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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Peardrop on September 02, 2011, 15:59:37 PM

Title: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: Peardrop on September 02, 2011, 15:59:37 PM
She has always been piggy, rushing down her food and then bringing it up again, then after making room eating more. But since she has been ill the vet said she is to be on six tiny meals a day of Hills i/d (she has had this before). Twice today she has gobbled down her food only to bring it up a little while later. I fed her about 30 minutes ago and about 5 minutes later Whoosh up it came so I had to replace it and she has just eaten that.

We are still waiting to see what is wrong with her (kidneys are OK but haven't heard back about her pancreas yet). She is on antibiotics and is on Emeprid to help with her nausea.

Because I have to measure out what she eats I shut the door when she is eating so Ping my other Siamese doesn't join her.
Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 02, 2011, 17:17:52 PM
This is very hard and sounds like she feels she is hungry and because she is not getting sufficient food at a sitting she gobbles it cos she is worried that she wont get any more................just a theory .

Another theory is the food does not agree with her or the meds dont.

I hope you find out what is wrong soon  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: Liz on September 02, 2011, 17:36:07 PM
A slightly raised food bowl can help with the gulping of food as the cat stands up to eat as opposed to being down on its haunches
Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: Peardrop on September 02, 2011, 17:41:50 PM
Apparently her pancreas is fine I have to take a stool specimen up to the vets next week. The vet wants to eliminate bacterial or parasitic problems, it may be IBS.
Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ on September 02, 2011, 18:50:39 PM
Is she on wet or dry food?
Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: Peardrop on September 02, 2011, 18:54:38 PM
Is she on wet or dry food?

Before she was poorly she ate  hills i/d, Natures Menu, roast chicken, hills dried food, and Sheba (Ping my other Siamese liked a variety as well) Now she is just on 6 tiny meals a day of hills i/d.

I was a slave to their taste buds.

Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ on September 02, 2011, 19:02:05 PM
I/d is dry isn't it?

I've seen suggested before that water is added to dry food and left to soak before feeding. Otherwise dry food swells in the stomach when it absorbs stomach fluid. This swelling of the food can cause irritation to cats with already sensitive tums. Might be worth a try.

One of mine had a sensitive tum which could have been ibs but the only way to know for sure would have been by doing a biopsy and I didn't want to put him through that. He is fine now though :)
Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: tab on September 02, 2011, 19:33:17 PM
Amber is a culprit of this so I give her dry at night to nibble on but meals are wet. I tend to let her start munching while food is on the side as she jumps down so I can move it. If she doesnt jump down I move it anyway  :evillaugh: I do find though that if I really interupt her food she wont go back to it. Also she tends to bounce food when Ive been out or shes feeling a little stressed. I may be reading too much into it but Ive decided that if I feed and go and do something so's so busy wondering what Im up to she gulps food and throws up at my feet. On the same basis if I go on the computer while shes busy (especially on the tray  :sick:) she leaves whats shes doing and jumps up for a cuddle. After multiple wet bum experiences where I dont really want to cuddle her Ive learned not to do anything she might find fun......who said cats were boring and thick eh :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on September 02, 2011, 19:40:42 PM
I didnt have any idea what was wrong with your cat but sounds very like Lupin who has been here 2 months now.

I have finally managed to stabalize him and he has been solid now for 2-3 weeks by him being on RC gastro intestinal pouches.

I now have to try and get him onto normal wet food again very very slowly but but but.................

He used to gobble like he was starving and that has now stopped.

Biscuits also dont make the cat feel full until they have started to swell in the tummy and suspect this is causing the problem and found with my other cats that they would keep on eating dry food until they felt full and then would bring the whole lot up again.

I only like a limited number of biscuits along with wet food.
Title: Re: Any ideas on how to stop my cat wolfing down her food and then bringing it back up again?
Post by: JackSpratt on September 03, 2011, 00:17:19 AM
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tx-Small-Slow-Feeder-No-Gulp-Dogs-Plastic-Bowl-Pet-Food-/250881834423?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Dogs&hash=item3a69b8fdb7#ht_2138wt_827 (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tx-Small-Slow-Feeder-No-Gulp-Dogs-Plastic-Bowl-Pet-Food-/250881834423?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Dogs&hash=item3a69b8fdb7#ht_2138wt_827)

Not sure how they work....but this might help.