Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

In Loving Memory Cats => Rainbow Bridge - In Loving Memory => Topic started by: carolynl on February 18, 2013, 08:44:08 AM

Title: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: carolynl on February 18, 2013, 08:44:08 AM
Hi Everyone.

Jijo was diagnosed with CRF almost 2 years ago, but he has been doing fairly well on a renal diet. He has also had arthritis for a few years but again has been managing well. Still running about, still climbing etc.

Now though, he has developed sudden lameness in his right hind leg. literally we left for work in the morning and he was fine, we got home in the evening and he was lame.

I took him to the vet and he gave him some antibiotics and a short acting painkiller injection in case it was a fight injury as he couldn't see anything obvious. We went home.

2 days later Jijo was no better so I took him back to the vet. A different vet looked at him and examined his gait, the way he reacted to manipulation etc and thought it could be nerve damage as he didn't seem to be in any pain.

In the meantime he had been weighed and had lost 0.5 kilo since October, so he was booked in for blood tests. The vet suggested he was x-rayed at the same time.

So on Thursday he went in for blood tests and Xrays.

The x-rays showed what the vet thought could be a compounded? (not sure if this is correct word) disc half way down his spine  and boney growth on his hip joints associated with his arthritis. He said the only way to be sure about the disc would be to send him to Bristol for an MRI, and there was little point in this as if it was found to be the right diagnosis the only treatment would be to operate and the recovery is long. He said he would not advise this for a cat Jijo's age. Jijo is nearly 15.

The other problem is he cannot have anti-inflamatories because of the CRF.

I asked the vet if the sudden extra weight loss could be his Thyroid and he didn't think so as he was showing no other symptoms. However, when they put him under for the xrays and shaved his neck  they found a lump on his throat so they decided that maybe they should do a thyroid test. This lump is quite large and I have never noticed it before so I think this has grown recently too. I am still waiting for the results from this test.

I can't help feeling that if we do nothing about Jijo's possible disc problem then we're just giving up on him and I do not want to do that. He is such a good boy and I love him so much so I want to do everything I can to help him but at the same time I don't want to add to his suffering. Also, if he has got a thyroid problem, will treatment for this affect his kidneys? I am at my wits end and don't know what do do for the best.

Please has anyone else been through this. Any advice/thoughts would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 18, 2013, 11:29:12 AM
So sorry to hear about all Jijos problems  :hug: :hug:

My thoughts are that you need the results for the lump before anything else.

Next, if you mean the Vet Hospital in Bristol, they did not have an MRI scanner in 2011 although there is a vet ummmm practice around that area that does. What I was told that just because they haave a scanner you need an expert to read the results or you money is wasted and it can be a very lot of money.

I live in SW Wales and was told I would need to go to the otherside of England to get a good MRI......Newmarket I think.

Has any indication been given to you concerning the disc problem of what could be done...........a referral to a consultant etc?

I am not up on CRF but there are many who arre on Purrs and hope someone else will give you this info.

Some times sadly we have to weigh up the cats comfort and quality of life versus how long that life should be and if giving small doses of metacam for pain reduces the length of life by a couple of years, in my humble opinion that is best.

My late Ducha was a case  like this and he had small doses of metacam to help his arthritus and he was like a new cat..........he only had 3 legs but was then up and down stairs all the time!

He finally went to the Bridge aged 19yrs with renal failure which was never treated cos he couldnt be pilled and I agreed with my vet that his quality of life was most important.
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on February 18, 2013, 11:35:44 AM
What an awful worry, it never rains but it pours eh  :hug: I think it helps if you break it down into categories in your head then deal with each chunk at a time as otherwise it may feel a bit overwhelming  :shy:

Firstly, have any of the blood tests shown how well he is doing CRF wise? If he's fairly stable still then you can push that to one side although as you said it means that certain treatments would be contraindicated.

If the lump does turn out to be his thyroid then hopefully this is something that can be easily dealt with either via medication or surgery if your vet feels he is a good candidate. My Tiggy was both hyperthyroid and CRF for many years with no great problems - she was diagnosed hyperthyroid roughly the same age as Jijo - approx 14 I think and she had five good years with me after that. My vet told me that being hyperthyroid can actually be slightly beneficial for the kidneys as it pumps the blood through faster (or something technical like that!) so he always aimed to have the thyroid result on the higher end of normal which we achieved well through medication. If he does turn out to be hyperthyroid then there's lots of others on here who have recent experience of the various meds and diet available so we can cross that bridge if and when you come to it  :hug:

The spinal issues/lameness I guess are the greatest worry at the moment, if certain medication routes are ruled out due to him having CRF then have you considered more 'alternative' methods eg supplements or even something like acupuncture? There was a recent thread on it and the cat involved seems to be doing very well on it - I'm sure if you ran a search for arthritis or something similar on here there'll be recommendations of supplements etc too but I don't have any experience of such things myself. Here's the thread on acupuncture http://www.purrsinourhearts.co.uk/index.php/topic,42463.msg753466.html#msg753466
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: carolynl on February 21, 2013, 14:28:36 PM
Hi Both

Thank you for your replies.

I have just phoned the vet and the results of the test are back but the vet is out so he is going to ring me later to discuss the results.

Jijo is no better and I am worried that the lameness, although it doesn't appear to be giving him any pain at the moment, could cause problems later due to him holding his body in a different way to try to compensate.

The vet seemed pretty sure it is nerve damage but that seemed rather vague to me. Can nerve damage improve or is that it for Jijo now? Do you think he will get worse? I have so many questions I'm just confusing myself. I have written lots down to ask the vet when he calls so hopefully some of my fears will be put at rest.

Gill  -  I think the MRI scan would be at Langford and cost about £800.00. even if they cannot operate anyway, I'm thinking it might be worth having it done just to rule out anything else it could be. I don't know  :-: He didn't give any indication of any other treatment for it. Only surgery.  I think I need a definate diagnosis first so I will ask about that this afternoon.

Tiggy's Mum - His blood tests showed a slight increase in the levels for his CRF so basically a slow but steady decline in kidney function. So I am thinking as Gill said that I might ask about metacam, but if he has to take thyroid meds then that could complicate things further.  :(

Do either of you know if hyperthyroid can cause lameness?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just so worried about my boy.  :'(
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 21, 2013, 16:38:36 PM
I really hope that the results give some definative idea what the problem is  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Maybe Langford have am MRI scanner now or have a mobile one that comes in regularily and £800 is very good cos it was going to cost an estimated £3000 for the one for Naploeon.

If Jijo is able to travel and can cope with the anaesthetic I think I would go for the scan depending on the current results.

To my knowledge I do not believe that hyperthyroid would cause lameness.

I am pleased you have written loads down to ask the vet cos in times of stress like this it is impossible to remember everything.

I hope the vet rings very soon  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: SamMewl on February 22, 2013, 10:30:41 AM
so sorry to hear jijo and you are having a bad time  :hug:

i would not think there could be any association with the hyperthyroid and lameness. there can be lameness associated with arthritus that does cause compaction in the spine, although in the (limited) experience i have had of that it is a gradual thing and unlikly to go from OK to lame in one day. we did have a cat here that became very lame from a spinal injury after being trapped under some furniture. could Jijo have had a fall or other injury? when they are arthritic they can be a bit wobbly and prone to it.

for our cat that had the injury it just took time for it to repair, we could use steriods to help her though. but the main thing that helped was time plus metacam.

it can be a real job balancing meds for different conditions, but balancing a renal condition and a thyroid one is something vets are used to.
good luck xx
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: carolynl on February 22, 2013, 13:28:31 PM
Well, the thyroid test came back normal so the lump in Jijo's throat is a mystery and the vet doesn't want to do a biopsy because of the deicate nature of the position it is in and it is not causing Jijo any bother.

He has an appointment at the Vet hospital in Bath next Thursday where he has been referred by his usual vet to have his lameness assessed by a specialist so hopefully we will know more then.

I'll let you know what happens.

Thanks everyone.
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Kay and Penny on February 22, 2013, 14:08:19 PM
good luck for next Thursday for you and Jijo - and although he is going to the vet hospital specifically for his lameness, you will have the opportunity to get a second opinion on the throat lump

when I took my Trigger to Wooton-under-Edge for his radioactive iodine treatment, I made sure I pumped the vet there for his opinion on a large lump on his leg
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 22, 2013, 15:25:15 PM
Good luck for next week and hope it all goes well  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on February 22, 2013, 16:51:11 PM
Pleased to hear that the thyroid result is normal, fingers crossed the lump is something harmless and that you can get to the bottom of the lameness  :hug: I was going to suggest you ask about the possibility of being referred so that's good that your vet has already done so.

Please let us know how he gets on next week  :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Rosella moggy on February 23, 2013, 09:52:05 AM
This is such an excellent site and you have had some very good advice  :hug:

I too wonder a little at the sudden onset of lameness and very much hope you find that this clears in time and would ask your vet again about using pain relief for a week or so at least if his CRF is not too bad. 

Sending every good wish for Jigo  :care:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: carolynl on February 24, 2013, 10:35:54 AM
Hi Rosella moggy

We have already tried pain relief and it didn't seem to have any effect which is why our vet doesn't think Jijo is in any pain although I know cats can hide it pretty well. All it did was make him even more sleepy than he is already. 

My big worry now is he doesn't seem to be eating well at all, even for him. I am wondering if the lump is causing him difficulty in swallowing. He has stopped eating his renal biscuits altogether and he only really licks the gravy off his wet food. I am going to give him some more appetite stimulant today and see if that helps although he has had two doses of that over the last week and a half.

He is really not himself and I am very worried about him.  :'( I might take him to get weighed again tomorrow.

Thanks to you all for you advice and I will let you know what happens.
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 24, 2013, 11:00:41 AM
When you got the results what were the readings for his CRF?

This could be having an effect on his eating
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: carolynl on February 25, 2013, 11:03:31 AM
Hi Gill

His UREA was 17.2 mmol/L and his CREA was 348 umol/L both higher than the normal range.

Everything else was in the normal range.
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 25, 2013, 14:02:29 PM
I dont know how high this is but it tells the normaL range on the form but this could affect his eating, it certainly did with Ducha and he suddenly lost all his weight and stopped eating within 24 hrs  :(
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat
Post by: carolynl on February 25, 2013, 18:07:25 PM
I was so worried about Jijo that I took him back to the Vet this afternoon.

He did another blood test and his UREA was > 46.4mmol/L, his PHOS was > 5.19mmol/L both off the scale so the vet was unable to record the exact figure.

His CREA was 537umol/L

So his levels had gone skyhigh in 11 days and he had lost another 0.4Kg in weight in that time.

I was devastated as the Vet said he could give him emergency treatment for the CRF but it wouldn't help him enough to bring his readings down to a reasonable level where he would feel well enough to eat.

His lameness had also got worse. He could barely stand on either hind leg and was basically dragging them along. This had happened in a matter of hours.

The vet also gave him a physical exam and could feel that his kidneys were very lumpy whereas before they felt normal considering he had CRF.

The vet believed that there was no hope for any kind of recovery and said that because of the rapid deterioration he was convinced that there was a cancer there that had also affected Jijo's hind legs.

He said the kindest thing would be to let him go.  :'(

I knew that Jijo was gravely ill. He just wasn't 'there'. He  had given up. He couldn't even bare to be lifted up. I had to let him go. I couldn't let him suffer any more so I asked the vet to phone my partner, Carl, at work, and Carl agreed that it would be the kindest thing.

So Jijo has gone to the bridge. I said my goodbyes and stayed with him until he had gone. I came back home and the house feels so different. I will miss him so very much. He was my little fighter. When we went to the rescue to ask about adopting he was the one that chose us to go home with. That was 14 years ago, almost to the day and it will remain one of the happiest days of my life. This one will be one of the saddest.

RIP my brave little man. I will miss you for the rest of my life.  Love Mummy :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Dawn F on February 25, 2013, 18:11:57 PM
oh I'm so sorry to hear that  :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on February 25, 2013, 18:23:30 PM
Very sorry to hear this Carolyn  :(  :hug: It sounds like it was the kindest thing to do for him, doesn't make the pain of having to make the decision and losing him any easier though  :hug:

RIP Jijo, safe and sound at the Bridge by now xx

The Greatest Gift

I always knew this time would come,
From the very instant our eyes first met.
How I loved you then! How I love you now!
I made a promise then, and I will keep that promise now...
You will not suffer from a pain that will not heal;
You will not know the loss of a life remembered, now gone.

It is for me alone to make this decision,
The price for the bright joy and pure laughter
You brought me during the time we shared.
I am the only one who can decide when it is time.
When my hope dies, and my fear rides high,
Just when I need you most, I must let you go.

It is for you alone to tell me when you are ready
For without your guidance, I will not know
When to lay my grief, my guilt, my anger
My sorrow and my selfish heart aside
And give you this last gift, this greatest gift.
Your eyes will speak to mine, and I will know.

The pain of this moment is excruciating.
Tears stream down my face in a river of sorrow.
And my heart drowns in a pool of grief.
For you have spoken and I have listened,
And unlike other decisions I have made
This one brings no relief...no comfort...no peace.

For if there´s one thing you´ve taught me,
If there´s only one thing I´ve learned...
Unconditional love has a condition after all,
I must be willing to let you go, when you speak to me
I must be willing to help you go, if you cannot go alone.
And I must accept my pain so you can be free of yours.

Go easily now, go quickly now,
Do not linger here, it is time for you to leave.
Go find your strength, go find your youth.
Go find the ones who've gone before you.
You are free to leave me now, free to let your spirit soar
Rest easy now, your pain will soon be gone.

I pray I will find comfort in my memories...
In the dark and lonely days ahead.
I cannot say I will not miss you, I cannot say I will not cry.
For only my tears can heal my broken heart.
But, I promise you this; as long as I live,
You will live, alive in my mind, forever in my heart.

So I give you this last gift, all I have left to give,
And this will be my greatest gift...sending you away.
It is the measure of my unconditional love...
For only the greatest love can say,
"Good-bye, go find the bridge, we'll meet again,
Loving you has been the greatest gift of all."

Forever and Always... Until Rainbow bridge....

Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: carolynl on February 25, 2013, 18:42:12 PM
Thank you for you kindness everyone.

I have been crying so much that I can hardly see to read but I am really grateful to everyone who has tried to help and I know that Jijo is in no pain now and can go and find  my Holly, who he absolutely worshipped, at the bridge. He will be able to run and play again and not be held back by legs that don't work and he will feast on whatever food takes his fancy.

Go and have fun my precious boy, run and play and be happy. Take care of him Holly. Mummy loves you both very much. xxxxxx
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Kay and Penny on February 25, 2013, 19:01:38 PM
I am so very sorry, Carolyn

I don't think there is a single person on Purrs who doesn't understand the pain of the loss of a beloved cat, and I  just wish we could ease the pain you are going through  :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 26, 2013, 00:32:15 AM
I am so very sorry and you did the kindest thing for Jijo but its such a hard thing to do  :hug: :hug:

RIP Jijo play hard on the Bridge and you have left a purr in your mjeowmys heart
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: bunglycat on February 26, 2013, 01:18:48 AM
So sorry to hear about Jijo.  :hug: :hug: :hug:

It's the hardest thing we can do ,but in a way the kindest for them to stop the suffering when there is no hope of them getting better
He will be safe and well again now at the bridge.  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Scooby on February 26, 2013, 09:16:38 AM
So sorry to hear of your loss Carolyn :hug:
Jijo was a lucky kitty to have such a loving, caring Mum.
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: sheilarose on February 26, 2013, 10:00:23 AM
Carolyn , this is so sad, my heart is breaking for you.  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jijo had decided it was his time, though, and you bravely took the right steps to help him to the Bridge without any delay, and stayed with him to the very end.

He will be a happy, healthy boy again, restored to his bouncy and beautiful self, safe and sound at the Bridge by now, together with his beloved Holly, so proud of his Mummy for being so brave. 

He leaves a legacy of love and cherished memories, and for those you will soon be so thankful, as when the pain begins to subside, the joy of knowing Jijo will return and then you will find peace and comfort in your memories.

RIP, Jijo, you were so loved. Send Mummy a rainbow when you get the chance, sweetie. x
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: CatGirl on February 26, 2013, 10:22:10 AM
So sorry to hear of your loss Carolyn,sitting here crying too. :hug:x
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: carolynl on February 26, 2013, 19:42:05 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind words.

I feel numb at the moment and Izzi, my other babe, seems a bit lost bless her.

We are taking Jijo to Dignity on Thursday to be cremated and I am dreading it. I just know it will be a very difficult day for both myself and Carl. I hope they are good there and that they do as they have told me, as I couldn't bare the thought of Jijo being in the hands of people who don't understand.

I tried to find somewhere closer to home but nowhere else offers the same services. I need to know that it really is Jijo who is coming home with us and not the ashes of other peoples pets and this is the closest I am going to get to knowing that, although there is still a niggling doubt. Is it just me being paranoid?  :(  They will let you be there when your pet is put into the chamber, but how do you know it is him when they give you the ashes?

Has anyone else been there?

Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Scooby on February 26, 2013, 22:13:43 PM
I'm sure these places have to have checks in place Carolyn, so I wouldn't worry.
I used a pet crematorium near Durham and they were absolutely wonderful.  They treated my little Phoebe, (she passed due to PKD at the age of 3) with the utmost care.  They even had a little chapel of rest to say our goodbyes and they really did handle our baby with kindness and such dignity.  I have only very positive things to say about my experience with the pet crematorium.

I'm sure you will find the people who are looking after Jijo's final journey just as compassionate.  If they are anything like the people I chose to use, then they will totally understand how you feel and will treat your little one as the important family member they are to you.   :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Sootyca on February 26, 2013, 22:23:52 PM
So sorry  :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: nickynoo93 on February 27, 2013, 07:39:53 AM
So sad for you and your partner, RIP Jijo.

Our little Harry was cremated at Peaceful Pets, up north somewhere. They do individual cremations.

Take care.x
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Tigerlily (Allison) on February 27, 2013, 08:29:18 AM
So sorry for your loss Carolyn  :hug: :hug:

RIP Jijo  :(
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: carolynl on February 28, 2013, 23:01:22 PM
Well, my Jijo was cremated today, and it was hard but we did get through it thanks to the kindness and understanding of the folks at Dignity Pet Cremations.

Jijo is back home with us now inside a lovely carved wooden casket, shaped like a sleeping cat. We have put him by the fireplace, as he always liked to be cosy and warm.

He loved lying in the sunshine or on my lap and would be almost ecstatic as he paddled my jumper, going into a trans-like state of happiness, with purrs as loud as you can imagine. I will miss that. Goodbye sweet boy. always in my heart.  :Luv2: :'(
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 28, 2013, 23:03:05 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug:  and one for Jijo  :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: SamMewl on March 02, 2013, 09:41:27 AM
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Liz on March 02, 2013, 12:00:21 PM
So sorry for your loss :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: lizfraser on March 02, 2013, 19:49:00 PM
So sorry  :hug: xx
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Janeyk on March 04, 2013, 08:05:48 AM
 :( So sorry  :hug:

RIP Jijo xx

Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: carolynl on March 04, 2013, 09:47:46 AM
Thank you every one for your kindness

But I am having serious doubts now that Jijo is at the bridge. I don't think he was ready to go after all.

I feel guilty for letting him down. He trusted me and I made some bad decisions that I believe led to his demise. I know it is difficult when under pressure to make those decisions but ultimately it was still down to me.

I think the anaesthetic he had for the xrays made his kidneys crash and it was my decision to let him have that because I wanted the vet to cure his lameness. His kidney function was basically stable for nearly 2 years then 11 days after the xrays he was too ill to save. Too much of a coincidence to me. It is my fault he is not with me anymore  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I'm so sorry Jijo, I hope you can forgive me.  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Liz on March 04, 2013, 12:13:43 PM
Hindsight is something we would all love when trying to do the best for our furkids

I know that we all think what if but sometimes the decision is not ours to make and we have to remember them for who they were and not what if he will now be whole at the bridge and will send you a sign :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 04, 2013, 12:24:34 PM
You absolutely did not fail him Carolyn, the grief is making you doubt things that's all  :hug: Any decision made out of love is never wrong and you were being guided by your vet, who also had Jijo's best interests at heart.

I know it must seem impossible at this moment in time but one day, bit by bit, you will start to remember and focus on all the wonderful happy years you had together instead of his last days with you :grouphug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: den22 on March 04, 2013, 20:50:54 PM
So sorry for your loss, Jijo was a very lucky boy to have chosen you, he knew you would love him unconditionally and you did right to the end. Don't blame yourself it was his time and you gave the greatest gift of all, Freedom to   
to be healthy and happy again running free at the bridge until you meet again.
 :hug: to you

RIP Jijo running free at the bridge with lots of new furry friends  :)
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: carolynl on March 17, 2013, 19:57:58 PM
Jijo my dearest, bravest, bestest boy.

I miss you so much. I miss your demanding meow. I miss you following me to the bathroom in the morning. I miss our walks together. I miss arm wrestling with you. I miss you paddling my jumpers and going into your trance. I miss watching you get high on catnip. I miss you nibble-grooming the back of my head. I miss you laying in my lap and making my legs go numb. I miss all our times together. I just miss you Jeej.  :'(

We have a little furbabe, called Jasmine, who needs us just like you did. We will love her and cherish her and she will fill the hole that you left behind, but she will never take you place in our hearts.

Thankyou for my Rainbow my sweet boy. Now go and play with Holly. Love you both xxxxxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 17, 2013, 22:53:46 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: pappilon on March 17, 2013, 23:25:22 PM
  :hug: :hug: :hug:.
Title: Re: Help! Jijo is very poorly. CRF, Lameness and Lump in Throat - RIP my brave boy
Post by: Tigerlily (Allison) on March 18, 2013, 08:10:46 AM
 :( :( :( :(

 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: