Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Tan on December 08, 2011, 22:59:59 PM

Title: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: Tan on December 08, 2011, 22:59:59 PM
Last two weeks have been totally utterly manic for shop orders.  :Crazy: Never had so many and it has me packing from early am to very late eve (still love it :) )  but i thought gosh i never expected this for Crimbo  :-: and had to make two more emergency bulk orders from USA as i am totally out of the Da bird rods at the mo :star1:  I thought i planned for the combo orders by getting on double lol normal order!  :shy:

A customer just told me why there is a craze for the Da bird toy .....................

It seems there is a tv program on Animal planet with a cat whisperer from USA on UK TV that started end Nov  http://animal.discovery.com/videos/my-cat-from-hell-how-to-properly-play-with-your-cat.html (http://animal.discovery.com/videos/my-cat-from-hell-how-to-properly-play-with-your-cat.html) and he has been explaining how to etc with behaviour. In every show so far he has recommend and used the Da bird cat toy!!!  :wow: :wow:

Lol now i know why so many orders have come in!!

Can anyone find it on UK TV? I would love to see the series. Not sue if it's on a discovery channel here?
It's called - My Cat From Hell   :evillaugh:

http://animal.discovery.com/tv/my-cat-from-hell/ (http://animal.discovery.com/tv/my-cat-from-hell/)
Title: Re: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on December 08, 2011, 23:46:42 PM
I think I have seen ads for it on Animal Planet but I can't remember what it's called or whether it's still on.  I record quite a few of the Monkey Life programmes on Animal Planet and I think it has been heavily advertised during the ad breaks but as I fast forward through them I've never worked out what it's called!  I think there has been something called cats 101 or similar - could be that.  I think there was also something called my cat from hell about cats with "problems"!
Title: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: Tan on December 09, 2011, 00:01:45 AM

thanks hun yes thats the one :) it seems episode 2 is very da bird heavy :)


Ah looks like missed all 12 episodes :(
Will Try and see if it's on again. It looks very good for behaviour advice

Title: Re: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: Peggy C on December 09, 2011, 01:26:07 AM
If you have Sky Animal Planet is Channel 625  The prgrasmme is called Cats from Hell     
I tried to buy the DaBird toy last night as I didn't win the one in the auction    However I bought some dreamies for Oscar  I won a packet with the Moggy Mugs and must get some more before he  fuinishes them  He has been asking me for them all evening and I am rationing them!
Beat wishes from Paggy and Oscar
Title: Re: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on December 09, 2011, 07:45:13 AM

thanks hun yes thats the one :) it seems episode 2 is very da bird heavy :)


Ah looks like missed all 12 episodes :(
Will Try and see if it's on again. It looks very good for behaviour advice

It's sure to be repeated.  Most things on Animal Planet are repeated over and over again!
Title: Re: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: Rosella moggy on December 09, 2011, 09:02:25 AM
Ah I see.  Interesting video.  I didn't realise we should finish off Da Bird/Mousey seshuns with an edible treat.  Makes sense though  :wow:
Title: Re: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: Tan on December 09, 2011, 09:51:45 AM
Yeap  ;D

There is a play therapy info bit on the Da Bird page on the Purrs shops on best way to use it :) Been there since day one  :evillaugh:

PLAY THERAPY -Da Bird is an excellent toy to use with behaviour issues.
 With Da Bird Cat toy, fly the Da bird around the room or garden in random sweeping movements like a bird in real flight. Your cat's attention will be completely focused on it's "prey". Talk to the cat with a light happy voice. During the flight, land or swoop the Da bird close to your cat, they will be waiting/jumping for the right moment to catch their prey!  When caught, play dead and take the chance to get away when the cat releases their grip! Repeating this routine will entertain and exhaust your cat. If they are panting, rest for a while and start again until the cat is completely tired.
The kitty kopter can be used to satisfy the cats catch instinct and some feathers for the kill chew instinct. Then a high protein snack. This completes the natural cycle of hunt-catch-kill-eat.
It' always best to put away the Da Bird after play sessions.
Used regularly, This toy as play therapy can help with shy/ nervous cats and different kinds of aggressive feline behaviours.
Title: Re: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: thekittensmittens on December 09, 2011, 11:37:42 AM
The cat daddy on my cat from hell is ace :Luv2:
it was on every friday but if its not on now on that day i know its still repeated through the week, i did watch it the other day and it was on at 7pm but not sure which day that was now.
he gets cats that scratch, bite, hide all day etc out of there shells and acting like cats should do! he sorts out the adults though mostly :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: JackSpratt on December 09, 2011, 18:01:31 PM
I've been told about that by a friend in SA. ;)
Title: Re: Oh Lordy Now i know why !!
Post by: maryas on December 10, 2011, 14:15:55 PM
However I bought some dreamies for Oscar  I won a packet with the Moggy Mugs and must get some more before he  fuinishes them  He has been asking me for them all evening and I am rationing them!
Beat wishes from Paggy and Oscar

Glad to hear you're buying some more Dreamies Peggy cos rationing and Dreamies are 2 words not allowed together on Purrs.  The cats will have a fit in the 'From the cat's mouth' bit of Purrs.

If you start to get them regularly, as you should  :evillaugh: you need to watch out at supermarkets cos Tesco, Asda and Morrisons tend to have them on offer quite a lot through the year at £1 a packet - you can stock up then. :rofl: :hug:

Good luck with da birdies Tan  :hug:
