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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Sonya(Buttersmum) on August 10, 2016, 01:31:09 AM

Title: weve got a Tom and Jerry situation at the moment
Post by: Sonya(Buttersmum) on August 10, 2016, 01:31:09 AM
A certain little black and white furry thing has just brought in a field mouse  :shocked: (alive) we've just spent half an hour trying to catch it - Butter was helping too - obviously!!! it has now took up residence in inside on of the sofa's. Butter's give up and gone back out, hopefully not for another mouse >:(.  It is cute though  :Luv:
Title: Re: weve got a Tom and Jerry situation at the moment
Post by: Judecat (Paula) on August 10, 2016, 02:45:35 AM
We had one for a week or so, I ended up putting a shallow dish of water under the sofa and bought a humane mouse trap and baited it with peanut butter, mousie was caught in the end and released in next doors garden. ;D

(Apparently mousies just love peanut butter :evillaugh:)
Title: Re: weve got a Tom and Jerry situation at the moment
Post by: Sonya(Buttersmum) on August 10, 2016, 10:30:19 AM
We had one for a week or so, I ended up putting a shallow dish of water under the sofa and bought a humane mouse trap and baited it with peanut butter, mousie was caught in the end and released in next doors garden. ;D

(Apparently mousies just love peanut butter :evillaugh:)
How did you manage to catch it without killing it Paula? We had a folding camper a few years ago and a field mouse got in, the only way we could get it was with a mouse trap and granola, but it killed it out right! instant death (thankfully) The trouble with folding campers is that all the cupboards connect to each other and they all have little holes for ventilation, so little mouse had the run  ;D one night we could here it and opened the cupboard door and it just stood there looking out as to say WOW!! look at all this space that i can explore  :evillaugh:  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: weve got a Tom and Jerry situation at the moment
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on August 10, 2016, 11:59:48 AM
Can recommend humane traps too.  Mice also love grapes and chocolate in the traps.  We also invested in a small "holding cage" to permit recovering rodents to get over their experience in the dark and quiet garage when necessary (one or two we thought wouldn't make it, but they did, made a hearty breakfast the following day and were safely released.)

We also have the dubious distinction of having a "mouse drawer" in the bedroom.  A solid chest of drawers with one empty one, where midnight mouskies can be laid to rest, or similarly left to recuperate.

Sadly, it wasn't big enough for the stoat, which had to scamper round the bedroom for a couple of days until we managed to repatriate it to the great outdoors.   :evillaugh:
Title: Re: weve got a Tom and Jerry situation at the moment
Post by: Judecat (Paula) on August 10, 2016, 12:14:14 PM
Humane traps just close behind the mouse keeping it in to be released elsewhere ;D
Don't put in too much bait like I did though, the peanut butter weighed more than the mouse. That is why it took over a week to catch ;) :rofl:
Title: Re: weve got a Tom and Jerry situation at the moment
Post by: Sonya(Buttersmum) on August 10, 2016, 21:10:22 PM
 :thanks: Paula and Sue, i will have look round town tomorrow to see if i can find one  ;D I will try to leave some peanut butter  :hungey: for Mr mousie  :rofl: :rofl: after we have had our peanut butter and banana butties  :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :rofl:
Title: Re: weve got a Tom and Jerry situation at the moment - UPDATE
Post by: Sonya(Buttersmum) on August 11, 2016, 02:06:57 AM
Lil mousey has been released, he just came out and went under the living room door into the hallway, as soon as the door was opened Butter was straight in there but he wasn't even trying to kill him he was just playing with him  :doh: Anyway OH managed to catch the lil fella and put him outside after he had put Butter in the living room, I bet the lil mousey is very happy now ;D  ;D