Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: tiga on June 25, 2013, 12:31:33 PM

Title: New cat asserting itself over 2 resident cats - integration
Post by: tiga on June 25, 2013, 12:31:33 PM
Haven't been on here for ages but need a bit of advice.

I have had Poppy and Riley for about 6 years, Riley had a brother Digby, but I sadly lost him a couple of years ago. Poppy had a traumatic start in life but has come on loads living with me and is now pretty happy. Riley is very chilled. They are indoor.

I have now taken on a 10 year old girl,, Penny, who has been on the streets for 8 years, then in a pen for a year. No one wants her unfortunately.

Mine have never had to stand up for themselves and now Penny has arrived she is determined to rule the roost. Have had her 2 weeks so not long. She is only out with the others when I am at home. But she loves attention and just wants to be loved. She will hiss and bash at the other two and they just leg it, so of course she chases them.

I am playing with her a lot as she loves that. Once she has had a play she will settle and all three will happily sleep quite close together, eg one on either side of me on the sofa. But then Penny will decide to have a go.

Not sure what the best thing to do is. Any advice on how to either get the existing two to man up or to stop Penny trying to assert herself. When she goes for them I try to throw a soft ball toy to distract her. She can get quite hissy with me if I try to stop it. She has obviously been through a lot in her sad life.

Thanks. I am happy to give them time, just wondering if there are any other things I should be doing. Have feliway diffusers, feeding treats near each other, separated when not home.
Title: New cat asserting itself over 2 resident cats - integration
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on June 28, 2013, 08:47:54 AM
:welcome: back :) Sorry to hear about the loss of Digby :hug:

I've no experience with introducing cats myself as have always adopted pairs but just bumping this up for those that have...
Title: Re: New cat asserting itself over 2 resident cats - integration
Post by: Dawn F on June 28, 2013, 09:27:55 AM
we had a similar thing when we homed Star, she had had a bad start and looked on everyone as someone who was going to beat her up and got in first!  we basically did everything you are doing and just bided out time - she still prefers her own company but can now sleep on the same sofa or bed as the others