Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: lisa77 on September 03, 2013, 22:40:22 PM

Title: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 03, 2013, 22:40:22 PM
Hi everyone, i havent been on for quite some time but thought someone may have some advice.

My Maine Coon, Leo lost his voice and was dry heaving throughout sunday. I kept feeding him Katalax as i thought he may have a huge hair ball as he is very prone to getting them regularly. Usually this will work and he will bring the hair ball up. I tool him to the vet monday morn and he was sedated and i had a call to say the vet had found a large lump on his larynx. :(
A biopsy was taken and we should get the resuts on Mon.

Vet says it looks like a tumour and could be harmless, but there is a chance it could be cancerous.

I took in his insurance form today and was hoping to speak to him but he wasnt availible for me to ask any questions.

Leo was an indoor cat for 5 1/2 years as weblived in a top floor flat. We moved 4 months ago to a house and he has been slowly going out into the huge back garden (supervised) apart from the loss of voice and wheezy breathing, you wouldnt really tell anything is wrong with him. Since he came back from the vet he has been really affectionate and purring with every bit of attention he gets. leo is usually very tempremental and only i can make a fuss of him!

Abhuge part of me is thinking to expect the worst but my partner said today maybe he has eaten something in the garden without us seeing like stinging nettles? been stung by a wasp?  I know im clutching at straws here and it doesnt sound good but has anyone experience with this and did the lump turn out to be harmless?

He is only 6, I cant imagine him going already :( he has been a huge part of my life and i cant bear to think what may happen. Everytime i look him i cry as i know if it is the dreaded C word he wont have much time at all and i will have to say goodbye to him to save him discompfort and pain :((

Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: sheryl on September 03, 2013, 22:44:14 PM
Oh Lisa Hun I am so sorry - I remember you posting about Leo when you first got him - he is stunning x

Keeping everything crossed for a positive outcome on Monday xxx
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 03, 2013, 22:46:09 PM
Thank you, just seen the pics below my post and crying again, hes such a handsome boy :(

Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 04, 2013, 00:38:05 AM
I hope the results will be good for Leo and you  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sending loads of good vibes
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 04, 2013, 08:10:41 AM
Thank you

I just dont understand. Today his voice is coming back. He has never ever gone off his food, he is whoofing it down,, going to the loo ok too. Surely if the lump is takng up 3/4 of his wind pipe,, then if is cancer, it must be very advanced as its big....? So surely he would be showing other symptoms?

Driving myself mad with this, if anyone has any experience inthis (good or bad) please respond. Do you think that its bound to be cancerous or what are the chances this could be a harmless lump?  :Crazy:

Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: CatGirl on September 04, 2013, 10:48:09 AM
Maybe the vet's wrong? i know you hope he is,wishing you and Leo all the very best. :hug:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 04, 2013, 10:52:25 AM
Praying on a miracle, hoping, wishing, waiting.

Thanks for everyones kind words x
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Dawn F on September 04, 2013, 11:01:21 AM
nice to see you around lisa, I remember your lovely boy well a while back we were told amber had a tumour on her tongue turned out that she had bitten it and it healed up in days fingers crossed for you all
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 04, 2013, 15:19:00 PM
I can understand you being devastated and it's obviously a huge worry but even if it is a tumour of some kind there may well be a surgical procedure that can remove it - they really can work miracles nowadays, especially if he does need surgery/treatment and is referred to a specialist  :hug:

Fingers crossed for the results and please do keep us updated  :hug:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on September 04, 2013, 16:42:58 PM
He's a stunningly handsome chap, I do hope that the news is good  :hug:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 04, 2013, 21:34:04 PM
thanks everyone. Shame im not back under nicer circumstances.

Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: heather sullivan on September 04, 2013, 23:46:35 PM
he is lovely! my sisters cat recently had a problem with his gums, they put him under GA and said he had a really aggressive tumour and outcome not good at all. they suggested having him pts while under GA. My sis wanted to bring him home for his last summer. I insisted they send off biopsies as could be bone infection, even tho the vet was positive (all 3 of them) it was an aggressive tumour. Anyway biopsies sent off and came back as a really bad bone infection and no sign of tumour. He is fine now, minus all his bottom teeth (he is about 6).  I am a medical secretary so know a bit about tumours. I really hope its good news for you and it turns out not what they suspect. At least he is insured so if he does need any treatment he can have it.
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 04, 2013, 23:51:17 PM
Thank you Heather. Got up to another 4 days to wait for the call. Saying that he may have to go to a specialist vet as although my vet got a biopsy,, he wasn't sure it was big enough.  Praying it was. As Leo has been a house cat for most of his life, it stresses him out so much having to be taken anywhere.

Thanks for the positive story x
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: heather sullivan on September 05, 2013, 00:20:16 AM
the waiting is the worst! He seems very young to have anything nasty, fingers crossed its something simple like inflammatory tissue or a polyp. keep us updated :Luv2:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 06, 2013, 16:25:08 PM
Still waiting :(

Just called for an update and if there is any news she is calling back. Feel sicj knowing the phone could ring any min
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on September 06, 2013, 17:41:59 PM
I do hope that you don't have to wait over the weekend for news  :hug:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 06, 2013, 17:43:17 PM
Think we may have to you know. They must of closed by now.

Another 2 days of hell x
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 09, 2013, 07:52:52 AM
Well guys Leo is acting differently now :
he weed on the bedroom carpet last night and he has never done that also poohing in the bath. This morning he was sick and brought up a huge hair ball which is why i took him to the vets in the first place. Its been a week today since i took him.and.the vet said he didnt have a hair ball. What he was sick today was about 7" long and very compact, there is no way all that hair has built up in a week,

Anyway, on tender hooks waiting for the call today. Pray they have an answer and he doesnt have to go see a specialist as the vet said he didnt know if the biopsy he took was big enough.

Really wanted other half to stay home today, we have a 4 month old also who is teething and grouchy. Not sure.if im.imagining it but Leo has a very sad look in his eyes, i cant help thinking he wont be here much longer. Ive just got a bad feeling
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Mymblesdaughter on September 09, 2013, 10:27:32 AM
Try to be positive I know it's really hard in the situation but Leo could be picking up your stress.

My parents cat had a tumour in her nose that the vet said was inoperable, and he gave her with steroids. My parents thought it was just a matter of time and they'd keep her going until she was in pain. She died 4 years later at the age of 19 nothing to do with the tumour. There are so many more things that vets can do now so even if it is cancer it doesn't mean it can't be treated.

I really hope you get good news today. I can imagine how you must be feeling I'd be in pieces too  :hug:   
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 09, 2013, 11:36:50 AM
Hoping for positive news from the vets today  :hug:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 09, 2013, 11:39:10 AM
Thank you ladies.

I called them earlier. I now have to wait until weds at latest. The biopsy was big enough so luckily, if anything, thats one good bit of news.

Another 3 day wait :(
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 09, 2013, 11:42:50 AM
The waiting must be agony for you  :(  :hug: Have everything crossed for a positive outcome for Leo :care:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Mymblesdaughter on September 09, 2013, 11:50:45 AM
Sorry you have to wait so long. My father is waiting for the results of a scan and it's been two and a half weeks and now they are saying they will let him know on Thursday! It seems an awful long time to wait. So it seems animals are getting to know their results quicker than humans. One thing animals don't worry about their result.   
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 09, 2013, 12:04:19 PM
Thats awful, your poor dad and family :(

hoping its good news for you all x
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 09, 2013, 21:31:03 PM
I hope both results are good news..................I just cant beieve how long this is taking  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: heather sullivan on September 12, 2013, 12:30:02 PM
Ah that’s so sad, but it may not be a malignant tumour that will spread. I would insist on not paying for the 2nd biopsy as it is not your fault that the sample leaked.

Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 12, 2013, 12:40:07 PM
So there is a chance he could be ok? I couldn't hear vet properly as his phone was cutting out as he was on his way to Scotland.

He said he would do the second biopsy free but it's the stress it causes Leo taking him out. He hates it :(
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: heather sullivan on September 12, 2013, 12:51:42 PM
cats can get benign tumours as well as malignant ones but there are lots of treatments available.  If you couldnt hear the vet properly, I would ring the surgery back and maybe speak to one of the vet nurses or another vet as they would have the results on their computer and could give you more info?
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 12, 2013, 12:53:20 PM
Just done that and the duty vet is calling back.

Thanks for everyone's replies xx
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: heather sullivan on September 17, 2013, 12:12:10 PM
Any news yet on Leo?
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 17, 2013, 12:21:07 PM

He went in this morning cor his second biopsy. They never said anything to us abou

 not letting him eat so when we dropped hi. Off he has to wait 6hrs before he can have anything done as he had to have a general last time as he is a big cat. Really annoyed at the lack of communication from this vet. I left my old vet and went with the new one because I heard great things about them, now wishing if of stayed with the old one.

He is going to be in his box petrified, we left him there as it would prob cause more stress bringing him back and taking him out again..

So I can't wait to get him home later. Vet said they will send the biopsy to a different lab so it's quicker this time.. but I really don't think they were truthful with us as to the reason he had to have it done again.

We were no better off knowledge wise once waiting the 11 days for the results last time.

Anyway just want him home and hope he isn't too stressed out..

Do you think they will leave him in the carrier,? What about going to the loo?
Anyway, nust

Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 17, 2013, 12:22:33 PM
Sorry loads of typo's.. on phone
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: heather sullivan on September 17, 2013, 12:26:00 PM
I am sure the vets will put him in one of their  big cages they have, with a bed and a litter tray. They would not leave him in a cat carrier for over 6 hours. At least they are being cautious and waiting 6 hours for him before they do the biopsy. Has he been eating okay up till today?
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on September 17, 2013, 12:53:59 PM
I agree, the vets will pop him into one of their cages, they won't leave him in his basket all that time. I suspect he will get a cuddle too, if he wants one.

I am so sorry that you are having to go through all this again, the waiting must be unbearable  :hug:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 17, 2013, 12:59:53 PM
That's ok then, I'm sure he won't want a cuddle!

He has been fine, eating ok, got his voice back and seems fine in himself. Hard to think what could be round the corner..

Thanks ladies
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 17, 2013, 18:13:36 PM
Wow guys he has the all clear! The 'tumour' shrunk 90% so no further biopsy needed. He is home and well and I'm over the moon !

Vet said probably caused by eating grass or something like that..

Phew is all I can say.. all that worry and stressing!
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Mymblesdaughter on September 17, 2013, 18:20:12 PM
Really good news  :clap:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on September 17, 2013, 20:22:30 PM
That is such good news, thank you for sharing it with us  :briggin:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: lisa77 on September 17, 2013, 20:34:02 PM
My partner just noticed he has come back with a dent in his eye. It's the strangest thing..
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: heather sullivan on September 17, 2013, 21:05:59 PM
yay brilliant news!!! glad he has the all clear, i was hoping that after you said he was eating okay as throat tumours are pretty aggressive and rapid. as for a dent in the eye...... :Crazy:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Dawn F on September 18, 2013, 08:39:02 AM
bless you lisa I am thrilled for you!! 
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on September 18, 2013, 11:31:44 AM
This is just the best news, so pleased  ;D ;D ;D All that worry for nothing eh!  :hug:
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on September 18, 2013, 12:09:42 PM

Am very pleased Leo's news was good, Lisa.    :hug: :hug:

How is his eye today?
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Mymblesdaughter on September 18, 2013, 17:14:59 PM
Might be worth asking the vet about the dent because I seem to remember that my parents cat had an ulcer on her eye that started off looking like a small dent.
Title: Re: my beloved maine coon Leo may have throat cancer :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 20, 2013, 21:46:55 PM
So pleased he is Ok.............get that eye seen to immediately please  :hug: :hug: