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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: COSMIC CREEPERS on May 18, 2007, 19:02:18 PM

Title: mangos upate
Post by: COSMIC CREEPERS on May 18, 2007, 19:02:18 PM
well after a yr of mango snorting and wheezing here are the tests what the vet has done after having so many steriod inj and antibiotics       
1. Live  swab from the back of the throat to test for virus   -    negative
2. Blood test for allergy     -    negative
3. Chest x ray   -    clear
4. Lung wash and cultures  -  clear

So then i got a second opinion from anouther vet at the same surgery and she sai she just thinks that mango has a xtreme face and tiny nostrils and that the snorting is a result of this . I asked why then she gets secondry infections in way of weezy chest and temp  if snorting  is not tret by a steriod  she said to just leave her unless she is off food and seems to be porley .

So i came home feeling stupid that it is just something that persians do and upset of the thought of waiting till i think she may have a temp before going back and ignoring the snorting and weezing .

Then today my vet rung me and said that there were no other tests to do on her so he want to put her on a corse of antiviral drugs just to make sure , its 5 drops of liquid into her mouth for about a week and that is the last thing we can try otherwise it is just her extream face
but to be honest i have seen persians with much more extream faces than her
Least it has ruled out allergy and asthma and i pray this works or it looks like she will have to live with it
Title: Re: mangos upate
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 18, 2007, 19:04:52 PM
Aww, am sorry you haven't found anythign conclusive - if it was just the breathing, it would be easy to say it was just her face, but that doesn't explain teh temp and stuff. Very odd!!
Title: Re: mangos upate
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 18, 2007, 20:35:46 PM
So sorry that they couldnt find any reasons for this cept her face.

I do just wonder whether they are right, cos I have very bad sinus probs..............not cos of my nose and face!............but because of this I tend to get infections in the sinus area and of course they come with temperature.  I need anti biotics when it happens and was told its an area thats very hard to treat with antibiotics. Only go to doctor when have no choice.
Title: Re: mangos upate
Post by: COSMIC CREEPERS on May 18, 2007, 20:39:34 PM
im going to pick up the anti viral drops tomorr morn so will mention this to the vet gill thanks