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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Liz on May 24, 2007, 18:52:22 PM

Title: Miss Gracie - Gold Star performer
Post by: Liz on May 24, 2007, 18:52:22 PM
Well after visiting the vet this evening with Amber, Diva, Minmin, Cougar and Puma and Miss gracie I am very proud to say apart from Minmin having some gingivitus and everyone else being the right weight for their size we had some wonderful news :Luv:

Miss Gracie is a 17y.o. feral lady who joined us 2 years ago in June when aged 15 - she is a long haired tortie and after 15 years outside was in a bit of a state, after neutering and teeth removal and a bit of a shave job she came home to us for recuperation somehow she never left (no sarky comment Dawn!) and in her 2 years has grown in affection for us and has turned in to a rather large portly tortie rugbyball with a leg on each corner and six months ago weighed in at nearly 7kgs - always terrified she is we won't feed them and removing the old food before putting the new food down causes her issues well tonight at the vet she was weighed and is now down to 5.7kgs

Robin and I are stunned and delighted that our lady has done this without the aid of diet food - so are the other 35 as they don't like the diet muck!

So moving to a bigger house with stairs is the answer and she is looking good and the vet was delighted she also dribbled on him during the injection!!!!

So a gold star to my oldest resident Miss Gracie of Fetternear :omg: :1st place: :omg: :cheer: :yayyy: :Applause: :smile:
Title: Re: Miss Gracie - Gold Star performer
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on May 24, 2007, 19:15:08 PM
Awww well done Miss Gracie!  ;D  :1st place: That's fantastic she's done it without any diet food. Bilbo says he's jealous of you having stairs  :rofl:

We need pics of her Liz!!!   ;)

P.S: I've always pondered this, how do you make sure everyone is eating the right food with there being so many cats on different foods?
Title: Re: Miss Gracie - Gold Star performer
Post by: Liz on May 24, 2007, 19:23:18 PM
Lottie we have tried over the years to get the mob to eat the "right" food and had the following results - anything over 14 loves kitten food, the kittens love normal adult food when out with the rest, the 3 - 9 year olds like senior food

So we feed normal food and supplement with buscuits we feed jsut about every Royal Canin type for inddor and outdoor and the rest, Hills all varieties, Iams (I know but they like them!) Purina, Whiskas, felix, Gocat and try most of the others somehow they are all in good nick and the vets advise whatever we are doing it works so rather than have the trials with the current mob and the age differences - 17 to 2 we let them get on with it :Crazy:

When we have kittens they are fed seperately and I have managed to get to 9 months of age still only on kitten food!
Title: Re: Miss Gracie - Gold Star performer
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 24, 2007, 19:29:18 PM
Well done Miss Gracie
Title: Re: Miss Gracie - Gold Star performer
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on May 24, 2007, 19:32:51 PM
Ahh right ok, just wondered as I've been having a hellish time trying to feed this pair separately and wondered how everyone else managed. I have given up now and am mixing the 75% Hills kitten in with some of the RC Beauty and Care in a big bowl lol so everyone is happy  :rofl:
Title: Re: Miss Gracie - Gold Star performer
Post by: Bazsmum on May 24, 2007, 21:12:22 PM
Awww.....that's great news....well done Miss Gracie   ;D