever.
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Liz on July 29, 2015, 16:22:41 PM
So sorry for your loss  :hug:

Only ever borrowed never owned but always a pawprint in your heart :'(
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on July 29, 2015, 17:27:10 PM
Safe journey to the Bridge, lovely Ginger. 
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Reets on July 29, 2015, 17:41:49 PM
I'm so sorry, there is comfort in knowing the time was right for your lovely boy, though it breaks your heart to make the decision. :(

Rest peacefully, dear Ginger

Take care of yourself, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 29, 2015, 17:51:19 PM
My thoughts are with you Karen and Ginge has left a pawprint on your heart  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 29, 2015, 19:41:03 PM
Thanks everyone. I know it was the right thing to do - he wouldn't have lived much longer and he would have suffered.  Still there is a very large, orange sized gap in my life - keep expecting him to be waiting at the back door or come trotting round to see us.  A very large gap for a tiny boy :)

Robbie is being very snuggly - he wasn't interested when we were going to the vet but when I brought him home he kept looking in the carrier so before I buried Ginger I let Robbie have a good look and smell of him. 

He's buried now and at rest.
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 29, 2015, 21:37:07 PM
If you would like this thread moved to Rainbow Bridge let me know and I will move it for you  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 30, 2015, 18:37:49 PM
Thanks Gill that would be very kind :)
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 30, 2015, 18:40:57 PM
RIP Ginger you will always be a Purr in your meowmys heart
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Tigerlily (Allison) on July 30, 2015, 20:28:52 PM
So sorry to hear this news  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

RIP Ginger.  :'(
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on July 30, 2015, 21:53:00 PM
Sootyca  :hug: I am so sorry that your ginger ninja has crossed the bridge. My Chivers is there too, a ginger tripod in life, I wonder if he has 4 legs at the bridge?

RIP beautiful boy.
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Sootyca on July 31, 2015, 21:28:36 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

What to say about my dear little orange boy. Who knew that 7 years ago when he wandered through our garden he would have such a big impact.  It took a while to gain his trust, being an entire tom he never stayed long but did eventually learnt that he was onto a good thing with us and knew he would get regular meals on his terms.  Catching him for the first time to treat an eye ulcer turned out to be easy when I discovered his love of catnip and toys - a toy thrown into a carrier resulted in one cat in a carrier on the first time of trying.

He spent a long two weeks at a rescue who kindly looked after him whilst his eye was recovering - the poor rescue lady said he turned her house upside down with his crying and him being a tom didn't help.  He definitely did not appreciate being an indoor cat! Even though he was still technically a "stray" at that point he clearly had decided that I was his care-giver - as soon as I arrived at the rescue to visit him or collect him he was quiet and good as gold.  Even though he was neutered whilst he was with them he never lost his "tom cat" smell and never wanted to stay inside the house. 

When I got home with him I was told to keep him in for a period of time but it was impossible - he left the house without a backward glance and I didn't expect to see him again. He clearly had other ideas and was back later that day for his supper and after that he was around most days.  With his bits gone he turned into a real loving cat - but one with very definite need for his own freedom which suited us fine as he really did have a strong smell about him and two other cats who got on fine with him as long as he was outside.  He had clearly been someone's pet previously as he was so friendly to anyone - loved children and attention - and loved playing with all the toys he could get his paws on.

Thought we were going to lose him in November last year when he stopped eating.  It really was going to be the end for him then - but something made me talk to him and tell him what was planned.  I told him that he was going to have to fight if he wanted to stay and eat something/give me a sign if he wanted a chance - within minutes he had reached his paw out and touched me. This was the first time he had moved in hours. He followed this with a tiny bit of ham - it was enough to show me that he still wanted to live.

I don't regret giving him those extra months - no matter what was done or how many visits to the vet he was very uncomplaining and was the most calm cat I have ever taken.

In the end his body just was too broken to continue.  He had bad eyes, was deaf, thyroid problems, no teeth, beginning signs of kidney and liver problems and toilet problems.  Yet through it all he still loved life and the only time he showed any temper was when he had to have his medication put into his mouth directly. 

So, my darling Ginger Ninja, thank you for coming to us all those years ago.  I hope we gave you a good life and didn't let you go too early.  You were the most sweet natured cat I have ever had the pleasure of looking after.  RIP my love.  I have never dreamt of you before but the night you died I saw you in my dreams and you were back to the healthy, bright boy that you were when I first saw you.  I trust that it was a sign that I had done the right thing. 
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Tigerlily (Allison) on July 31, 2015, 21:30:10 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

So sad for you. What a handsome boy he was.
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: souffle on July 31, 2015, 21:45:22 PM
So sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful and handsome boy.
I am glad you had the strength to let him go peacefully.
Run free at the bridge Ginger xx
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on August 01, 2015, 13:16:00 PM
Such a hansome boy and a wonderful tribute to him. What a lovely story he has the cat who came in from the cold  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on August 01, 2015, 14:54:25 PM
A lovely tribute for a lovely boy.

Sootyca, it's natural to question whether we let them go too early. This saying has several variations but the one I like best is 'better a week too soon than a moment too late'. Your lovely Ginger didn't have any of the worries that you had, he simply knew 'Ok' or 'not OK' , your letting him go made sure that 'not OK' wasn't an issue for him  :hug:

Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 02, 2015, 20:04:26 PM
So sorry to hear about Ginger  :hug: He was very lucky to have found you, as you were him  :hug:

RIP Ginger, safe and sound at the Bridge by now xx
Title: Re: RIP Ginger 29-7-15 :(
Post by: alisonandarchie on August 03, 2015, 09:26:49 AM
So sorry to read the news about dear Ginger :hug:

Thinking of you :hug:

RIP darling boy :hug: