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Other Animal welfare issues & petitons => Other Animal Petitions & Welfare & News => Topic started by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on May 14, 2007, 14:32:03 PM

Title: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on May 14, 2007, 14:32:03 PM
This is exerts off emails received.........I've not posted pics as they are awful  :'(  :'(  :'(  If anyone would like to see the pics, I can send them to you via email.

today at 3 pm a group of Canadians saw this in the street , they called us and we asked them to get photos immediately, no matter how many times such scenes and massacres happen , I still cannot get to understand why , why , why, who could see this and not stop it , what did they feel killing those Innocent souls and shooting a mum in her belly that her babies  came out , we are helpless here and I do not know what it will take to help us and take a real stand towards this insanity, please help them please , this is just the start , the last call of the minister of health gave more power to the killing of strays on the street, the veterinary authority is also behind it , when we called the police department responsible for this area we were informed the orders came from the veterinary authorities. Now it is the veterinary authorities + the police + the ministry of health ,

another email  :censored:  Again, I havent' posted pics but have them if anyone wants them  :'(  :'(

This female dog was shot in Egypt today at 1,15 in the afternoon , her agony lasted for 15 minutes , because it is only one bullet for each dog ( to save money ). This dog was pregnant .
We ask you to do something , to write to your embassies in Egypt and to take action. We are doing what we can but we need help . This is one of the 77 pictures we took today , many other dogs were massacred today . This is the first picture. I will send you more with some addresses of the responsibles in Egypt.

and another  :censored:  :censored:  :censored:

Andrea went down to feed the dogs  as usual, as the past 10 months since she
had been in Cairo , she found 2 of them dead beside each other, the other
two were not in sight, on my way to her home after she called me in hysteria
not believing this happened , I spotted the two, I went down and got one of
them , I had the power and the determination to get her and I just carried
her from the street, unfortunately the other big one ran away, we tried to
spot him again,
 an hour later he showed up, it seems he was trying to look for his friends
, he found them dead, he smelled them and stood there, I tried to catch it
on camera but it was not good it was already dark and I hardly could get the
other photos that I will send later, Andrea tried to call him but he just
left immediately on the opposite way, and god knows where he will be or what
will happen ,we will try to locate him but I do not know what will happen,
while standing to take pictures another couple of foreigner passed by us and
said this is the third time this week they see such a scene , dogs shot on
the corners of streets. Andrea is devastated, I do not know till when I will
be able
to hold on, they killed the kindest two of them, the one I caught is also
very kind but rather new than the other ones. they were killed in the
morning according to porters in the area, they were already blowing and
smelly when I got there to take pictures,

 For those of you who do not know who is Andrea, she is the famous American/
gernan woman who adopted our big boy lord, and wrote Lord tales when she
adopted him, she is also dog trainer and has been helping us for a while
now, she also did our spare leaflet and was working on another for the
massacre that happened at Haram area  two days ago when this was happening
to her dogs , it is even astonishing as it is known that no shooting is
allowed in residential areas where foreigners specially Americans are
living. The madness is going on and will not stop ,sine once again we called
the municipality and comaplained trying to know whose orders was it this
time and the reply came that we should not bother calling ,they will
continue to shoot and consider it their mission.

and finally, the petition..........PLEASE SIGN

Dear Animal Friends everywhere
As the mass slaughtering of street dogs in Egypt continues in Egypt, witnessed on the 11th and 13th of May, despite our calls I urge you to sign the STOP THE MASS SLAUGHTER OF STREET DOGS IN EGYPT
We need to address not only the Ministers but the PARLIAMENT.
Dina Zulfikar

Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: Mark on May 14, 2007, 16:10:07 PM
Signed - disgusting. Sharm is definately off my potential holiday list.
Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on May 14, 2007, 21:04:32 PM
Signed -

Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: Ela on May 16, 2007, 08:00:33 AM
Just signed
Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: Schmew on May 16, 2007, 12:34:24 PM
Signed. That's awful. Couldn't bear to see the pictures
Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: clarenmax on May 16, 2007, 13:27:46 PM
Signed x
Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on May 18, 2007, 22:34:32 PM

RIP all those who have suffered at the hands of these evil people.
Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: rosiesmum on May 19, 2007, 11:39:25 AM
Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: Ralph's mum (angie) on July 12, 2007, 16:53:36 PM
signed :sick: :sick:
Title: Re: Stray dogs are being shot in Egypt........please sign the petition
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on July 12, 2007, 17:39:15 PM
Signed  8)