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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Lotzy on June 05, 2011, 11:18:59 AM

Title: Twisted leg - any thoughts?
Post by: Lotzy on June 05, 2011, 11:18:59 AM
I've just returned from holiday to find my cat had to be taken to the vet. My Mum found her back leg was twisted in and she couldn't straighten her back up. On taking her to the vet, she held herself in a tight ball, so the vet couldn't examine her (obviously didn't want to force her to straighten out at the stage as she didn't know what the causing the problem). The vet gave her a muscle relaxant and ABs (in case she had been in a fight, although there was no evidence of this).  She didn't have a temperature and was eating well.

Things slowly improved so she didn't need to go back for an xray.  On our return from holiday, she can jump on our bed, run up and downstairs, but I noticed she was cautious when jumping off a low brick wall outside.  She readily uses the cat flap to come inside, although she hasn't used it to go outside. Obviously I'm keeping a close eye on her, but just wondering if anyone had any experience of this or what might has caused it, given that the leg and back now seem to be back in their correct position.
Title: Re: Twisted leg - any thoughts?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 05, 2011, 12:09:31 PM
Sorry no experience but at a guess it sounds like she maybe hurt herself landing and dislocated something and the muscle relaxents allowed her to relax and what ever popped out, popped back.

I would definately keep a close eye on her and any sign that she is moving badly get a straight back to the vets.
Title: Re: Twisted leg - any thoughts?
Post by: Lotzy on June 05, 2011, 15:06:31 PM
Thanks for your reply.  From the description my Mum gave me, it was almost as if she had dislocated something, so that's why I'm surprised she is just about back to normal. 

I wouldn't know anything had been wrong now, other than the fact I've noticed she hasn't gone out of the catflap (although will return through it) and she has been careful jumping off a small wall.  Since my post, she has gone out of the front door and managed to climb back over the 6ft fence to our garden. I've now had chance to touch the outside of her leg and foot and she happily let me do it.  Obviously keeping a close eye on her though. 
Title: Re: Twisted leg - any thoughts?
Post by: Fire Fox on June 05, 2011, 21:36:43 PM
You really are best asking the vet for his thoughts, certainly a follow up would be wise given she is not 100%. A (late) diagnosis can be helpful as the vet may advise certain movements are avoided or encouraged. :hug: Having said I was reading the other day that hip dislocations may cause the leg to turn inwards, whereas a pelvis dislocation may cause the leg to turn out somewhat. The back position may be a separate issue or may be a function of your cat being unable to weight bear without pain.

In humans the aftermath of a dislocation will not cause pain on every movement, it's not the same as a break at all. Again in humans a dislocation can pop back in (more common if the ball slips partially out of the socket) but the joint is often vulnerable for some time afterwards due to the ligaments overstretching and/ or strained stabilising muscles. Of course cats may not be the same as humans; tho we have similar anatomy, flexibility and force production are not.