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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Catty Parent on December 11, 2012, 13:53:50 PM

Title: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Catty Parent on December 11, 2012, 13:53:50 PM
My kitten ate a piece of satin ribbon about 3 mm wide and 6-8 inches long on Saturday night. She has been eating and drinking normally, is not lethargic and is toileting as normal. She is still just as active as before and is not displaying any symptoms at all. Please can anyone tell me if I shoul dbe overly worried. I realise the dangers of it wrapping around intestines or causing a blockage, hence I am already VERY worried, so please no scaremongering. I feel terribly responsible as I was using the ribbon. She was sitting right in front of me and one minute the ribbon was there and the next it was gone and she was licking her lips. I love my little girl dearly, both of my cats are rescued strays, and I would be devastated if I missed anything. Anyone have any experience of this sort of thing? As I said before, please no horror stories or scaremongering, I just need some reassurance or some advice please.

Many thanks

Picture of the gulty party below.

Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Dawn F on December 11, 2012, 13:56:37 PM
that is quite a big bit for a kitten does she use a tray so you can see if it passes through?
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 11, 2012, 14:12:42 PM
I really think you need to speak to your vet urgently and take his advice, just not worth taking the risk not to do this.
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Catty Parent on December 11, 2012, 14:57:02 PM
I could be wrong about the length of it, it could be more like 4 inches, I can't remember clearly (blinded by worry!). It has been several days now with no symptoms.
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Catty Parent on December 11, 2012, 15:04:34 PM
that is quite a big bit for a kitten does she use a tray so you can see if it passes through?
She does use a tray, my husband usually empties them daily. He has just informed me that he hasn't looked properly, so it could have passed through her and he's not noticed. I am going to havbe a look tonight to see if I can see anything, if nothing I will ring my vet. I did ring my emergency vet when she did this, but they didn't answer!!! (begs the question, what's the point?!!)
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 11, 2012, 15:08:08 PM
Your own vet will be much better than the emergency one but if its the emergency one given out by your vet you need to advise him that your call not replied too!
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Dawn F on December 11, 2012, 15:09:27 PM
I'd speak to the vet as well, you are certain she ate it and it isn't under a sofa or something! 
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Catty Parent on December 11, 2012, 15:11:53 PM
I'd speak to the vet as well, you are certain she ate it and it isn't under a sofa or something!

I haven't seen it anywhere, I'll have a double check tonight and make sure. I cannot believe she ate it, she's such a monkey!!!! I love her to death and can't quite face the idea of having another expensive vet bill (we just paid out over £400 for our other cat to have a tooth out and an eyelid corrected - no insurance on either of them yet). But her welfare is paramount to me.
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: sheilarose on December 14, 2012, 22:49:35 PM
How is she CP?
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Catty Parent on December 15, 2012, 08:50:01 AM
How is she CP?

thanks for asking she is absolutely fine  it must have passed out of her she is totally fine xxx

Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: sheilarose on December 15, 2012, 11:02:34 AM
:phew:  ;D
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: lizfraser on December 16, 2012, 18:49:29 PM
When Dillon was a kitten he ate some string, and after a check up at vets it slowly passed through him.  We had to cut it off at his bottom after every bowel movement but he did not suffer any long term damage.  If it does start to pass you MUST resist the urge to pull it, just snip away.  Hope all turns out ok x
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Peardrop on December 29, 2012, 10:41:34 AM
My insides would have fallen out now with worry.

Ping (my darling siamese boy who is no longer with us he died last Christmas eve aged 17 1/2) swallowed a needle and cotton one Christmas eve when he was a nipper (now people know why I worry about Christmases and my cats). I rushed him up to the vets they gave him an x-ray and then did a laparotomy and removed the needle and cotton although the vet was concerned about the needle she was more concerned about the cotton.

Do you think the vet would x-ray your kitten?
Title: Re: My kitten ate ribbon!!!
Post by: Catty Parent on December 29, 2012, 14:01:14 PM
she seems fine. more recently she vomited worms so she has been to the vet to be treated for that. I took the opportunity to ask about the ribbon and they agreed that if she was eating and pooping fine and was active then it has probably passed through her. I'm still keeping myeye on her just to be sure but she sseems ok xx