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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: flower on October 22, 2012, 21:26:45 PM

Title: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: flower on October 22, 2012, 21:26:45 PM
Hello ..

I have a cat about 2 1/2 years old  shy cat to unknown people and  will not go near busy roads although a very vocal cat!! crying to get his own way drives me insane!. Currently both an indoor and outdoor cat although he spends most of his time indoors. Id say he goes out probaly about 3-4 hours of the day.

So im wondering how hard it would be to train a cat to becoming an indoor only cat ? Is this doable?! any advice would be appreciated.

My main reason I currenly living in a friends house with a cat flap so he has all freedom to do what he likes but  i will be moving to my own flat sometime soon the place i have been offered does not  really have anywhere for him to roam..  a very small courtyard which has the backdoor entries  to 3 restaurants (which during opening night time hours they have them open)  . I dont think he would be safe in that enviroment mainly for wondering into the restrurants backdoors. The flat is very big so he has loads of room! 

Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 23, 2012, 00:40:25 AM
If he cries now he will be even worse if kept inside all the time I think.

I have a 2yr old birman who cant go out by himself because of neighbours and the road at front. He had never been out before he came here at 10months and saw the others going out.

I bought him a walking jacket and an extendable lead and we go out nearly every day  in the gardin the summer but now the weather is even worse we cant get get out regularily he is driving me insane cos he wants to go out............have to admit that he is not much better when he has been out.......sigh
Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: Mymblesdaughter on October 23, 2012, 09:39:41 AM
Could you set him up a fenced in area outside so that he could have some outside access. Something like this http://www.arkanimals.com/cat-outdoor-run/

Does he like other cats, might be worth getting him a friend to play with as it would give him some extra stimulation.

Sorry I can't help with info about changing cats from outdoor to indoor as I've never tried it. Imagine a lot depends on the individual cat.
Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: flower on October 23, 2012, 10:38:09 AM
yea he used to be worse than he is now but a good old spray of water taught him whats what, he still tries it now and again.

Unfortunately i couldnt get a fenced area maybe a little  fold away cat run although giving him the little freedom of a small cat run makes me think he would want more same with taking him on a lead in the courtyard. I think hes fine with other cats that was one option i was thinking to get a play friend for him if he didnt take well .
Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: Dawn F on October 23, 2012, 11:06:31 AM
confused, you are spraying him because??
Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: flower on October 23, 2012, 12:39:44 PM
I dont , i was explaining how he was a vocal cat to  Gill below... I used to spray him as he got used to being fed at 6-am- 7am every morning i used to get horrendous crying and playing up every morning until i got up.. I'd spray him at this point.  This taught him stop it, he will still try it sometimes though.

He is still a vocal noisy cat in general.

Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: Dawn F on October 23, 2012, 12:58:14 PM
ahh I understand, some are just noisy!
Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 23, 2012, 16:18:55 PM
As he's quite young he will probably need lots of interactive playtime to keep him stumulated, a da bird (and da mouse attachmeent) are brilliant for tiring them out and distracting them when they're bored! Good luck with your move and hope Milo settles in OK  :hug:
Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on October 27, 2012, 21:07:42 PM
I dont , i was explaining how he was a vocal cat to  Gill below... I used to spray him as he got used to being fed at 6-am- 7am every morning i used to get horrendous crying and playing up every morning until i got up.. I'd spray him at this point.  This taught him stop it, he will still try it sometimes though.

He is still a vocal noisy cat in general.

Not sure I agree with that kind of "teaching him whats what" -  >:(
Thats like putting a barking collar on a dog !!

Title: Re: Training a indoor&outdoor cat to be an indoor only cat.
Post by: funkiechicken on October 28, 2012, 17:59:47 PM
I think a friend may be worth a go. It may be hard to extinguish his desire in going out completely as some cats just cant do without the great outdoors (even though they dont generally go far anyway) cant the courtyard access be limited (possibley supervised) to day time?

Does the flat have a balcony? Take a look at the ideas on this page for a Catio. I also recommend in taking a look at the Catification Page for making indoor spaces like a cat heaven (some look quite sleek so keeps your house modern looking too, if thats your style)


I also second "Tiggy's Mum" about the toys! the Da Bird is amazing!!

I havent personally converted outdoor/indoor cats to indoor only but do look into ideas on that page...although American, in the USA cats are predominantly indoor animals and the Cat Daddy is amazing!

You may find he cries even more at first as everything will be new and out of his comfort zone - he'll just be needing some extra TLC. Cats only cry to communicate with humans. As a breed they dont normally meow at each other to communicate so the lads just chatting to you lol .....although some are much louder than others!! My old fella went deaf and i could probably have heard him from 5mile away, up wind  :rofl:

I've never had to use a spray or even know of it being used  :scared: I think care has to be taken on what the purpose of use is for. To prevent/discourage a bad behaviour or just reprimanding their need for grub  :shy:
But like i say, i've never used one, so am just presuming its purpose  :hug: - me and the OH just take blurry eyed trips to fill bellys, watch them - cos we know any foollish thoughts of going back upstairs too soon, will mean we have to go back to let cats out, cats in.....  :tired: well i say ME and the OH  :shify: its usually just my OH cos he's a lighter sleeper than me  :evillaugh:  :sneaky:  :rofl:
i hope you get some brill ideas for keeping indoor kitty happy  ;D ;D
Let us know how it goes and whether it was easy or not  :evillaugh: