Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: sheilarose on December 05, 2014, 00:58:18 AM

Title: The Good Life
Post by: sheilarose on December 05, 2014, 00:58:18 AM
I sometimes need to remind myself of my good fortune We're blessed with eight wonderful cats.  ;D

Tufty who now lives next door, founder of The Tuftyclub (TC), we rescued him from straydom when he wandered into our garden and fixed on our kennel for shelter.
Finally captured, we had him neutered, microchipped and vaccinated, posted his likeness everywhere but came up blank. He managed a year or so with us before deciding to shift his affections to our newbie cat free neighbours where he made himself a fixture. Since then the residents have moved out, letting the house to friendly tenants with our Tufty in situ. They love him just as much as we do so he is in clover.  :) No need for us to take matters back into our own hands although he's still "ours" officially, his heart belongs to no.6.  :Luv:

Pursley, our oldest and most revered Lady. She's been with OH since 8 weeks old and is now 18. She is deaf but coping well with that, and although she has never had a "bad" experience in her life has always fended off her human companions as if we were demons.  :(  She is a true FREE spirit.  :) Only recently has she lost the strength to fight us off and now, at 18 yrs, will allow claw clipping. God forbid we ever try to give her meds  :scared: though. Blessed she is with good health so far. I hope she has much more FREE time ahead.   :Luv:

Sam, now 16 and still fully healthy although not so Big Sam as he used to be.  :Luv: Sam was put up for adoption by the folks who adopted him as a kitten after 8 years. He was half bald having overgroomed, stress and food allergies to blame but the previous owners never bothered to investigate his aggressive behaviour towards their toddler, just put the child first and chucked the cat out.  >:( Only 12 months later he was once again fully clothed and purring like a tractor. That's where he still is, happy relaxed and truly content.  :Luv:

Polly, now 13 years old. Rehomed from Lau2000 who rescued her  ;D when her twin sister was poisoned (we believe deliberately) by neighbours on the estate.  Polly is now our Matron and keeps the peace in the Tuftyclub. :Luv:  She's a pure bred MotherHen who holds her own and enjoys her Mommy cuddles more than anyone else in the Tuftyclub.  :Luv: (she also has the cutest nose)  :Luv:

Theo, estimated at 9 years old, adopted from North London Cat Rescue having been run over in Tottenham (hes well hard is Theo) soon manged to break his cruciate ligament and is henceforth our most valuable cat (in insurance terms at least).  :innocent: He is Dadz boy, truly independent and the most beligerent cat in the TC, but still he comes home for his Chikkun and his warmup. Dadz prizes Theo above all he rest, despite his shrugging ignorance, we will stand by him as long as he wants us. One day he will be stolen by someone he will be happier with (this happens regularly, his microchip is the only reason he is still alive as he is regularly picked up by do-gooders as a "stray" because he spends his time in the local playground - he loves kids.  He's the only one I have to keep a collar on, with my phone number on his tag :Luv:

Sylvester (aka Sly da Sly :clap: ) came from the same Rescue as Theo and Sam, he was destined to be our "perfect" cat but soon after we took him on as a foster he developed his wobblie legs, so here he stays. Vets have failed to identify his disability, but he's in no pain, on that they all agree. He is our most special boy, the most loving and steadfast character.  :Luv:

George is a foundling. Presented to us on our way out one night, close to the Tube Station, he was surrounded by teenagers we assumed were doing him harm and accosted as such  :-[   :-[ it turned out these lovely kids had been feeding him for a fortnight on KFC  ;D and their dad had called the RSPCA  :-: who had attended, declared the cat "dumped" before leaving him to his fate and the tender care of the KFC children of this North London parish  :shocked: .
It is to their credit he survived and did not fall victim to the dreadful baiters I know operate locally.  :scared:
The kids pleaded with us to find him a home,  :scared: and as we had just vacated a cage (check Kato's story  ;D ) we could accommodate him  :)   OH took off his coat, wrapped up the cat and we forsook our evening out to bring this waif to safety.  :) He was struck instantly with young Kuki who had remained after her brother Kato's rehoming, and so George stayed. He was named George as his "rescue" was on the same day as our future King was christened, and seemingly karma, one of his teenage carers was also named George.  :Luv:

Kuki was a facebook challenge. People who cared posted an alert that two cats, "Sweetie" and "Manic" whom I renamed Kuki and Kato, had been shut out by a family who simply did not understand cats but had taken on kittens with a young child in the house  >:( . I'm afraid I lied to OH and went ahead to rescue this pair without his permission  :shy: as I felt they were in immediate harms way and inside my rescue radius (well I was off work and had some petrol in the car!)  :shy:

Kato proved himself to be kid-proof and went to a friend who had been looking for a companion for her 4 year old daughter and lived in the Big House on the Hill ;D . Kato grew up to be a huge protective panther for that child, undoubtedly because of his attachment to the previous child he'd close contact with in his early life.  :cat rub:
Kuki was too young to be rehomed, a tiny thing, just 14 weeks old, shut outside with only her big brother to defend her she had developed so many defensive strategies that made her too sharp to rehome alongside her beloved brother to that small child.  :(
One year on, Kuki is as gentle as her brother proved to be, but she retains much of her abandoned aloofness  :( So unless Kato's family come and ask specifically for her to join Kato in the Big House on the Hill, she will remain with us and the Tuftyclub as an honourary member.  :Luv:

These precious things I hold close to my heart. I really am a lucky lady.  ;D
Title: Re: The Good Life
Post by: nickynoo93 on December 05, 2014, 05:01:24 AM
Thats lovely thank you for sharing your cats stories. 

We have Poppy who claimed my heart from about 4 months old, a tenaciaous little tinker who came to me every time I visited Lesley at 8 Lives, I was going to see some little kittens but they didn't make it (hand rears). But Poppy kept on tugging away at me. She is just the most beautiful black cat ever. Lovely cuddler and a little minx. She is the Boss cat in this house. She aling with her brother have been with us for just over 5 years.
Charlie her brother, I never really saw much of him when I visited, he used to dash behind the sofas. One afternoon not long after they came to us he laid on the bed next to me, and thats his best place now. He is My Best Handsome Boy. And has the most amazing purr.

Wordy, My special boy, not loved anymore than the others, but very dear to my heart, I campaigned to get this boy, and collected him the day before my birthday, he has cost us a fortune in dentistry, but he is my little gummy bear, and I wouldn't have him any other way. He loves MEAT of any kind and is a demon for Dreamies. He has been with us for just over 3 years.
Ollie, (Ollie Purrs----The Demon Purrs) and may other such names.....I brought him inside last year after feeding a cat for a few weeks, not knowing who it was, onl hearing meowing but not seeing anything, until a few days before I caught him, he was just about 12 weeks old and full of fleas, but so loving right away, even after being outside, and flea ridden.
He is a little monkey, and thinks I am another cat to play with if the others aren't interested. Altough he can be a little git, he actually loves a Mummy cuddle, and has a quiet purr, but his man cuddle time is night time, when I start to fidget around thats when i get simply the best cuddles and kisses from him with the loud purr reserved for night time. He has been with us over a year.

I love these cats so much and would do anything for them and don't they know it. We have a good bunch, with a mix of personalitys, and My husband loves them as much as I do and if anything spoils them more.

Title: Re: The Good Life
Post by: Rosella moggy on December 05, 2014, 07:51:03 AM
What a beautiful thread  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:  Sadly no time to post about our monsters but recognise the lurve and devotion only too well  :)
Title: Re: The Good Life
Post by: Bren22 on December 05, 2014, 11:40:29 AM
What a lovely thread, I have my lovely three, Harvey the big polar bear who covers everything with white hairs so I have sticky rollers everywhere.  He came to me with his mum and sister as fosters with CCG, and I failed with him.  My first cat as an adult was Polly who was also white, so when Harvey came I just had to keep him.  Then there's Carrie who was being cared for at the Cattery I took my lovely Jasper (now on the bridge) to, when they explained her situation she just had to come home too.  That was how I came to know CCG and became a fosterer.  Jess, my old lady of 16, hates all cats so lives in my bedroom.  She was Jasper's sister and I had them from tiny kittens.  I'm only fostering Ebony at present, her three kittens have moved on.  I've had so many fosters I can't remember all their names, but if I count the kittens as well it must amount to thirty or more.  When people ask me how I can bear to part with the kittens, I say it's easy.  By the time they're old enough to be rehomed their mum is heartily sick of them, and they're a real handful!!  I get more attached to the mums and look forward to keeping them for a while after the kittens have gone, a bit of R&R brings out their personalities and they usually go on to be rehomed too.  And there's all my lovely cats that have crossed the bridge, Polly, Honda, Zeko, Pele, Pepper,...............bless them all for companionship and fun.
Title: Re: The Good Life
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 05, 2014, 13:07:11 PM
Thank you Sheila for starting this lovely thread  ;D

I didnt know the history of all yours and what a great job you have done.

My three!

Firstly Misa and Sasa who I took from CP, they came together although had never met before.

Sasa a long haired tortie calico and lady ruler I think  :rofl:  She had been at CP for about a couple of years but even so they didnt understand her............who understands a cats mind  ;)

They tried rehoming her twice but was brought back both times for allegedly biting, scratching etc, they thought she was a domestic who had just lived with ferals! You cant tell a feral by its cover! My experience of her is definately semi feral but suspect she is only semi because of the good care CP gave her. She is now 16/17 yrs old and I have had her 9 years and its taken 7/8 years for her to allow me to stroke her and as long as its on her terms its fine. She was even cuddling me on the bed two nights ago..............she was there first  :evillaugh:

Yesterday she went for her annual MOT and she is in great health and wonder if her age is wrong but she is so soft and silky and just adorres being stroked and will purr and purr and roll and roll. I could always see in her face how much she wanted to be stroked when the others were stroked but she just was too scared to allow it. She is terrified of feet.

CP had given up trying to home her but I wanted two cats and they had no pairs except one! So I was offered her with Misa.

Misa had only been with CP a week and was one of the pair! His other half was a short haired black and white who I didnt really fancy, Misa is long haired and huge.

He had a very bad background and was aged 4yrs, he was/amd still is scared of many things including people and had been locked in a shed and badly treated after his original ,owner died and the family did not want him and his friend.

He was so terrified when I saw him he was hiding under the bench in his compartment and cowering  in the corner trying to make himself as small as possible. I managed to stroke him but he was terrified and CP called me the cat whisperer. I saw other cats but Misa was the one for me but I wanted another so they took me to other side of the cattery to see Sasa.

I had lost my beautiful little grey cat Kocka on the Sat before and emailed CP Swansea on the Sunday, I didnt drive and lived a long way from them. They were so kind as I was broken hearted and had only lived here for 6 months. On Tues a lovely lady came and filled in the forms and did nouse check and then drove  me to the cattery where I met the two  ;D ;D

I came back home thinking I would love Sasa and Misa, then called Honey and Ben. I told my mother on phone that I would really like these two but Ben was part of a pair so didnt think CP would split them. That night I got an email from CP and they said they had discussed this and were willing to let me have Honey and Ben and I hadnt said a thing to them  ;D ;D

The lady took me to collect them on the Friday and they met for the first time in carriers in her car. Sasa was quiet and Misa was going crazy to try and dig himself out.

When we got home she opened the carriers and there was no problems. Misa wen ;Dt and hid and think Sasa did too.

Later that day Misa came out of hiding and Sasa was on bottom step of stairs and Misa was playing with toys on the floor immediately below, they got on from day one  :wow:  Misa was a real scaredy cat and used to hide under the recliner part of my sofa, there is a very small gap to get under but one day saw him pull himself under and really dont know how he did it, guess under all that fur was a very thin body.....................no more lol
He used to come out to eat and have strokes but eventually he would eat with Sasa and left his hiding place for good.

Lupin arrived with me unneutered and 10 months old a pedigree birman whose owner had never taken to the vets, he was advertized in that horrible site I wont mentioned.

I had been looking for a seal point birman after my beautiful Napoleon had gone to the bridge and really wanted one about 8 yrs old. Thete were loads of kittens but thought I was too old for a kitten"!!

He looked gorgeous and obviously was a real target for BSB being an unneutered pedigree but he lived the otherside of Newcastle. I asked why he was being rehomed and apparently he was causing some kind of problem with her young child.

He was called Storm and that should have given me the hint!!

Everyone on Purrs was horrified that I was going to drive all that way and Sootyca very kindly offered to meet me in Manchester and drive the rest of the way, For this I will be forever grateful because I am not sure I would have managed the whole journey very well and had to sleep at the serv ice station on way back cos was so exhausred.

Lupin was as good as gold for the whole journey and think he just didnt understand that he was being taken away from his home cos he wasnt wanted anymore. I think he loved it there and apart from one of his dishes smelling of curry! I think mhe was well looked after and loved.

Lupin is now 4yrs old and a little monster cat, he doesnt like being stroked although I am trying to change that. He hates the vet who is lovely and think this comes either from his neutering on day one here or from when he was ill with a terrible tummy after the neutering.

He is called the rottwieller by my vet and went for his MOT yesterday, Sasa allowed al lher claws to be clipped but Lupin only one! 

He is a real diva and a climber, he climbs everything possible destroying much.

However Loopy Lupin is much loved and tries to playfight with Misa who is too gentle for this kind of thing but when Lupin struts past Misa will stick out a paw  :rofl: :rofl:

He is put in his place by Sasa who meeps and hisses at him and he will creep past me to get round her or do a 4ft leap over her  :innocent:

Lau who has been mentioned by Sheila has a beautiful little cat called Leonie who was dumped on my doorstep in the snow by a neighbour a few years ago now, She had iceburgs in her tail and was a week before Christmas.
Lau said she would take her but lived Liverpool way. in the new Year I was helping on a run to rehome another cat and Pussy aka Leonie went on that run up north. It broke my heart cos had fallen in love with her but I had 4 at that time and she hated all of them. Only Napoleon one of my birman brothers ignored her and just got on with life ciddling as if she was not luing on the chair next to us LOL

Honerable mentions to Napoleon and Ducha now on the Bridge my beautiful birman brothers  :hug: :hug:

PS Misa had to go with CP for his second vaccination and I was so worried about his mate Bill that I decided if he ws still there I would take him but he had been rehomed  ;D  CP said they split them as they didnt seem very bonded, so I was very relieved
Title: Re: The Good Life
Post by: Dawn F on December 05, 2014, 13:29:05 PM
ooh you lot are saints, can't think of anything nice to say about my lot at the moment (well except star who is an angel)  :rofl:
Title: Re: The Good Life
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on December 05, 2014, 15:34:24 PM
Lovely stories, thank you!

My 2 are Alfie and Cleo.

Alfie had been crying outside a neighbour's door all day and they didn't know what to do with him. They saw Mr S coming home from work and asked him what they should do. Being cat free at that time ( or'cat poor' as I prefer to call it), Mr S brought the young, black cat into our house while we tried to find his owner. I fell in love instantly, Alfie sat on my chest for about the first 48 hours just to make sure. By the time we had located his owner, I couldn't face the prospect of letting him go and they agreed to hand him over to me  ;D He's now a big boy of 3 years and weighing 6.5kg! He's very food driven, maybe because he had to fend for himself for a short time when he was lost. He has a very quiet meow, like a kitten, doesn't like being picked up but does love to come onto the bed at night and sleep between my feet. In the dead of night he will creep onto my chest, just like he did when he first came here 2 years + ago.

Cleo belonged to my husband's sister and BIL. They were planning to live on the boat again and Cleo is much too fond of her creature comforts to be a ship's cat! We asked them to try and find someone else to take her (Mr S didn't want another cat and certainly not a long-haired) and keep us in reserve but, of course, they didn't try very hard! She walked straight in and made herself at home, which included beating up Alfie who is twice her size. He would love a friend to play with but she has no intention of being friends. She has the loudest meow and isn't afraid to use it , she knows that her rightful place is on a lap, she's not fussy which one.

I would love to add a younger cat for Alf to play with but, as Mr S said 'no more cats'after we lost Punkie and my beloved Chivers, I know that is not going to happen. Unless another one turns up on our doorstep...