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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Mark on September 17, 2007, 09:48:57 AM

Title: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: Mark on September 17, 2007, 09:48:57 AM
My mums cat Shelley had problems with eating last week so my mum took her to the vet. He said that her gums were inflamed  and if they didn't clear up in a week, he wanted to take all her teeth out she was given antibiotics. My mum wasn't happy with this and asked for another appontment with the senior vet the other day who said that it was caused by cat-flu and has given her an injection to help with flu symptoms. He said they could try steroids but she would be on them permanently and it would reach a stage where the steroids are doing her more harm than good and her teeth would have to come out anyway. She is due back this week for a checkup. My mum said she has been sneezing all weekend and is it anything to worry about? - She sais although she has always had cats, she had never seen one sneeze. I told her both Willow & Kylie sneeze sometimes and it could be anything. btw - Shelley is only about 18 months old.
Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: Dawn F on September 17, 2007, 10:01:58 AM
when Oscar had a calici flu flare up he had ulcers in his mouth but I can't remember if he sneezed or not so not much help sorry
Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: clarenmax on September 17, 2007, 10:04:48 AM
Hi Mark, this sounds almost identical to my friend's cats symptoms a few weeks ago.

He started off not eating, and his gums were very inflamed, so he had a weeks worth of antibiotics.  He then started sneezing, went back to the vets, and his throat also looked sore, so the diagnosis was flu, so he had another bout of antibiotics.  I don't think there was any mention of steroids, although my friend's cat is FIV so maybe that may have had something to do with it?

After a week or so Frank stopped sneezing, and although he is still a little bit quiet, he's getting back to normal.  I don't think there's been any further issue with his gums though.
Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: Ela on September 17, 2007, 10:47:18 AM
My mums cat Shelley had problems with eating last week so my mum took her to the vet. He said that her gums were inflamed  and if they didn't clear up in a week, he wanted to take all her teeth out she was given antibiotics

A week on antibiotics is often not long enough to see if a dental is really necessary.

Was the antiobotic  Antirobe?
Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: Mark on September 17, 2007, 10:57:56 AM
I will ask her later as she is out. Thinking about it, she may have said 2 weeks - I will check.
Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: Millys Mum on September 17, 2007, 11:29:39 AM
I agree about the steroids, they never sort the problem out just mask it.
She could get her tested for calici.

Often its an immune response to the teeth, they leave an open door for bacteria to enter. Simon is 2 and has had the cheek teeth on one side removed because of similar problems. It has helped him about 90%.
Im going to try the co enzyme q10 that gillian has mentioned. When i find it without sulphites in.
Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: Stuart on September 19, 2007, 03:40:30 AM
Hamish had cat flu when I took him in, He was shooting snot everywhere :sick: he got an injection and a course of anti b's, and it cleared up fairly quickly
but as the vet explained, if they have it when they are young, they'll get it again. the flu did come back when He was about 15 and it was a beech to get
him cured the second time, took about a month and a half before the sneezing stopped and that was with 2 courses of injections and anti b's
I dont really remember Hamish going off His food though
Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: Mark on September 19, 2007, 07:57:23 AM
Willow had it as a kitten and her eyes run constantly. I am forever going round with wipes for brown splashes up walls etc  :evillaugh: - its worse when she rubs on your arm or face and you have to wash it off as it dries crispy  :sick:  :evillaugh:

I will speak to her later and see if she has an update.

Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: Mark on September 24, 2007, 17:59:21 PM
Latest is Shelley is barely eating and constipated. The vet has given her more antibiotics. He wants to start her on steroids but said her immune system is too impaired at the moment. He told my mum it is trial & error to get her sorted. She is worried about mounting vet bills - She is insured so shouldn't be a problem.
Title: Re: Cat sneezing a lot - anything to worry about?
Post by: clarenmax on September 25, 2007, 13:48:27 PM
Aw, hope Shelley gets better soon  :Luv: