Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: prettyinpink1101 on May 26, 2012, 10:53:49 AM

Title: Back from Cattery - advice needed ASAP!
Post by: prettyinpink1101 on May 26, 2012, 10:53:49 AM
Just collected our cat Belle from the cattery, she came out of her cage ate and drank and had a treat. She has been exploring the house and enjoying being fussed but she will not stop meowing! when she came in she went straight to her cat flap which was closed. We read on here to let her out as she needs to make sure her "turf" is still here, so we opened the cat flap she went straight out down the garden path, sat down and started to meow again! i got a treat and brought her back in and the cat flap has now been closed!

She is happy to be played with and will stop meowing but as soon as you give her no attention she is at the cat flap meowing again!

Can someone give us some on advice on what to do? let her out? keep her in? and why is she meowing so much? (she is normally a quiet cat) She has been in the cattery once before and was not like then when she returned!

Please help?

Title: Re: Back from Cattery - advice needed ASAP!
Post by: sheilarose on May 26, 2012, 12:29:43 PM
She's fine, PiP, just letting you know she is NOT happy with you, this happens to us every time one of the gang go into the vets or cat prison (cattery), last time maybe she thought it was just a one off, so forgave you immediately, but now you've done it to her a second time, well, the gloves are off and she's letting you know in no uncertain terms that this sort of behaviour will not go without complaint.

Let her out, get back to her old routine, spoil her rotten and giver her all she wants for now.

My oldest and clingiest boy ALWAYS gives me one good bite when we've been on holiday, once that's out of the way he's happy to get back to normal and won't bite me again until next time. This is his thing, he does it every year (he's now 14!). Your cat will be fine, just allow her to get it out of her system in her own way.  :hug:
Title: Re: Back from Cattery - advice needed ASAP!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 26, 2012, 19:36:40 PM
Sheila is right and I am sure she will love you again tomorrow if she thinks you have made enoiugh fuss of her and rushed to her every whim  ;D
Title: Back from Cattery - advice needed ASAP!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on May 26, 2012, 20:46:58 PM
You're definitely being told off :naughty:
Title: Re: Back from Cattery - advice needed ASAP!
Post by: Helen M on May 27, 2012, 18:30:55 PM
Sorry you are really in the 'Dog house'. Lots of grovelling and treats needed to show you are really a good slave ;)
Title: Re: Back from Cattery - advice needed ASAP!
Post by: Skiddaw on June 05, 2012, 14:12:58 PM
Our Munchkin is just the same. On being sprung from cat prison the first thing he does (apart from throwing up in his basket on the way home) is to throw himself out of the cat flap. He usually comes back quick enough if a plate of chicken hoves into view  :Luv: