Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => Our cats stories => Topic started by: kerri86 on March 21, 2011, 21:18:53 PM

Title: Cuddle time!
Post by: kerri86 on March 21, 2011, 21:18:53 PM
Davey adores cuddles. He's also very clingy and follows me around the house all the time. I got my friend to film him. Whenever he wants a cuddle, all I need to do is pat my chest and he's there! x

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEWJpnfsyKI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEWJpnfsyKI) to see video and let me know what you think! xx
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: Rosella moggy on March 21, 2011, 22:34:09 PM
How sweet  :). 

Our lovely Tom would do that with me. 

He wasn't much into cuddles though.  Think he just wanted to please me bless him  :) coz he wanted to get down again almost immediately  :-:
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: kerri86 on March 21, 2011, 22:52:51 PM
ahh bless lol. He can be like that at times; he jumps up or meows until I lift him up then he acts like a child at school when mummy asks for a kiss in front of his friends - he pulls his face away from me and puts his paw on my face. but if I try to put him down he twists around so I cant get his on the floor feet first (i have to lay him down on his back to get him out of my arms).

Have been thinking long and hard and have decided I am going to adopt one more kitten/cat.


I decided to go shopping today and jumped on the bus. I went through an area on the bus which always makes me think of my cats. A few years ago there were a few incidents involving cats with the buildings the bus was driving past. On a few occasions cats were found hanged from the derilict and high buildings. It appeared that they had been tortured then hanged by kids. I don't know if anybody was ever arrested/charged over it. But every time I am near that area I feel so sad and think about how much I love my babies! Luckily this place is near the city centre about an hours drive from me so it's not a regular occurance to go through this.

Anyhow, I'd been thinking of it for a while now, but today swayed my decision. I have space for one more and I'll do my best to provide a fab home for another one. If it means i stop one more cat from potential suffering or harm then thats all that matters! Philosophical moment over lol xx
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: shirleyp01 on March 22, 2011, 09:13:59 AM
I adore my two girls, they are not big into cuddles, only when they want to, but they make me laugh so much with their antics.  Abbie likes to come and wake me up, i cannot be upset with her as she jumps on the bed beside me, puts her head under the cover and puts her nose against mine until I open my eyes, how many people can say they wake up laughing most mornings.
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: AllShookUp on March 22, 2011, 09:18:30 AM
 :Luv2: cute :)
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: kerri86 on March 22, 2011, 11:00:35 AM
aww how cute is that! My two wake me up in a morning but not in a sweet way like that. No they just get hyper and start running around and climbing up the curtains to chase one another, thats how they wake me up! lol bless yours going nose to nose!! love it x
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: kerri86 on March 22, 2011, 14:02:12 PM
more pics can be found on http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=265110&id=587676323&l=905e90be6f (http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=265110&id=587676323&l=905e90be6f)
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: Tigerlily (Allison) on March 22, 2011, 20:23:53 PM
Davey is a very clever boy  :Luv:
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: kerri86 on March 22, 2011, 20:37:23 PM
He's clever but more clingy lol! I have to watch him. One morning I was minding my own business getting dressed. Without even knowing it, Davey was stood behind me getting ready to jump up for cuddles... on my back! I had no top on at that point and boy did I feel his claws grab my skin then rip it to shreds as his slid down. That was how he learned only to jump up when I'm ready to catch him!
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 22, 2011, 20:58:33 PM
That video is just lovely  ;D
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: kerri86 on March 23, 2011, 09:08:09 AM
He is so sweet isnt he!? Am so proud of him, and tinks.
When i first got davey he wasnt very friendly at all, he sprayed everywhere and was not good with strangers. Now he is a different cat and we have bonded so well together. I dont think his first 9 months of life were that great :(
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: Janeyk on March 29, 2011, 08:31:08 AM
Awww, isn't he lovely bless him  :Luv2:

I always think that you can turn a cat around if you are patient and they gain that trust, he obviously love you loads for doing that  :hug:
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: kerri86 on March 29, 2011, 09:51:43 AM
I completely agree about the patience; it's the same with any other animal and humans. The more they realise they don't get hurt by coming close to you etc, the more they'll get used to it!

Compared to some of the things I've seen and heard about poor kittens/cats Davey was lucky and he could have been a lot worse so am thankful for that x
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: maryas on April 02, 2011, 23:31:20 PM
Aaaw bless him.  :Luv2:  Bonnie doesn't jump up like that but she does love her cuddles.

Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: tab on April 03, 2011, 18:05:33 PM
Awww thats lovely.
Thankfully Amber doesnt jump up like that or no doubt Id end up in hospital explaining how my chest is covered in cat scratches when she fell off..... that said she does like her cuddles
Title: Re: Cuddle time!
Post by: kerri86 on April 03, 2011, 19:16:58 PM
Mary, Bonnie is just gorgeous!!! She looks so comfortable in those pics bless her!

Tab - so true. I've had to explain scratches before now lol. I've just had big cuddles with Davey, he's flat out on my bed at the moment all relaxed so I gave him a huge fuss. Tinks heard me talking to him and came running in - ooh no can't spend time with one without the other lol xx