Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 10:15:01 AM

Title: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 10:15:01 AM
Hello All. Me again. I apologise in advance as this will be a long post.

Fluffy, my 13 yr old BSH has been having a few health problems as some of you may be aware. It all started quiet inocently around this time last year when she wasnt eating and we took her to the vet and we were told that she was constipaed and needed colonic irrigation. She had that done and we though that was the end of that.

Well end of last august (2006) around the time when our other cat disappeared Fluffy became very quiet and withdrawn, not eating as much as usual and spending a lot of time in the spare bedroom (dark and quiet). I  to tart with  thought she was missing the other cat, whom she was secretly very protective of. A few days later I noticed her right eye was watering a lot. I thought that perhaps she got something in her eye or got it hurt in a fight as when younger she was good at getting into fghts. SO I thought perhaps this is hurting her and thats why she is somewhere dark. I toook her to the vet who couldn't find anything to cause concern with her eye and gave me a cream anyway, in case he'd missed a scratch or something. We did the course but she was no better. A few days later we noticed that in her food bowl and on be she slept on there were small spots of blood. Worried we took her back to the vet who suggetsed we get her a dental, and as this was a saturday w were told to bring her back on monday on an empty tummy. Well come sunday the kitchen was almost swimming in blood!!! This was definitely not a dental prob. So we took piccies in on monday and it was agreed that actually although her teeth were not perfect they were fine as they were and would not warrant a dental. So we left her at the vets for bloods, xrays,camera down her nasal and throat canal and scrapings of what they eventually found in her right nostril. They couldnt do a biopsy as it was so small but said that scrapings were good enough for what they needed. We were told that thats where she was bleeding from and it was all inflamed and thats why she wasnt eating. Also they could not operate to remove it as it would mean totally demolishing her nose. So we were told to take the steroids home and for the first week give her twice daily 5mg doses and after a week go down to once daily. She seemed to improve sooo much. She was eating, drinking, going  out and telling birdies and other cats of for being in HER garden!! :sneaky:
Then after a few weeks the vet suggested trying half a tab a day but after a few days her nose began to bleed again. So for 3 days we went to 2 tabs daily and back to 1 tab after that and she has been on this ever since. :(

About 6 weeks ago she began not eating well and not going toilet again, and if ever anyone tried to pick her up she howled in pain. She slept all the time but in funny positions. By the time we got her to the vets her breathing rate increased drastically and was always like this, even when asleep. The vet listened to her heart and lungs and apart from increase in her breath rate all was well. Although when he tried to feel her abdomen she tried to take his finger of. She got weighed an in a space of 6 week she lost about a kilogram. The vet booked her in for day surgery for further tests. She had chest and abdomen xrays, full bloods and colonic irrigation again aas we were told that she was ever so compaced and thats probably why she wasnt eating. Her lung xrays and bloods came back within normal range and we were told that perhaps the breathing difficuties were because she was so compacted and probably having cramps due to inability to go loo. They reckoned her breating was nothing to do with the nasal growth as she was still breating through her nose and not her mouth which she would do if she was cimpensating for a blocked nose.

We were sent home with lactulose and told that that all they can do for her. For a while all seemed better. Although her breating never returned back to normal it had improved and she was eating again. Although she was refusing dry food but happy to have wet stuff especially if fish based!! She was also going loo ok with help of lactulose.
Well 10 days ago we realised that she wasnt going toilet again and that she was being more and more picky with her food and most of the time only licking the jelly of her food and leaving the rest, but still asking for food. So we thought she may be constipated again, so we increased the lactulose and gave her an anal enema (vet gave us this). She had one reasonable poop and that was the end of that. She would polish the jely from 3-4 sachet of food but only eat the meat of about 1 sachet (recommended dose for her size is 3-4 complete sachets) in any give day. So we took drastic action and bought senackot over the counter and gave her  half a childs dose every day for 3 days. She is now borderline got diarreha and therefore most definitely not blocked and ieven with that only doing poo business once a day (small dollop). She still isnt eating and is very lethargic and I have noticed that her left eye is now watering too. SO I have as of yesterday increased her steroids to 2x5mg daily. I understand it takes a few days for it to take effect, but I am soo worried as she has lost lots of weight and would hazard a guess that she now weighs less than 5kg whereas in January she weighed 7.3kg (yes I knw she is an enormous kitty).

She has also become very clingy and forever talking to me (no idea what she trying to tell me). I could easily sit next to her and cudlle her all day and she wouldnt budge-Abnormal for her, she is a cat that will have 1 cuddle every fortnight or something. Also wen I give her cuddles I have noticed that her furr around her chin area has become matted and all stuck together like she has food in it.

What do I do?? :Crazy: :Crazy: Any advice would be most welcome. :scared:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 13, 2007, 10:23:34 AM
First bit of advice is to ring a vet, whether it be a normal one or the emergency one and check that Senokot is safe to use in cats. PErsonally, I would be considering what quality of life she has at the moment, if she is barely eating and not being able to go to the toilet, then she is probably feeling quite crap, and I would be wondering how fair it is on her - but you are the one who is with her, not us. Incidentally, they can still be blocked but with borderline diarrhea. I think she needs another vet trip, and to ask the vet if there is anythign that can be done to improve her quality, and if not, a lot of thinking needs to be done. Good luck with her.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 10:32:43 AM
Desley-I did check and they advised me of the dosage. As for the quality of her life that has been on my mind a lot this week as she has most definitely gone down hill. I will chat to the vet tomorow.  :cccooorrr:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 13, 2007, 10:34:26 AM
that's OK then, I have just never heard of that laxative being used on cats, Lactulose is the main one recomended. I am sorry to hear that she has gone downhill though, and hope the vet can say something positive for you both.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 10:35:36 AM
des-it probably isnt but then she has had some weird and wonderful stuff recently
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 13, 2007, 15:22:22 PM
Tammy, as we promised you in the Cat's Basket, I'll make sure Teresa sees that you have posted and I'll also PM a couple of others who may have some advice for you.

Gentle hugs to Fluffy, meanwhile.

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Millys Mum on May 13, 2007, 16:29:57 PM
Best wishes for your chat with the vet, i hope they can suggest another treatment to try her on. When they xrayed her did they just concentrate on her chest or did they check her abdomen as well? It would show if there was any blockages or growths.
 :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 16:37:25 PM
Thanks Blip  :shy:

Millys mum-originally they xrayed just her chest, but then the edge of the xrayed cought something they said they wanted to explore further, so then they took 2 frther abdomen x rays and there was nothing apart from poo and more poo. :(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 16:49:58 PM
some possibly good news. I went shop earlier and got some different cat food for Fluff. Have had it in the house before but it was never her favourite. Its Gourmet solitaire tuna flakes with shrimp in jelly. Theyre small tins as I think theyre meant to be fed as a treat rather than a complete food. Fluff has eaten almost the whole tin in a space of 2 hrs. Huge improvement considering that in the last few days she was juts licking jelly of her food!! :grin:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on May 13, 2007, 16:59:46 PM
Tammy have sent you a quick pm as promised,have to dash off trapping now
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 17:42:34 PM
Thanks Teresa
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 13, 2007, 18:11:46 PM
Am glad you have found some food she likes - the tin will tell you if it is complimentary or complete, I can't remember what hte Gourmet Solitaire are.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 13, 2007, 18:40:35 PM
Tammy I'm have no useful or constructive thoughts or advice.  I'm sure the diarrhoea will be linked to the laxative but if you only gave it for 3 days then i would imagine that will stop pretty soon.

It is worrying if she's lost a fair amount of weight esp whilst being on the steriods.

I can only suggest you write down a list of all that has happened and the time scale accompinied by a full list of questions, opinions and thoughts and book an appointment with your vet (not with fluffy) purely to discuss everything or perhaps speak to receptionist to see if you could go through it in a phone call with vet.  For the vets to say lactulose is all they can do for her isnt really satisfactory.  i understand they have carried out numberous tests over the past year but you still have no real answers.

Only after you have gone over everything again and asked the vet / vets for any further thoughts as to what they can do, you can really be in a postion to think of long term decisions.

I feel really bad for you not being able to give any useful advice but my gut feeling is something is going on i just dont know why or what.

Fingers crossed fluffy improves and they can actually give you some answers as to what her problems are.

Lynn XXX
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Mark on May 13, 2007, 18:50:27 PM
Hi Tammy,

If she likes that food, Asda ar doing feline fayre tuna in Jelly. Its all white meat with the jelly & vitamins added to make it a complete meal. They aslo do a chicken fillet version with a tiny amount of ham with the jelly etc. The 3-packs are on long term offer for £1.00. Also, if you haven't tried it yet, Hill's a/d might be worth a try. Its for cats that have lost weight through illness. Apparently, its very smelly and cats love it.  http://www.hillspet.com/zSkin_2/products/product_details_eu.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524441760567&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=1408474395183417&bmUID=1179078536513&bmLocale=en_GB
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 13, 2007, 19:04:15 PM
I am sorry that Fluffy has gone downhill but on the upside she has eaten and thats gotta be good.

lets hope its the start of something good  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 19:17:22 PM
is a/d a prescription food?? Like you can only get it from your local vet who treats the animal its for??

Lynn, I totally agree with you and find it very frustrating and emotionlly quite draining and painful. Ive had Fluff since I was a teenager at school and watching her go through this and not be able to help is frustrating to say the least. She seems to off perked up a little this afternoon but am not sure how long this will last. The usual vet is normally quite good at sparing 15-20mins for a phone call chat and we have had afew of those since Fluff first went on steroids last september, mainly whilst trying to settle on correct dosage. The diarrhea has stopped and never really was a major cause for concern to be honest as I knew chances were as soon as the tabs had worn of that would be fine. Its just her lethargy and loss of apetite. I know that cats are less active as they get older but with her it has been quite drastic in the last week. Also my mum is normally with her most of the time as she doesnt work anylonger, but she is away all this week and it worries me slightly leaving her at home on her own all day as she has been craving company so much in the last few days and has followed us all around. And most of her food intake today has been coz I sat on the kitchen floor coaxing her.  :thanks: for everything Lynn you hsve been a great source of comfort since fluff 1st got ill back in the catchat days........

Unfortunately the Gourmet solitaire tins Ive got are complimentary, so really long term she should eat other stuf too, but right now I think as long as she is taking something in its a step in the right direction.

As for lactulose Fluff isnt the greatest fan of it and we have now ended up having to syringe her some straight in her mouth every day and some anal enemas when she gets real bad, but as we found her blockage tends to be further up than the anal enema can reach so it doesnt always help-hence the tabs.

Mark I have a local Asda and will try and locate some food tomorrow-Thanks
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 19:20:03 PM
Thanks Gill

im hoping it was the steroids and that 2moro will bring more pleasantries!! Ive found that her nasal condtion gets worse and therefore better very slowly and is sometimes very hard to pinpoint her 'ill behaviour' to that, thats why it took a while to diagnose originally and now that she is on steroids I guess the going down hill process is slowed down somwhat further. We shall see what tomorow brings.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 13, 2007, 19:26:30 PM
Good luck with tomorrow - how do you normally give her the lactulose? I dribble it into Molly's wet food, and she has never noticed the difference, yet she is a very fussy madam when it comes to food. A/d is one of the prescription diets, you can get it through places like VetUK, but you have to buy them in full cases, which I think are 24, and at just over £1 a tin, it might be worth asking the vet for one first - I have also been given Liquivite in the past, if they offer you that, I would turn them down, I haven't found a cat that will take that yet, but a/d works a treat, and is high cal, so might help her weight.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 13, 2007, 20:19:22 PM
Yes I can echo Desley on Liquivite cos Kocka would not touch it but she loved AD although it had to be fed off my finger. Ceratinly worth getting a tin from vets and see if she will eat it.

Kocka would also eat it straight from fridge although I tried to make it a bit warmer by mixing it with a finger. was great in the summer though.

Good luck tomorrow, will be thinking of Fluffy and you  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 13, 2007, 20:24:18 PM
Just checking in to say  :hug: to Fluffy, Tammy

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 13, 2007, 20:30:54 PM
your right tammy, it doesnt matter what fluffy eats so long as she is eating something !

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 20:32:00 PM
thanks guys  :shy:

Normally the lactulose goes in her wet food but she is being real picky with her food when lactulose has been added, thats why we have had to convert to a syringe as otherwise she was not taking in sufficent amounts. I guess Ill try a tin of a/d from the vet-dont want to buy a full case and then find she wont take it!! She has eaten a bit more again but only with me coaxin her-god knows how she'll be during the week when Im at work and aint got the time to sit with her for half hour so she can eat half her meal!!

I'll let you lovely people know how we get on 2moro.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 13, 2007, 20:32:39 PM
thats reassuring lynn............
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 14, 2007, 07:49:07 AM
Good luck for tomorrow
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 14, 2007, 19:59:30 PM
Just checking in to fill you all in on the situation. I spoke to Matt the vet and he seems to think that its not mega colon (from looking at xrays from yrs back compared to ones that were done this march) or general constipation but something to do with her nasal passages and that I should do the higher dose for between5-7 days and see how she goes. If after 7 days she isnt back to her usual self I should pop her as it could be her mouth (ie teeth porbs or something like that). His theory is that the lack of food came before the lack of poop (and thinking about it he may be right), hence why she didnt get the runs all over the hous but just a couple of neat little piles in her tray. She ate a whole time of the Gourmet solitaire complementary food whilst I was at work and in the last hour has eaten almost a whole tin of that posh Sheba seafood stuff with mussles and squid in (its very wet, runny and fishy!!), She has also had about half a tinf of that feline fayre from Asda that Mark recommended, so at least now I know she's getting goodness in as well as calories. The problem is that she is still very lethargic and looking for a warm spot to sleep. Within minutes of turning the tv she jumped up there for a kip. So Ive put the heating on minimum for a while as  the hot water pipes run under the floor to get to the radiator. Im hoping once the floor warms up she'll feel more comfy. She is looking a sorry site I must say and I cant wait for the week to be over for mum and dad to come back of their hols and see if she has improved. If not Im scared to think what our options may be  :'(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Mark on May 14, 2007, 21:22:59 PM
Hopefully eating again is a good sign. I guess they are just like us and their stomach shrinks when they haven't been eating so it will take a while to get her appetite back. Good luck  :Luv:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 15, 2007, 08:14:44 AM
Fingers crossed that the higher dose of meds work, and at least she is eating, maybe she was struggling to smell it, and giving her the strong smelling stuff is working.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 15, 2007, 08:49:23 AM
 :thanks: guys. Also with her nasal problem when it worsens her troat suffers to so that would explain why she would only lick the jelly of and leave the solid stuff..
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 15, 2007, 09:43:08 AM
I'm glad to hear that Fluffy's eating sloppy, pungent foods - keep us posted on developments, Tammy.

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 15, 2007, 13:10:36 PM
Thanks, will do Blip.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 15, 2007, 21:20:14 PM
 :( :(

Hello me again.

Something had been bothering me for a while and it got me thinking. Fluff has never been known for her breath odor to be honest, it never really smelt of much, but for the past 10 days or so it had been rotten.On top of that since sunday Ive noticed when Ive been hand feeding her that she has been taking her food to the left of her mouth and avoiding the right. Today when I got home from work I found bits of food all over the kitchen floor and fluff isnt exactely a messy eater-had always been quite tidy. Giving her med for the last few days has also been a mare!! So I took to investigating.
On her top right jaw around the area her fang tooth would be it looks like her tooth has broken of and only a tiny bi pretrudes out of the gumline. Just above it is a white solid hard lump in the gums. From what I could see there was no puss and the rest of her mouth or what of it she'd let me see looked average for he (she has lots of missing teeth) When I touched this white thing it felt firm and she didnt flinch but whilst trying to give her her tab earlier she was clenchhing real hard. All this put together with her avoidance of dry food and and only eating very watery stuff to the left of her mouth and licking just jelly makes me think atrip to the dentist is in order? What can I do to relieve her symptoms until vets sort her? Would the vet agree to a dental under GA over the phone from what I say and book her in and see what happens then?? SHould I consider it urgent enought to need medical attention tonight? Can I give her some human painkillers to make her better??  :oh noo: :oh noo:

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on May 15, 2007, 21:50:39 PM
Tammy you must not give human medication. Ring vet first thing in the morning and get her in,starve her overnight.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 15, 2007, 21:55:58 PM
On no account give her human painkillers.  That would be a very dangerous thing to do.

She may have something called FORLs, which Blip has had, from your description.  I am no vet, of course...  Blip had to have three teeth out, but is absolutely fine now, if it is that.  If you are at all worried, ring the emergency vet and ask them.

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 15, 2007, 22:12:35 PM
thanks very much guys for your advice. She is asleep now bless her and has managed food with my help. So it looks like its of to the vets 2moro. As lynn rightly said, she isnt in distress right now as long as you leave her be so she will go tommorow
 :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 15, 2007, 22:13:43 PM
ohh and dont worry I wouldnt have given her naught without aproval 1st 
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Amanda (mad4moggies) on May 15, 2007, 22:28:03 PM
Tammy, i`m sorry for the delayed post but i have only just caught up with Fluffy`s situation. In the first post on this thread you said that they had taken scrapes of the nasal growth. Do you know if they sent these off and what the results were? Also did they find anything abnormal in the last blood tests she had?

I have to say that from reading through all of it, and i know that its wrong to try and suggest certain things as we cannot see Fluffy, i would agree and say its definately something to do with her mouth or the nasal growth as opposed to her being constipated.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 16, 2007, 07:51:06 AM
Good luck for today, I do hope your vet can see her.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 16, 2007, 09:31:26 AM
Thanks guys

Amanda, I think you are right it looks like an infection caused by a broken tooth. We are seeing thev vet tonight at 5.30.Thats the only time they could see us today. On the upside she did wake me up this morning begging for food!! and she ate most of it.

Wish us luck!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 16, 2007, 09:56:29 AM
Oh, it's good that they can see Fluffy this afternoon.  Let us know how she gets on then  :hug:

It's encouraging that she was hungry this morning, too.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 16, 2007, 17:54:16 PM
Hope all went well at the vets  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 16, 2007, 18:40:00 PM
 :'(  well

It turns out not to be her mouth after all. WHat I thought was a solid white growth in her mouth where her canine should be was a deformality due to the tooth having been gone for long time. There is one tooth that isnt looking too great-vet poked and prded it for ages and we decided it wasnt that either as it was not causing her pain and there was no bleeding or swelling around it.
Her odd eating to one side of the mouth is probably due to the fact that she has hrdly any teeth to thwe one side of her mouth!! Funny never noticed her eat like that b4!
When the vet proceeded to fel her abdomen the lower he got the more she growled, by the time he got to where her kidneys are, i thought she was going to pass out from the pain. So she is going back to the vets tomorow for seds and xray of chest and abdomen and poss bloods for her kidney and liver.
Vet reckons its either her kidney function (her tempeature is normal) or constipation again. As she i not eating well and not pooing well as well as occasionally acting like she may be sick he thinks she may be blocked again and that she is possibly heading towards a mega colon even though the last x rays didnt show any signs. But her huge drinking pattern and lots of peeing as well as tension and discomfort far down her abdomen are indicative of kidney probs we will do some bloods for kidneys and other things.........thats another £400 in a space of 6 weeks. 
:( :'(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 16, 2007, 19:34:26 PM
Oh dear , I am so sorry.

I do hope that they can sort Fluffy out  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 16, 2007, 19:37:24 PM
Thanks Gill. Must say it isnt looking too good frm where Im standing though............
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 16, 2007, 19:38:21 PM
keeping all fingers and paws crossed here  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 16, 2007, 19:38:58 PM
 :thanks: Gill
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 16, 2007, 19:58:00 PM
Oh, poor Fluffy.  Fingers crossed, Tammy.


Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 17, 2007, 08:04:36 AM
Aww, am so sorry it isn't looking as simple as first thought, fingers crossed that tests show something that can be treated.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 17, 2007, 08:32:33 AM
 :thanks: guys. will let you know how it goes 2nite.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 17, 2007, 10:28:58 AM
Fingers crossed for fluffy tammy.  sorry it wasnt a simple tooth problem  :(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Mark on May 17, 2007, 10:39:06 AM
Hope it is just constipation & they can sort it - poor Fluffy  :Luv:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on May 17, 2007, 10:53:06 AM
Poor Fluffy, hope you can get to the bottom of this for her  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 17, 2007, 11:57:51 AM
Cant concentrate on my work :(
Woke up with a huge migrane today and the painkillers I normally take for it are making me feel really dopey!! I hope they call me soooonnn!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY's Got Cancer
Post by: tammy on May 17, 2007, 14:15:23 PM
Just spoke to the vet and Fluffy has a  renal lymphoma amongs other renal problems and there isnt much they can do for her. She is coming home tonight on pain killers and anti inflamatories. Mum and dad are away until sunday and made me promise that if she was unwell not to have her put down until they have had a chance to say goodbye. Theyre back on sunday so we will probably take her in monday or tuesday.

 :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 17, 2007, 14:20:59 PM
I am so sorry to hear this news, Tammy.  My heart goes out to Fluffy and to you.

Please PM or email me if it would help at all.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 17, 2007, 14:27:47 PM
Thank You, thats so kind. My first priority is to get trhough my working day without my collegues constantly watching me cry. I shalll nip of slightly early (bout 4.30) pick Fluffy up from vets. My sister is coming round tonight so we can give Fluffy lots of TLC.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 17, 2007, 15:47:22 PM
I am so sorry that it isn't better news, do spend lots of quality time with her over the weekend, it is a very hard thing to do, and I have never managed it without crying like you are supposed to!! Fingers crossed the meds keep her comfortable enough till your parents are back.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 17, 2007, 15:55:39 PM

I plan to spend lots of time with her but I hoped Id never be in a situation where I would have to postpone her being pts as I am sure she will pick up how crappy mummy is feeling and I dont want those last few precious days to be plaqued by sadness and pain....
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on May 17, 2007, 17:54:50 PM
So sorry to hear the sad news, it's such a hard thing to have to do.  Treasure the time you have left with her  :hug:

The Greatest Gift

I always knew this time would come,
From the very instant our eyes first met.
How I loved you then! How I love you now!
I made a promise then, and I will keep that promise now...
You will not suffer from a pain that will not heal;
You will not know the loss of a life remembered, now gone.

It is for me alone to make this decision,
The price for the bright joy and pure laughter
You brought me during the time we shared.
I am the only one who can decide when it is time.
When my hope dies, and my fear rides high,
Just when I need you most, I must let you go.

It is for you alone to tell me when you are ready
For without your guidance, I will not know
When to lay my grief, my guilt, my anger
My sorrow and my selfish heart aside
And give you this last gift, this greatest gift.
Your eyes will speak to mine, and I will know.

The pain of this moment is excruciating.
Tears stream down my face in a river of sorrow.
And my heart drowns in a pool of grief.
For you have spoken and I have listened,
And unlike other decisions I have made
This one brings no relief...no comfort...no peace.

For if there´s one thing you´ve taught me,
If there´s only one thing I´ve learned...
Unconditional love has a condition after all,
I must be willing to let you go, when you speak to me
I must be willing to help you go, if you cannot go alone.
And I must accept my pain so you can be free of yours.

Go easily now, go quickly now,
Do not linger here, it is time for you to leave.
Go find your strength, go find your youth.
Go find the ones who've gone before you.
You are free to leave me now, free to let your spirit soar
Rest easy now, your pain will soon be gone.

I pray I will find comfort in my memories...
In the dark and lonely days ahead.
I cannot say I will not miss you, I cannot say I will not cry.
For only my tears can heal my broken heart.
But, I promise you this; as long as I live,
You will live, alive in my mind, forever in my heart.

So I give you this last gift, all I have left to give,
And this will be my greatest gift...sending you away.
It is the measure of my unconditional love...
For only the greatest love can say,
"Good-bye, go find the bridge, we'll meet again,
Loving you has been the greatest gift of all."
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Em on May 17, 2007, 18:00:06 PM
Can't imagine how you must feel..  :hug: :hug: :hug: and i hope you have a fantastic weekend together.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 17, 2007, 18:05:50 PM
Oh Tammy I genuinly am so sorry.  I honestly never expected that news today  :(

Please do all you can to treasure this weekend and remember we are here either on forum or privatley, dont hesitate to pm hun

 :hug: :hug:

 :care: to Fluffy  :Luv:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on May 17, 2007, 18:36:54 PM
awww im so sorry tammy  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Baggy on May 17, 2007, 18:52:19 PM
Tammy, I'm so sorry your news isn't good.  Give Fluffy some gentle strokes from me.  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 17, 2007, 19:14:18 PM
Tammy - the way I look at it, is that the vet thinks it is fair on her to have the weekend at home, and you can then make sure you do all the things you like to do together, I woudl rather be told I can take them home for a few days than it be a sudden 'they are too bad and it isn't fair'. As i said earlier, I have never managed to not cry, so they prob have picked up on things from me, but at least it has happened the back end of the week, so you can have a weekend with her. Feel free to pm if you want to talk, and I will be thinking of you.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 17, 2007, 19:51:24 PM
 :Luv: Thank You ever so much guys I feel priviledged with all that you have done for me, esp Lynn-you have been with me since very begining when this nightmare first began last septemer with her nose at the same time as when Smudge had died  :'(

I appreciate what you all have done for us the last few weeks with all the advice from feeding and caring to how to approach the vet and what to ask for-I could have asked for more from the closest offriends that I have in real life. I will let you all know how things work out.

Strokes and purrs from me and Fluffy

PS She purred soooooohard when I picked her up, even though seconds earlier she attacke a nurse!!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 17, 2007, 20:08:20 PM
Only sorry i couldnt do anything to make a difference hun.

She probably feels very safe and secure with you which would expain her purring. (either that or she felt rather pleased with her attack efforts  :evillaugh:)

Lots for head rubs for fluffy  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 17, 2007, 20:08:47 PM
Hun, we are genuinely real life too and we are all of us here for you and Fluffy, who obviously loves you so much.

 :hug: and love to Fluffy

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 17, 2007, 20:17:29 PM
 :hug: Thanks peeps.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 17, 2007, 21:47:49 PM
I am so very sorry Tammy,

Please give Fluffy a cuddle from me and  have a wonderful weekend with Fluffy. We all understand what you are feeling  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Kittybabe (Ruth) on May 17, 2007, 21:53:29 PM
I am so very sorry Tammy.

Make the most of the weekend hun, will be thinking of you.  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 18, 2007, 08:39:15 AM
Thank You peeps. :'(
Im after some more advice. As euthanasia is inevitable Im torn at how to go about it. Id like for it to happen at home as she hates the vets and always uses the trips as an excuse to lash out at all the vets and nurses to the point where most of them have taken to handling her with leather gauntlets.

For that Im looking at paying about £200 and I just havent that kind of money as yesterday cost me £500 wich would mean a trip to the vets for about £30 and not so nice last few moments in her life.......

What do I do? Or rather what would others in my shoes do?
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 18, 2007, 09:27:55 AM
Its a difficult one.  Personally I cant see how your vet can charge that much for a home visit to pts, I know call out fees are expensive but its shouldnt be too expensive above that really.  Have you found out the actual price or was 200 a guess ? 

If i were you considering the vast amounts of money you have spent over the past year I would phone and see if they could possibly give you a quote for what they'd charge you.

Perhaps this is also something you might want to discuss with your mum (soz not sure who pays the bills) but she may have strong feelings either way too.

I do think pts is nicer and more relaxed doing it at home but then again 200 quid is a lot of money.  I honestly think your vet might do it cheaper though considering what you have gone through with her. (or maybe thats wishful thinking  :-:)
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 18, 2007, 10:11:54 AM

I think thats wishful thinking on both our parts. I'm pretty sure mum would have it done at the vets as she is quite straightforawrd with her money and would not see the point of either of us spending that kind of money for something like that.
The quote I was given by the vets was a call out charge including consultation is £130 plus on top of that the lethal injection and possibly one of those other thingies I cant remember the name for but a lot of vets give prior to euthanasia to relax the animal so the owner can have a few peaceful moments with animal before its pts. I would definitely want that injection I think, but just am real stuck for justifying all that money as since march we have already spent close to £1000, the other vet we usually go to with our tortoise gave us a quote of £265 call out charge plus about £30 for the meds!!
The lower of the 2 prices above is for a vet that only does home visits as my usual vet that Fluff normally goes to isnt too keen on the home visit idea as she is normally so visious at the vets and when I tried to explain that that was my main reason for wanting a home visit he thought my thinking strange-She is the msot docile and loving cat as long as you dont leave her alone with the vet and the nurses at the surgery.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Lesley Frankie on May 18, 2007, 11:34:30 AM
Tammy, I'm so sorry to hear the news about Fluffy. Having been in the same situation 3 weeks ago with my cat Buster, I can really understand how you must be feeling. I must say that 200 pounds for a home visit seems steep, especially the 130 for "consultation". Given that the decision has been made, where's the need for a consultation?? However, I do wish that Buster's last moments could have been here at home rather than being rushed to the vet's, and then pts there. Can you negotiate a better price or, can you get them to at least let you pay in installments? They do seem to have had an awful amount of money from you recently. Good luck and plenty of hugs to you and Fluffy.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Mark on May 18, 2007, 11:45:24 AM
Really sorry Tammy, its hard enough for you as it is at the moment. I hope you don't mind me suggesting something that might help. I wondered if the vet would give you a sedative tablet to give fluffy at home before you go. I know its not ideal but might help.

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 18, 2007, 11:48:14 AM
Sedatives are not usually recommended when cats have to travel cos they fight against it
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Mark on May 18, 2007, 11:51:44 AM
When I moved here, the vet gave me some tablets to give the cats to keep them calm in the car.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Liz on May 18, 2007, 11:56:09 AM
I would query the vets ours came to put our BC to sleep and we had a vet and vets nurse and they took him back to the surgery for the creamation man to pick him up charge £38.00 including VAt and that was a round trip of 14 miles for them and they were wonderful

Bert was the same at the surgery last week so query it or change vets!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 18, 2007, 14:29:11 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. I shall speak to the vets and try to lower the price and ask for installments as I am broke to the bone!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on May 18, 2007, 14:34:05 PM
So sorry Tammy I have just read all the posts about Fluffy, my thoughts are with you both,I know how upsetting it is to loose your beloved pets,we lost Felix in October last year and not a day still goes by that I don't think of him, give him lot's of fuss and hugs. Caroline  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 18, 2007, 14:37:20 PM
Thanks Caroline. It wouldnt seem so bad had I not lost Smudge last September through an RTA and that was around the time we noticed Fluff not being too well. Brings back many painful memories.
Hugs are helping though :'(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 18, 2007, 19:14:34 PM
So sorry to hear there are more awful decisions Tam, I personally have always taken mine to the vets - up until last year, I had the same issues as you where I had spent so much, I couldn't afford to pay the extra, and the last two have been taken just in case I was wrong and there was something that could have been done - both were temperamental cats though, and Blackie spent her time here in a cardboard box in my bathroom, so she would have had to be moved anyway. i would query the cost, it cost my neighbour less to have her dog pts at home than your quote.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Millys Mum on May 18, 2007, 19:33:25 PM
Sorry to hear about fluffy  :hug:

I have had 2 pts at home and it was under £60, how your vet can charge that much is crazy and rather insensitive seeing how much you have been through together.

 :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 19, 2007, 08:53:13 AM
Would the price possibly be coz Im in London? Or should that not matter? I really would like it done at home if anyhow poss. On the plus side her injections seem to be keeping her relatively comfy and she is eating well and even lay on the patio sun bathing!!! Its very warm down here today and she is really liking it.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 19, 2007, 08:55:17 AM
it will be more expensive, but wouldnt have thought it would add that much on. Glad the injectinos are helping, and she is having a good time this weekend.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 19, 2007, 09:03:43 AM
Is it worth asking round other local vet surgeries if they'd come out and how much they'd charge?
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 19, 2007, 09:07:29 AM
Yeah, definitely.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 19, 2007, 15:26:19 PM
Thanks Des,

Does anyone know how long the anti inflamatory inj. last for? I think Fluffies may be wearing off.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 19, 2007, 15:48:46 PM
tammy if it was your tortoise vets that gave that quote and not fluffys vet then perhaps thats why it is higher.  Fluffys vet would not have to charge a consultation fee..simple call our and euthanasia +/- sedatives.

Marks idea isnt to bad actually and you could speak to the vet about that possibilty,  some cats do fight against it if their is extra stimuli going on but she's gonna be wound up travelling without sedative anyway iykwim.

i still think you ought to get accurate quote for yourselves personally (not just the standard charges) and please do point out the monies you have spend at their surgery this year alone..bloody disgrace if they did not have some compassion and come up with a more reasonable charge to suit you and them.

i think where i used to work you'd have been nearer the £100 mark to be honest but no where near what you are talkiing about.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 19, 2007, 17:12:58 PM
lynn the £265 was from tort vet but the £130 consult/call out  was from my local vet where fluff normally goes. How long do anti inflamatory injections last??
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 19, 2007, 18:58:13 PM
unless i knew which type and strength i couldnt tell you that tammy. Have you the info on what she was given ?
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 19, 2007, 19:10:54 PM
sorry lynn

was so upset and peed of at the time I didnt think to ask. All I know is that thursday afternoon she was give an opioid injection which I know doesnt last very long but also an anti inflamatory. I was advised that normally this particular anti inflamatory (well I dont know if its just this one or all injectable anti inflamatories)does not normally get given to animals with kidney disease as it can worsen it.But hey my attitude is, she's dying, give her whatever she needs for the pain-her kidneys are killing her already anyways, she aint gonna be alive 6 months down the line for anyone to care!! Im sure they have started wearing of already as she has been pacing most of today unsure of what exactely she wants and unable to lie calm or still. Although her apetite hasnt totally subsided she has started picking at it this pm. Ive been told that she cannot have her preds and the injection in the same day and last night the vet tried to fob me of by saying that I should be able to control her with steroid-doh!! She been on them for the last nine months and has been in pain for the last 2 weeks!! She needs more than preds!! Im not gonna give her her preds in the am and take her to the partner practice tomorow as soon as they open and im gonna insist on both injections again, I only need her to get through the next few days comfy so my parents have a chace to say bye.

Ok rant over, Im gonna go and have a cry now..........
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 19, 2007, 19:18:34 PM
Aww, Tam, it is a shame I am going to the pub, or I could have had a chat with you, it is an awful situation to be in. IT sounds like they might have given something like Metacam as the anti-inflam, I know that can't be given with kidney issues, but agree totally with your reasoning. I have a suspicion they might last a couple of days, but the vet should have explained this to you. Can you speak to an emergency vet and ask them, although if you dont know the name it would be tricky. Did you get an itemised bill, that might have the name on it. Sorry for all the questions!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 19, 2007, 19:25:02 PM
Ahh its ok Des, I feel like being alone at the mo anyway. The bill was itemised but not to that extent Im afraid. Our local emergency vet has access to our files as I spoke to them at the begining of the week when she first took a turn for the worse.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 19, 2007, 19:27:11 PM
have pm'd you Tam. I would have a chat with the emergency vet then, they should be able to tell you what she had and how long it would last.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 19, 2007, 19:30:46 PM
will do thanks. Plan to take her in tomorow anyways so I know she is comfy monday am when Im at work and mum is alone at home with her, but at least if I speak to emergency vet 2nite I know what the plan of action is.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 19, 2007, 19:31:59 PM
Fingers crossed you have a nice emergency vet!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 21, 2007, 08:53:05 AM
Can you believe the cheek of the vets. Phoned today again about the eutanasia and if I do it at home the priviledge would cost me £217 and at the vets £82!!! No discounts at all. Im sure the drugs arent that expensive!! I had me hamster eutanised for £2!!!! :censored:

Not very happy!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Bazsmum on May 21, 2007, 09:34:27 AM
Gosh that's adding insult to injury!!!  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 21, 2007, 09:51:57 AM
most def ruth, esp as they know I cant not get it done!!
Mind you thats probably why its so expencive, they know I wont say NO!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 21, 2007, 12:31:20 PM
Hey all

Just putting up a final post regarding Fluff. A home visit vet (a vet that does home visits only and has nothing to do with my local vet) is coming over tonight at 7.30pm to put Fluff out of her misery.
Fluff has deteriorated quite badly today. She is peeing all over the house and can barely use her back legs. My parents came back yesterday late afternoon and spent the evening with kitty. As the vet isnt coming till quite late we all get to spend a few hours with Fluff before vet comes.

Later on today or perhaps tomorow I will open up a new  thread on the rainbow bridge for Fluffy and would apreciate a visit from a few of you guys.

Once again thank you all hugely for all you help and advice (and that virtual drink Desley!!) and I hope that one day I may be of as much support to some of you's....

Purrs from me and Fluff  :'(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Millys Mum on May 21, 2007, 12:34:46 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug: Tammy  :hug: :hug: :hug:
You are doing the best thing by Fluffy and she will love you so much for not being selfish.

Will be thinking of you today
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Christine (Blip) on May 21, 2007, 12:41:22 PM
I shall be thinking of Fluffy and you today, Tammy.


Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: clarenmax on May 21, 2007, 12:43:09 PM
I've not posted on here before as I couldn't really be much help, but can I say that I will be thinking of you tonight   :'( :'(

Big :hug: to you and your family xxxx
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on May 21, 2007, 13:20:04 PM
I will be thinking of you too :'(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on May 21, 2007, 13:21:45 PM
Just caught up on this post

Will be thinking of you and Fluffy tonight - My heart goes out to you  :'(

Michelle xxxxx
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 21, 2007, 13:46:07 PM
Thanks a lot guys, means a hige deal to me!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on May 21, 2007, 15:13:51 PM
ill be thinking of u too  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on May 21, 2007, 15:36:02 PM
Will be thinking of you both, we are all here for you in the coming days, weeks and months  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: CurlyCatz on May 21, 2007, 16:34:44 PM
Tammy  :hug:

I was disgusted with your current vet in view of his fee's and no exceptions made for yourself..Very upset and angry about that tbh.
However thankgoodness for the vet who is paying you a visit tonight, Ive heard of these mobile vets (ruth uses one) and seems like a really good idea.  I'm very relieved for you and fluffy that she can come to your home and allow you to be yourself and with no pressure of time.

I'll be thinking of you both tonight and you have been a wonderful "mummy" to fluffy and will continue to be by showing her this last act of love.

Please give fluffy a hug for me, I'm just so sorry we couldnt get over all her health problems but no one could have tried more than you have.

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Em on May 21, 2007, 19:28:26 PM
Sending my love to you all, am thinking of you. x :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on May 21, 2007, 19:29:17 PM
We're thinking of you Tammy xxxx
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 21, 2007, 23:18:10 PM
Thinking of you tonight and also love to Fluffy  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 22, 2007, 08:37:32 AM
Caroline was the most wonderful vet and person. She was very gentle and loving. Fluffy was very relaxed and even purred whilst Caroline was giving her one final check over before she gave her the pre med. The only time she showed any kind of disagreement or displeasure was when she realised that the 2nd injection had to go in her vein-she let out a little scardy cat growl but did not fight it.

If anyone in West or North London ever needs a home visit vet-for any reason at all let me know and Ill forward Carolines details on as I was very pleased in deed. Even my mum who had no previous experience of euthanasia or pet death (they all seemed to pick their time for when she is abroad!) was  very pleased how it all went and with Carolines attitude.

Fluffy was normally very aggresive and abrupt with vets and nurses but she purred most of last night, even when Caroline gave her the pre med!!

I will make sure that all my neighbours know about the local vet and never take their pets there whilst its run by the current crew, as what we have gone through the last 9 months I realised last night was pure hell, esp. when you see how nice Caroline was and how she managed to make Fluff and us feel ok.

I feel somewhat better today as a burden has been lifted coz it all went better than I thought it would and I know Fluff is at peace now and I dont have to go home wondering what Id find there or how much pain or discomfort she'd be in. Mum and I burried her last night next to our other cat Smudge. We have some plants there, the one that Smudge (the baby) was burried under is nicknamed in Croatian (thats where my family is from ) Kitten flower and the one that we burried Fluff under is nicknamed Cat flower as the flowers are bigger than of the former plant.

I hope they're happy whereever they are now.......
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on May 22, 2007, 09:38:23 AM
Ah ((Tammy)) i am glad it went well last night and ^Fluffy^ is now at peace.
I and many others couldnt stop thinking about you and your family last night, our thought were deff with you.

Caroline sounds lovely, i was saying to my OH last night that there should be more vets that are prepared to do a home service for things like this at an affordable price.

R.I.P ^Fluffy^ - Pain free now at the Bridge

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Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on May 22, 2007, 09:39:56 AM
aww tammy  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

rip fluffy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Mark on May 22, 2007, 09:45:21 AM
Poor Fluffy  :'(

I'm glad that Caroline made the best of a bad situation for you. I wish more vets were that compassionate.

Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 22, 2007, 09:45:40 AM
def Michelle,
She was a great help in our time of need.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 22, 2007, 09:46:28 AM
Yes Mark,

My local vet was an absolute disgrace!!
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: clarenmax on May 22, 2007, 09:51:27 AM
Caroline sounds like a lovely person Tammy, I am so pleased she was able to make Fluffy's passing as stress and pain free as possible for all of you  :hug:

RIP little one, play hard at the Bridge sweetheart and send your mummy a rainbow x
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 22, 2007, 09:52:05 AM
Yes Clare

She was absolutely wonderful.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on May 22, 2007, 09:54:16 AM
R I P Fluffy :'(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on May 22, 2007, 15:42:40 PM
Tammy how are YOU doing Sweetheart ?
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 22, 2007, 16:00:48 PM

Im actually getting a little worried now as I feel loads better today and have actually got back into the swing of things. I feel like a weight has been lifted of me and I have not been close to tears most of the day and I can discuss Fluff without my voice trembling or my eyes welling up. When I came down the stairs this morning I did kind of half expect Fluff to come zooming round the corner insisting on brekkie, so that was a little strange, but I do not feel at all sad just relieved, could I be in denial?? Hope not!!!

But Im fine thanks for asking.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on May 22, 2007, 16:07:00 PM
Hi Tammy
you could be in shock, its so hard to believe that your beloved cat has gone :'(
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 22, 2007, 16:08:32 PM
Thats what I was worried of, as before last night I did find the whole situation quite distressing.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 22, 2007, 20:00:47 PM
So pleased you found a caring vet.

Sadly I think it will hit you shortly, so dont be surprised.  I think like you say at present its just a sense of relief cos the hard times have just been passed through and that will make you feel more relaxed but I am so pleased that Fluffy is resting peacefully  :hug:
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 22, 2007, 20:09:19 PM
Tam, there is nothign to worry about, and it isn't necessarily shock or denial, I feel like that after one of mine has gone when there has been an illness involved, and I have known in advance it was coming, it is only when they have gone unexpectedly that I haven't. I think we do feel relief, because we have watched a beloved pet become ill and know we can't do anything, so we know they are no longer suffering, and it makes things easier for us - I always feel as though i have done my grieving while they are still with me. RIP little one.
Title: Re: FLUFFY-Yet again :(
Post by: tammy on May 23, 2007, 09:11:06 AM
Yep Gill she was  god send-my usual vet had the cheeck to phone yesterday to check if all was OK!!

Hope you're right Desley.

 :thanks: for all your support gus.  :Luv: