Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: clarenmax on June 13, 2012, 14:15:03 PM

Title: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: clarenmax on June 13, 2012, 14:15:03 PM
Heya lovely Purrs peeps!!!

I've been very slack and not visited here for ages :(

So how is everybody...................and what have I missed!!!!

Fill me in :) 

So you don't all tell me off for rocking up with no good excuses, life has been a bit mental recently!!!  Working full time as well as teaching Zumba, and now studying for my fitness certification too, not enough hours in the day ;)

Here's some new Pooty pics for you to drool over, he really is my precious little man  :Luv2:




Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: Dawn F on June 13, 2012, 14:19:59 PM
lovely to see you!  poot looks fab as usual, good on you with the fitness stuff
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 13, 2012, 18:45:58 PM
Nice to see you stranger  ;D

You have missed the cat show and just loads lol

Poot is still as cute as ever, how old is he now?
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: thekittensmittens on June 13, 2012, 19:11:58 PM
those spotty paws are amazing :Luv2:
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: maryas on June 14, 2012, 01:48:34 AM
Who the chuff are you????  ;)  :welcome: BACK to Purrs  :evillaugh: :hug:

Good job you came back with Poot pics young lady.  They were well worth waiting for Clare - he's such a gogeous hunk  :Luv2: :hug:

You've missed a lot chuck.  Unfortunately as per usual there have been lots of our kitties going to The Bridge and Gillian's mum died which left her in a bad way.

Rotton weather has spoilt everyones veg and fruit - long Thread for you to read - it's been exciting hearing from people.

The word association and this and that threads are a good laugh.

My mum's been up and down with the Alzheimer's and was bad in May and I had to cancel my trip to Italy.  I've done a Reiki course and doing the 2nd part soon. Bonnie's her usual daft soft self and the love of my life.

Are you still doing the Zumba teaching and tennis ?

You better not just be doing a flying visit cos a few people have come back and then vaished again lately.

Mary  :hug:

Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: clarenmax on June 14, 2012, 08:25:32 AM
Heya hunnies, I've missed you all!!!  There's just not enough hours in the day and work has been silly busy too, I tend to spend more time on the dreaded Facebook is its easier to keep up to date with things, so I've heard quite a few snippets of what's been happening, the good and the bad :( 

Can't believe that Pooty has been with us for 2 years in August, it seems like he's been here forever!!  That must make him about 3-4 I guess as we're not sure how old he was when we first adopted him!  Touch wood his cystitis has not flared up again for a while, but he does still get very scared of the doorbell and visitors bless him, still hides under the bed until they've gone, silly boy hahaaaa :) 

Hope everybody's furries are doing fine?

How's T doing, not heard anything for a while but always do wonder?

Wow Mary so glad you're doing Reiki, how are you finding it?  John's Mum is a Master apparently (not sure what that means lol), and she's done some healing stuff on my various injuries over the last year or so lol!!

Can't believe I've been a Zumba instructor for nearly a year now!!  Time certainly flies, and in September a year since I took my first class!  Now teaching 3 a week as well as working full time so its hectic, but I LOVE IT!!!!!! 

Let me see pics of your furkids on here, I don't mind, I wanna see how they're doing!!!!!

Big love, me and Pooty xxxxx

Oh and I'll try not to disappear again, its just hard xxx
Title: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on June 14, 2012, 11:57:52 AM
:welcome: back Clare :)

Just a quickie cos I'm on my phone but just wanted to say how nice it is to see you back :) Poot is as gorgeous as I remembered! :Luv:
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on June 14, 2012, 12:06:42 PM
Welcome back, lovely pics of Poot, afraid I`m still in the land of the living :rofl:
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: maryas on June 14, 2012, 13:11:45 PM
ok chuck - here's a few of the beautiful Bonnie  :Luv2: :hug:

Bonnie snuggling in to her new blanket, Bonnie playing with my pears, Bonnie looking as though she now has a tail and finally my new car - I'm now in the 21st Century - last one was 1993 and this one is 2002.

The Reiki is great - A Reiki Master is someone that's done all the courses and they are qualified to teach other people. You can only be taught by a Master.  I do it on myself and Bonnie lays on my stomache and gets it from me too - she loves it.  I remember years ago when I mentioned Reiki someone on here said they do it on animals but I can't remember who it was.

Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on June 14, 2012, 13:29:01 PM
Great to hear from you!  Glad you posted some pics of that handsome young man of yours  :Luv:  He's yummy  :Luv:

What's new?  well, everything is both the same and different  :rofl:  My little Jaffa has just celebrated his 15th birthday  ;D and Mosi is still leader of the naughty club  :shify:

I've become obsessed with gardening (see long thread Mary referred to!)

I have a new black and white buddy (breaking news but pics about to be posted  ;)).  Before you all get excited, no this is not a new addition to my household, but a little friend who hangs around outside my flat being very cute and teasing Mosi.  He's a poppet and I took some pics of him the other day.  I think there are a few peeps on here who like to look at pics of cats, right?  :shocked:
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: clarenmax on June 15, 2012, 11:49:55 AM
I see its going to take me a while to catch up properly eeeeeek!!!

Luckily boss is away most of next week so should be able to get some sneak peeks on here ;) 

Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: maryas on June 15, 2012, 13:09:58 PM
You'll be old and grey by the time you've finished  :naughty: :hug:

Some lovely pics on Susanne's Zoo threads are a must.

Stuart's thread with pics of his little girl - grown up fast and she is beautiful.

JS recently put loads of pics of her cats on here - yummy  :Luv2:

Lots of new members that are really nice and have great cats  :Luv2: :hug:

Recent pic show that Rosella ran - the winner was Noodle, a gorgeous black cat that I know you will love cos I fell in love straight away - Smudge and Max would definately approve  ;)

So much more that I can't think of at the mo.

Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: maryas on June 23, 2012, 23:22:30 PM
Clare - you're AWOL again  :evillaugh: :hug:

Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: clarenmax on July 05, 2012, 16:30:09 PM
Lol Temporarily missing in action lol!!!  So stupidly busy right now, it sucks, but in kind of a good way  :hug:  :shy:
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on July 06, 2012, 07:39:27 AM

Lovely to see you back, Clare - it does sound like you've had your hands full.  Poot is looking as gorgeous - or more gorgeous -- than ever  :Luv2:  Congrats on your fitness certification  :wow:

Has been loads going on.   We lost Tess in February at the grand old age of 14, and then we lost Mac to a RTA in May.  Horrible times.  Fortunately, we now have another little ginger boy who has been helping us smile again.  He's called Ross, and he's a right little tearaway.  He looks at me so lovingly, just before launching an attack, bunny kicking me whilst grinning like a lunatic.  :evillaugh:

Mary - didn't know you were doing reiki - you dark horse.  I took it to level 2.  Love it, and animals respond to it really well.  ;D  Don't think I could ever graduate to Master level though.   :)

Susanne - piccies, piccies!   ;D :wow:  Have you heard about my 8 foot something foxglove?   :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: clarenmax on July 06, 2012, 12:46:38 PM
Heya Sue  :)

Sorry to hear about Tess and Mac :( always so heartbreaking.  Am glad that you have a new ginger ninja in your life though, Ross sounds pretty cool  :Luv2:  Poot does the exact same thing with the clawing, I took a great picture the other day by default, will try and post it later hahaaa :) 

Am still trying to catch up with everyones news, my quiet week at week hasn't been quiet at all, but today its so rainy and horrid that I can't be bothered to go out this lunchtime, so here I am ;)
Title: Re: Heelllooooooo!!!
Post by: clarenmax on July 06, 2012, 12:47:12 PM
Welcome back, lovely pics of Poot, afraid I`m still in the land of the living :rofl:

Am bloody glad to hear it missus :) xx