Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => Our cats stories => Topic started by: J..M on July 05, 2011, 22:37:40 PM

Title: Kitty nearly killed him :-0
Post by: J..M on July 05, 2011, 22:37:40 PM
A friend of mine was just leaving the shower when his cat, just your average moggy decided that, well there's no real way of saying this politely, made a grab with a paw full of claws for his owners dangly bits  :evillaugh:

Not a lot of damage, however blood was involved....... So the guy hopped back in the shower (Quite quickly I should imagine) & irrigated the area well, then got busy with some antiseptic & finally a plaster.......... 24 Hrs on & the "Area" was 3X the size it was normally :evillaugh:   ........... remember we are dealing with a man here & well being one myself I can understand......... So he left it for a couple more days & ......... Well he woke up one morning & couldn't move, he had a major infection there was even more swelling, huge amounts of rainbow coloured skin, with the addition of black!

He called the doctor out who immediately upon seeing the wound called for a ambulance, this guy lives out in a remote village in Australia, & well, large hospitals were a good 4 hrs drive away........ The Helicopter was summonsed & he was flown to the nearest city & had his bits operated on, huge amounts of antibiotics pumped in to him & after 10 days he managed to walk out of the hospital ............  :evillaugh:

There is a serious side to this story, however when I found out about it I couldn't find one........ I guess the moral is ........... Don't let kitty sit on the wash basin ............

I did enquire as to the "Damaged Site" & apparently this now has something of a Kink in it ........... I nearly died laughing when I heard that  :rofl:

So I guess, should your kitty scratch you & the scratch doesn't start to heal kinda soon......... Seek medical advice ASAP  :evillaugh:

I have asked for pictures, however the reply was unprintable .......... Funny some folk eh!!!!!!!!!  :censored:

Title: Re: Kitty nearly killed him :-0
Post by: Janeyk on July 06, 2011, 06:56:36 AM
Ouch  :naughty:
Title: Re: Kitty nearly killed him :-0
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on July 08, 2011, 12:42:26 PM
 :doh: :doh:  OMG.   :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

I hope the cat wasn't too traumatised.    And glad your friend recovered (eventually)  :)
Title: Re: Kitty nearly killed him :-0
Post by: shirleyp01 on July 08, 2011, 12:54:56 PM
Sorry I do feel sorry for your friend but I did laugh out load, until I got down to the bit about the infection.
I dont know who would have been more shocked
the moral of the story is cats will always play with dangly bits so keep covered up
Title: Re: Kitty nearly killed him :-0
Post by: Jiskefet on July 11, 2011, 14:21:50 PM
Never ever underestimate the risk of infection if you have been bitten or scratched.

My hubby once had a nasty infection, when Tosca decided she would not be held any longer, and pushed of. She involuntarily sank one of her nails into hubby's hand, between his thumb and index finger. It got inflamed, so he was given AB.
The next evening, however, I saw a red line going up his wrist and arm, nearing his armpit.
He had to go to hospital straightaway and was put on intravenous AB for 3 days, and he needed 10 more days of oral AB after that.
If that infection had reached his heart, there would have been a lot of trouble..........
Title: Re: Kitty nearly killed him :-0
Post by: Sarah_Jane on July 14, 2011, 19:20:11 PM
Wow did not think a scratch could do that!  :shocked:  Having a good luk at my arms now lol