Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 13, 2007, 20:29:42 PM

Title: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 13, 2007, 20:29:42 PM
This past week has been "bad" not only are we full to the gunnels lots of emergencies....
However, Basil that was taken in last week as a poorly puss got seen by the emergency vets, very poorly, collapsed and dehydrated... Stablised, at the vets for a day or so on fluids, xrayed and found to have a broken jaw. At vets all week, we didnt have anywhere to put him anyhows, come to a fosterer on Friday, but a real problem getting him to eat....... He is on meds...Tried to get him interested this evening but he will not have it, just stresses him out.  He is very thin... bones everywhere....... Moved him to an indoor fosterer tonight and see h ow he goes but off to the vets tomorrow, if he dosnt eat anything tonight..... He does look a poor thing. Ginger and white prob 5 to 7 yrs old, had  his broken jaw at least 2 weeks before anyone notifified us.............
Not only that a beaten up tom who I just pray, pray lots is not FELV positive. He looks a sorrowful state, is eating etc but shows no interest in life. Down the vets as well next week.

Two others we have no room to take, sorted out at the vets and someone looking after them until we have some space (not likely at the moment)
14 kittens and 4 mums...............
A dear female black puss found as a stray with chip but no one at that address, tried all week to find owners.....She has a bad hernia that will need sorting out asap as well. Maybe she got dumped because of that....

Oh dear. lets hope this week gets better............

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 20:35:14 PM
ohh gosh that sounds awful poor you!!  :grouphug: :care:

Hope things improve for you and your little furbabes soon.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 13, 2007, 20:36:06 PM
My goodness a heep of trouble, so glad you got great fosterers. Hope that they all get sorted  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 13, 2007, 20:49:28 PM
what a shame.  Tell me have the vets fixated the jaw to stabalise it ??  also is he recieving any type of tube feeding ??

 I ask because years ago it was fairly standard for # jaws to be syringe fed initially until they started on their own, obviously this is distressing for both cat and carer.  I then started routine NG tube feeing for these types of cases and found this to be sucessful, altho it can be abit faddy due to time it takes for correct volumes of thinned a/d etc to be syringed down & of course cats arent too keen on the tube.  

Then not a huge amount of time before i left work we had a tortie came in with severly smashed mandible AND maxilla..poor thing was in such a mess and all necessary surgery was done to fixate both upper and lower jaw (including hard palate etc)  Due to her nasal passages etc being comprimised aswell i felt under confident in doing my normal ng feeding regime and also it would be unfair, I recalled whilst studying the procedure of placing a pharyngeal feeding tube and went on to persuade my boss who  hadnt used this method before to do it as the actual surgery isnt too complicated,
 well i can tell you the results were outstanding !!!! because a much larger tube can be used the volume of food to give is a doddle and the cat was SOOOOOOO much happier not having a tube up her nose and the owner was also very good when she took over the tube feeding (this cat needed it longer than normal due to severity of her injurys) and as the tube is stitched in place etc there is actually far less chance of it moving and the risk of aspirating food products.  We had several conversations at work (me & boss etc) discussing how amazed & pleased we were with this procedure considering how easy it was to put in place and the overall all round sucess..my boss said he would definately use this type of tube feeding again when the situation arose (i obviously left work so that was only case i have experience of)

If your puss you have in doesnt pick up and eat maybe either or of those feeding methods may be required.  Is he on painkillers as that might help too ?

Hope you arent so stressed next week X
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on May 13, 2007, 21:22:35 PM

I have a room that could be used between now and Friday if its any help. Just give me a shout.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 13, 2007, 21:38:42 PM
Basil is on pain killers and antibotics, his mouth has been fixed internally. He is on no specail food and was eating okay at the vets before we picked him up, i do think that there maybe something else wrong. He is painfully thin! He does growl at you but isnt aggressive.... Poor mite, his coat is dull and he does look sorrowful, its just very hard to feed him as he is so weak and thin.  Trouble is with Basil is you dont want to hurt him, but maybe cruel to be kind. I left him in his heated igloo for the night with ID recovery food, chicken, water and mashed biscuits. But I doubt he will move all night...........

Mark.......we just may take you up on that.......? We are usually good at juggling cats, but its reached crisis point this week.

Terrible, week, the old tom i named Asterix is just in a land on his own, he is full of scabs and bites. Please no FIV cases...Especially, as if he is well outside and insdie and just needs TLC i have a home for him.....But i fear there is something else going on.....

Poppy the hernia puss, a lovely female......full of affection but again dull coat and that hernis seems to be getting worse.  We are advertising her for 14 days incase an owner comes forward, but really i think we will get her sorted asap.....

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on May 13, 2007, 21:56:18 PM
Just phone me - its quiet this week. The only rooms I could keep another cat away from my own  would be a guest room. I am full next weekend but this week is quiet. We are having the garden done at the moment and there will be a small summer house. It will be finished in a couple of months which doesn't help now but bear it in mind for the future. Also the fact that I am next door to animed might be handy.

Just give me a shout as I can collect if need be (I have 2 rooms booked tonight but they are checking out after breakfast tomorrow)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Schmew on May 13, 2007, 22:42:00 PM
Keeping fingers crossed for all the furbabes  :hug:

I'm a fair distance away (North west) but if Asterix does turn out to be FIV+ he could come here with my other foster

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 14, 2007, 07:41:10 AM
Aww, so sorry you are having a bad week, but fingers crossed it gets better for you.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 14, 2007, 10:35:42 AM
poor basil, he doesnt sound to well or happy does he.  Pehaps you could pick up a couple of hills a/d tins from your vet or try him with a tin of sardines or mackeral in tomatoe sauce.

fingers crossed he picks up poor mite.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 14, 2007, 11:44:12 AM
Basil got admitted at the vets again today...very dehyrated......so will be put on a drip. Hopefully he perks up asap......Poor mite....he did look unwell today.I just think he may of been discharged from the vets abit to early.....On fluids to perk him up eating then off fluids and not eating......Lets hope its just that........I don't want any more hard luck stories this week.........

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 14, 2007, 11:55:31 AM
fingers crossed for basil that he starts to feel better soon  :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 15, 2007, 11:24:13 AM
Rang the vets, Basil is still not eating. He is on a drip and seems bright, but that cannot be good.... I am very worried about him. 
Hope better news this evening.......

Suspose he is at the best place but i do feel for this mite.

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Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 15, 2007, 12:17:03 PM
aw poor lad i can see how terribly thin he is.  I am really suprised that your vet is waiting to see if he eats on his own.  the longer he goes without food the less inclined he'll get to eat and also he might feel abit squeemish with hunger.

theres a drug that is sometimes used called "periactin" giving cats a bigger appetite is a side effect really but it has been used often for that desired side effect.  also a small amount of IV valium can sometimes be useful..you have to have a full bowl of food sitting in front of them, inject valium and they wolf down the bowl of food immediately (i dont know if they actually know the reason for this but it does work)...sometimes just this once or twice can get the notion for them to use their mouths to eat if that makes sense.

I just want to come and sit and nurse him for some reason.  :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 15, 2007, 12:48:35 PM
I am worried about the mite as well..Sometimes vets make them not want to eat..  I will mention that drug to the vets when I ring later on today.....But i hope he picks up and eats something.....Not sure how long they can give fluids for..........

I will be most upset (very upset) if something else is amiss as they had him in alll last week, xrays and bloods, all looked normal. Bloods were within range of normal (although one was high end of normal)> I know that he wasnt thin a few weeks back but we know that his jaw injury occured a week before we were notified...So he probably hadnt been eating alot all week... He was eating at the vets last week as well... Very strange......I just wonder if he is so depressed.........He will certaintly be coming back to me to nurse........But feel the vets need to do more.. They didnt seem to worried about him when i spoke today, which i suppose is good.

Postive vibes for Basil pls everyone.......
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 15, 2007, 13:25:56 PM
Postive vibes for Basil pls everyone.......

You - and he - can count on mine  :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 15, 2007, 15:48:31 PM
Well they have managed to force feed him a little bit. Still on painkillers and have taken some more bloods....He seems alert but not eaten much.  Mentioned the vialium trick and they will see if they can do that if they think it will  help......Hope the bloods come up normal like......... Will ring tomorrow noon to find out more....

I suspect not eating is a side effect of his injury....., not that unusual.....just we want him to feel better.......He is still alert, which is good i suppose......

I forget the name of the drug mentioned earlier, what is it usualy used for?
Thanks people, keep  up those vibes......

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: tammy on May 15, 2007, 16:34:06 PM
 :hug: sending good vibes to you......

Blip-that piccie of your cat looks just lile my Smudge :)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 15, 2007, 17:42:01 PM
when did the injury take place approx ?? i'm wondering if its healing / in place properly.

of course lots of vibes..this type of thing is where real nursing comes into its own and you CAN often make a difference (given the time and opportunity of course)

If he doesnt start to eat voluntarily i'm worried as from experience force feeding a cat esp with a smashed jaw just isnt acceptable or fair.  I am like you and really hoping they havent missed something but i am boggled as to why an earth they are not doing some sort of tube feeding, He's gone so many days now with barely anything to eat its worrying as you know yourself very well they need to eat to get their appetite in the first place.

i'm going to have a lookie for relevant info for you so you are armed with info but i'll do it after tea and prob kids bedtime ok dokes (me sausages need turning LOL) will pm you later  :hug:

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Millys Mum on May 15, 2007, 18:03:37 PM
Gentle head rubs to Basil, i hope hes soon :feed:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 15, 2007, 18:37:44 PM
Hi Lyn
Thanks alot...
As far as we are aware he had the jaw injury a week, got taken in over the last bank holiday on Sunday. They stablised him for a day or so (very dehydrated) and did the op on Wed after xrays revealed the jaw problem so,  he had the injury a good week before we picked him up.  He was on fluids and was eating on Thur, Friday. We picked him up on Friday, he went to a fosterer abit further away in a pen (as we had no room at that time) Over the weekend he didnt eat much and couldnt get his tablets down either. Our welfare officer (vet nurse as well) went by and gave him some food (via syringe) and also injection of Metacam for pain relief.  He wasnt alot better the next day and got moved to us overnight on Sunday.......We got him to the vets on Monday.......... first thing......

If its just a matter of not eating then hopefully they can tube him for a while to get fluid and food in......However, if its something else (dread the thought) I suppose will have to see tomorrow....Not sure what else to do....They dont seem overly worried about him...but I am....!! Wish there was more to do..Wish someone had contacted us earlier anyhows....It was an emergency call over the weekend... I can only imagine if the lady had not responded to us.He would probably of been picked up by the RSPCA and been PTS.........

As it was the lady was in London and just thought to ring us on the afterthought, he was sitting in a bush in her garden for at least a week she assumed he belonged to someone........

I dont think he is an senior puss or young either between 5 and 8 say... just his condition makes him look older... He does purr and seems to enjoy a stroke... not aggessive or anything........

Whatever advise you can give much appreciated.. Although I am not qualified to say anything for armed with ideas would be good... 

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 15, 2007, 20:53:57 PM
Have mailed you  :)

Just read your last post again...what a shame that lady watched him sitting under a bush for a whole week..i know she obviously didnt realise but the poor boy sitting their cold, hungry, thirsty and in pain  :(
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 15, 2007, 21:37:55 PM
Thanks Lyn
Will have a read and also speak to them again tomorrow......Ive had good reports at this vets. so i hope nothing is amiss...
Nothing more i can do until then..but i am keen for them to do something........asap.

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 15, 2007, 22:00:59 PM
fingers crossed he feels better in morning and is starving  ;D

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Amanda (mad4moggies) on May 15, 2007, 22:37:45 PM
I hope he starts to get his appetite back soon, the poor little man has been through so much. The other thing is i wonder if he is getting the correct level of pain relief. Lyn i don`t know how you found it when you were working in practice but some vets seem to hold back a bit with pain relief just because a cat (or any animal) isn`t screaming its head off in obvious discomfort. I know it would be hard to approach this subject with your vet but it might be an idea. Also as he is on fluids and is not eating you have to be quite careful about the choice of drugs and the effect it will have on his kidneys if he is dehydrated. Something like Vetergesic would probably be the best as opposed to things like Rimadyl and Metacam. A 2mg Diazepam tablet is another very good way to get cats eating, it`s quite amazing to watch how quickly they can polish off an entire bowl of food as i`m sure Lyn will agree with!
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on May 15, 2007, 23:30:37 PM
I'm curious about the tranquilizer method. Lynn suggested valium earlier. I wondered if it's the equivilent of "the munchies" (not that I know about stuff like that you understand  :-: )

I hope he is feeling brighter soon.

PS - I don't know how the blue bar is appearing at the bottom of my message.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 16, 2007, 07:38:43 AM
Fingers crossed he is better today.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 16, 2007, 10:35:10 AM
I cant honestly say i'm aware of a diazepam tab working in the same way amanda but dont doubt it would..probably not such a great effect but the iv is astounding, not that its a commonly used method but useful to have as an "option"

I did quizz re the painkiller and he is apparently getting altho i dont know which type so your right perhaps whatever he is getting isnt maybe the most effective for him.

I do hope we hear he has picked up today  :)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 16, 2007, 18:46:26 PM
Right then, the nice vet rang me.  Bloods are high but within normal range. He may be abit anemic but nothing to bad, just his condition. Nothing wrong with him jaw, he is on pain relief and fluids still.  There are giving him steriods and also managed to get some food in him, he seems fine in himself but is okay one minute and poorly the next.  Generally taking notice of things...

He only vomitted once today but managed to keep the rest of the food down... Generally alot better then on Monday but still dehydrated.  Fluds have been reduced abit....

The reckon the problem is not the jaw or pain something else... Although we dont know much about his history at all so the vets are covering all bases.  I am more confident they are doing as much as they can to help and they arent penny pinching either. 

Nothing has come back ontowards with bloods... he has been FIV tested and fine....

Abit of a mystery, but generally abit better then yesterday...

Will ring again tomorrow.........

Thanks all for your kind words... The nurses have passed on hugs and kisses to him.

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: tammy on May 16, 2007, 18:51:16 PM
All the best for your little kitty  :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 17, 2007, 08:08:56 AM
Aww, at least it hasnt shown anything too major, but a mystery as to why he is still a bit off. Fingers crossed he is better soon
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 21, 2007, 07:47:34 AM
On Friday Basil showed abit of improvement but they cannot find any reason why he isnt really eating much..... He is on meds, steriods and pain relief. Will ring today to find out weekend progress... They didnt ring me over the weekend which iwas good as only told them to ring if he went downhill... Lets hope this little puss comes out the vets this week and enjoys some home comforts and TLC!

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Bazsmum on May 21, 2007, 09:07:29 AM
Hoping Basil makes a speedy recovery and gets back to eating again  :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 21, 2007, 16:35:59 PM
Hows wee basil getting on, I have thought of him over the weekend.  I do hope we'll hear of an improvement with him  :)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 21, 2007, 19:12:28 PM
I rang the vets today and he seems to be improving, eating a little more and seems brighter.  Still at the vets and probably will still be for a few more days....But good news at least..

I dread to think of the bill though our finance person is going to have kittens..... He has been in the vets near enought 10 tens this time and seven before... Our finances have been severely dented to say the least...
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 21, 2007, 19:22:43 PM
oh brilliant news i am pleased  :)

slow progress is still PROGRESS.

so long as he makes a long term recovery blow the fiances.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on May 21, 2007, 19:50:13 PM

 our finance person is going to have kittens.....

Haven't you got enough already?  :evillaugh:

Glad he's on the mend Sharon. You can relax a bit - just this week's fundraiser to sort out - I'll see you there  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: tammy on May 22, 2007, 08:56:03 AM
could we not set up a donation section for Basils vet stay??
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 22, 2007, 19:47:09 PM
Basil continues to improve today, but still at the vets. Now eating on  his own... With luck Thur or Friday he "may" be out,,, but the vets wouldnt commit themselves, we also dont want him to go backwards either...

As for the bill, well i have yet to be shocked! But they seemed to be wiling to negotate with us and hopefully its within our means.  The last bill when he was in there for his op and emergency treatment (we had to do out of hours vet care) was over 300 and now he is has been in the vets a further 9 days already.... However, he hasnt had to much extensive investigation so we are only paying for drugs and board... But i could be wrong... still i hope they realise we are a charity and have limited funds. Espe as on Monday we took in another stray who is at the vets still due to a very high temp in the 40 at least... we hoped he would of improved today but its still very high, so he is in there for another day.  This vets is in Canterbury and not our usual one and they probably want discount us anything! But we will try to convince them otherwise... we were going to get him neutered there but it was going to be another 40 quid compared to our normal vets that charge 21, big difference....
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 24, 2007, 10:20:50 AM
absolutely fantastic news about Basil, i'm so chuffed and praying this recovery keeps on the right road  ;)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: smudgepickles on May 24, 2007, 10:50:01 AM
Glad Basil is on the mend and hope he is well enough to come out soon

Head kisses to him from my babies

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 25, 2007, 18:58:48 PM
Basil is home with us..................!!!
My is he a sorry sight... full of bones... bits of fur missing... can hardly walk due to be in a cage for 2 weeks (nearly!

He is a very fussy eater and will only eat biscuits (GOCAT) and then only in a small bowl not near water... Very finicky... Still he seems alert and not in any pain, but you can feel all his ribs....he wobbles when he walks and is abit unsteady...

Lots of TLC needed for this little man...

Need to go back in 2 wks to have his jaw bit removed...

He seeks you out to be made a fuss of, but cannot jump.. he likes to go in the outside run we  have and has an heated igloo for  heat... Spent a hour with him earlier and someone else will take care of  him the rest of the night...

Will try some nice food this week to get him eating abit more,,, but he just seems to put his nose up at most gourment stuff...

Perhaps when he feels more loved he will come round....

I am glad he made it this far...

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on May 25, 2007, 19:04:16 PM
Great news Sharon. It certainly has been uphill with him but the signs are good it seems. Maybe a good fuss will perk him up. If you need anything, give me a shout - hopefully will see you inHerne Bay tomorrow (shame about the rain)

BTW - who was the black oldy at the open day?
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 25, 2007, 19:08:42 PM
oh fantastic news, i am sooooooo relieved and chuffed.  Poor man though, imagine all this time since sitting injured in that ladys garden having had a sore mouth and hardly eating he must be struggling with getting an appetite.

maybe he associated food with the sore mouth now aswell and will take a minute to get over that.  I do hope absolutely everything else is A OK with him and in 6 mnths we get fantastic pics of him looking porky with his new owners, wouldnt that be bliss  :)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Millys Mum on May 25, 2007, 19:10:17 PM
Thats great news  ;D
I reckon lightly cooked salmon flakes hand fed may be good enough for his lordship or maybe a maccy d's  :rofl:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 25, 2007, 19:23:07 PM
Going to try that Appaulse food, was meant for my sweeties but think he deserves some!!

At the moment he does have a look around then lays on the floor exhausted...Poor mite.. he is obvioulsy suffering abit being in a small place for so long, stiff joints...

I thought of some vitamin stuff to give him but he came home with no meds at all... Can you buy something to put in water that dosnt taste or something... although he has had alot of IV fluids recently....

Anyhows, he is safe and sound with us and will probably be a long term resident i suppose.

Mark we had Poppy and Indie at the Open Day. Poppy had her hernia op this week and is now with an indoor fosterer.... Indie is waiting for ahome...

Just about all the kittens where rehomed but we have the two young mums to rehomed soon hopefully, they are now all on CatChat....

See U Tomorrow....
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 25, 2007, 20:42:29 PM
Awww poor mite, i dont know why i feel so much for him.  when he lays on the floor is it exhaustion do you think ?? does he lie on padding / bed or anything ?

Re vitamins, there are various things you can give but non i can think of that dont taste..however cats LOVE brewers yeast tabs which is good for them so perhaps you could pick up some from the chemist and see if he'll eat them ?

Does he actually drink aswell ?  even tho he's been on fluids for so long that will only really keep him hydrated for a day or two so he now needs to drink.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 25, 2007, 22:32:53 PM
Hi lyn
I think he is just finding his legs again thats all....His eyes are bright and he seems alert,  i havnt heard a purr out of him yet though.. but he loves to be gently stroked. 

We have started putting small saucer bowls all around his pen with water as well... Tomorrow i will pick up some small tins of all major cat food brnads and also some cheapies (maybe he was brought up on cheap stuff).  Will also try tuna water and anything else we can t hink of.  Was told he mainly eats around 6pm is but not with gusto, takes nibbles at a time...

There is absolutely nothing on him though to cover up those bones, the vet told me that he had put on abit of weight while at the vets, well its hard to see at the moment.  He is probably the thinnest cat we have had in our care for many a year...I doubt he would of survived much longer....I dont think there is nothing more physically wrong such all in his head, he has no bond with anyone.  I hope we can change that...

Will try and get some photos tomorrow of him....i hope that he continues to do well over the weekend...

Abit strange but we have three ginger cats in our care at the moment, very unusual.... One is female as well poor Momo needs a home though.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on May 25, 2007, 23:54:54 PM
I will bring a few treats for him tomorrow. I know its trial & error with them. After trying all the premium brands, clapton seems to like tesco own brand the best. I have a few kinds including Lidl own that he can try.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 26, 2007, 08:54:12 AM
Aww, I am glad he is on the mend, and hope you can get him eating well and putting weight on - how about either cat milk or KMR? Good luck with him, and would like to see a piccie at some point.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 26, 2007, 21:42:38 PM
Give basil i big hug from me  :hug:

Would he like to sleep on a wee bean bag or something, breaks my heart to think of his so thin and boney..poor man  :(  I'm so glad he's in safe hands now  :)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 27, 2007, 07:49:43 AM
Spent a few hours with Bas last night and he is less wobbly. Photos of him eating!!! Although morsels of food... He has water and a padded igloo that is heated to sleep on.  Slowly but surely....

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 27, 2007, 08:35:17 AM
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Bazsmum on May 27, 2007, 13:34:13 PM
Aww....glad he's on the mend :)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 27, 2007, 15:32:17 PM
Slowly but surely...  Come on, Basil!

 :hug: to him.  Well done to the Canterbury team.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on May 27, 2007, 18:46:08 PM
Sharon I seem t have totally missed this thread somehow!  Just cuaght up with everything ... so pleased Basil is on the mend slowly.

Sending lots of love and positive vibes for this little man  :Luv: :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 27, 2007, 18:56:46 PM
I have today brought a whole load of food and am trying him on different stuff. Mark also gave me some stuff as well. Thanks!
So far he only seems to tolerate biscuits his favourite is Pro Plan. He physically gaggs when he sees wet food.  its going to be a while before he gets any weight on though... He is eating and drinking fine, but eats very slowly...

So progress at least and he is well cared for here...

Wil give him a headbut later for all the kinds thoughts towards him.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 27, 2007, 19:09:55 PM
Dry food tends to help them put weight on more than wet food anyway, so might not be a bad thing for him, as long as he drinks enough.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on May 27, 2007, 20:11:42 PM
Would a good quality (royal canin equivalent) dry kitten food be better for him.  I know wet kitten food is good for nursing mums and for fattening up  skinny cats does the same apply to dry food.  Also with it being kitten it'll be small kibble bits so might be easier for him to eat with a poorly jaw.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 27, 2007, 20:17:34 PM
Hi Sam
Jep ! Tried kitten food and all the expensive brands.. He dosnt like cat milk as was suggested earlier.. Tried all kinds of fish and chicken no good either, just gaggs at that as well.  He literally repels at this...

Didnt know that about dry food being fattening,,, thats good though.  He has water down all the time and does drink but mainly in the evening...

Two bowls were left out for him last night and all but a few morsels where gone by morning... Good sign, perhaps when he has had his jaw bit out he will eat more. but he isnt in any pain...

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 27, 2007, 20:21:57 PM
have you tried tuna water, from tuna in spring water cans?

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 27, 2007, 20:31:25 PM
Afraid so !!!
Never known a cat like Basil!!

Even tried abit of salmon fillet,, no luck he just physicall repels against it... no good forcing him at all...

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on May 27, 2007, 20:32:11 PM
Have you tried (or heard of!) liquivite?  I saw it the other day on bestpetpharmacy  "Liquivite Cat Food - Both feeds and rehydrates the sick, convalescent, post-operative or anorexic cat, which cannot or will not take solids or drink liquids."

http://www.liquivite.co.uk/      http://www.bestpetpharmacy.co.uk/search_results.asp

Also there are some excellent tips on the CRF website for persuading cats to eat, they are not CRF specific so might be worth trying a few ideas.  http://www.felinecrf.org/persuading_cat_to_eat.htm
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: smudgepickles on May 27, 2007, 21:48:38 PM
 Milo when I first got him and Bella were the same as your darling little chap when I took them in, Milo wasnt expected to survive. I like you tried everything and he use to vomit then I thought I had nothing to lose and tried Baby food he loved the chicken and beef in a can and the Milupa baby food too.

I started by actually dotting it on his nose and he soon realised he actually liked it............took ages to feed him as he would lick it off my finger and not off a plate. He now eats his food with his hands lol so sweet  :hug: :hug:

Hope it helps for Basil and he continues to improve  :hug: :hug: :hug:


Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 28, 2007, 13:38:14 PM
I wonder have you got or could you get a sample bag of hills dried kitten and adult food..lots of cats get very addicted to the hills brand which tends to make them lose their waist line  ;)

If your vet hasnt got the sample bags im sure hills could maybe send you some given the circumstances or someome from here could send you some , i havent got any in just now but will buy some this week..i'll send you a taster down if you want ?

Loved the pics, we can see how thin he is but he does look abit happier than the last pics and its great he is actually drinking aswell.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 28, 2007, 14:02:37 PM
I have never had a cat that would tolerate Liquivite to be honest, so I dont recommend it - normally a/d is the best option, but suspect he wouldn't tolerate that.
You do have to be very careful with babyfood, cos you need it with no onions, and last time I tried to find some without, I struggled. Vet didn't rate using it either.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 28, 2007, 14:06:50 PM
baby food isnt very nutritious either, altho i guess if you have a cat that isnt eating anything better than nothing.

Re the onions des, you've mentioned this before.  My question is many cats have human left overs or "lick a plate" if they get away with it lol, and that will or could also have onions in it with no harm..baby food also very minute quantities so would it really do harm ??  I didnt know about cats and onions till i joined here actually but ive wondered about the baby food thing before.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: smudgepickles on May 28, 2007, 14:10:53 PM
The baby food was either the last option or Milo died...................it started him eating and thats all we needed to do. Once they start eating he seemed to try other things after which was kitten food mixed with water

The main thing is them eating  :hug:

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 28, 2007, 14:11:19 PM
Onions can cause Heinz body anaemia - in both cats and dogs. Here is an article, which includes other things. I do still find it odd that as a VN you woudlnt know,

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 28, 2007, 14:44:13 PM
I do still find it odd that as a VN you woudlnt know,

Me too des LOL..atleast you know i always admit to something i dont know  ;)

I reckon i'll have a wee dig online later to see the specific quantities that are likely to do harm.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on May 28, 2007, 15:03:38 PM
The baby food was either the last option or Milo died...................it started him eating and thats all we needed to do. Once they start eating he seemed to try other things after which was kitten food mixed with water

The main thing is them eating  :hug:


when my molly had a tumour removed in her throat she lived on chicken flavour baby food for 3 days
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 28, 2007, 16:06:55 PM
Lynn, from what I have read it varies - same with garlic, but think they can tolerate larger quantities of that - they make cat food with garlic in the US, and while some people wont feed it, it obviously isnt having serious side effects or they woudlnt be able to keep producing it
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 28, 2007, 16:35:24 PM
looked up countless articles and nothing says how much altho a couple of things were on about a whole onion or cup ful of chopped onions in a dog and said cats are more sensitive altho probably unlikely to eat the volume that would cause toxicity..i also seen something that lists mushrooms aswell..there was a thread on mushrooms not long ago, it didnt say which type so i'd imagine the common ones would be ok.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 29, 2007, 18:14:47 PM
I've spent some time with Basil today and he continues to do well.... He seems to be okay on biscuits of all types and is drinking although i dont think he is drinking enough... But seems bright and can jump on the seat know.  He is so light when you pick him up... He moewed at me today and also we saw him washing himself...His eyes are bright and he is very interested in his outside pen...Several people have been with him today, giving him lots of TLC, he does seem very pleased to see you.... 

He definately eats better at night... Will try tuna water when i next open a tin,, but so far he just cannot take wet food... I have him on the Sainsbury Joe and Jill food at the moment... Trouble with biscuits is that they are often sold in large packets and its a waste if he never eats it... Pro Plan is however a complete meal and he is doing fine on that... As for kitten biscuits yes, we are trying that as well... I cannot even get him interested in cat treats....

I spoke to the vets and they seemed happy with his progress....We have put loads of blankets in his pen and soft cushions but he avoids them.. Today he has been outside in the sun (what sun we have had that is)... His pen is lovely and warm... If he didnt hate cats so much he would be with me indoors, but we dont want to upset him... At the vets he went beserk when seeing other cats....

So his progress is doing well, i just wish he wasnt so thin.. its heartbreaking....

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 29, 2007, 18:32:49 PM
fantastic news.  He seems to continue on the right path and hopefully he'll keep plodding on this way.  sounds like he's happy and regaining some strength, your doing a wonderful job  :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: ccmacey on May 29, 2007, 18:38:08 PM
What about trying Natures menu, they are like little chew sticks, soft and choped into little pieces and they come in little bags. About 89p a bag and there's a good few in them.  :)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on May 29, 2007, 19:05:24 PM
Natures menu! Yep tried them...no luck... Actually i think i have a sample of just about every type of cat food out there at the moment... We are avoiding the really cheap stuff as we dont want to upset his tummy....

I have some Sardine brine to take over later...
I was told by the vets that he didnt like the liquivite stuff that someone mentioned earlier.. so didnt get that...

Thought of trying evaporated milk as well (no luck with cat milk)

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 29, 2007, 19:06:42 PM
crab sticks or prawns ??

Of course then  runs into the danger of actually putting him off by trying with so many differnt things...i sympathise with you, this is the story of my life for past 7 years with my own son  :tired:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 29, 2007, 19:10:45 PM
Well, I am glad, at least, that Basil is perking up and showing an interest in things.  I hesitate to imagine his story, poor little mite.  Still, he is in good hands now.

Come on Basil.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 04, 2007, 18:11:33 PM
Hows our wee man doing sharon ?

been wondering about him over the weekend, well telepathically trying to get him to eat... :innocent:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 04, 2007, 20:25:04 PM
I tried to post earlier but failed. Baz is going fine.. although still terribly thin he has enjoyed a few walks in the garden on a  harness (rabbit harness just fits him).. He is having his jaw thing removed on Friday.. Still dosnt eat much, but for sure puton some weight i think.. He now miows and greets you when you go and see him..

See the most up to date photo, enjoying abit of sun over the weekend..

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 04, 2007, 21:10:54 PM
I used to give Kocka evaporated milk mixed with water.

Hope basil continues to improve.......sad he hates other cats so much.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: smudgepickles on June 04, 2007, 21:13:30 PM


Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 04, 2007, 21:35:02 PM
oooo thats a gorgeous pic sharon and what a difference i see, i hope he gets on even better once the wire is removed from his mouth.

Ive taken the liberty of posting these photos of him to compare the difference.

Hes such a gorgeous boy, what a pity he's had a tough life so far, I dont think he could have been in very good condition even before his jaw was broken.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 04, 2007, 22:09:30 PM
Oh my i have tried evaporated milk, even prawns as well.. The problem is with the wire, he finds it difficult to chew but manages to get biscuits to the back of his throat to eat.. We are at the moment on Pro Plan Kitten food....Water is going as well.

You can pick him up now, although he cannot manage the climbing frame in the pen... I sit with him every so often with a laptop in one hand and a hand stroking hm behind his ears.. He dosnt like you inspecting his mouth (for obviousl reasons).. He now responds to his name, although he will sit with you he is happy to sit besides you rather then on you...He loves to go out but abit nervy of anything new.. I can still get may hands round his waist but his eyes look bright and he does like lots of TLC.. I think  he is doing fine, just lots of time needed to build up his weight... The vets have been pleased with him as well...

I am rather pleased with that photo as the light on his coat shows up so well, his coat is much softer now and we try to brush it every so often.. he loves that...
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: smudgepickles on June 04, 2007, 22:18:50 PM
He looks 100 times better and its all thanks to you CC poor little darling, maybe he may feel better when his jaw wire is out, I know my daughters cat did

These are for you from Basil  CC :Flowers: :Flowers: :Flowers: :Flowers: for being such a kind and caring person

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 04, 2007, 22:30:22 PM
Thanks alot, but I do what i enjoy doing and very often animals have a knack of brightening a grey day when things are kind of gloomy everywhere else..

But, my those two pictures show such an improvment don't they.. Doesnt look like the same cat.... but its Baz alright, even redness on his nose is getting better...

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 04, 2007, 22:33:47 PM
and altho every case is worthwhile i personally think sometimes the most satisfaction can be had from a cat such as basil..the ones you've battled and gone that extra mile for and when they are totally fit and well ... its just so worth it.

I'm glad/hope basil will somehow manage to remain with you, perhaps in time he'll learn to like your other cats too...that way i get good updates  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on June 05, 2007, 08:00:12 AM
Aww, I am so glad to hear that he is carrying on improving, and fingers crossed he continues after the wire comes out. There is such a big improvement in those two pics. I do hope he finds a wonderful home - Lynn, if we all kept the ones that we had to put a lot into, then we might end up too full and not able to help the next Basil.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 05, 2007, 11:05:41 AM
true desley i understand but sharon has said she thinks he may be a long term resident  :)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Ela on June 05, 2007, 11:31:58 AM
if we all kept the ones that we had to put a lot into, then we might end up too full and not able to help the next Basil.

I know exactly what you mean, if we had kept all the ones we had fought to save we would be a sanctuary and not a rescue by now.

If you remember I  wrote a few weeks ago ‘For the last 24 hrs I have been caring for Molly (her foster mum was going to a wedding yesterday) who will be 3 weeks old on Tuesday. she weighed a whole 185 grams yesterday. She is a little darling and we all hope she makes it. I have now returned her to her foster mum’.
Well Donna has fought and fought to enable Molly to win the battle of life. Donna has almost lived at the vets but today she is ready to be homed , Although still small she is well and I know it will break Donna's heart to let her go but she knows only too well that there is another Molly round the corner. In fact another 2 Molly's came in last night., her sisters, the owner finally decided we could have them as well, sadly they have not had the same care as Molly and one seems to have ligament probs or a broken leg, perhaps that is why we now have them. It is a never ending circle. Hopefully we can now have mum spayed.

I am however sure we have all indulged ourselves in the past.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 06, 2007, 22:40:55 PM
Baz is still progressing and has his metal bit out on Friday... I am dropping him off at 9.30am for hte vets so he cannot be fed before that.. However, we dont want to upset his food regime and thus what is the safest and lastest time we can feed him.. He only eats biscuits and of course has water down.. I gather its only a short op so want be under long...

Just dont want him going backwards.. he had definately put on weight..........

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 06, 2007, 22:45:43 PM
Although i would love to keep Baz it just wouldnt be fair on my two Leo and Bella, esp Bella who is very dear to me and on borrowed time anyhow with a dodgy heart... ! I wil however be doing my best when he is fit and well to find him a pefect home to someone who can adore him the rest of his life and will also keep me up to date on how he is doing.  In reality after his bit in his mouth is taken out and a few days to get over it, if someone was prepared to keep on the food regime there is no reason he couldnt be rehomed... to someone who was prepared to put time in for  him.. Of course we will keep him as long as but he enjoys the outside life and the more excerise he gets the stronger he will get, today is saw him give a little jump in his pen which is a good sign...

He however, just has to go to a special home and i will be vetting it personally!!! He is also turning into abit of a lap cat but hates his paws touched.....! He is however a very adorable puss, we dont think he is 8yrs old more 5ish as when he has the energy he really does play....
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 06, 2007, 23:13:59 PM
You need to ask the vets but they are usually quite conservative and probably you will find its Ok up till midnight and I think they can still have water but your vet will tell you.......also explain that you want to be ablt to feed him as long as possible cos of his prohblem eating.

It does depend when they are going to operate but often this is after surgery closes.

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on June 06, 2007, 23:23:48 PM
What RB told me and what it said in the leaflet wer 2 different things. I think feeding up to bedtime will be fine as 9 - 10 hours is more than enough for food to go through the stomach. Definately no breakfast or even a drink in the morning.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on June 07, 2007, 07:57:57 AM
Fingers crossed for him - I have never been told to take up water in the morning though. I am sure if you explained the situation to them, they can adjust when they operate to make sure he isn't waiting as long without food. I do hope you can find that special home for him.
Lynn - long term resident also doesn't always mean they will be here forever, for me it is just a term I use when I know I am looking at them being here a while, such as Tom and Lucy - it never means they will stay though
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 07, 2007, 10:24:46 AM
sharon the withholding of feeding and water seems to be advice that runs off the tongue from years ago and often their advice hasn't altered.  Basically you want the stomach to be empty primarily to prevent any risk of aspiration, the average stomach emptying time for food is around 4-6 hours (probably less) so its most practical to take food away at your bedtime or i always say 10pm ish (years ago peeps were taking food away late afternoon early tea time which is unnecessary)
Water however is a different matter and should not be withheld over night...especially for the more poorly/under condition animals.  If i was leaving the house at 9am I'd be taking the water away around 7 - 8 am to give a couple of hours before the anaesthetic.

When my tom (greyhound) was in recently i was advised NO food or water after supper time (6pm)..needless to say i quietly listened to the receptionist advice biting my tongue, said ok and did my own thing LOL..He was in for a dental so likely to be on end of ops list so therefore on their advice he'd have been without fluids for around 18 hours which is just bloomin ludicrous not to mention not good for his health at all .

If its a straight forward wire removal it will take around 2 mins under sedation / ga.

Good luck for tomorrow and i hope it doesnt set him back..perhaps he'll come on even quicker, cant wait to hear the vets/nurses comments on him physically looking so much better  :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: smudgepickles on June 07, 2007, 10:36:18 AM
In the last few months when mine have had op's they have told me to take the food away at 10pm and water at 8am. Its awful for them to have no drink from midnight and obviously they get stressed from no food so will be even thirstier. I'm glad they have changed that
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 07, 2007, 12:19:46 PM
thats far better advice you were given, like i said before i feel with many its just the advice that was given for so many years they probably havent thought to re evaluate what is being said.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 07, 2007, 18:16:08 PM
I rang up the vets and was told no food after 10pm and water is fine till early morning. I requested they deal with him mid AM rather then last and they seemed very accomodating to that... But wait and see...

Will update you tomorrow when he returns...

Bless him!
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on June 07, 2007, 18:56:17 PM
Is that 10pm for food Sharon?

I don't think that will be too much of a problem as he won't be begging for breakfast. I know what you meant before though. His stomach has probably shrunk so it may be nack to square one with the eating. Although if he's feeling better, he will make up for it in no time.

Good luck for tomorrow.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on June 08, 2007, 08:21:31 AM
Fingers crossed for him today.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 08, 2007, 10:12:27 AM
He'll be in by now.. :hug: to basil.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 08, 2007, 19:12:17 PM
Bas is fine if alittle unsteady still. He has been weighted and he weight 2.83K probably should be nearer 3.4 at least i say.. they are very pleased with him and although his mouth bleed abit he seems just abit confused now he is home.. He is very unsteady on his paws but seems happy to be home...

He dosnt have to go back at all, just now a matter of putting on weight.. We have left him to sleep it off tonight...

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on June 08, 2007, 19:53:53 PM
Well done Basil,  Sharon will buy you some nice prawns tomorrow  ;D

Glad he's over the worst Sharon - let hope he gets his strength back quickly.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on June 08, 2007, 20:50:56 PM
Aww, am glad he did well with that, and fingers crossed he puts weight on quickly.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 09, 2007, 10:56:24 AM
glad everything went a ok and they are pleased, obviously his jaw must be healed fine in good alignment  :)

Do you remember what he weighed before or did they say what his gain has been ?? I'm sure they must be thrilled at the vets with his obvious improvement.

I'm so chuffed  :Luv:


Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 09, 2007, 14:07:30 PM
So pleased he is fine and I am sure with his jaw sorted he will feel more like eeating when his little stonach can cope  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on June 12, 2007, 15:08:58 PM
I've been away on holiday and I'm checking up on little Basil first.  Bless his brave heart - I hope he is continuing to improve.

 :hug: to Basil
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 12, 2007, 17:10:41 PM
I know C and me thinks sharon being very stingy with the photos  :innocent:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 12, 2007, 18:10:01 PM
Baz continues to do well, we have him on a lead most night for a few hours, although he gets worn out alot.. He still only eats biscuits though... Anyhows, i have had one hell of a few days, of on  hols next week and all hell has broken loose, in 3 days we have taken in 16 kittens, and just today a stray taken in to be neutered has FIV and no where to put him... Although a fiesty fellow, and the vet said very skitty, hopefully not feral.. I just didnt want to call it a day, only 2 yrs old ish.. Same area we took  in our FIV Isaac, so there is obvioulsy a clutter round that way..

So not having a good week, so many apoligies for not doing photo, but will try before i leave on Monday...
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 12, 2007, 18:12:04 PM
Enjoy your holidays and hope that Baz starts to eat more and then he will get more energy slowly  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 12, 2007, 20:01:56 PM
jeepers your up to your eyeballs in kittens then  :Crazy:

Hope you sort something for the fiv fella

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on June 13, 2007, 08:10:22 AM
Aww, sorry you are having another bad week, fingers crossed for everyone.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on June 13, 2007, 19:16:40 PM
Oh, what a week.  I echo Desley - hope all are well.

Special thoughts for brave Basil.


PS you will need that holiday.  Hope you enjoy it.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 13, 2007, 20:21:56 PM
We took Baz for a walk in the woods yesterday and he was very interested in the local rabbits (i live very rurally, loads of bunnies).. Nope he is doing just fine, will try and weigh him on Friday to see how much weight he has put on....

A right little character is old Baz!! He is now on our cat chat page...........

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 13, 2007, 20:24:14 PM
stray taken in to be neutered has FIV and no where to put him... Although a fiesty fellow, and the vet said very skitty, hopefully not feral.. I just didnt want to call it a day, only 2 yrs old ish.. Same area we took  in our FIV Isaac, so there is obvioulsy a clutter round that way..

BTW this fellow Bryson turns out to be abit of a soppy thing, hardly feral!! And good thing is i may of found him a home, he just has to wait another week or so....

Abit of good news""
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 13, 2007, 20:35:20 PM
Great for Bryson  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 13, 2007, 21:01:58 PM

wont it be lovely for you if you get away on your hols knowing "all is reasonably well" as C said enjoy it as you deserve it.

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 15, 2007, 23:08:49 PM
Today Baz weighs in at 2.93kg last week 2.83kg so heading inthe right direction, although slowly....!

He is certaintly developing his character, but still really hates you touching his paws and not to keen on being stroked on his belly.. He growls and will nip you if you dont take heed!

However, he is trying wet food every now again and has a likey for cat nip treats!!! Spoilt rotten is old Baz!
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on June 16, 2007, 00:16:47 AM

 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Fantastic news sharon.

does baz play with toys ? i was wondering if he has or would like a wiggly waggler.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on June 16, 2007, 10:23:28 AM
Aww, I am so glad to hear things are going well!!
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on June 16, 2007, 11:09:40 AM
Pleased to hear Basil is doing well.
Enjoy your holiday
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on June 16, 2007, 15:37:17 PM
Way to go, Basil, as I believe the younger folk would say on hearing this excellent news  :wow:

Im thrilled to hear he is making progress in lots of ways.  Now you can enjoy your well-earned holiday.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on July 06, 2007, 17:17:54 PM
Hope you had a wonderful holiday!  How is Basil?
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on July 06, 2007, 17:22:43 PM
Ive gone to post a few times then remembered it was hols time.

Hope we hear lovely news soon.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 07, 2007, 08:44:55 AM
Well after a lovely holiday (very sunny, warm like it should be) return to UK, but at least it is sunny... My how things change in 3 wks, Baz continues to put on weght, he actually feels less skinny and no bones are showing.. He is still a fussy biscuit eater and just licks wet food, he likes to sit in the sun and enjoys company.  Last evening we let him out of his pen for an hour free to roam around, an hour was enough and he just came wondering back again... His coat is glossy and beside from the odd bald patch here and there seems to show no war wounds from his 2 month ordeal...He dislikes his paws being rubbed or stroked and no sure if you touch his belly, but likes being picked up and made a fuss of. I doubt he will ever be a lap cat but certaintly seeks you out when she sees you coming.......I dont think he will wonder, more a homely puss...

Really there is nothing now to stop him going to his forever home, his weight is just over 3Kg, could be abit more but he eats as and when and so far his weight gain is slow but sure.........He is getting abit bored, hence why we let him out........He can growl but never bite when he wants to get his own way...................We may (a big may) have someone interested in him later on in the month.....They rang up while i was away seeking the most difficult cat we have in for them to take on.........He is hardly difficult, but worthy of loving home..........

Will try to get some photos but he remains abit camera shy...........

Meanwhile we have some really difficult ones in our care........Milo a old (very old) blind in one eye black puss  due to be PTS at vets.....He is abit senile i think and has problems finding the litter box, but he desires so much attention................which he adores.........May very difficult to rehome him though.  Mabel, FIV and suspected overactive thyroid around 12 yrs old.......just dumped when owners moved out in Easter........what can be done.......................

All our kittens got rehomed 18 of them! but a few more came in......Beauty the while and black puss that Mark loved also got rehomed and Ali a ginger puss that someone thought they would try to shot (or at least made a point that they would do it) before we took him in.  Another two all had to be PTS, due to cancer (advanced) nothing could be done..........Poor Isobel our welfare person was having a terrible time... Especially as the fellow had such a great personailty, we just got to him to late.

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on July 07, 2007, 10:55:57 AM
Fantastic news for baz, I'm really so pleased and cant see any step backs for him now..how wonderful he eventually ended up in your care and has all the tcl needed to make a full recovery.  I think he has touched a few of us  :Luv:  Of course he WILL have to pose for a photo shoot to satisfy his adoring fans before he (hopefully) gets that well deserving forever home  :)

Bad luck about the ones who didnt make it, atleast they were in care when they needed pts and not left out on their own to suffer  :hug:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on July 07, 2007, 16:30:36 PM
Bad luck about the ones who didnt make it, atleast they were in care when they needed pts and not left out on their own to suffer  :hug:

Yes, I agree with Lynn.

 :wow: fantastic news that Basil is doing so well! I am so pleased he found you in time.  Ear scratches also to Milo and Mabel.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Nick (Peanut & Boo) on July 07, 2007, 19:21:23 PM
glad to hear Bazil is doing better. He is a smashing looking cat. I'd have him in a flash if it wasn't for Peanut .  >:(  its been 3 years and he hasn't accepted lardass yet completly.  :-:

Hope you can get another piccy sometime .Well done for all your hard work .Wish I was nearer I would pop in to you and Bill to volunteer some help
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 08, 2007, 21:44:46 PM
Photos of Baz

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 08, 2007, 21:46:23 PM
Another one

Oppps just noticed my Lovely Leo in there as well...

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 08, 2007, 23:41:39 PM
Baz looks so well  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on July 09, 2007, 10:30:11 AM
Doesn't he look fine?  :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on July 09, 2007, 13:31:47 PM
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Bazsmum on July 09, 2007, 13:53:16 PM
Baz is a babe.....& may i add what a brilliant name too  ;)
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on July 09, 2007, 23:09:54 PM
WOW  :wow:  He looks flippin wonderful  :Luv: :Luv: 

Jeepers, from those photos you'd not think twice that anything was or had ever been wrong, a world away from those first sorrowful photos we saw of him.  The only one i'd say he looks a wee bit thin on is the 3rd one down where he looks abit skinny on his chest, but then again it looks like his fur is shorter from where presumably he was shaved.

He looks extremely happy in the garden too  :)

Leo is also gorgeous.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 11, 2007, 11:51:24 AM
I have some wonderful news!! After following his story on CatChat, a young couple are coming to see Baz this afternoon... WOW! I am so happy for him.............

No kids, rural area, no roads, no other animals, loads of woods and fields. Cat heaven!!
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on July 11, 2007, 12:39:20 PM
Absolutely excellent!

Keep us posted, Sharon.  :yesss:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on July 11, 2007, 14:15:24 PM
fantastic  ;D

fingers and toes all crossed for him, cant see for a minute why they'd fail to fall in love with our baz.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: clarenmax on July 11, 2007, 14:32:37 PM
Everything crossed  :clap:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 11, 2007, 14:58:23 PM
Subject to homecheck our dear Baz will of found a home in deepest Kent... We will be very sad to see him go and there will be tears all round.. They cannot take him for another 2wks but that gives us time to get abit more weight on him, and its such a lovely home we are prepared to keep him until then...

He will be adored to death i have no doubt about it... Our Baz has written his own story (just check out the novel on catchat) and we hope that he has a happy, loving and secure forever home from now on...

It will be an honour to put the REHOMED park on Cat chat pages.....

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: clarenmax on July 11, 2007, 15:11:20 PM
 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Excellent news
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on July 11, 2007, 15:26:42 PM
 :cheer: :drink: :yayyy: :grouphug:

 :luck: Way to go, Baz!
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Ralph's mum (angie) on July 11, 2007, 15:37:35 PM
 :hug: excellent stuff  :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on July 11, 2007, 16:51:30 PM
 :yayyy: :yayyy: :yayyy:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on July 11, 2007, 18:06:30 PM
Hooray..how wonderful but not unsurprised , i knew they'd love him.

I will be a wee bit sad at the same time it has to be said..i've become quite attached in a weird internet kind of way.  Perhaps his new carers might grace you with the occasional updates, or even better join purrs  ;D

Congratulations to Basil, May he now have a long happy & healthy life .. no more than he deserves  :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Nick (Peanut & Boo) on July 11, 2007, 18:08:34 PM
well done . ;D
Baz deserves a good home bless him. We are all going to miss him though. Hope the new owners know about Purrs forum . Maybe we should think about producing some hand out business type cards  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on July 12, 2007, 08:07:12 AM
Excellent news.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 12, 2007, 22:14:43 PM
Wonderful  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on July 13, 2007, 10:55:42 AM
Absolutely wonderful. Well Done
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 15, 2007, 21:07:14 PM
Hi all
Got Baz on the scales today and he weight 3.5 kilograms, when he came into us he was just over 2kg.. So much progress, we are surely going to miss his cheeky habits when he goes to his new home...

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Bazsmum on July 15, 2007, 21:08:52 PM
Aw bless  :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on July 16, 2007, 08:11:31 AM
Wonderful news.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on July 28, 2007, 18:47:46 PM
Has Baz moved house yet sharon ?

Kinda missing my wee pal lol  :(
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 28, 2007, 20:13:05 PM
Baz will be with us until Thur/Friday next week. This is due to a delay in new owners being able to move. We didnt want him to go to a house in a complete mess after they moved in.. But dont worry people, if ever i saw a place described as cat heaven it is this place.. A remote oast house in deepest Kent, woods, rabbits, mouses, no road, a huge house and barns and two very committed and loving people that will literaly squeeze him to death with love.. Brings tears to my eyes!
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on July 28, 2007, 20:20:06 PM
 :wow:  you painted a wonderful picture, what a lucky guy he is (and baz is pretty fortunate too  :evillaugh:  )

Check you out giving the "oh i didnt want him going when house is in a mess"  :rofl:  thats a convenient extra week  :evillaugh:

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 28, 2007, 20:34:28 PM
Please can I move in with baz  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on July 28, 2007, 20:45:43 PM
Believe me this house is something else, truly an place that a whole pride of cats could live happily with each other.. And the owners are into terribly committed, they have even got him insured and he hasnt moved in yet!! Nope i have no doubt, Baz is a truely lucky cat and fate prevailed that he survived in one piece to live out his days in idilic cat heaven on earth... I for one wished i could move in there as well...They are artists i think and the man runs a fairtrade/organic farm shop..

I am sure he wil have great fun with the chickens and ducks as he dosnt know quite what to make of our duck Donald.. Who is probably twice his size.. I wanted to get a few photos but Baz is a cheeky monkey and never stays still long enough for us to get a shot.. He is well and truly recovered, and nows weigh just under 4 kilograms, doubled  his weight in 8 wks.. But, he will never be a fat cat, and even now just eats biscuits....Oh well...........
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on July 28, 2007, 21:33:48 PM
Even with his biscuits he's obviously getting exactly what he needs to put on weight, this new owners just sound better and better  :Luv:

Hopefully they'll maybe even join purrs, have you told them their new baby has a huge fan club already  ;D

I feel like its almost as if some higher power has tried to make up for that awful week + he had spent with his injuries in that garden and probably prior to that too.  Such a pity they cant all have such a happy ending but i feel very emotional for wee baz knowing he's going to such a life of luxury and obviously great love and care  :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on July 30, 2007, 07:39:02 AM
Sounds like the perfect owners, I wish him all the best.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on August 02, 2007, 18:36:01 PM
3 months of TLC and loads of teamwork. Baz has now gone off to his new forever home!

A lovely ending and they promise to keep in touch..!
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on August 02, 2007, 20:19:47 PM
 :attention: :attention: :attention: :attention: :attention: :attention: :attention: Excellent news. 

Good luck in your new home Baz.

Well done to everyone involved in nursing this special boy back to health.  :blow kiss:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Christine (Blip) on August 02, 2007, 20:55:21 PM
Keep well, Basil

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on August 02, 2007, 23:45:35 PM

Good luck in your new house basil and with your new mummy and daddy..i hope you will be very happy and live a long healthy life.

Please purrsuade your new family to send us some photos  :Luv:

   take care   :care:

Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on August 03, 2007, 01:04:28 AM
hope your new home is fantastic baz  ;D
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on August 03, 2007, 08:05:05 AM
Aww, I hope he loves his new home, such a wonderful story.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: clarenmax on August 03, 2007, 09:24:35 AM
Best of luck in your new forever home  :Luv: :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on August 04, 2007, 22:17:55 PM
i heard from Baz owners tonight. Apparently he has taken over the sofa and sleeps on their bed. Although still eats only biscuits. Apparently is would seem he has spent the last years of his life there and not 3 months in a pen with us nursing  him back to health..

He has a shiny new collar, and the run of the house...

Sounds all is well.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on August 04, 2007, 22:19:32 PM
Sounds like he has got his new slaves well and truly trained already.   :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: clarenmax on August 06, 2007, 08:58:07 AM
Aw bless, defintely got his humans well and truly trained already  :Luv:
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: Mark on August 06, 2007, 09:35:12 AM
I think Baz's story should be in the "heartwarming" section of purrs book  :Luv: - An example of what can be done by commited people.
Title: Re: A very bad week, now cat with broken jaw that wont eat!
Post by: CurlyCatz on August 06, 2007, 10:06:15 AM
i definately agree with mark  :)   with the before and after piccies as they speak volumes in my opinion.

Glad he's taken over the house, a life of home comforts is what he deserves.

(Hope the shiny new collar is a safety one, i'd hate to think of anything else happening to our boy  :-:  )