Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Adopt/Give a home to a cat => Adoption posts sorted => Topic started by: sweetness on November 28, 2006, 14:03:48 PM
:)hi we would like a kitten/young cat to join our madhouse of 4 kids 2 adults and a 6 month old jack russell terrorist and a 1 yr old bengal male who adores other cats lol we live in hereford thx guys
Hi there! :welcome:
It's probably best to wait till the madness of Christmas is over to bring a new puss home now - but there's nothing to stop you getting the process started now, have you been in touch with your local rescues?
I'd tend towards youngish cat rather than a baby kitten as you've got quite a big and lively brood - a sort of 'teenager stage' cat would probably cope with all that better than a little'un.
How old are your kids?
Yours sounds like a fun house! :)
:evillaugh: well kids are 3/6/11/12 and my house is fun at times but also having 4 girls is a nightmare at times ;D
am looking everywhere and posting everywhere
fully believe in karma and as they say there is a cat out there somewhere for us
I would contact all your local rescues http://www.catchat.org/adoption/index.html click on the map to find resuces in your area as the first point of call.
Also check out the rescues on http://www.thehovel.com/bb/index.php?f=51&sid=78cb06deef05035074d6c28c1e8b10ba
Good luck and please keep us informed :)
I'm rubbish at geog but I noticed a post in this rescue section about a rescue overrun with kittens - if you're close to there it may be worth a call.
Hereford and Norfolk are opposite sides of the UK
Ha ha - and I have to teach Geography!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry I'm a history specialist and I get all my info for my geog lessons from the experts!!!