Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Dave_s on February 14, 2012, 16:16:51 PM

Title: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Dave_s on February 14, 2012, 16:16:51 PM
Hi all,

Some of you may recall I moved home recently. All the way from chilly Hampshire to an even chillier Lancashire - at least it seems that way at the moment!
The reason for the move was two-fold.

Firstly, it's where I'm from and after 23 years down south it's nice to be back nearer the family.
Secondly, in an effort to escape the 2 hour commute and 8 hour drudgery of a job I no longer felt happy in, I decided to take advantage of a voluntary redundancy deal. A huge decision in the current climate but one which felt absolutely right. The whole process took 18 months, so I had a long time to talk myself out of it. The fact I didn't reaffirmed that I was doing the right thing! Life is far too short to spend it in something which makes you so unhappy.

So what now?

Well, I have always enjoyed writing. Whether my writing is good enough to make a living from is another matter entirely but I think I would rather try and fail than never try and regret it later.
All things considered - what could possibly go wrong!

So, to the purpose of my post.
One of the projects I have in mind is a blog. Cat related of course!
It's going to feature your regular post type stuff but will also contain interviews with animal welfare groups, vets, and folks in the pet product business. I'm hoping some of these will be in the form of video which will make it a lot more appealing. I'm also hoping to run some competitions but I'm still in the process of skillful negotiations with manufacturers! More on that later.

The most important factor in ensuring the success of the blog will be it's readership, and that's were I would love your help.

I have compiled a survey which I was hoping you may want to take part in.
Don't worry, it's only about ten questions long and should only take about 5 minutes to complete. If you are able to take part I would be so grateful. The link to the survey is

I have also cross posted on Catchat so you may see it there if you are a member.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings and thanks in advance for your help it really is appreciated. Also big thanks to the admins for allowing me to post this.
And should my writing ever make me a huge star, I promise to wave to you all from the back of my luxury limo as I drive past!!

Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on February 14, 2012, 19:19:41 PM
Survey completed, I know it's not a race but took way less than 5 mins, just in case anyone was going to do it but thought they didn't have time  ;D

Good luck in your new life Dave  ;D
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Dave_s on February 14, 2012, 20:57:28 PM
Thank you
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Liz on February 14, 2012, 22:11:08 PM
Duly completed - I am the strange one with a lot of cats and their pets the 3 doggies :rofl:
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Gillian Harvey on February 14, 2012, 22:51:14 PM
Done!  ;D
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Rosella moggy on February 14, 2012, 23:01:23 PM
Also done.  Hope you settle happily back in your native county  :)
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: funkiechicken on February 15, 2012, 01:10:46 AM
done  ;D & good luck  ;D
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: nickynoo93 on February 16, 2012, 21:02:32 PM
Done Good Luck, and it hasn't been cold in sunny Hampshire today, its been springlike.  :)

Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: maryas on February 17, 2012, 00:04:46 AM
Done, very quick and painless

Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on February 17, 2012, 07:31:32 AM

Good luck with you venture Dave.  Signed and enjoyed.   :)
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Jiji on February 17, 2012, 14:23:43 PM
Done and good luck  ;D
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: Peggy C on February 17, 2012, 18:36:49 PM
Survey completed  Best of luck
Title: Re: The next big thing in writing needs your help
Post by: mad_lilli on February 22, 2012, 20:16:07 PM
All complete! Lots of luck Dave.