Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Sarah (seldom_use) on May 29, 2007, 20:19:46 PM

Title: Different Breeds
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on May 29, 2007, 20:19:46 PM
I absolutely love Maine Coons, one day I hope to get one.. Or two or three  :rofl: Not for a couple of years though, when I have a nice big house.

I just love big cats and their coats and tails are just beautiful.

Was wondering what other peoples fave breeds are and why, I'm being open minded to see if there are any other breed I'd consider getting. I had a thing about Somalis as well at one point, but Maine Coons are still my favourites  :)

[img width= height=]http://www.mainecoon.plus.com/pets/pix/gergia.gif[/img]
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: JackSpratt on May 29, 2007, 20:42:22 PM
I like Egyptian Maus, Savannahs and Siberians. (Although, I also love moggies. No two are the same! :Luv:)

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on May 29, 2007, 20:44:16 PM
The Egyptian Mau is Gorgeous JS!

That one in the picture has amazing markings  :Luv:

I love my wee moggies too mind you  :)
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 29, 2007, 20:45:06 PM
thats a good thread sarah  ;D

Well....I never wanted a pedigree but always said for many years if i were to have one it would be an oriental spotted, I do really like the oriental face.

However before i got cody it was a Cornish rex i was looking for (like hens teeth) and stumbled upon the Laperm and i'm pretty well hooked and since glad i didnt get my cornish, as much as i still like the look i have heard their personalitys can be abit faltering with some being more timid and also a fair few litter tray adversions.  I now adore the laperm features very much and since somali's arent a million miles away i cant help but like them too...The curls defo won me over big time though :Luv: :Luv:

Longer haired cats although i think many look lovely i'd never think of having myself really..i am pretty much a short hair fan (may be exceptions in the future  ;) i dont know yet  :evillaugh: )

I suppose the big cuddle monsters such as lenny and bilbo take my eye a lot..ive always prefered the larger of any species so normally males aswell.

Some breeds just dont suit some colours though..the solid black or chocolate permies dont do anything for me at all and when i think of a NFC i immediately think of bilbo's colour/markings rather than any other just because thats what i seen in a book i guess many years ago.  (I gotta say bilbos sister and poppy from here are lovely though)

I am also hoplessley in love with "chuie" who is lindas breeders serval..so not really a domestic cat as such but i in love all the same  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: JackSpratt on May 29, 2007, 20:46:09 PM
I forgot to put why I like them! The Maus it's because really they're the origin of cats which I find fascinating, the Savannahs because they've got traces of wild cat which is extremely cool and the Siberians because they not only are they lovely to look at, they also cause the least allergic reactions in people with mild allergies. (I have a lot of friends that are allergic to my cats and can't stay for more than an hour because they're eyes puff up and start running!)
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on May 29, 2007, 20:46:53 PM
I love maine coons too, esp after seeing a couple of massive ones at a recent cat show.  Norweigian forest cats too.  There are so many stunning breeds out there but my favourite are somalis.  I love them so much I got one  ;D  They're beautiful and I love their temperament.


edited to add - Lynn, I used to be the same in preferring short haired cats but when I got Jaffa and Magpie, Magpie just happened to be longhaired! (well, semi long haired).  One of the reasons I went for a semi longhaired breed rather than a short haired breed with Mosi was as a tribute to Magpie.  I do prefer the hair to be towards the shorter end of long haired and be quite soft and silky so that it doesn't obscure the liine of the cat too much.  Somali hair is soft and silky - like rabbit fur - and it's lovely to cuddle up to in bed  ;D
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on May 29, 2007, 20:51:35 PM
i love moggies

but if we were talking about pedigrees then my fav is bengals  :Luv: :Luv: :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool; :drool; :catlove: :catluv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on May 29, 2007, 20:57:05 PM

I suppose the big cuddle monsters such as lenny and bilbo take my eye a lot..ive always prefered the larger of any species so normally males aswell.
I adore big cuddly cats, Toms getting there..  :rofl:
Why males Lynn? Because they are always bigger or any other reason?

How big is Cody, you can never tell very well from pictures.

Edited to fix quote :)
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on May 29, 2007, 21:00:01 PM
Susanne, Mosi is a Somali?

I could look at pictures of cats all day, they Somali ones are fab  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on May 29, 2007, 21:12:34 PM
Susanne, Mosi is a Somali?

Yes - he's a red Somali  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on May 29, 2007, 21:23:58 PM
He's a beauty  :Luv:

How old is he?

Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on May 29, 2007, 21:29:04 PM
He's 17 months old, Sarah

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: littleKitten_(alex) on May 29, 2007, 21:34:21 PM
I love moggies, I grew up with lots of farm cats around and I've known so many special moggies... Like Amanda, a cat we had when I was just a few years old (before she moved to the neighbour!), she lived out in the barn with her kittens, but when she wanted to go out mouse hunting, she'd bring them over to the front door, one by one in her mouth, wait until I came to the door and leave them for me to look after.  :Luv: And Vitnos, who had kittens at the same time as my youngest sister was born, and used to think that Jenny was one of her little ones. Whenever Jenny was crying, she'd come running to comfort her.  :Luv: (My sister's first word was actually "cat"!) And there's been countless others over the years.

When it comes to pedigrees, 2 breeds stand out for me: Norwegian Forest Cats and Siamese. I love the size of the NFC, a big, fluffy cat but with a sweet, gentle, laid-back personality - my Poppy is honestly the sweetest cat I have ever known. The NFC is often quite talkative, and communicates with sweet chirruping sounds.  :Luv:

What I love about the Siamese is quite different, I suppose - I absolutely love their demanding high-maintenance personalities, their attention-seeking behaviour, the vanity... and the extreme intelligence. And their vocal ability is 2nd to none!

(Hm, maybe I'm a bit schizofrenic...  :Crazy: )

I have 2 cats at the moment - a pedigree NFC and a moggie who's 50 % Siamese (but acts like he's 100%!) - I've got it all.  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: littleKitten_(alex) on May 29, 2007, 21:36:43 PM
Oh, Mosi's gorgeous!  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Sarah (seldom_use) on May 29, 2007, 21:53:24 PM
Mosi's stunning Susanne, he looks so proud.

Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 29, 2007, 22:17:09 PM
Males because yes they are normally bigger..It is my experience they can also be slightly more "needy" and affectionate than the independant females.

Cody is over 5 kgs now and is 15 mnth old..he is quite big for a laperm has are his brothers and father..the laperm in general are a "medium" size breed.

this pic might give an idea, the willow tree ornament is the 8" medium sized ones.   He (and lp's) have long bones so he does appear slender and very long when he's standing..you may notice on some pics the "long looking neck"..its fairly standard wth the breed.

I believe the "varient" laperms (straight haired ones) would have fur like the somali for want of a similar example. 

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 29, 2007, 22:28:24 PM
littlekitten i didnt realise he was 50% siamese but often thought he had an oriental swipe to him...that explains it lOL.

I will try and gather a few pics of some gorgeous varient lps for you all to see a straight haired lp (no use for showing obviously be valuble for the lp genepool)
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 30, 2007, 10:54:40 AM
When looking at cat breeds when we got cody my hubby found the "pixie bob" breed and feel in love..i have to say i was half tempted due to the size and the liklehood of a cat being polydactyl..they are very very rare in this country though but quite appealing to me (and hubby altho he now wants a serval or f1 savannah Rofl)

heres a pixie bob !!

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on May 30, 2007, 10:57:45 AM
For me, after moggies of course,  bengals win hands down :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:  I wouldn't be able to choose between marbled or spotted and all the colour varioations so I'd have to have 9  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on May 30, 2007, 11:11:41 AM
I love moggies, but I have a real soft spot for my Billy........not because he's a Maine Coon but I love his whole character, he looks at you as if you're something he's stepped in and knows he is gorgeous  :evillaugh:


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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on May 30, 2007, 11:14:38 AM
awwwwwwwwww  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Millys Mum on May 30, 2007, 11:27:29 AM
NFCs and raggies catch my eye, would have to be rescues tho  ;D
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 30, 2007, 11:56:50 AM
milly mum get lottie to send you bilbos sisters pics..she was bloomin gorg.

Ive been searching high and lo for some lp varient pics..very hard to find lol

heres a link to a lucky straight haired boy who looks rather spoiled 

and heres a pic of a varient baby who i think would be codys nephew. (his coat is shockingly rich and lush colour)

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: littleKitten_(alex) on May 30, 2007, 11:57:48 AM
Well Lynn, if you asked Monkey, he'd say he was ALL Siamese, he's convinced he's a posh pedigree...  ;) Lovely picture of Cody - I wish Floppy Poppy would pose like that!  :)

My dream cat (other than my two) would probably be Lottie's Miss Boopy...  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on May 30, 2007, 14:01:19 PM
For me it has to be NFCs, I really can't think of any other pedigree breed I'd want to own  :Luv:

Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) on May 30, 2007, 14:02:05 PM
My dream cat (other than my two) would probably be Lottie's Miss Boopy...  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

Awwww I'll pass that message onto her lol  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Sabrina (Auferstehen) on May 30, 2007, 14:14:18 PM
I would love having an Ocicat or two.

Maybe another Burmese to go with our Lirael.  Or a Bengal.

My husband is a bit put off by the £350 - £400 price tag though. So maybe 30th birthday next year I could have one of them ;)

Wouldn't stop me from getting another moggie or two as I love them as well.

Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: ems on May 30, 2007, 14:27:32 PM
I obv love my moggies, but i love Gillian's persians, their faces are so expressive.  :Luv:

Don't think i could cope with the grooming though.  :tired:

Littlekitten, Monkey is so gorgeous!  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Gillian Harvey on May 30, 2007, 14:27:57 PM
I love colourpoint persians, in fact I like most colourpointed cats, Raggies, British, Devons, Selkirks - if they're colourpointed - I love 'em! I saw a beautiful seal colourpoint Devon Rex in rescue a while ago, would have loved him, but he had to go as a single cat  :(

I particularly like tabby points - and although mine are all solid colourpoints - would love a chocolate tabby point persian - pretty rare!  ;D - closest would be a seal tabby, but thats a bit darker than choc. Heres a choc tabby point.

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 30, 2007, 14:29:27 PM
I can relate to that gillian..rather fancy a colour point LP myself just to get a pair of those gorgeous blue eyes  :Luv:

Did the devon have blue eyes ?  they would stand out a mile owing to them having large eyes anyway  :)
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Gillian Harvey on May 30, 2007, 14:32:24 PM
I obv love my moggies, but i love Gillian's persians, their faces are so expressive.  :Luv:

Don't think i could cope with the grooming though.  :tired:

Littlekitten, Monkey is so gorgeous!  :Luv:

Ooh, think we were posting at same time - spooky!  ;D hehe - I feel like that sometimes with the grooming  :tired:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Gillian Harvey on May 30, 2007, 14:34:59 PM
I can relate to that gillian..rather fancy a colour point LP myself just to get a pair of those gorgeous blue eyes  :Luv:

Did the devon have blue eyes ?  they would stand out a mile owing to them having large eyes anyway  :)

Yeh, he did, he was so gorgeous - theres something about the blue eyes isnt there? :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 30, 2007, 14:37:44 PM
yes there is..I'd love a blue eye cat one day, i posted a lp photo ages ago and it had torqioise looking eyes.
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Millys Mum on May 30, 2007, 14:40:13 PM
I liked raggies and then fell in love with this one, Amy who kelly posted a while back  :Luv: :Luv:

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 30, 2007, 14:43:41 PM
Yes i fell for amy too..she is about the most gorg ragdoll ive seen.
(must ask for an update on her!)

Gillian heres a colourpoint lp...not the torquoise eyed one but piercing all the same.

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Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Gillian Harvey on May 30, 2007, 14:50:00 PM
Yes i fell for amy too..she is about the most gorg ragdoll ive seen.
(must ask for an update on her!)

Gillian heres a colourpoint lp...not the torquoise eyed one but piercing all the same.

Wow  :wow: - now they are some gorgeous blues eys!

Ooh, I love amy too  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: ccmacey on May 30, 2007, 20:56:09 PM
I like Burmese cats, they look like little Puma's. I like all domestic cats that look like "big" cats.
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Linda (Bengalbabe) on May 31, 2007, 20:20:56 PM
My fave breed, no idea  :-: :-: :-:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on May 31, 2007, 20:23:18 PM
ooh, lets see Linda - I've really no idea what your favourite breed might be  :no:  Give us a clue!  ;)
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Bazsmum on May 31, 2007, 20:28:23 PM
seen a maine coon on Animal Planet and they are gorgeous......but i like all cats especially me own ;)
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on May 31, 2007, 20:45:34 PM
When the great day arrives that there are no cats needing rescuing; I would love to have a couple of Devon Rexes, they are little clowns disguised as cats.
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 31, 2007, 20:52:38 PM
I hope you get them one day T..You deserve to have something you desire on a personal basis.  :hug:

I very much enjoyed my encounter with a cheeky little clown (who thought he was actually a lion in disguise  :evillaugh: )
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on May 31, 2007, 20:59:37 PM
Lynn I rescued 2x 15year old boys a few years ago,both needed thyroid meds,both had mammary tumours removed and they stayed with me for over 2 years until they died. I love all cats but Bengals are for looking at and those little Devon Rexes for their wonderful personalities.
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 31, 2007, 21:05:08 PM

I confess to being a devoted rex lover now too.  Ya'd like codys personality then as i have it from many people (most permie breeders seem to be devons first)  the pemies very similar, maybe slightly more assured to be more affectionate and abit less tiring/highly strung.
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on May 31, 2007, 21:06:46 PM
Mosi's breeders have a devon rex.  Totally bonkers.  I think that's where Mosi gets it from - he had 14 weeks to watch and learn!  :rofl:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 31, 2007, 21:25:51 PM
ha ha susanne..maybe that is it. :rofl: :rofl:

theres also a couple of permie breedes who have somalis  :)
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Linda (Bengalbabe) on June 10, 2007, 12:18:51 PM
My fave breed, no idea  :-: :-: :-:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I just wanted to come back to this post, without a doubt I am a bengal lover  :Luv: :Luv:  but Sam you have managed to persuade me that your beautiful Abys are something v special and run a close second for me  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Gwen on June 10, 2007, 15:43:37 PM
If I had the money I'd have a Maine Coon or a Bengal cat BUT to me moggies are just as loveable and I will problably always have moggies as pedigree cats are too expensive and I will never be able to afford one :'(
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: reneemaaa on June 10, 2007, 16:15:38 PM
I am a moggie lover. One of my cats is part pedigree (if you can have such a thing!) but that came about because of neglect on his previous owners part (and a lot of inbreeding). My other cat is a beautiful long haired tabby. I love them both to bits!

If I could let myself have a pedigree without feeling guilty for not rescuing a moggie, I'd go for a Norwegian Forest Cat as they look so darn fluffy.

Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Ann Clarke (Tabby cat) on June 10, 2007, 17:05:57 PM
Deffo a moggie lover like others here but for pedigrees I love ragdolls (especially Amy) and would love to have one eventually but probably a rescue one. Also love bengals too cos I love their markings (love tabbies so it's a natural follow on) and I also have a soft spot for British shorthairs which are big teddy bears really. My first ever cat, Cleo, had some British shorthair in her as although she was a moggy if you compare her picture to Beitish shorthairs she was the double of them with the big round face and short legs and her personality was the same too. She might well have been half pedigree but regardless she was gorgeous  :Luv:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Gwen on June 10, 2007, 19:06:33 PM
Deffo a moggie lover like others here but for pedigrees I love ragdolls (especially Amy) and would love to have one eventually but probably a rescue one. Also love bengals too cos I love their markings (love tabbies so it's a natural follow on) and I also have a soft spot for British shorthairs which are big teddy bears really. My first ever cat, Cleo, had some British shorthair in her as although she was a moggy if you compare her picture to Beitish shorthairs she was the double of them with the big round face and short legs and her personality was the same too. She might well have been half pedigree but regardless she was gorgeous  :Luv:

Don't think I have ever seen these breed of cats?  I have two dogs who look like teddy bears,wonder what a puddycatlookingteddy looks like.  Can anybody find a pic for me?  I'm curious now :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: Ann Clarke (Tabby cat) on June 10, 2007, 19:49:08 PM
Hope this works, not brilliant with links but hopefully you will see the photo gallery here. Takes a bit of time to load but it's worth it

Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: COSMIC CREEPERS on June 10, 2007, 21:52:38 PM
I love my stunning silver and white tabby , stunning green eyes shes a moggy......moomin
I love my little shadow, red self persian with wonderful copper eyes persian ....mango
I love my blue mitted colourpoint ragdoll who i am going to see in scotland next sat ......no name have to think of anouther special one

I can have no faviourites there all beutifull in there own way
Title: Re: Different Breeds
Post by: lucy persian on June 10, 2007, 22:24:01 PM
i love persian, i have a red point persian, i think they are such beautiful cats, but i love all cats really