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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Corporal Smokey on August 24, 2011, 17:26:46 PM

Title: big hoover-nose bear vs Persian picky puss...
Post by: Corporal Smokey on August 24, 2011, 17:26:46 PM
Well that's it really.

Anyone got any tips on helping one fat greedy Chester cat stay slim when Smokey is a grazer? Chester makes food disappear in seconds leaving poor old Smoke crying in the night for some noms.

Smoo is really picky so I can't opt for something only he likes. I've given him a few biscuits before bedtime recently but they keep getting munched by the wrong cat  :tired:

thanks in advance catfans :-)
Title: Re: big hoover-nose bear vs Persian picky puss...
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on August 24, 2011, 18:44:49 PM
I have same problem with Dyson nose Lupin and grazer Ducha who is 18yrs............its also a problem cos have tried hiding the food so I can reach it from bed for Ducha but Lupin sniffs it out, although if I put a cover over it like a plate or dish, that seems to work.

However as you can tell my sleep is not very ongoing and when I get the food down and put it on corner of bed, I am falling asleep and then Dyson gets it grrrrrrrrrrrr
Title: Re: big hoover-nose bear vs Persian picky puss...
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 24, 2011, 19:50:58 PM
Would it be an option to shut big hoover-nose bear in a room of his own overnight so Persian picky puss has time to graze (or vice-versa)?  Unless there is a food that big hoover-nose actively dislikes then I think this is probably the only option  :shy:

I've started closing Riley in the kitchen to eat while Lu eats outside the kitchen, they get fed at the same time but Riley insists on leaving his bowl to munch on Lu's (identical) food and poor Lu just wanders off looking bewildered. He's not clever enough to simply move onto Riley's bowl!  :innocent:
Title: Re: big hoover-nose bear vs Persian picky puss...
Post by: Liz on August 24, 2011, 22:06:21 PM
We have small bowls of dried food in several locations so that everyone gets something as I have grazers, guzzlers and 2 noctunal ferals so like them all to have a go of course crunching biscuits from Riley from the top of the wardrobe can be a tad noisey but he is much nicer now he gets his own special bowl :shocked:

We also have Caspurr our second rescue raggie who only eats out of certain shaped bowls and cause its not normal ones the others think its a treat and always want to eat them we are working on getting him to eat our of normal bowls, but he gets his wet food in the guest bedroom at night and has his own biscuit bowl in the bathroom, visitors are getting used to him :rofl: