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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: lilycat on October 13, 2007, 17:04:59 PM

Title: Basil's trained me well!!
Post by: lilycat on October 13, 2007, 17:04:59 PM
I popped up to the bedroom to use the computer and as always, Basil insisted on coming with...he was lying on the bed while I was 'working'  and all of a sudden, did one of his "ickle kitten" mews - I straight away stopped what I was doing, looked over at him and told him what a good boy he is!!

It's only just occurred to me how well trained he's got me; he uses the 'tell me I'm a good boy cause I'm only ickle' kitten mew when all else has failed and he wants me to pay him some attention  :Luv: Usually he just follows me about meowing normally although he does have quite a broad vocabulary - and the disturbing thing is...most of the time I know what he's saying  :Crazy:

Any other kitties with a 'if all else fails' attention grabber?     
Title: Re: Basil's trained me well!!
Post by: lucy on October 13, 2007, 17:09:21 PM
Poor old Xanthe will sound like she's in trouble to grab attention - after a yowly Siamese I found her little Maine Coon voice too easy to ignore so she's learnt to beef it up a bit!  :-:
Title: Re: Basil's trained me well!!
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on October 13, 2007, 18:01:58 PM
When Zephyr wants to go out and mean mummy is saying no he just does something really naughty and defiant ... like pushing things off the the shelves or scratching the corner of the sofa  >:(  this always gets my attention!  He then looks me straight in the eye and does a pitiful little mioaw .... which bascially translates as ppleeeeaaase let me out.   As I am so well trained I usually give in and let him have an extra ½ hour out doors!  :rofl:
Title: Re: Basil's trained me well!!
Post by: furballmom on October 13, 2007, 18:25:37 PM
gimley ALWAYS meows at me when i stroke him just to say thats good slave carry on
Title: Re: Basil's trained me well!!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 13, 2007, 19:16:22 PM
oh yres Franta either does a cute little moew which will get bigger and more like a wail if he doesnt get attention, untouchable Sasa will either slam the study door back against the wall and squeak or come to the end of Misas desk and scratch and squeak for playtime and Misa............well Misas place is by my side on the desk and he has many tricks for attention seeking, all cute.

He will sit there staring at me expected like and very quiet and cos he is at right angles I dont see him and when I do he gets lots of fuss cos he is looking so cute and has obviously been waiting a while and i am feeling guilty.

The there is the very gentle paw on the shoulder or arm to say heyyyyyyyyyyyyy what about me, sometimes he will grip my shirt and pull!

Head butting and rubbing then leaning  to look under the desk where is treats are..............this will work a few times and then he gets NO, NO MISA, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Misa and he looks sad turns his back and flops onto the desk with his back to me and sulks...............................sigh and I feel so mean.

Ducha is headbutter supreme and he will rub round my legs and headbutt and push with his little wet nose and this is gonna sound bad but I hate it cos he makes my legs itch and he is very persistant. He doesnt like being on laps cos he cant get comfortable with his 3 legs, he wont jump up on things very much although he can and it means I always have to bend down to stroke him which I dont like cos of my balance.....................he also has the most terrible sense of timing and always picks when I am in the middle of doing something I cant stop!
Title: Re: Basil's trained me well!!
Post by: Ellie on October 13, 2007, 20:18:18 PM
Awwwww how could you resist Basil  he's gorgeous :Luv:

Muppet rolls over to get his tummy rubbed when I put the ironing board up  :) so I have to delay the ironing to give him a fuss  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Basil's trained me well!!
Post by: lilycat on October 13, 2007, 21:14:17 PM
Ellie, you're SO lucky to have such a thoughtful master in Muppet - I put my Ironing Board up and mine all remember urgent appointments in the garden  ;)

The sulking with the turned back always makes me feel bad too...I only manage to last a minute before resorting to pleading 'Lily...Lilymonster...sweetheart....where's my pretty girl...?'  :shy:  :rofl:  :rofl: