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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Felix (Caroline) on July 17, 2007, 10:33:52 AM

Title: Lump on head
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on July 17, 2007, 10:33:52 AM
Simba has a lump on his head above his eye :'( don't know if he has knocked it or got stung or bitten. Can't see any cuts on it or anything it just feels a bit ruff,don't know weather to give it a few days and see if it goes down or another vet journey :'(
Title: Re: Lump on head
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on July 17, 2007, 11:09:33 AM
Hopefully others will be able to shed light. Could be a bite, and if she's ok in herself and not behaving differently it may be ok, but I tend to be a neurotic mum and call the vet!
Title: Re: Lump on head
Post by: Ela on July 17, 2007, 11:31:48 AM
It could be many things as if Felix were mine I would take him to the vets today, I never wait until tomorrow. I prefer to nip things in the bud and hopefully prevent suffering. Cats are very good at hiding illness and pain.
Title: Re: Lump on head
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on July 17, 2007, 11:54:39 AM
Have to agree with Ela and Ruth.  ;)

If it's the proverbial dreaded absess, early treatment is easier and cheaper!  :wow:
Title: Re: Lump on head
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on July 17, 2007, 19:56:13 PM
Took him the vets earlier, it looks like he has been bitten by something,the vet said, so she gave him two injections an antibiotic one,not sure what the other one was forgot to ask. Have to give him antibiotic tabs all week then take him back for checkup. (more money)so I got all the cats their worming tabs aswell while I was there sixtyone pound something. These passed few months is the most ever we have had to go the vets.
Title: Re: Lump on head
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on July 17, 2007, 20:18:14 PM
I'm glad it's sorted Felix.  ;) But think on this - It was good you went today because if left another couple, it could have turned septic, may have needed to be drained, or the skin may have died off and needed to be removed and stitched... and you'd have still needed those antibiotics.  :tired:

You just saved yourself a fortune, Felix!  :wow:  :cheer:
Title: Re: Lump on head
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on July 17, 2007, 20:28:57 PM
Thanks Pinkbear
I feel better now knowing that it wasn't anything more serious,and that it will be sorted out :Luv:
Title: Re: Lump on head
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on July 19, 2007, 10:14:25 AM
Simba was sick about 20 mins after having his tab this morning,Rang the vets but still waiting for them to ring back,do you think it is best waiting till his next tab is due before he has another one.But don't want his treatment to get messed up because he has brought the tab up (if he did)he had only just eaten when he was sick :'(