Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Lotzy on March 27, 2011, 10:47:18 AM

Title: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 27, 2011, 10:47:18 AM
My cat goes off food for a while in Spring, so I didn't take much notice when he went off it about four weeks ago. However as this has been going on for a while now, I thought I monitor what he's eating.

A typical day's food is licking jelly off food (am) and eating half a tray, about 20 dry cat crunchies and a small saucer of cat milk (to keep up fluids) (pm). He is a big boy (13lb) and this is far less than he would usually eat. Healthwise, his nose is wet, he's running around after sticks (a game we play), ping pong balls and butterflies and happy to be touched.

Just wondered what anyone else thinks - is it a prolonged spring fast or could something be up?
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: kerri86 on March 27, 2011, 12:15:38 PM
I've had the exact same thing with my two recently. They are both fine in themselves but when I put food out for them they sniff it then walk away. both are drinking normally and using the litter tray as usual. I notice they eat when I'm not around but still not lots...? x
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 28, 2011, 09:55:04 AM
Thanks for your reply.  Hopefully it's down to outside being so much more interesting due to the warmer weather!  Again, he was in last night running up and down chasing his ping pong balls. 

I made a note of the difference between him and me on the scales last week, so I'm going to keep a note of that.  He has eaten a bit more this morning and he's had a little cat milk, so fingers crossed things will start to improve!
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: kerri86 on March 28, 2011, 10:00:37 AM
no problem, glad to hear he's still happily playing and getting on with things.
Davey has started eating more now, it's just little Tinks. She's drinking plenty of cat milk though and is eating little bits. Should be alright though, she's not lost weight and still has enough energy to climb up my curtains haha! xx
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 28, 2011, 10:37:55 AM
They are such a worry aren't they!  How old are yours?  Toby is 12 - as he's older, I think that's why I'm a bit more worried!
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: kerri86 on March 28, 2011, 12:01:26 PM
they are at times!
Davey is 2 in June and Tinks is 8 months old. She gave me the fright of my life in Jan when her temperature went so high her muscles started to weaken and go stiff. She had to stay in vets overnight for IV fluids and antibiotics, and for 10 days I took her to the vets every day. I thought at one point I was going to lose her! She had some kind of virus, but she's recovered very well!!

Just keep doing what you are doing with Toby and monitor. If you notice significant changes pop along to the vet even if its just for peace of mind! x
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 28, 2011, 12:23:56 PM
With an older cat such as Toby I'd be inclined to pop him along to the vets to be on the safe side, hopeufully it's just a 'prolonged spring fast' like you say but if it isn't at least you can nip it in the bud. He might have something wrong with his mouth/teeth meaning he's only nibbling at his food but is behaving normally in other ways.

When my childhood cat was in her early teens she went off her food and after a while started drooling profusely from the mouth - I was devastated and convinved she had mouth cancer and had a go at my parents for not taking her to th vets to get checked over before she started drooling. Turned out she had a rotten tooth that was easily whipped out and Miss Piggy returned overnight!

Let us know how Toby gets on  :hug:
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: maddercow on March 28, 2011, 13:32:20 PM

Just confirming what Tiggy's Mum said, is very likely to be a tooth problem at his age & it is worth keeping a very keen eye out for this as they get older as any
problems are best nipped in the bud at a younger age, Toby is a relative youngster at 12 so still strong enough for anaesthetic!

The reason I am adding my comment it that we recently had to make the hard decision to have our Rosie PTS at 18, she was very doddery and I suspect her kidneys
were packing up but she would have had a much happier last few months if her teeth had been better. Vets don't like to put them under for dental work when they get
as old as she was and that was one of the contributing factors to our decision so it is pretty close to my heart.  It was a hard lesson to learn and I wouldn't want.
anybody else to feel as guilty as I have over the last few weeks

Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 28, 2011, 14:02:47 PM
Thanks for your further replies.  The vet had a good look in his mouth during his annual check in January (apparently he's got a big mouth!) and said his teeth looked good for his age.  Also, he was playing with a stick last week and broke it apart in several places with his mouth - guess he wouldn't have done this if it was tender. 

However, I hear what your saying so will give him 48 hours to improve and phone for an appointment Wednesday if no improvement.   In the meantime, I'm closely monitoring what he's eating each day and generally how he is.  I weighed him last week, so can also check if he's lost anything at this stage.  Luckily, my vets are great and will always let you go to the next surgery even if all their appointments are booked.
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Rosella moggy on March 28, 2011, 14:08:50 PM
He is a big boy (13lb) and this is far less than he would usually eat.

I'd also get a vet check re mouth/teeth despite check up in January in case something has happened since then.  Just a thought but any chance he is eating elsewhere e.g. "kind" neighbour or hunting but not bringing his prizes home?

Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 28, 2011, 14:15:46 PM
He is a regular visitor to two neighbours, both of whom have been banned from feeding him. I'm sure they've both stopped as one asked me to come and stop him scratching at their back door and the other has given me the food in his house to try here.  We're all fairly sure he doesn't go anywhere else and they are also keeping an eye on the little monster.

The vet will love having a good look in his mouth as someone else is always needed to hold onto him and his claws (which he has a very good set of!!).
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Rosella moggy on March 28, 2011, 15:04:55 PM
Ah, I see.  Sorry but I think I know what my money's on  ;)

If I were you, next time speaking to neighbours, mention that you are having to bring the not so little tyke to the vet as you are so concerned about his lack of appetite  and vets are so expensive nowadays ........ etc etc   
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 28, 2011, 16:48:35 PM
If he's not eating any better by later in the week, then I think I will at least get him checked from the teeth point of view.  The neighbours are nice and I'm sure I can trust them when they say they haven't fed him - one will be responsible for him when we are away soon so wants peace of mind now and I've carefully pointed to the other if he does go to the vet he may have to be sedated if they want a blood and urine sample, as there is no way they will keep him still. 
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: kerri86 on March 28, 2011, 21:32:56 PM
let us know how it goes hopefully iits nothing to worry about.
There is a chance he could have hurt his mouth between Jan and now; especially if he's chewing sticks lol.

If there is nothing from the vets point of view maybe try different things, such as.. change food; he may be bored with the food he's eating. Try him with some chicken or tuna, no matter how full my two are they will always have a bit of chicken, thats how I know when they are ill, when they refuse it. Also, change the place where he has his food. I have noticed tinks seems very nervous lately in the kitchen and wont eat if her food is there (though she'll drink in kitchen) I think my loud smoothie maker scared her haha.  :evillaugh:

Also, try him with his favourite treats - does he seem to have problems while taking treats from you, with chewing or swallowing?

Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 29, 2011, 10:47:54 AM
I would say he has eaten a little bit more over the last 24 hours. He turned up after I'd gone to bed, so up I got ready to feed him!  I gave him the choice of wet and dry and he had a little of both. He was refusing his cat treats, but has had some today. He seems okay at chewing and certainly swallowing.  I've tried different types of wet food which didn't make a different, although his sister appreciated them!

Nothing usually puts Toby off his food, but I will put his food in a quieter position and dry some meat or fish.  I'll let you know how he is!
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: kerri86 on March 29, 2011, 10:49:53 AM
thats good, hopefully he'll pick up now then if he's eating more. :-)
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 29, 2011, 13:57:16 PM
Thank you - I will keep you posted!
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on March 30, 2011, 14:37:20 PM
The little monster must know it's decision time over a vet's visit today and has found his appetitie - he's had 150g wet, 25g dry and had some cats milk since 1am today (yes, I got up and feed him when he came in at that time!!).   Will obviously keep a close eye on him over next few days though.
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: kerri86 on March 30, 2011, 15:09:33 PM
was either being a fussy little monkey or he might have had a little bug but managed to fight it off on his own! As long as he keeps eating ok now hopefully he'll be reet! x
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 31, 2011, 00:28:09 AM
Cats eh! Who'd have 'em  :innocent:

Glad he seems to be back to normal  :)
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Lotzy on April 02, 2011, 11:38:13 AM
Just to update those who have followed this post.  Toby is still eating more (although I'd prefer it to be a bit more).  He looks healthy, seems full of life and weighs the same as ten days ago, so has escaped a vet's visit!  I'm still keeping a close eye on him and will weigh him again soon though!
Title: Re: Cat not eating much
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on April 02, 2011, 13:41:17 PM
The crafty little devil, making you worry like that!