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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Team Svartalfheims on August 01, 2007, 11:19:53 AM

Title: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on August 01, 2007, 11:19:53 AM
Has anyone got any idea what the protein and fat % is per 100g alutray in the Royal Canin Vet Diet Recovery trays?

It's not the S/O sensitivity recovery pack btw. It just says on the lid of the tray 'Recovery feline and canine' I think from looking at it it is Royal Canin's version of Hills A/D but I was wanting to compare the nutritional values. My guess is the nutritional values are on the side of the box which I don't have (I just have 2 single trays)

If anyone can help I'd be grateful! Thanks!

Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: CurlyCatz on August 01, 2007, 11:35:58 AM
sorry lottie i dont know, a/d used to have all the info in each tin i think.

why do you need to know ? is bilbo or boopy poorly ?
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on August 01, 2007, 11:37:35 AM
Vet (Anne) has given Boopy 2 tins of A/D and 2 tins of RC Recovery to try to persuade her to eat something (she pretty much doesn't eat when she's calling so loses loads of weight) adn whislt A/D has all the info on the tin the RC trays don't say anything at all on them.
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: CurlyCatz on August 01, 2007, 11:53:26 AM
ah right i see..strange i'd have thought it would list it individually  :Crazy:

is boopy not pregnant then ? Poor thing, i dont suppose you can keep going on like this with her being in season so often and losing / not gaining any weight.

she must have had dozens of seasons by now right ?
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on August 01, 2007, 12:14:21 PM
Yep I thought it was odd that's why I just wondered if anyone on here had a box of it and could let me know what the box said lol.

Nope she's not pregnant, she came back into call on Sunday  :'( Really had my hopes up as she hadn't called since she'd been back (it was fab as she put some weight on!). Plan is she'll go back to the boy in September for another go and hopefully she will take this time. The problem is she hates being shut in her carrier and the stud is so far away (it's over 7hrs just driving so longer with traffic and toilet stops) so she gets herself rather stressed and then goes off call.

If she hasn't had kittens by the end of the year and she's still calling this much then she will most likely be spayed. The only other option is the vets have said they would refer her to a reproductive specialist to look at putting her on ovarid to let her gain some condition whilst still being entire rather than just immediately spaying her as her mum is most likely being spayed this summer so I can never have another kitten from this combination.
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: CurlyCatz on August 01, 2007, 12:26:18 PM
 a reproductive specialist  :Crazy:  where do we find one of those ????  and why would they have to look into putting her onto short term ovarid when many breeders do that successfully anyway under the guidence of a normal vet ?

I dont know lottie, sept is a long time away and if she goes back to seasons with only a few days grace inbetween, considering she's been calling since she was 5 months old i'd be acting sooner than september.  It doesnt seem fair on her and she's already been carted lengths and breadths of countries and at the end of the day it is for your gain not hers..sorry that is my opinion, i'm not against good breeders which i know you'd be but there has to be a limit before a line is stepped over and its all about our desires and the best interests of xyz is forgotten about.

Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on August 01, 2007, 12:37:11 PM
No idea why she'd need a reproductive specialist (I didn't even know such a thing existed until it was mentioned yesterday!) I've been advised by other breeders to let her hormones settle a bit before she goes back again (as she'd started to pink up very slightly before she started calling again) but we'll see how she goes and if she needs to be spayed then she'll be spayed. She's up to 4kg now which I'm pleased about.
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: CurlyCatz on August 01, 2007, 12:49:20 PM
lets just hope that its not at the peril of boopys health, i'm sure the more seasons they have the higher chances of mammary cancer are and of course she's much higher risk of pyo the longer it goes on for.  I wouldnt be able to take the guilt a few years down the line when i'm putting her through mammary strips or worse.

I didnt know about reproductive specialists for cats either, i think thats getting abit OTT if breeders start down that lines.
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on August 01, 2007, 14:53:48 PM
Can i ask why you are putting her through all this then ?

It doesnt seem very fair on her Hun
Why is it so important to you that she has a litter?

Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on August 01, 2007, 18:03:17 PM
I find this thread to be very sad really  :'(  I know you want her to have a litter Lottie but if it's detrimental to her health, you are not putting her first......sorry.  There has to be a reason why she isn't getting pregnant and the fact she's coming into regular seasons should tell you something.  I had a German Shepherd with a bad heart, the vet wouldn't spay her as he said chances are it would kill her.  Anyway, she was coming into season every few weeks, losing weight and getting extremely grumpy......the fact she was unspayed wasn't through choice bearing in mind.  In the end I took her to another vets when she went through her grumpy stage etc, it turned out she had Pyometra.......if I hadn't have had her in when I did, she would surely have died.  I would tell your vet to sod the specialists and get her in and get her spayed for her sake and stop toing and froing halfway across the country with her.........put her first.
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Millys Mum on August 01, 2007, 18:36:03 PM
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you'll see an analysis. I think this is the right product just with the US name. http://www.royalcanin.us/vetdiet/recovery.html (http://www.royalcanin.us/vetdiet/recovery.html)
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on August 01, 2007, 20:28:08 PM
Here Here Dawn.

Lottie i know you have explaned to me why you want her to have a litter but
In your own words
"Plan is she'll go back to the boy in September for another go and hopefully she will take this time. The problem is she hates being shut in her carrier and the stud is so far away (it's over 7hrs just driving so longer with traffic and toilet stops) so she gets herself rather stressed and then goes off call "

Is this really fair on her ?
Can you not just love her as a pet and give up the idea and stop what you are putting her through ?
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: CurlyCatz on August 01, 2007, 23:16:13 PM
as her mum is most likely being spayed this summer so I can never have another kitten from this combination.

But Boopys doesnt really care about that does she ?

It probably wouldnt seem so bad if she had normal type seasons but since she started so young and then was only by what you have said yourself getting 2 or 3 days off inbetween her seasons it sort of makes it all the worse and more critical she doesnt go on for too long, I thought most breeders didnt like their maiden cats to have more than 4-6 calls before mating and pregnancy.

What were your plans if she gets pregnant in sept & successfully has the kittens, are you going to leave her entire to keep having so many seasons until she's given you what you want  & the exact type you have in mind ? 

You love your cats i know that but looks like your storing up a heap of trouble for the future, Bilbo still has that testicle in his scrotum left aswell doesnt he  & you dont need him for mating ?
Title: Re: Royal Canin Vet Diet- Recovery alutrays
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on August 02, 2007, 07:53:32 AM
I hope that whatever route you go down, it doesn't affect her health, I have read of quite a few pedigrees recently that have had pyo before they are 1, plus it does increase her chances of mammary cancer.