Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: tez2384 on October 10, 2007, 21:55:41 PM

Title: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 10, 2007, 21:55:41 PM
At the moment i am living in a very small bungalow with my gf and my 3 furbabes but very soon (maybe next week) i should be moving into a 1 bedroom flat bigger than this bungalow as the lease is nearly up on this place.

Kitty is currently going outside for a little while each day but im unsure what to do when i move,
Do you think i should adapt her to being an indoor only cat or still let her have some freedom? Its a first floor flat and the stairs to my flat lead straight to my front door so i was thinking of putting a cat flap in (have already asked if i can) so she still has her freedom.

The area is very quite, Quiter than were i am now.

The reason why i am only asking about kitty and not the kittens is because they wont be going outside for a few months yet anyway.
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: dolcetta46 on October 10, 2007, 22:14:29 PM
That sounds exciting!!  Although moving is always a stressful business, but so worth it in the end.  (we just experienced that a couple of months ago!!)  I hope your furbabes will get used to the new surrounding and start to enjoy the new home quickly!!
I would think, if the neighbourhood is peaceful enough, without too much traffic, and free of mean dogs and unruly children, Kitty should be okay.  Maybe at the beginning, go outside with him and stay with her until he is familiar with the new surrounding.
 :luck: and have fun!!
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 10, 2007, 22:21:33 PM
Im really excited it will be so nice to be in a bigger place and im sure the cats will love the extra space! Theres no kids in the area all old people (Im getting old now  :rofl:) not much traffic at all and ill even have a little garden so for a flat its not all that bad  ;D

I think i will take kitty out on her harness and lead for the first couple of weeks and then let her out on her own as she never goes out for long but does really enjoy herself
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: lucy on October 10, 2007, 22:35:46 PM
Sounds great!
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Stuart on October 10, 2007, 23:23:13 PM
Hi Tez, hmmmm, I will admit that I am against letting our Master's outside if it is a built up area, too many danger's
Car's, Dog's, etc... And Sad to Say Sometime's People :( >:(

I long for a place where I have a House surrounded by field's and wood's away from road's and cruel people
but that require's ££££££££  :evillaugh: which I don't have  :(

My Hamish was an abandoned Babe, and obviously an outside Cat as for ages he would be Screaming to get out
(clawing at the Door, Ripping the Carpet up, Hanging from the Handle Looking through the Keyhole)
If you feel the door panelling today, you can still feel where his claws dug into the wood
It was a Disheartening Experiance, But I knew that if I was to let Him out I would maybe never see Him again
Or worse. It is one of the main Killer's For cat's in the UK, is being Hit By a Car. I have lost a few myself in the past :'(
and because of this, that is why I stood Firm and did'nt let Him out!!

Come time (about 3 month's) He Stopped bothering, and was quite Happy as a House Cat..

I must add that He did not do this Constantly for 3 months, only certain times of the day/night, and it would last for
about 5/10 mins at a time..

That is my View, You will have your own!! and You will know better about the new area
You'll have to decide whats best for You and Your Furbabe's

Sorry if I have made Complication's for you  :P

Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 10, 2007, 23:52:44 PM
Too be honest i dont think i will know what ill do untill i move in there,

I think im more for keeping them in but dont want to upset kitty, The kittens are going to be indoor cats and don't think it will bother them as they have never known different  :rofl:

Your opinion is welcome,

Im the same as you if i had the money would live in the middle of nowere the flat is old but pritty big and has an attic bedroom  :rofl:
but its cheap which is why im moving in there

Kitty might adapt fine once we are there because when it rains she doesnt go out which means some weeks she has gone days without going out  :rofl:
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 11, 2007, 00:02:08 AM
and here is the ancient not so nice lookinh flat......
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 11, 2007, 00:09:56 AM
Presumably thats the front, whats at the back, do you have a garden?
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 11, 2007, 00:21:26 AM
Yeah i havent took any pictures of the back but it has a little garden behing that is a field and then another field then a lake  ;D
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Stuart on October 11, 2007, 00:32:05 AM
I Just Spent 20 minutes typing a Story why that's my opinion through experiences
And the  :censored: page crashed..

AAAARRRRRrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!

when I calm down I may try again !!!!

Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 11, 2007, 00:37:00 AM
Is it your garden and if so how do you access it? Sounds good  ;D
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: pappilon on October 11, 2007, 00:40:59 AM
I guess ,its hard to say if a cat really enjoys being kept indoor or not,your kittys are young and they may be happy staying indoor , from my experiance with older rescues some times they are scared of noise and everything else outside and they show no interest to go out , but then after having Phoebe which was kept indoor for 10 years by privious owners,and now she cant wait to go out to the garden i really dont know if it works in all cases to say if they havent been out they wont know the difference? but then you having three babes i think they might keep each other company and be happy to stay in,just move to your new place and see what you think is right for them :).

Pipa's meowmy got this piccis of Phoebe in her garden the other day :Luv:
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Stuart on October 11, 2007, 01:07:50 AM
I Feel I must also tell you this Story why that’s my Opinion
In 1993 I moved in with My GF, and for 2/3 years? I cant remember precisely as I
Too am growing old  :rofl:
GF Had a Massive Garden with tree’s and bushes which was in a quiet area too, all
5 Furbabes got out, Hamish, Misty, Marlyn, Monroe, and BK (Black Kat), And they All Loved
it. I didn’t cause they were for ever loosing their collars and I had to buy them new
ones  >:(
But then BK started to disappear for ages, and when she came home she wouldn’t
Eat her food, We followed her one day to an Old woman’s house where it transpired
That she had been Feeding BK Chicken, we confronted her about this and explained
That BK was well looked after at home and had her own food, but the old woman just
Kept saying” But she’s Hungry “ there was no telling her and she wouldn’t listen.
About 2 months later BK was Ran over by a delivery Van :(, We we’re Both very upset :'(
But GF was also very angry, and went over to inform old woman what had
Happened, blaming her for it by causing BK to wander, by feeding Her. I Had to
Drag GF away Cause the old woman was extremely upset too, Not a Good Day at all!
I have no Photos of BK cause I didn’t have a Camera at the time :( :( :(

“Complicated bit” I had to move back to my Flat cause the GF’s X was trying to get his
child support payment’s down, and as I was staying there He had a good Case to
do so as my income would have been taken into account..

I moved Back to my flat and Misty was no problem, but Hamsh went back to Meowing
to get out, but it only lasted for a couple of weeks this time, and he soon resided
His fate as a house cat

After 2 months of moving back to my flat, Marlyn was run down, and a year after that Monroe :(

And I don’t want to go through that again, EVER!!

Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Stuart on October 11, 2007, 01:14:54 AM
Yeah i havent took any pictures of the back but it has a little garden behing that is a field and then another field then a lake  ;D

Now that sound's Better ;D :wow: ;D

Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: blackcat on October 11, 2007, 06:48:15 AM
I have to say that if your cats are accustomed to being indoors and you are moving to larger accommodation there seems little reason to allow them outdoors and thus at risk, whatever the niceness of 'out the back'. Unless there is a 10 foot electric fence between the back and the front, your cats will end up out the front...
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on October 11, 2007, 08:15:01 AM
You also need to consider future moves.  Unless you think you are going to stay in your new flat for many years, you may find yourself in a position of moving at a future date to somewhere less suitable for outdoor access.  In theory, of course, you'd look for somewhere with suitable outdoor access if they were indoor/outdoor cats, but sometimes that's not possible.  For them to go outside for a while and then have to revert to being indoor cats would probably be a difficult transition.
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: dolcetta46 on October 11, 2007, 11:05:00 AM
Oh dear, so sorry about what happened to your kitties Stuart... :( :( :(
You surely did the right thing with Hamish, even it must have been difficult for both you and Hamish, as he was accustomed to outside. 
When we holidayed in Tirolian region up north (definitely it was the typical "Heidi's country" as you would picture yourself), it was so lovely there we almost toyed with ideas about moving up there some day, and one of the things that crossed my mind was "oh, if I had a cat here I could let him run around in the nature all he want, how lovely that would be!!"
But unfortunately for us city folks we could only try our best we can for them... :-:
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Millys Mum on October 11, 2007, 11:10:04 AM
Let kitty decide, if shes happy to be indoor then great.
If you decide to let her out keep her indoors for aslong as possible, 4 weeks is good. IMO harnesses are not a good idea, some cats will bolt in them and the time it takes to train would mean her jail period would probably be up. Harness walks before they knows its home encourages their urge to be out before they are ready.
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 11, 2007, 20:06:27 PM
Is it your garden and if so how do you access it? Sounds good  ;D

You go out the front garden walk round the side theres a gate and then theres my garden  ;D
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 11, 2007, 20:10:50 PM
Let kitty decide, if shes happy to be indoor then great.
If you decide to let her out keep her indoors for aslong as possible, 4 weeks is good. IMO harnesses are not a good idea, some cats will bolt in them and the time it takes to train would mean her jail period would probably be up. Harness walks before they knows its home encourages their urge to be out before they are ready.

Thats a good point, When i got her from a rescue centre i put her on a harness and tok her into my back garden but she wasnt to keen and i agree that made her want to go out as she would try and escape.

Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: blackcat on October 11, 2007, 20:13:49 PM
and as you say, access to the garden is via the front door so the cats will need to let out the front. No amount of garden and fields out the back is of any use if the main means of access it through the front door... Sorry to be sounding like a prophet of doom, but do consider the implications for your cats well-being in the long-term
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 11, 2007, 20:14:50 PM
You also need to consider future moves.  Unless you think you are going to stay in your new flat for many years, you may find yourself in a position of moving at a future date to somewhere less suitable for outdoor access.  In theory, of course, you'd look for somewhere with suitable outdoor access if they were indoor/outdoor cats, but sometimes that's not possible.  For them to go outside for a while and then have to revert to being indoor cats would probably be a difficult transition.

No not planning on staying there for many years at all, Once my GF is back at work and i am in my new job we will be getting more money coming in so we plan to move into a house as one day we might have a non furry family  :rofl:

I know that no matter what she would get round the front some how even though here i have NEVER seen her round the front she probably has been at some point, I think she will probably adapt to being indoors as today the window has been open all day and she has just been sitting up the window watching the world go by  :rofl:

Thanks for all your great replies has helped alot knowing other peoples views  ;D

PS: Im very sorry to here about your furbabes stuart  :(
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 11, 2007, 20:16:32 PM
and as you say, access to the garden is via the front door so the cats will need to let out the front. No amount of garden and fields out the back is of any use if the main means of access it through the front door... Sorry to be sounding like a prophet of doom, but do consider the implications for your cats well-being in the long-term

Thats exactly why i asked for other peoples opinions i know i wont have problems with the kittens as they dont know nething different and id rather kitty be a little sad to start of with and adjust to be indoors than her going outside and getting hurt in some way
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Millys Mum on October 12, 2007, 15:41:19 PM
Its a good excuse to buy lots of things from zooplus and purrs shop   :evillaugh:

Indoor cats need lots of toys ya know  :sneaky:
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 12, 2007, 16:51:00 PM
Its a good excuse to buy lots of things from zooplus and purrs shop   :evillaugh:

Indoor cats need lots of toys ya know  :sneaky:

Ive already seen lots of things in the purrs shop i will be buying when i get paid and im trying to get a cat tree off ebay  :rofl:
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Stuart on October 12, 2007, 17:44:42 PM
Here's some pics of the Cat Tree I got from e-bay for £37 + p&p

Misty Checking out Scratcher
and giving it a Rub
A Damn good rub
Still Rubbing
Yes, Here will do nicely
Now , where's those Starling's at ??

Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 12, 2007, 17:46:08 PM
Im bidding on exactly the same one but in blue atm for £35 + p+p it finishes in just an hour. hope i get it
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Stuart on October 12, 2007, 17:48:45 PM
It was the Blue one I was after, even told them that when I paid, and they sent a Brown one :-:

Oh well, for the price, mustn't Grumble ;)

Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: tez2384 on October 12, 2007, 17:52:09 PM
Did you get it from albanypets?
Look likes he loves it though, also its not too big coz there some really nice ones on there but there huge and i would have no room for human furniture  :rofl:
Title: Re: Should be moving into a flat soon
Post by: Stuart on October 12, 2007, 18:04:25 PM
Yup, it's from albanypets ;D
This one's bigger than my other one, but with a wee bit o Jiggery Pokery ( too Me, too You )  :rofl:

Managed to squeeze it in, and it really doesn't take up that much room :wow:
my living room is only 14 and a 1/2ft by 14 ft :evillaugh: