Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Rachel(Rachette) on March 19, 2012, 18:49:25 PM

Title: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Rachel(Rachette) on March 19, 2012, 18:49:25 PM
Hey guys..so sorry for this moan but your the only people that will understand & help me out :scared:

For years my OH has been on about getting a dog & i've always up until now been able to put him off...friends have got jack russell puppies that are ready to leave their mum on weds & he's provisionally bought one. I have nothing against dogs, just more of a cat girl...i've told him that Snooch is my main concern, shes been apart of this house for 5 years & now a dog is coming in to flip her life around. Can this work?? i am so scared that Snooch will run away & find a new home.. :scared:
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Rachel(Rachette) on March 19, 2012, 19:06:12 PM
Feel free to openly have a go at me as i know that i'm letting my OH go back on my promise to give Snooch a totally hassle free forever home  :(
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 19, 2012, 19:26:41 PM
Cats and dogs can, and do, live happily together but I would do some research on the breed before you 100% commit to a puppy from this particular litter :shy: I think Jack Russells are very 'small prey' driven so wouldn't have thought it was the best choice.

I've never had a dog but I'm sure those that have (alongside cats) will be along with some introduction tips etc
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Liz on March 19, 2012, 19:45:01 PM
Having had a Jack Russell the late great Jazz live with the then 37 Clan members all feline it can work but ground rules need to be set

We have used dog crates to great effect having done 3 Border Collie puppies in the last 5 years and all have crates with a blanket and cat bed on top of them

We crate trained ours so they got peace from the cats and visa versa, as long as the cat is fed first and seen to first and allowed to bop the puppy for being over familiar then the dog knows the cat is in charge - at one point in their lives my 3 dogs Sky, Sunny and Mistral have all had noses with scratches on for being over familiar with the ferals and now those same ferals are the dogs best friend

Careful introductions are the key this is Panther feral and his dog Sky
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Rachel(Rachette) on March 19, 2012, 20:27:49 PM
Liz..thankyou so much, thats the 1st time i've relaxed all day :)
We have bought a crate, snooch will be fed 1st, then us, then the puppy. I've told Paul that rules are rules,he seems to have taken them on borad & he has been on a jack russel forum for their advice. may i please contact you if i need anymore advice?

 :thanks: :thanks: :hug:
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Rachel(Rachette) on March 19, 2012, 20:30:51 PM
oh & plenty of feliway :rofl:
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 19, 2012, 21:17:49 PM
Jack Russels are a very energetic and noisy little dogs, they need lots of love and good training, hope it will work out  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Liz on March 19, 2012, 21:50:01 PM
Rachel, feel free to contact me at anytime with any queries and I will try and help with things that worked for us and still do as Sunny Collie gets a tad obsessed with newbies and we go back to basics till he has vetted all his cats

Jack Russells are not much different to most puppies and we never had any issues with Jazz and barking we used No from the start if she barked for the sake of barking for it and that worked for us and we have used it on Sky, Sunny and Mistral with effect as I can't stand dogs who bark just to hear the sound of their own voice and with having my skittish feraks can't have a mass panic with the barking

Good luck and can't wait for the pictures ;D

Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Rachel(Rachette) on March 19, 2012, 23:05:38 PM
Thanks again Liz..i'm contacting a puppy training group tomorrow,like youself i don't like dogs that bark just for the sake of it..i'm thinking that No will be the only word i'll be saying for the next few weeks  :)
Thanks for the hugs Gill...i have 3 miles of beach & sand dunes as my back garden so hopefully that will tire him out, it certaintly tires me out :tired:
photos to follow.....
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: maryas on March 19, 2012, 23:07:20 PM
When I was about 12 years old my mum brought a Jack Russell in to our house where Tibby, our 12 years old cat lived.  They adored each other.  I had loads of photos of them cuddled up together and can picture them in my head now Aaaaaawwwwww  :Luv2: :hug:  Unfortunately they were spoiled in a flood and I don't have any now.

A mate of mine had a massive Irish Wolfhound and he got along with their 2 cats unbelievably well.

Good luck and hope to see some fantastic pics of them growing up together in the future.

Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 19, 2012, 23:09:27 PM
Please can I have your back garden  :innocent:
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Rachel(Rachette) on March 19, 2012, 23:24:39 PM
Aw Mary..thankyou..you too have made me feel more relaxed about it. So sorry to hear that you lost the photos, memories will stay with you forever though :Luv:

Please can I have your back garden  :innocent:
:) Gill its amazing apart from when its summer time & all you can see for miles are burnt bodies :rofl: its an all year round dog friendly beach though so happy times
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Dawn F on March 20, 2012, 08:17:38 AM
I'm sure Lesley has three jrs and about 40 cats!  Like liz says its all about setting rules at the start I'm sure you will be fine
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Rachel(Rachette) on March 25, 2012, 09:53:57 AM
Well its been 3 days & i'm pleased to say that both Snooch & pup (Chewie..aka chewbacca!!) are still in 1 piece :rofl:however i don't think they'll ever be the best of friends..Snooch just avoids him like the plague & he isn't at all bothered by her..she hissed & growled at him, he barked so i told him off & since then nothing..its as if to each other the other 1 doesn't exist..long may the peace last. Thanks again for everyones advice  :hug:
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: maryas on March 25, 2012, 17:33:04 PM
It's only been 3 days so don't say they will never be friends  ;) easy does it and they will be snuggling up together for Purrs pics  :hug:

So glad for you.

Some pics (even of Chewie on his own) would be nice  :Luv2:

Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: maddercow on March 29, 2012, 12:52:02 PM

I would imagine it is easier to introduce a puppy to a resident cat than the other way round, my guess is that Snooch will put puppy firmly in its place with a well placed claw if he gets too familiar.... cats usually get the upper hand when it comes down to it.

Years ago my parents had a couple of adult jack russell bitches and over the years introduced several kittens into the household..... very gradually and
carefully and the dogs never once had a go at the kittens, they all got on very very well, never the best of mates but they quite happily lived together, shared a rug in front of the fire etc.

Just take it easy and I reckon you could have quite alot of fun with the two of them.  Good luck. X
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: funkiechicken on March 31, 2012, 06:36:29 AM
Glad things are going smoothly and i'm afraid that little Chewy will be Bopped and Scratched on the way to her place in the household heirarchy...
....which is bottom along with OH  :rofl: :rofl:

We grew up with an even selection of dogs and cats, many of the dogs were rescues too - but the cats kept them in order. Only one cat took a dislike to one to one of the dogs, but she was a bit frisky and naughty and did chase him. The other cats would just turn round and punch her on the nose LOL
They will become friends in time and i am sure Snooch will mould this whole situation to her advantage....warm snuggles, more food etc

My ex had a little old dog and she was so placid but my Nuggie had her life (he was 5 when she arrived, she was 10). If he had a bad day he would walk over and stick 10 claws on her muzzle - he stole her food even though he didnt like it and was generally a bully. But he'd lay with her in front of the fire and snuggle in.....Poor little Jess, i think she held her breath the whole time he laid on her.... :shify:  :evillaugh: her eyes were the size of bin lids lol but the whole relationship was his terms, his gains and Jess just had to make do  :rofl:
Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: Rachel(Rachette) on April 01, 2012, 08:38:46 AM
It feels me with such hope and happiness when i read your stories of dogs and cats getting on well together  ;D
It is going well so far (touch wood)..Snooch wont fight shes always been one to shout and swear at another cat/dog until they back off & so far this is working infact Chewie just ignores her & lets her walk past without a yap or anything..i think he is a little miffed that she doesn't want to play with him though.

Glad things are going smoothly and i'm afraid that little Chewy will be Bopped and Scratched on the way to her place in the household heirarchy...
....which is bottom along with OH  :rofl: :rofl: Love it!!! :rofl: :rofl:
I'm not a dog person but have to admit that i have totally fallen in love with him but he will never replace my ickle girl although he is a close 2nd & OH is definatley on the bottom if not further down the pecking order  :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Just me Moaning......
Post by: funkiechicken on April 02, 2012, 02:55:12 AM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
My OH knows his place also....and that only insane foolishness would ever make him ask me to choose  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Glad little Chewy has found a way straight into the heart  :evillaugh: Looks like your OH has now slipped down another few ladder rungs  :evillaugh: :rofl: I like dogs (just dont have time for them) but Cats are definitely my type of pet  :innocent:

I think if its done right, cats and dogs make firm friends  ;D ;D
Just see below.... :rofl: :rofl: