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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Lesley Frankie on March 21, 2012, 17:32:36 PM

Title: Ollie smells!
Post by: Lesley Frankie on March 21, 2012, 17:32:36 PM
Ollie is about 5 years old and was neutered when he came to live with us. A few days ago, I noticed a distinct smell of tom cat in the room and when I investigated, it seemed to be coming from Ollie's skin/fur. It is a little less strong now but it's still there. Funnily enough, last week my other cat Ben, got into a tussle with a strange cat in our garden, I noticed that for a short while after that, Ben had a bit of a whiff about him and wondered if the other cat, who I assumed to be an unneutered male, had transfered some of his scent onto Ben in the tussle or, had Ben produced the smell himself in the excitement of the fight. Anyway, Ben now smells normal. Ollie seems well in himself. All our cats spend a lot of time outside so rarely use their litter boxes so I have not noticed anything about Ollie's urine. I have assumed the smell is of tom cat but, I also wondered if it could be from some plant that he has brushed against because it is not as pungent as cat urine is normally. I will take Ollie to the vet if it continues but I wonder if anyone here can offer an opinion? :thanks:
Title: Re: Ollie smells!
Post by: Dawn F on March 21, 2012, 17:34:22 PM
might need his anal glads emptying - the vet can sort that out, its not a pleasant task and as you say is very smelly!!
Title: Re: Ollie smells!
Post by: Peggy C on March 21, 2012, 17:41:13 PM
Flowering currant   does have a tom cat smell  It seems a bit early but it is spring flowering  and we have had an early spring  If it doesn't wear off in a day or two I should take him to the vet
Title: Re: Ollie smells!
Post by: Lesley Frankie on March 21, 2012, 18:32:42 PM
Hi again,

Thanks for the replies. I just had another sniff of Ollie's fur and the smell has faded so I will monitor him carefully and go to the vet if necessary. I don't think it's his anal glands because I know what that smells like :sick: :sick: :sick:
Title: Re: Ollie smells!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 22, 2012, 01:54:27 AM
I know there is a plant that smells like tom cat and dont know if there is more than one and would suspect that or from being somewhere a tom cat has been spraying
Title: Re: Ollie smells!
Post by: Lesley Frankie on March 22, 2012, 07:25:26 AM
Hello again,  Ollie has come in this morning after his usual night-shift :) and he smells fine so it must have been a plant or something. Anyway, I will continue to monitor him. Thanks to everyone who responded.
Title: Re: Ollie smells!
Post by: Lotzy on March 22, 2012, 10:05:26 AM
As Gill said, he may well have been somewhere a tom cat has been spraying, or alternatively perhaps he fell asleep under a bush and was in the aim of a visiting tom cat.  Not a nice smell to be carrying around though.