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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Gwen on May 24, 2007, 13:26:04 PM

Title: cat& dogs,who costs the most ££££
Post by: Gwen on May 24, 2007, 13:26:04 PM
For me I spend way more on cat food than I do on dog food,mainly I think because they have 3 small meals a day which equals in some biscuits in the morning,pouch afternoon and either a pouch and dry of an evening (depend on how I feel) lol

The dogs although I have 4 cost me on average £40 a month give and take a couple of £ but the cats cost a bit more (not much though)

But when I tell people that my cats cost more than my dogs they are surprised,anybody else find this or is it just me? :scared:
Title: Re: cat& dogs,who costs the most ££££
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 24, 2007, 15:06:58 PM
my cats probably cost approx 30-35 each month to feed whereas my 2 dogs cost about 40 each month...they just get dried so that keeps cost down. If they ate wet food the price would be rediculous.

I suppose dog insurances does cost more than cat and generally vets bills are normally slightly if not abit more due to size difference and needing stronger or more meds etc.

mind you depends which types of dogs, obviously smaller dogs will be much and such i'd have thought, i have 2 greyhounds and 3 cats.
Title: Re: cat& dogs,who costs the most ££££
Post by: Liz on May 24, 2007, 15:34:58 PM
With 36 cats - 9 tins of wet and 2.5kgs of biscuits daily our remaining dog is the cheaper option!
Title: Re: cat& dogs,who costs the most ££££
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 24, 2007, 15:39:35 PM
uh i just thought of how much poop that amount of food would produce  :-:

Title: Re: cat& dogs,who costs the most ££££
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on May 24, 2007, 15:45:35 PM
I'd expect dogs to cost more due to their size - eating more food etc - insurance and vets bills being higher etc.  Having said that though, I do spend £100 on 2 cats so I'm sure that's more than a lot of people spend on dogs!
Title: Re: cat& dogs,who costs the most ££££
Post by: Gwen on May 24, 2007, 17:30:05 PM
I'd expect dogs to cost more due to their size - eating more food etc - insurance and vets bills being higher etc.  Having said that though, I do spend £100 on 2 cats so I'm sure that's more than a lot of people spend on dogs!

£100 a month? :wow:
Title: Re: cat& dogs,who costs the most ££££
Post by: Gwen on May 24, 2007, 17:31:31 PM
With 36 cats - 9 tins of wet and 2.5kgs of biscuits daily our remaining dog is the cheaper option!

I love cats but 36 would just about drive me nuts  :Crazy: lol  do you foster for a while or keep them all?
Title: Re: cat& dogs,who costs the most ££££
Post by: Liz on May 24, 2007, 18:43:28 PM
In answer to your question the current 36 Clan Cats are all ours - they have been the wanted, the fosters who never left - the fosters who came back forever, the cruelty cases and the ones no normal person would have a.k.a some of the ferals!  Also have 2 outside strays who are being worked on and our Rio is still living outside after our mass escape last year after we moved!

Lynn not that much really with 21 indoor/outdoor and still only empty the septic tank yearly so not to bad all things considered! :censored: