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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: jetcleo on September 08, 2007, 08:10:29 AM

Title: Fristrated - Cat weeing everywhere!!
Post by: jetcleo on September 08, 2007, 08:10:29 AM
My new cat Ralphie has been with me for a week now and has settled in really well, one of my cats is a little unsure of him so does hiss a little in his company but rarely spends time with him anyway as he (Jet) is always outside.  He's always outdoors during the day normally (not because of Ralph)

Anyway Ralph is sooo friendly, using his litter tray, snuggling up to me, etc.  However he has peed on my (new) sofa three times now, each time i have gently cleaned the area.  The sofa is protected with that 5 yr anti-stain stuff so i have to be careful anyway.  I rang the sofa company up today and they are sending someone out to get rid of the stain but they don't think they will get rid of the smell, they say i will have to buy new cushions and covers £175 each (only paid £299 for sofa).  I've plugged a feliway diffuser in the room but this morning he's come in and peed on his bed right next to the diffuser.  His litter tray is in the usual place and is clean so i'm not sure why he didn't use it!

Is there anything i can do or do you think he will stop doing it when he's been here longer???  I really don't know what to do anymore, i've had to ban him from the living room as i'm worried it will  start to smell of cat wee!!!! and i'm also worried when my other cats come in they will try to mark their territory so it will go on and on.


Title: Re: Fristrated - Cat weeing everywhere!!
Post by: Ela on September 08, 2007, 08:30:01 AM
I would suggest a vet check initially to ensure there are no underlying problems. You could then try gently wiping surgical spirit where he as peed although I don't know how that will react on your sofa but that does remove pee smells.

Perhaps you could try an extra tray one covered, one not covered and experiment with different types of litter. I have found when all else fails Danish pink has been our saviour. Sometimes they pee due to stress and when moving homes it can be a great time of stress for a little one, although if not nipped in the bud you will have a big problem. Very occasionally  and worst case scenario  is to re-home the cat where there are no others.

Has Ralph been neutered?
Title: Re: Frustrated - Cat weeing everywhere!!
Post by: jetcleo on September 08, 2007, 11:29:39 AM
Thanks Ela, will purchase some surgical spirit and give that a go.  I will see how he gets on given i've only had him for a week now.  He has been neutered but quite late in life, only about 3 months ago!!
Title: Re: Fristrated - Cat weeing everywhere!!
Post by: Angiew on September 08, 2007, 19:03:58 PM
also keep him away from the sofa when you're not around. Either put him in another room or use a cage. At least you're sofa won't suffer anymore.
Title: Re: Fristrated - Cat weeing everywhere!!
Post by: jetcleo on September 08, 2007, 22:45:54 PM
 :thanks:, we've had a good day today, he's only used his litter tray so fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Fristrated - Cat weeing everywhere!!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 09, 2007, 12:08:15 PM
:thanks:, we've had a good day today, he's only used his litter tray so fingers crossed.

Well done Ralphie  ;D
Title: Re: Fristrated - Cat weeing everywhere!!
Post by: blackcat on September 09, 2007, 12:43:39 PM
maybe you should change his name. My ralfster was the house-pee champion.
Title: Re: Fristrated - Cat weeing everywhere!!
Post by: jetcleo on September 09, 2007, 15:13:46 PM
Thanks Black cat, might have to do that then, anyone know names of cats who don't pee all over or scratch you while your in bed???  I guess it's all in the name!

We've gone two days now with him just using his litter tray, i'm hoping it's because he's settled in more now.  Also the feliway diffuser has been plugged in a few days now, someone told me it takes a couple of days to have any effect really, is that right???