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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Ash75 on August 13, 2007, 10:29:35 AM

Title: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Ash75 on August 13, 2007, 10:29:35 AM
I was wondering if anyone can offer any suggestions on treatment for fleas..
Vlad and Ghengis recently had quite a bad bout of fleas so i took them to the vet and they gave and I used the proper Frontline spot on, treated the house with some Bob Marten shake and vac flea powder stuff and sprayed into all the nooks and crannies with the Bob Marten flea spray but still im finding fleas (and getting bit).  Unfortunatly Boudicca had a few fleas on her when she arrived even though my sister had treated her for them and the more people I talk to, the more it seems there is a particularly big problem with fleas this year.  Even with proper treatment they are still quite abundant.  Vlad and Ghengis do go out so im assuming that they are picking up a few fleas from the local cats and it seems the products Im using arent as effective as I was hoping. 
Is there anything else I can do other than firebombing the house to eradicate these lil b(L)ighters?
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Ela on August 13, 2007, 10:41:33 AM
Unfortunately not only  are some of the preparations you mention dangerous they are as much use as a c h o c o l a t e  teapot. I suggest you go on to VetUk via  a link from one of the Charity sites  I have one (see link below) and so do some of the other posters. Order some Frontline, some Staykill for the house (a must), and perhaps Drontal worm tabs as as with fleas will  certainly have tape worm. Alternatively you can get Milbemax from the vets.
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Ash75 on August 13, 2007, 16:05:06 PM
After reading some very distressing reviews on dooyoo.com  (http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/pets-and-animals/bob-martin-flea-products/reviews/)  I will NEVER use the Bob Martin products again.  I'll stick with the frontline that was prescribed by the vet and invest in some of the staykill for the house.  again, thanx for the advice and pointing this out  Ela..
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Millys Mum on August 13, 2007, 16:17:12 PM
I like Indorex as it blasts house mites too  ;D
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Ela on August 13, 2007, 16:43:30 PM
I like Indorex as it blasts house mites too
just opened my last oeder from Vet UK and although I ordered Staykill they have sent Indorex
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on August 13, 2007, 16:47:01 PM
After reading some very distressing reviews on dooyoo.com  (http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/pets-and-animals/bob-martin-flea-products/reviews/)  I will NEVER use the Bob Martin products again.  I'll stick with the frontline that was prescribed by the vet and invest in some of the staykill for the house.  again, thanx for the advice and pointing this out  Ela..

just read some of they review, they are horrific :(
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on August 13, 2007, 19:27:41 PM
Fleas do seem to be more of a problem at the moment.  You definitely need to treat the house with something other than bob martin.  I use staykill and advantage on the cats.

I'll move this to health and behaviour for you.
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Gillian Harvey on August 14, 2007, 17:00:14 PM
What I don't understand is why, if the bob martin products have resulted in so many bad reactions, and deaths, it hasnt been withdrawn from sale?
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Catjane on August 18, 2007, 00:11:48 AM
Ahh .. I was just about to post a thread about fleas, but saw this ... it's kinda put my mind at rest insofar as it's 'not just me'!

I have religiously Frontlined my three, and diligently sprayed the carpets, furniture etc, but they STILL have them!!  Not too badly, but the odd one hops on me, and they definitely have flea dirt.  I was wondering what might have gone wrong, but I am now thinking, then, that our particularly wet summer is producing ideal conditions for the nasty little fleebees to breed  >:(  (Makes me feel itchy just typing this!)

Well then, another zap with the spray is needed, I feel, and maybe I'll have to give the little darlings a bath to supplement the spot-on?  It's far too soon for another Frontline application - will a bath negate its effects?
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Bazsmum on August 18, 2007, 00:40:21 AM
Depending on how long ago you flead the cats you shouldnt need to bath them.....remembering to worm them also would be a good idea....when my cats ever pick up the dreaded things apart from the obvious (frontline) after about 48 hours i also use a nit comb on them.....  ;)

It would be great for you to use the better wormers also ie drontal, milbemax (pancur for little kitties) as the bob martin wormers just dont work  ;)
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Ela on August 18, 2007, 08:30:25 AM
diligently sprayed the carpets, furniture etc, but they STILL have them!!

What did you use to spray the house?

I'll have to give the little darlings a bath to supplement the spot-on?

I think the problem is not the cats but the house.
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Catjane on August 18, 2007, 11:39:25 AM
diligently sprayed the carpets, furniture etc, but they STILL have them!!

What did you use to spray the house?

I'll have to give the little darlings a bath to supplement the spot-on?

I think the problem is not the cats but the house.
I used Petsafe Zodiac Household Flea Spray.  Is it rubbish then?   It seemed to work last time (March-ish) and at a tenner a can I would have expected results!
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Bazsmum on August 18, 2007, 15:00:44 PM
£10 is a lot of money for a product that dos'nt work  >:( its extortionate (sp?) how much the pet shops charge for this rubbish......indorex or staykill is the only answer im afraid.....i think its only about a fiver more but atleast you know it will definately work  ;)

You cant buy this from the pet shops....to tell you the truth i only use pet shops for toys!

If you go through one of the cat charities on here you can purchase the worm & flea treatment that will do the trick (cheaper than at the vets) x
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Bazsmum on August 19, 2007, 02:20:23 AM
What I don't understand is why, if the bob martin products have resulted in so many bad reactions, and deaths, it hasnt been withdrawn from sale?

Hmmmm......maybe a case for Watchdog!!!  ;)
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: fluffybunny on August 19, 2007, 09:17:31 AM
I think the problem is not the cats but the house.

I'd agree - the statistics are something like for every 1 flea on the cat there are over 100 in your house.  Eggs get into all kinds of little nooks and crannies where they can keep hatching if they are missed by the spray. 

I'd agree with the others, you need one of the proper sprays from the vets, or get the Council to come and do a spray, that will be really thorough and very toxic to fleas!  Prices vary across the country.  Remember to vaccuum thoroughly before spraying, and not to vacuum for as long as possible afterwards (ideally up to a fortnight!) - otherwise you'll just be sucking up all of the nice chemicals you've put onto the carpet. 
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Gillian Harvey on August 19, 2007, 15:35:50 PM
I'd agree with the others, you need one of the proper sprays from the vets, or get the Council to come and do a spray, that will be really thorough and very toxic to fleas! 

And also VERY toxic to the cats and us! I wouldnt want that sprayed around my house - I think the council pest control recommend that you and animals leave the house for at least 4 hours - gives you some idea! I'd stick with the flea spray from the vets. I use Staykill from time to time, think its supposed to give protection for up to 6mths?

Well then, another zap with the spray is needed, I feel, and maybe I'll have to give the little darlings a bath to supplement the spot-on?  It's far too soon for another Frontline application - will a bath negate its effects?

Funnily enough, bathing is quite a good idea to prevent fleas - I bath all my persians regularly and they rarely get fleas, although they go outside, and I only use frontline on them if I SEE fleas/flea dirt, I never frontline routinely as I don't believe in putting to much in the way of chemicals like that on my cats.
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: swampmaxmum on August 19, 2007, 16:10:54 PM
My friend's just had to have her house fumigated. She said when she woke up the bed was full of fleas  :sick: must be a bad year. Her cat Marigold (she didn't give her the name lol) was banned for 12 hours, however was so unimpressed by the smell that she took herself off anyhow. Luckily an outdoor cat. I don't know how you do it with indoor cats. My friend didn't do her kitchen; I didn't like to say anything but sure there are flea refugees moving in from there as I type.....
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Christine (Blip) on August 19, 2007, 16:18:48 PM
I read that, because of the weather we are having, it is a particularly bad summer (I use the word inadvisedly  :rofl:) for mosquitos so I would not be at all surprised if it were the same for fleas.

I think the room spray we get from the vet is called Acclaim but I cannot get to that cupboard at the moment.
Title: Re: fleas grrrrr
Post by: Ela on August 19, 2007, 20:41:01 PM
I use Staykill from time to time, think its supposed to give protection for up to 6mths?

It lasts one year