Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Hippykitty on November 21, 2007, 21:30:38 PM

Title: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Hippykitty on November 21, 2007, 21:30:38 PM
I've had my one and only attempt at rescue. Never again. It's costing me a fortune in cat food, litter and....

VETS!!!       :mad2:   

Collected the three older kittens from neutering earlier, and they presented me with a £33.50 bill   :what: for defleaing and deworming (with Frontline and Profender). I had ENQUIRED about the defleaing and deworming, but when told their cost over the phone, I told them I'd leave it. (Don't see why I should pay so much for cats I have no emotional investment in, especially when I'm on benefit). Thought I'd try to do them more cheaply myself.

Imagine my shock.  :shocked:
I had signed the form consenting to anaesthetic, spaying/castration.
They showed me the 'form I'd signed'; beside the 'anaesthetic, spaying/castration' they'd added, in handwriting 'deflea and deworm'. That wasn't there when I signed the form. I had an argument with them. They told me to call tomorrow. I thought they'd probably not hand the cats over (it crossed my mind: then they'd be the vets problem!), but they did, which is just as well for the cats.


Going off this vet something rotten. I used to like them because one of them is a great diagnostician. But sod it. I'm changing vet and not doing this expensive rescuing lark again.

I had thought that rescue was my forte, cos I'm good with cats and have the time to do it, but not the money.
If any of the local shops has a problem with a colony again, they can go sing for it. I've not noticed them contributing even one can of food since the problem has become mine.

Well the mum must be ready to drop her next litter soon. Poor things. But I can't afford to deal with it.   >:(
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on November 21, 2007, 21:42:42 PM
That's not good, don't give up though - think of all the good just sorting out this one family will do and prevent many thousands of cats in the future from ending up in the same situation.

Do you have paypal? I'll chip in towards their flea treatments if you do.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Mark on November 21, 2007, 21:49:26 PM
You could also try your local CP branch - they might be able to help - or better still, sign up as a volunteer and offer to be their "feral woman"  :evillaugh:
Pinkbear has a special attachment to feral cats and specialises in dealing with colonies. CP pay the vet bills. In fact, she even got a special grant from HQ.

The thing is, some vets won't even treat animals with fleas/worms. Mine has a sign up about it.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Hippykitty on November 21, 2007, 22:02:01 PM
Thanks Helen, but I don't have Paypal.

Mark, I'll pm Pinkbear for advice. I don't think my vet has any stipulation concerning treating cats with worms/fleas. Will find out more tomorrow.

Isn't it strange how interested people are (the local shopkeeper, hairdresser, chemist) till the problem moves off their patch? But not for long, though, cos the mum has a very round tum. Looks like the problem will start again.

I have potential homes for 3 of the 5 smaller kittens. Unless the source of the problem (mum, and maybe the remaining older kitten) can be caught and neutered, the shopkeepers will have a growing colony on their hands again.

Oh, I'm just soooooooo annoyed!!!!!!
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on November 21, 2007, 22:05:40 PM
That's a shame, I can't send a chq as I haven't got a chq book at the moment, I could do an online bank transfer but completely understand if you're not happy giving out personal details.  If not I could send cash recorded delivery say?

Let me know as I really would like to help  :hug:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Hippykitty on November 21, 2007, 22:16:38 PM
Thanks ever so much, Helen. Will do some ringing round tomorrow, see if I can get help from the local cat people, and maybe become an official volunteer for the CP, once I've found out what this involves.

Have pm'd Pinkbear for advice.

I'm so glad there are such nice peeps on here. Thanks.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: pappilon on November 21, 2007, 22:21:48 PM
Hippykitty , i am happy to send you a cheque towards what they charged you for deworming/flea.

If you PM your address and the name you want the cheque payable to i send you the cheque, you have done a great job .

I am sure there are organizations that will cover the costs , for future. But dont give up on the mum cat if you trap her then she might be able to get ahome , specially if you think she is pregnant :(     :hug:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: pappilon on November 21, 2007, 22:27:25 PM
Sorry Tigi's Mum didnt mean to take over your offer, its just you said you havent got your cheque book, may be you can send money for their food/cat litter? Or the other way around .

Not thinking straight tonight. I can send a cheque and Hippykitten cat use it towards some thing for the cats. :Luv:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Mark on November 21, 2007, 22:37:12 PM
If you do volunteer for CP, they will accept any kid of help and it's not like a regular job where you get sent off on missions they will (or should) work around the way you want to help. If you drive, you can claim mileage allowance etc so you will never be out of pocket by doing it and never under any obligation.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on November 21, 2007, 22:57:13 PM
Well, I replied to HK.... I don't seem to have the time to keep up these days.  :shify:

If someone can chisel out of HK her contact details and let me know, I'll chuck in a few bob too.  ;)

But as I said my PM, life for a feral rescuer is a lot easier if you do it under the flag on a group such as CP or CAT77, so you have things in place before you start. Go to the vet and thrash out a deal before you even start is my advice. Make sure the funds are in place.  ;)

Once you've explained your mission to the rest of the group and got the backing behind you, vets bills are a not the problem and you've got enough to keep you occupied... and I'm sure everyone will join me in thanking those wonderful fundraisers who make these things possible.  :)

I am just in awe of peeps like DiddyDawn and Teresa and Lesley who do it all on their own. I just don't have the time!  :scared: :Crazy:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: ccmacey on November 21, 2007, 23:59:50 PM
Don't see why I should pay so much for cats I have no emotional investment in,


I dont understand that, it seems a pretty harsh thing to say and I thought all vets these days would deflea and worm any cat that had come into be seen?

BTW I have fed a few strays and never had a single stroke in return, but it did not stop me buying food, frontline or wormers for them.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on November 22, 2007, 00:20:22 AM
CC, HippyKitty didn't say she wasn't going to treat them for fleas/worms just that she couldn't afford the vets prices and was going to do it herself more cheaply.

Thought I'd try to do them more cheaply myself.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: ccmacey on November 22, 2007, 00:27:38 AM
I know Helen, but I took that as she didnt want to pay if she is getting nothing in return. Which is not how rescue goes, you should feel proud of yourself for helping someone that cant help themselves.  :shy:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Hippykitty on November 22, 2007, 00:29:28 AM
CC - sorry if that sounded harsh, was just letting off steam.....so annoyed with the vet. The receptionists' there were very 'so what' ish when I tried to explain the position; so I had to get stroppy with them.

Things look so much worse written down, don't they? I am trying to avoid becoming too attached to the cats, though it's very hard, as some may have to be released; though I'll probably put this off till the spring. The two female older kittens are tameable (they were spayed today), but the neutered tom may not be. All the younger (about 15wks) kittens are homeable, and 3 have potential homes: one with my best friend (provided his bloods are okay - she's concerned about her other 4 cats), and the other 2 with her (grown) daughter's friend, if I think she's suitable. I may keep either one of the older females or one of the kittens, depending upon Samantha's reactions - Polly has seen them all, but she gets on with all cats.

CC, these cats are making up for lost time, foodwise, especially the kittens. Rebekah, who's having one of the kittens she's called Alfie, is helping lots with contributions of supermarket cat food. The corner shop just sells Whiskas at 66p per tin!

But vets bills really hit hard. I qualify for PDSA treatment, but don't think they would treat cats who weren't actually mine. Up till now, Polly and Sam have seen a private vet when necessary, because they WERE very good, but I'm going off them.

Will send my contact details to Helen and Pinkbear; though I started this thread to have a moan rather than for any other reason.
Thanks lots.

Time to go and sing them goodnight and give them their supper. Silly cats like my singing.....must be mad....
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on November 22, 2007, 00:35:07 AM
Hippy, if you manage to trap the mum cat, give me a shout and I'll get her sorted.  I'll ring you tomorrow for a chat but don't be disheartened hun, you've done more than a lot of people but I know what you mean about the expense  :hug:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: ccmacey on November 22, 2007, 00:37:13 AM
Yes hopefully PB will be able to twist someone's arm and they will help with funds so you can carry on  :)
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on November 22, 2007, 08:08:36 AM
I hope you can get somewhere with help for the bills - can you not enquire about neutering vouchers? IT certainly can be expensive, I realised earlier that I am buying food for both my fosters at the mo, I dont actually know how that happened - so much for trying to save money!!
PB has a good point about getting rescue's involved - CP do have feral grants, but it is for a minimum of 6 cats.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Millys Mum on November 22, 2007, 10:00:13 AM
Please dont give up HK, if you can get mum then you'll really make a difference. Have you actually asked the shops for help towards food and litter? Sometimes if you dont ask you dont get and people just assume your ok.

I know what you mean about costs, iv spent a small fortune setting up my cat accomodation. The first thing i did was barter a deal with my vet who straight up gave me the discount they offer all rescues  ;D
That didnt apply to maggots vets now trip tho  :Crazy: £150 and id only had her a few hours  :rofl:

You'll soon learn how to handle them and be able to treat for fleas and worms yourself  ;)
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on November 22, 2007, 10:48:33 AM
I know Helen, but I took that as she didnt want to pay if she is getting nothing in return. Which is not how rescue goes, you should feel proud of yourself for helping someone that cant help themselves.  :shy:

I've just re read this thread again and CC, I totally agree.  I don't know how anyone can do rescue and not get involved  :Crazy:  I've had my heart broken many times and spent oodles of money on these cats but I will say, they have been worth every penny as far as I'm concerned.  Hippy, I did offer to take all these cats for you and get them sorted out, who do you think would have paid for their care whilst they were here?  I, like you, qualify for the PDSA scheme and yet I haven't ever used that privelege, I am always in debt for cats that are not mine but without sounding harsh, you did choose to keep them and get them sorted out.  My offer is still there if you want me to take on the mum cat but don't make it sound as if you regret getting involved.  For a lot of cats, the general public are their only life line, without us, what would happen to them.  After everything we went through with poor Lucas last night, this post is quite upsetting to read.  It's not about what you get out of it emotionally, it's about the cats.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on November 22, 2007, 10:55:52 AM

It is very wise to flea and worm ferals whilst under anaesthetic, it would be such a shame not to take full advantage of the situation.

We in Chesterfield apart from paying for the neuters/spays would also have paid for the cats to be flead and wormed. Perhaps you could ask you local branch if they are prepared to do this. Although I appreciate they can only pay what their finances allow. I would also say that if not every cat in that situation is caught then you have more or less wasted your time (although a few cats will not have a better life) as the situation will never be resolved. I know I would not be able to rest until I had caught every last cat.

I don't know if Tan has any plans to help out in one off situations like this where there is no one to help financially.  (Although I appreciate  Purrs cannot help the world). If it is so then   perhaps the money could be sent direct to the vets.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on November 22, 2007, 11:01:32 AM
Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a word with your local CP co-ordinater and offer to do feral work for them. Then you will get everything paid for including all equipment. If you lived near me I would bit your hand off.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on November 22, 2007, 11:03:03 AM
It's not about what you get out of it emotionally, it's about the cats.

With that I would agree.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: JackSpratt on November 22, 2007, 13:24:24 PM
Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a word with your local CP co-ordinater and offer to do feral work for them. Then you will get everything paid for including all equipment. If you lived near me I would bit your hand off.

Are you short of people helping with ferals, Ela? And what does it entail?
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on November 22, 2007, 13:25:29 PM
I'm sure Dawn and Teresa would agree with me when I say I would be a rich woman if it were not for cats but that is the crux of rescue, it costs money and we do it for the cats, nothing else.

All the cats I take in are vaccinated, microchipped, de-flead, de-wormed, and, if old enough, neutered.  Some make it to new homes, but the re-homing fee does not cover the cost of all that has been done and then, of course, are all the ones that never go anywhere because of their medical conditions etc.  These are the ones that really cost the money, but I could never stop doing what I am doing on financial grounds.  Sometimes the emotion feels like it is too much to bear, but as Teresa once said to me, you pull yourself together and get on with it.

RESCUE IS EXPENSIVE but the price you get back in love from these furry babes is worth every penny in my books.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: ccmacey on November 22, 2007, 14:01:52 PM
I would love to do rescue but thats not posible for me for obvious reasons, at the end of the day the point of it all is to help the cats and what you get in return is the happyness of seeing the cat settled in it's forever home.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on November 22, 2007, 14:15:09 PM
Are you short of people helping with ferals, Ela? And what does it entail?

We are short of everyone doing everything.  Re the ferals it is a matter of trapping, taking to the vets and then if possible caring for them until they can be released about 10 days after the op or if they can't go back we place them on Virginia's farm until we can find them a new home. We have all ferals ear clipped and  flead and wormed while under anaesthetic. Obviously I cannot speak for the branches nearer to you.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on November 22, 2007, 16:38:10 PM
I would love to do rescue but thats not posible for me for obvious reasons

Very understandable with a young family.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on November 22, 2007, 17:38:00 PM
You can only do what you can when you can, HK.  ;) The problem I've realised is that some people get depressed when they start to investigate the scale of the problem. But dealing with cases like Chislet has made me realise even if you get one female in for the snip, you save years and years of suffering on the streets for countless generations.  :shy:

But like everything else in the world, get the money in place first. I'm surprised at what I've managed to achieve just by asking for help in the right places.  :sneaky: Unfortunately, I can't do anything to make the vet take back his bill but I will put a little something in the post to help with it.  :)
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Bazsmum on November 22, 2007, 18:40:19 PM
Hi PB hope your ok hun....hav'nt seen you for a while  :hug:

>CC...have you never heard of a pappuse (sp?)  :evillaugh:

Ive never done any feral trapping on a large scale....ie. over one, but I have to say that I do not consider cost when helping cats/kittens....yes of course it is a crucial part but Im afraid no matter how much out of pocket you get you could'nt pay for the feeling of contentment....

If this is truley in your heart then I urge you to gain financial support  ;)
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Rosella moggy on November 23, 2007, 08:46:23 AM
I've read through these posts a few times and tried to put myself in HK's shoes. Have to say, one or two of the posts come across as a bit harsh bearing in mind this is HK's 1st stab at what to me sounds like a great amount of work. I think I'd feel a bit hurt if I were HK. HK would never have taken this all on if she were not doing it for the cats and I very much hope the mom cat is caught soon.

HK's thread was merely to allow her to let off steam after she felt ripped off by a vet surgery that she has trusted for some time when she can ill afford it. Ela's point about taking advantage of them being under anaesthetic sounds right too but HK should not have been charged for something she did not agree to and she was going to do the defleaing and worming herself in any event.

I completely agree with PB's post and admit I would be overwhelmed at the scale of the problem. I've popped a contribution in the post HK and hope to speak to you soon.  Well done.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on November 23, 2007, 09:07:40 AM
If this is truley in your heart then I urge you to gain financial support

With that I would agree, as previously posted if someone offered to help us with feral we would bit their hand off.
Also we provide all food and pay for all neuters/spays, flea and worm treatments at the vets because doing it yourself with a feral is not the easiest job in the world. Also all the necessary equipment would me supplied.
HK’s intentions are commendable and I expect with hindsight she would have everything in place before trapping. Although sometime people promise the earth beforehand then don’t carry out there promise. We all have to learn and this certainly has been a huge learning curve for HK.
I also think HK was offered help as one poster offered to take in some of the kittens. Again with hindsight this possibly would have been her easiest option. Perhaps that offer can be used so all the remaining little ones can be trapped and go on to find good homes. What a shame it would be if they had to go back. And as we all know if only one cat is left the problem will return.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on November 23, 2007, 09:37:59 AM
I am back over in that area hopefully sometime next week as soon as I sort some fuel money out.  If Hippy has caught the mum by then, I can pick her up whilst I'm over there.  I'll give you a bell over the next couple of days and we'll try and sort something out.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on November 23, 2007, 09:41:29 AM
Dawn, you are doing a wonderful job up there, - have sent a little to help out with fuel etc.  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on November 23, 2007, 09:45:27 AM
Dawn, you are doing a wonderful job up there, - have sent a little to help out with fuel etc.  :Luv2:

Lesley, that is really lovely of you but you have enough of your own to pay out for  :shy:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Cheesecat on November 23, 2007, 10:51:21 AM
Dawn, I am in Coventry next Friday/Saturday to see my dad if you want me to pick up the mum for you from HK then to save you fuel money? We might as well do it if we are in the area anyway and save you some well needed moneys  :donate2:

Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on November 23, 2007, 10:57:31 AM
The only problem being Dawn, is I have to drop another cat off in Kidderminster  :shify:  That's really nice of you to offer though  :hug:  But if Hippy has problems catching her though, she may need to be picked up at a later date so you may still be able to help or if I end up dropping Jenny off before then, you can still get her for me  :Luv2:  Ohhhh it's great to finally have a fosterer who will combine it with a bit of chauffeuring  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Hippykitty on December 01, 2007, 10:35:17 AM
With hindsight, I was probably thinking with my heart, not my head, when I embarked upon trying to save this colony from the RSPCA with the likely outcome of pts. The girl at the chemist intended to call them, but like many Purrs members, I have no faith in them.

My total income is £80 per wk, comprised of income support and severe disablement benefit. I can't go into debt as my bank won't even give me a credit card, just a debit one.

I did not start this thread to raise funds, but to let off steam after a nasty encounter with the receptionist at a vets I've used for over twenty years. In all that time they've given me good service, till now.


I phoned Pauline Roberts who runs Wellcat, the local cat charity from which I acquired Polly and Samantha, and many years ago, a cat called Bella and asked her what she thought would be in the cats' best interests (not mentioning my wild imaginings regarding people met on the internet). Her advice was to have the cats neutered/spayed and return them to the back of the shops as long as the shopkeepers etc continued to feed them. Her reasoning was that it was their home, a place they knew and where they were doing a worthwhile job of keeping down the rodents. Pauline also loaned me the iron-heavy trap which I've had to lug around; no mean feat even without a frantic cat inside - it weighs a ton! I didn't do that because I don't care about cats!

Although I believe that most ferals can be homed rather than released, if they were going to be released it seemed logical to put them where they came from.


The cats were neutered/spayed with vouchers from CP, but I wasn't expecting the £33.50 for the de-fleaing and worming. I roundwormed all the young kittens earlier with part of a £5 Sherley's roundwormer (a paste added to food, I fed them separately, and got covered in scratches! I look like I've been self-harming!)

Reading the replies to my 'rant' about the vet convinces me further that this kind of work isn't for me. I should stick to giving homes to individual, difficult to home cats such as P and S were.

Thanks to those who sent cheques. I'll destroy them. It doesn't feel right put them in my account.

Rosella, I'll write to you soon.
[post edited to return to topic]
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Liz on December 01, 2007, 11:17:44 AM
I think you should speak to your vet in this instance and ask them for a nice discount ie for free as you are helping feral cats and lessening the kitten population.


The folks on purrs are all genuine and we all have an affinity with cats I think that shines through in what we all do in our posts and our furkids.

We have helped a lot through the years and ferals are our thing - both through CP and word of mouth and have 22 ferals of our own and moved 37 cats when we moved including our colony as noone was going to be there to feed them.

Elaine and I rescued 2 babies on Tuesday aged 4 months from a shed where the nice folks were feeding them not and they are now happily ensconced in the Clan cats home and are now called Raven and Panther and although a bit skittish not the ferals I was ecpecting compared to some of ours these 2 are darlings and purr a lot.  They are staying as Robin was horrified that someone could make little babes live in a shed!

Don't give up you have done a good thing and there is help there for you as Ela has said and that should give you some hope

[edited to bring this back on topic]
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on December 01, 2007, 14:14:35 PM
We cannot do it all ourselves and I would also suggest you do not rip up those cheques, but accept them with the good grace that they were given and  use the money to help the little ones.

[edited to bring this back on topic]
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Angiew on December 01, 2007, 15:20:00 PM
HK, I know pauline and quite often drop off any shares in fish food to her. In fact I was ther last week and ended up bringing 2 cats back to coventry (not for me I might add but they are now in a good home - one extreme persian   :sick: and the other deaf and blind with other problems - both of which are doing well to date).

I'm sure Pauline would also be greatful of anyway you can help her and Wellcat - goodness knows she has a house and garden full of cats and numerous fosterers.
I would always advise anyone to start off under the umbrella of a rescue - its very hard to do it on your own, if for nothing else than there is always someone to rant to at the end of a phone.

HK Rant away, we all need to else we'd all stop doing our little bit if we had no where to vent.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Rosella moggy on December 01, 2007, 20:35:25 PM

I spoke to HK today and she said she thinks she would be best to take you up on offer of rehoming. 
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Cheesecat on December 01, 2007, 20:54:19 PM
Good luck with these babes, I hope they can be found lovely homes - well done for trapping them and socialising them - what is it about the Winnie that you think makes her not the usual type people go for HK? I must ask as I do love my tortie ladies  :Luv:

[edited to bring this back on topic]
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on December 01, 2007, 22:00:34 PM
I do hope you will contact some of your local rescues to see if they can use your help - even if it is only trapping them, and someone else looking after the cats. It is much easier under the umbrella of a rescue, I know how much our rescue cost to run last year, and wouldn't like to try and find that kind of money myself!! I also hope you dont rip the cheques up, they were given for the cats, and you can spend it purely on that (and donate any extra to Wellcat) if it helps your conscience - I can understand where you are coming from though, the rescue Zi is from gave me some food for her, but I have spoilt her too much, and she wnot eat it, so they are getting it back - but they said to use it for the others, and I Cant' bring myself to do it, they ahve paid for it, it isn't right I use it on fosters not belonging to them, and have 'swapped' the food I can use for food I have that Zi will eat so they aren't out of pocket.

[edited to bring this back on topic]
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Hippykitty on December 02, 2007, 09:38:49 AM
Cheesecat, although Winnie has a wonderful nature, she doesn't have the 'cute' factor of the kittens. Why does everyone want a bloomin' kitten  :Crazy: don't they realise that they'll grow into big cats and spend years as monsters?  :evillaugh:

It's been a while since I saw Pauline in person, but have recently spoken to her on the phone. She's great, and totally cat-bonkers. I don't know how she's coped with so many cats for such a long time.

Dawn, at least three of the cats I've trapped are, imo, untameable: a large black and white older kitten (he must be about 6mths, but he's huge); he's nervous and aggressive to the point that he's suffering by being in contact with humans and would be happier if released where he was trapped or placed on a farm. If he was released to the back of the shops, he'd be the only member of the colony left if I can catch the mother. I think someone must have taken in the other older sibling (there were four, I only caught three).

There are two ginger kittens aged about 3mths. I think they are identical twins. One of them is really vicious. I think he may have had a bad experience around bonfire night, or a student may have been particularly nasty to him. I don't think he'll grow out of this. It seems unfair to split the pair, and they are too young (and unneutered) to be returned at this time of year. I would be grateful if you could take them for me and find them farm placements.

I've thought about the advice given by Pauline (Wellcat); because this area is so heavily populated by students many of whom might think it 'fun' to torment a feral, it's maybe unwise to put them back. If this was a more residential area I'd agree with her, but it can be hell here sometimes (P and S have become indoor cats in their old age!).

Winnie and Victoria, the tortie and white spayed females could be rehomed and become soppy kittypets, if I can find someone who wants CATS, not kittens. Smudge and Newbie will also settle, and are very appealing kittens. I'm tempted to have Smudge myself, but may try to persuade the woman who wanted the ginger twins to take them. The remaining kitten, Alfie, has a home lined up with a close friend of mine (fingers crossed that he's FLV neg!).

I'll do a vid on my webcam and post stills on Purrs.

Meanwhile, I'll try to catch the mum before she has her babes. I'll post when/if I manage this. I just feel sooo drained!  :yawn:
Health not good at the best of times - I have to take each day as it comes and catch a good one. 

Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: JackSpratt on December 02, 2007, 11:46:37 AM
Well done, HK for hanging in there!  :)
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on December 02, 2007, 11:49:37 AM
HK, you might be surprised with Winnie, I had a woman ringing wanting a pair of kittens, and ended up taking a 13yo tabby, and have had a few ringing recently wanting adults, rather than kittens. Good luck with them all, and I hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Corporal Smokey on December 02, 2007, 17:27:39 PM
HK thanks for sticking with this one. If I had a pound for all the times I've said "no..it's an..er...internet forum" to be greeted with some very funny looks, Woodland Nook wouldn't need to be on the list  :evillaugh:

I think Purrs is so much more than that. I usually lump it with CatChat when I explain to people all the benefits of it.

However Woodland Nook which is a special place that Smokeys Cp branch have is are on our list.

 :hug: Thanks Gill and I have to say that it can be an emotional tug even under CP. They are fabulous, don't get me wrong it's just so hard claiming money back when you've ordered hundreds of pounds worth of special diets, Drontal and Frontline from VetUk to save a few pounds and then had to go and buy a plug-in and some coley because one of the old dears is under the weather.

I've been told I can claim the mileage from my follow-up visits but I just can't bring myself to it. Maybe I will and then put the money aside for the kittizens.

I really don't know how the independent rescues manage financially but people like Dawn really are saints  :Luv:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Hippykitty on December 03, 2007, 10:58:31 AM
I wish I hadn't got involved in this whole business. I'm sure a call to CP would have solved the problem.

[edited] I'll sort the cats and kittens out somehow, even if I have to return them. Unfortunately, the two young untameable gingers are unneutered. R has reassessed their ages and thinks they may be younger than she first thought. They are impeding the progress of the rest of the group, so I'd like to separate them by finding a warm safe place for them until they are neutered and returned to the shops. Not too warm, as they are being released. I'll release the black and white tom asap after having a word with the shopkeepers etc. It's sad, as it would be nice if every cat had a good indoor home, but he really is miserable inside.

[edited to bring this back on topic]
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on December 03, 2007, 11:31:29 AM
I have sent mail to HK asking her to reconsider  for the sake of the cats.  I feel as indeed I am sure do many of you that it would be far better if the kittens/cats were relocated to a safer environment than behind some shops.

I think HK's heart is in the right place but the enormity of it all  especially when you have no experience must have hard to deal with. I think this is also a timely reminder to anyone thinking of helping  cats is to start by helping a rescue where you can receive all the help, advice, equipment and financial support.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Millys Mum on December 03, 2007, 20:47:24 PM
I hope HK will contact Dawn and accept her help.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Ela on December 04, 2007, 08:47:14 AM
I hope HK will contact Dawn and accept her help.

Me too as I feel it would be  pity to have to return the cats behind some shops, when Dawn could perhaps find pastures new and a safer environment.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 04, 2007, 11:52:57 AM
I may give her a ring later as not knowing what's happening is holding me up with what I've got to do.  As I've mentioned, I've got 2 cats to go up that way and I can't arrange anything until I know for definite, I haven't got money to waste on 2 journeys as it's not down the road.  I'll keep you posted if I get in touch.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 04, 2007, 14:39:39 PM
I've tried phoning Hippy but there's no answer.  I'm sure she's watching this thread so Hippy if you are, can you please pm me regarding the ferals, I've also sent you a pm.    I need to know as soon as possible so I can get mine sorted and to make arrangements with Lesley and Erin, thanks.  If I don't hear back by tomorrow, I'll assume you are getting them sorted as I really can't put this off any longer.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn F on December 04, 2007, 14:46:54 PM
I hope she contacts you, it's the cats we're all worried about and I think we all know her heart was in the right place
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 04, 2007, 14:53:45 PM
I hope she does as well Dawn but I can't force her, the offer is there and I'm only concerned about the cats.  I really don't want the pregnant one giving birth outside in the middle of winter  :(  If she decides at a later date she want's me to take them, then I would have to ask for a donation towards fuel and that is depending on whether I would have the room, as xmas is also coming up and I have to know what I've got coming in.  I don't want to be turning cats down on the basis these are coming in if they are not.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn F on December 04, 2007, 14:55:52 PM
I haven't read all the posts, I didn't realise there was a pregnant one, poor thing fingers crossed she does call you then that would be an awful start in life
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 04, 2007, 21:01:41 PM
I've phoned HK and she's going to try and get the mum cat sorted out  ;D  Some of the kittens she is going to try and rehome herself which is better for me if I'm being honest.  I will be bringing 2 kittens back, and one that's about 9 months old and hopefully the mum if she's been caught. HK thinks there may be a possibility that mum may have dropped her kittens but this is something that will have to looked into.  If she's dropped them, we need to find out where and take it from there.  I will keep you posted when something is sorted out  :hug:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: JackSpratt on December 04, 2007, 21:29:59 PM
Well done DD and HK. :)
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: clarenmax on December 04, 2007, 21:52:20 PM
Well done  ;D
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on December 04, 2007, 21:55:27 PM
Great news  :Luv:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn F on December 05, 2007, 12:11:10 PM
well done to you both, I hope mum and babes turn up
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 13:59:57 PM
Just had a pm off Hippy, I'm not going to read it and then update on what's happening just in case I word it wrong so I'll just put the whole thing to make it easier, I'm sure Hippy won't mind.

Following our chat on the phone, I have decided to do the following. You will not agree with my decision, but I think that it is best for the pusscats and in the light of my circumstances: that I'm doing this solo, don't drive and have the beliefs of a city girl for whom, in ideal conditions, every cat would have a human slave, live in a house and be a pet, not a 'working cat'.

Firstly, Fred (black and white male) is slowly taming with the good food and warmth and the fact that nice things - FOOD - happen when he sees a human. I'll see if he makes further progress and becomes able to home as a pet. If not, I'll release him behind the shops, which is a place he knows, where there are people to feed him and he can keep the rodent population down.

The ginger terrors are also settling a little. I'll try to keep these until they are old enough to be neutered or someone is prepared to take them as a pet. If they don't tame, they will be released behind the shops after neutering.

The other cats are all homeable. The two adult females have someone interested in taking one of them (a bit of arm twisting might get them to go together).  Alfie (kitten) has a home with Rebekah, a close friend, if his bloods are ok. Newbie may have a home with Reb's daughter's friend, Vicky; and smudge is so loveable that he'll easily find a slave - if not, I'll have him myself.

As for the mother: I don't have room in that small room for her and her kittens, nor do I have the energy or resources to catch her, check whether she's dropped, then trap her kittens. I'm going to give CP a ring after a long chat with the girl at the chemist. CP are better placed to deal with her properly and do TNR at the appropriate time.

I want the cats I've trapped to have warm domestic homes, not to be farm cats. As I said, this is probably because I'm town/city born and bred and dislike the notion of 'working cats'. Dogs work; cats get waited on tail and paw!   

This is no slight upon you, just what I feel is best for the cats and for myself (I'm really too ill to go through the process of trapping mum and kits, I've got enough on my plate looking after the monsters I've caught; this isn't easy when I'm drugged up with anti-convulsants and regularly suffering seizures).

Thank you for your advice,
I'll keep you posted about the progress of the monsters; not because I want help, but because you might be interested in what happens.

Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Bazsmum on December 05, 2007, 14:10:45 PM
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 14:24:52 PM
HK - has the girl at the shop seen mum cat recently - is she still in the area?  I am so worried about her, with the weather as it is.  If you want PM me, I am due to come up that way to meet with Dawn and if she has been seen in the area, maybe it would be worth a trip over to see if Dawn and I can find her and any kittens. You would just have to clear it with the shop owner first.  This is not the time of the year for a mum to be having babies outside.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn F on December 05, 2007, 14:37:05 PM
I really hope something can be sorted for this mum cat, she must be worn out if nothing else from the endless baby making and now the weather is changing
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 14:40:25 PM
Lesley, I went through all this last night with her, it isn't fair on the mum cat and chances are kittens wouldn't survive.  I also explained the gingers which are only young wouldn't be getting released onto farms etc until the summer and only if they couldn't be tamed down.  The black/white is very close to the gingers and according to hippy a real bruiser, I told her he wouldn't be split from them as it wouldn't be fair.  If they got released, he would be going to the same spot so they can remain together.  I'm quite happy trying to find mum and kittens when we go over if Hippy is prepared to work on this with us.  I did ask if there was anyone else in the area that Hippy could ask to keep an eye on the trap etc as she said she'd pulled her side, and that way they could monitor the situation and if any went in, take the trap back to Hippy.  I don't know the situation with the shopkeepers etc so I can't really comment. You have also said you don't like the idea of working cats, if you release the black/white behind the shops, haven't you said in your post he will be keeping the rodent population down  :Crazy:  That is no different, the only difference being where I would get a home for him, he will be safe from road and drunken students, I know where I would rather be!!

Hippy I'm a city girl, through and through and the farm/stables homes mine go to are fab, they get well looked after, well fed and have plenty of warm places to sleep.  You said you were worried about the students, surely this should be an incentive to get the mum cat.  I make myself ill doing what I'm doing but if it means saving a life, I will do it.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Bazsmum on December 05, 2007, 14:48:20 PM
Here, here!

Please HK I emplore you to take up an offer of help, pride comes before a fall in my book, please dont take things the wrong way as everyone is trying to think of what is best for the cats...... :brokenheart:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 15:01:58 PM
HK - you don't have to do anymore if you do not feel able to, but just tell us where mum cat is so that we can look for her.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:03:07 PM
I'lll give Hippy a ring again later and get the address  :tired:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 15:04:32 PM
I can always come up tomorrow if you want me to Dawn, if we can get other things arranged for then :naughty:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:10:24 PM
You just want that choccie don't ya  >:(  Sadly I can't tomorrow, I've still not got my tyre sorted and hubby won't let me drive that distance just in case, and if I get pulled, it will be a ban  :tired:  As soon as it's done, I'll give you a bell  :hug:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 15:14:18 PM
No probs. :Luv2:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:31:15 PM
Lesley, we need to try and work something out regarding what we are doing.  If hippy can get the phone number of the shopkeeper in question, it may be better working with her.  All I'm thinking, we have to remember we will have a cat to consider when I come over.  I do not want want him stressing out too much and he may do if he's stuck in a car for hours  :tired:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:35:34 PM
Sorry, that sounded like me working with her rather than you  :shify:  I meant us working with her, if she can have the trap, we may be able to get her to try and catch mum.  If not she can monitor where she goes etc etc and then we can just go in and catch the little minx  ;)
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 15:36:18 PM
I agree, there will be a time restriction due to "you know who".  How far from Birmingham is your place?
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:39:20 PM
About 2 hours from NEC, not sure how far from Selly Oak but this also depends on traffic.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 15:40:59 PM
I was just thinking maybe I could meet you at Selly Oak first, then follow you back to yours to pick "him" up, it just means the journey home would be long!!
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:42:24 PM
Lesley, you can't do that sort of mileage  :Crazy:  I have an idea, Erin may take him there for a couple of hours whilst we get mum.  I have to meet with Erin anyway so I'll bell her later  ;)
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 15:43:10 PM
If I can do Liverpool and back :naughty:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 15:44:00 PM
Where does Erin live?
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:46:24 PM
Kidderminster, it will mean he'll get a break in the journey as well so better for him to stretch his legs and have something to eat.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Jasmine on December 05, 2007, 15:48:14 PM
I was wondering if Hippy has tried to contact Cramar Cat Rescue to help?
They are based in Hopwood, only 7 miles from Edgbaston.

I've been to the sanctuary twice and they have a special kitten area, vets on site and a huge paddock enclosure for ferals that are untameable/unhomeable.

This might just resolve this happily for everyone involved and save a long trip for Dawn/Lesley and any furries.

Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:49:56 PM
Jasmine, I have to meet up with Lesley anyway so it won't save us a journey but it may be better for the mum cat if they can sort it.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 15:55:44 PM
Dawn owes me a choccie so I have to travel up there to see her,   :evillaugh:    but it would probably be better for mum if she could go somewhere more local, especially if she has kitties with her, journies can stress them. 

Jas, it might be worth PMing the details to HK.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Jasmine on December 05, 2007, 15:58:07 PM
OK, I'll PM Hippy with the suggestion  ;D
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 15:59:25 PM
Dawn owes me a choccie so I have to travel up there to see her,   :evillaugh:   

 :rofl:  :rofl: 

Thanks Jasmine, no offense to Hippy but I would prefer to contact them myself as well once we find out where she is, this way we can make sure they get sorted and are not left.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 16:18:06 PM
Dawn owes me a choccie so I have to travel up there to see her,   :evillaugh:   

Sorry Lesley, this thread is stressing me out so much so choccie now gone  :naughty:  I will bring one over for you though but I'll have to buy some  :innocent:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: LesleyW on December 05, 2007, 16:20:37 PM
I'm mortified :sad no:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Bazsmum on December 05, 2007, 16:40:34 PM
 :evillaugh: ;)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 05, 2007, 19:05:01 PM
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on December 06, 2007, 20:29:12 PM
I've tried phoning Hippy a few times and no answer  :tired:  I think this one is going to be a no go I'm afraid.  I will be going over to Birmingham hopefully early next week, if Hippy is reading this and she wants to get in touch with me about the mum cat, fair enough, if not then I tried.
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on December 06, 2007, 20:38:36 PM
I've been trying to phone her as well. And I've PM'd her. I was going to send her some dosh now my pay cheque cleared but I need her full name and addy...  :shy: I guess I'll have to spend it on choccie instead!  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Bazsmum on December 06, 2007, 22:08:42 PM
Well call me  :censored: incesitive but why do this thread and ask for help in the fist place...... >:(

Title: Re: Never doing rescue again: too (censored) expensive!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 06, 2007, 22:16:27 PM
I think as Dawn knows there is more to all of this than can be said on this thread and think we should now be a bit sensitive to what we say.

It would be lovely if Hippykitty could respond to Dawn so that Dawn could help but the time frame for help is nearly past and with all the goodwill in the world Dawn can only do so much.

Thank you all for your posts of support for the cats and dawn and hippy kitty but think this now should be kept between Dawn and hippykitty  off forum ;D