Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: lollycat on July 15, 2013, 18:36:16 PM

Title: Angry
Post by: lollycat on July 15, 2013, 18:36:16 PM
 :censored: Someone I've known for 13 years and been quite friendly with is really getting me cross. Since I've known her she's had 7 cats. The first one she had for 2 years and then rehomed hime to someone who hadn't got a clue and let him outside on day 2! never to be seen again, the second was a kitten who she had for around 2 weeks and couldn't handle her so gave her away. The 3rd was the most magnificent boy who she kept for 2 years and also got a 2nd cat from her son who couldn't cope with her. So after giving them both away as she'd had enough of them she gets another one. I didn't hold my tongue with her and strongly suggested she didn't get ANY more but she was determined and did. Well she's had her for a year or so from a rescue and they told her she couldn't live with other cats, I called her yesterday, what has she done? got another. I know what will happen and I feel powerless to do anything at all.
I think that there should be some bans in place for certain people, cats are not disposable .  :Crazy:
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 15, 2013, 19:36:43 PM
I feel your pain and I would be seething too.  :hug: :hug:

Poor cats.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: lollycat on July 16, 2013, 09:35:43 AM
I don't think I'll continue to see her anymore. irresponsible clout.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: shirleyp01 on July 16, 2013, 09:55:24 AM
I understand how angry you must feel.
This is so irresponsible and very unfair on the cats.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: emmmy_lou on July 16, 2013, 10:19:52 AM
Some people are idiots arent they???

Good for you for saying what you thought tho!
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: lollycat on July 16, 2013, 14:49:20 PM
I know, if she could only recognise what she's done and still doing. To her they're just novelties and when she gets too much cat hair in her home she gets rid  :Crazy:
She's also had numerous caged birds and also fish that I haven't got a clue what she's done with.
It makes me want to cry. I have very nearly offered on a few occasions to have her cats but I think then she'd still get more and I have my own to think.
The cat she had a few years back was so timid he'd already had 3 owners and was only 5 when she got him and then she gave him away and they let him go too.  :(
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: jezebel on July 16, 2013, 15:12:29 PM
I really don't understand how someone can have an animal - fish, cat or anything - and not bond with it. If you care for a living creature for two years, how can you just suddenly not care what happens to it? There's some emotional element lacking here, I think!
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: lollycat on July 16, 2013, 15:42:15 PM
Yep, totally agree. I did rehome one of her cats to a friend of mine and when I show her new pics and give updates she's not interested , in fact on one occasion she asked me why she got rid of that one. She has got a few problems but there really is no excuse in getting living things and then just dumping them. She will not, I can guarantee keep these two for much longer. But with so many people getting rid of animals there's never a shortage of new temporary cats for her. In  face an endless supply.
 I wish there was more protection for cats, in fact for all animals. I don't know what the answer is.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: Lyn (Slugsta) on July 16, 2013, 16:04:50 PM
The cat she had a few years back was so timid he'd already had 3 owners and was only 5 when she got him and then she gave him away and they let him go too.  :(

Oh, poor little cat!  :'(

It is such a shame that people like this cannot be prevented having the privilege of 'owning' animals in future  >:(
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: amber83 on July 17, 2013, 11:02:59 AM
If she got them from a rescue place, some of them have strict rules and the right to take the cat back into their care. When I adopted mine, I had to sign something to say if I were unable to care for them at any point, I'm not allowed o regime them and have to hand them back over to them. I know in reality that could be difficult, because there's only so much that can be kept an eye on, but could you perhaps say something to the rescue place? Even if only to give them a heads up to what she's doing? So they don't give her any more at least.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: lollycat on July 17, 2013, 17:49:57 PM
One that she has now is from a "rescue" although all she had to do was ring and ask for a cat, she initially asked to foster which I thought was a great idea as it wouldn't be a permanent thing. They asked no questions, she signed no papers and they delivered a cat to her the following day! She did ask them for help once but they didn't return her call, as for the fostering thing she had no contact from them ever since, and that was over a year ago.. I think they are so overrun with homeless cats that they either forgot or just havn't got the time/resources.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: Hippykitty on July 26, 2013, 11:59:01 AM
Sounds like a very dubious rescue.

If you're in the UK, try giving the RSPCA a ring. They might have a word with her and scare her into either taking better care of her animals or not getting any more. Worth a try.

The CP might be interested too. Worth trying.

I think the American ASPCA (?) are more likely to just remove and euthanise the cats. I may be wrong.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: lollycat on July 26, 2013, 19:33:49 PM
The thing is she actually treats them well and provides for them. The RSPCA wouldn't do anything just because she doesn't keep them long unfortunately.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: Hippykitty on July 27, 2013, 14:52:22 PM
As her irresponsibility is leading to very poor fates for them (they probably end up either feral or pts after several people have got fed up with them) the RSPCA may be worth contacting. If you tell them the whole story, they may speak to her. The Animal Acts which came into force a few years ago gave them more aspects which they can question.

A phone call can't hurt; you can remain anonymous.
If this fails, speak to Cats Protection.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: lollycat on July 27, 2013, 16:30:35 PM
Ok I will, if she gives these two up, which she will I'll call them.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: maryas on July 27, 2013, 21:51:41 PM
Even though she is not physically mistreating them she is not a responsible animal lover and the RSPCA should call on her and give her some friendly advice.

It's such a shame that you've also had to loose your friendship with her after so many years just because she has no common sense where animas are concerned. Doesn't like fur in the house? Why the  :censored: does she get a cat?

Good luck.

Title: Re: Angry
Post by: Hippykitty on July 28, 2013, 10:11:50 AM
Don't wait until another two cats meet the same fate, call the RSPCA and have a chat with them. Stay anonymous if you want. They will just go and chat with her and maybe their visit will scare her into thinking twice about "getting fed up" with another two cats.

I've been visited by the RSPCA. Someone called them after I'd rescued a colony of eight feral cats who needed help. Apparently, the caller had assumed there was no one in the house caring for them. I had ten cats in total, counting my two domestics. The RSPCA woman had a friendly chat, saw that the cats were well cared for, gave me a cat tree, supplies of food and neutering vouchers for the ferals, which I was grateful for.
They weren't ogres, just one soft-spoken woman who assessed the situation. (Six of the eight found good homes and I kept two, one of whom is sitting on my lap as I type this: Fred!)

So just get on the blower. It won't hurt.
Title: Re: Angry
Post by: lollycat on July 28, 2013, 12:01:05 PM
Yeah, I think I will. I went to see her today, the newest arrival was there but the original cat had apparently not been seen since yesterday  :(