Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: hugh on March 11, 2011, 14:38:20 PM

Title: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: hugh on March 11, 2011, 14:38:20 PM
i know he isnt a dog but i like to give sumo treats every now and again. i even once made him catnip tea (recipe here: http://allthingscatnip.com/archives/catnip-tea/ (http://allthingscatnip.com/archives/catnip-tea/) and no i did not drink it!) so yes weve done alot of toying about with treats, his obvious faves are milk and tuna, as soon as he hears the can opener come out of the drwaer hes there by my ankle chatting away about just how much he likes tuna. anyway his oddest is snickers. he cannot get enough of snickers bars. we have to get them in bulk for my son and his football teams half time snacks (as a side note we find them here: http://www.twenga.co.uk/dir-Food-and-Drink,Sweet-delicacies,Chocolate-15273 (http://www.twenga.co.uk/dir-Food-and-Drink,Sweet-delicacies,Chocolate-15273) and i never knew how much better things taste when theyve been bought in bulk!) and sumo cannot stop eating them, hes developedf the same hearing for a wrapper being opened, hes straight there on your lap demading some nougat. very sweet. is this bad for him though? we're not very good at saying no to him but i do know that chocolate isnt very good for dogs so i wanted to know about cats and chocolate (and nougat and caramel and peanuts!)
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: jezebel on March 11, 2011, 15:50:33 PM
Probably not good for his teeth!

Refined sugar isn't good for anyone (humans included) and it's addictive which is probably why he's developed a taste for it.

I usually stick to proper cat treats - Dreamies is a favourite - and (very) occasional scraps from our food, like a morsel of tuna or a tiny piece of cheese. At Christmas, one of my cats loved a bit of custard, but hasn't been interested since.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Katt on March 11, 2011, 15:56:41 PM
I wouldn't be feeding him any chocolate or sweets for that matter.
I give raw fish,chicken,liver,meat, shrimp, etc.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: JackSpratt on March 11, 2011, 16:22:00 PM
Chocolate isn't advised for cats at all. There's a treat called Dreamies that's just started being advertised on TV (you can get the beef flavour for a pound in my local Tescos at present) and our cats love them. :) In moderation of course!
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 11, 2011, 16:23:00 PM
Chocolate is a killer for cats cos it gets stored in their bodies and has a killer ingredient if too much is had. Its also bad for dogs.

Cats have a sweet tooth as you have discovered but I would agree that you should stick to cat treats and they also should be limited cos they help to add on the pounds.

Tuna should be only used limitedly as apparently its very additive and tinned fish in brine should not be used.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: bunglycat on March 11, 2011, 17:46:15 PM
I wouldn't give chocolate as Gill says, although Sophie does have a few cake drums every so often ,but at 17 it's a small treat for her and a very small amount of milk once ery couple of weeks.
Winston on the other hand always has fish or prawns on Saturdays -none of the others like any of the stfff I mentioned, so have a little chicken very so often.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Leighs Gang on March 11, 2011, 20:01:51 PM
Sparkle loves a bit of fillet steak, scampi, prawns, tuna but she rarely gets it (only as a very special treat)  Dora loves Tuna and Whiskas temptations and Arnie loves his felix milk though for some reason he likes it to be left in the bowl for atleast 12 hours before drinking it  :-:.  I tend to only treat as a 'treat' if you get what I mean as they all have the ability to be very 'fussy' and I figure too many treats will make that worse  ;)
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Guest on March 11, 2011, 20:20:13 PM
Mostly the odd cat treat and teeth biscuits :naughty: But Ella drives me made for cheese so she may get a smidgen sometimes!
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: maryas on March 11, 2011, 22:28:01 PM
 :welcome: to Purrs Hugh.  Would love to see a photo of Sumo - sounds a right character.  We lovephotos on here and never get fed up of them.  We even have a cat photo show coming up soon here on Purrs.

Dreamies have been mentioned and they wil be mentioned every day on here as our cats are in love with them on here.  We even let each other know when tehy are on offer at different supermarkets - Morrisons have them on offer at mo for £1 - they are usually about £1.40.

Think you need to keep the snickers away from him and get him used to the sound of the Dreamies packet being opened instead  ;)

Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: AllShookUp on March 12, 2011, 09:20:17 AM
Elvis and Miki love Whiskas temptations... I also have cat treats from Pets at Home, catnip drops etc.  :hug:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 12, 2011, 11:37:23 AM
Jaffa and Mosi are Dreamies fans too.  Healthier treats include Nature's Menu, Thrive freeze dried treats and Jaffa's current fave Miamor Confect Chicklets (from zooplus).
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Katt on March 12, 2011, 12:29:28 PM
OK I`ve not seen these Dreamers treat`s, just what are they ?
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Feline Costumier on March 12, 2011, 12:57:57 PM
Dreamies, Temptations and any sort of meaty stick type affair fans here ;) Oh and the odd bit of raw chicken too.

Dreamies are just sort of little pillow shaped cat treats, can get them in every supermarket I think, next to all the other cat treats.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: maryas on March 12, 2011, 12:58:01 PM
These are Dreamies:

You've got to get some  ;)

Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Liz on March 12, 2011, 14:52:31 PM
Ours get Whiskas temptations, Dreamies, Kitsticks, Prawns, tuna, roast beef, chicken, cheese, butter, catmilk and all sorts of stuff they also eat the dog food when the boys are looking :rofl:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Guest on March 12, 2011, 15:35:53 PM
My girls didn't go mad for Dreamies, I heard so much about them here but they were a bit "Oh I will eat them then" They prefer Whiskers Temptations!

It's like prawns, my firends cat loves them buit the girls turned thir nose up!!
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: cazzer on March 12, 2011, 15:43:10 PM
Ours get thrive, dokas dried fish/chicken and cosma snackies for the upmarket low fat snack.      Then dreamies and webbox for the less healthy option!
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: maryas on March 12, 2011, 22:54:52 PM
Dreamies are £1 at Tesco this evening.

Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: lau200 on March 12, 2011, 23:15:50 PM
dreamies and webbox sticks here mainly as well as the odd treat fresh tuna, fresh chicken and a small piece of cheese
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: dizziblonde on March 14, 2011, 09:28:20 AM
Nope because she's just totally indifferent to them (she's not even a big eater in general to be honest - always been a dainty pickyknickers). She did get a cat advent calendar bought for her the other year - wasn't interested in the contents of that either.

Balls, bottletops and things to chase around though (especially if nicked from the dog)... yep.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Kirst on March 14, 2011, 13:16:50 PM
Dreamies , webbox and temptations here - Thrive is I am feelin g fush but a £3 a tube its a rarity!
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Gillian Harvey on March 14, 2011, 15:47:36 PM
Chocolate is a killer for cats cos it gets stored in their bodies and has a killer ingredient if too much is had. Its also bad for dogs.

Gill's right - the ingredient is theobromide and although the coating of snickers is likely to be fairly low in that ingredient - over time it could build up to become toxic, so I'd avoid any form of chocolate. http://www.vets.co.uk/chocolate-poisoning-in-pets.asp

Mine like Thrive treats, raw beef cubes, Webbox, marmite (yes I know, not brilliant for cats either  :evillaugh: ) butter, philadelphia cheese........etc, etc  ;)
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Leanne on March 14, 2011, 15:51:33 PM
Ours get temptations and dentabix

Human food they get:
Raw chicken & steak
Squirty cream (this is the only human food Jess will eat)

If Milo had his way he'd also get:  :shocked: :tired:

Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Rosella moggy on March 14, 2011, 16:10:15 PM
Aaw poor Milo can't have sausages?  Not even an itzy bit?  ;)

Our lot have only very occasional treats which includes about 1/4 of a sausage between 7 every so often.  Also Webbox, Temptations and esp Dreamies but not often at all except Fred who has 2 dreamies each day with his tablet......  Maybe twice a year or so a tin of tuna between them all as hooman tuna can cause uncomfortable fatty lumps over time if eaten  frequently.

None get milk as I don't want anyone getting the trots...... little bits of cheese are gobbled up on occasion .... oh and of course they have chicken every day..... I get to eat the veg and chips  :innocent:

I really cannot understand where Noni's tummy came from ......  :shify:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Katt on March 14, 2011, 16:25:26 PM
These are Dreamies:

You've got to get some  ;)


I`ve not seen them here in the supermarket or at the pet store`s here.
But Misty get`s raw chicken, fish, biff, and seafood. Along with my fish food mix, of seafood, veg`s, Vitim's`s, and garlic.
I keep fish as well.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Guest on March 14, 2011, 20:36:17 PM
I gave Ella some chicken I was having with my dinner and she turned her nose up! :rofl:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: mervyn7451 on March 14, 2011, 20:36:45 PM
Welcome Hugh.. :welcome:

Orbit loved his treats,namely Kitbits but Daisy doesn't care for them or any other treats.She does like the odd bit of chicken or cheese...
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: hugh on March 15, 2011, 10:59:01 AM
well excuse the pun but dreamies went down a treat!
thank you so much for the tip; dont get me wrong he still came running for the snickers wrapper but he also came running for the dreamies wrapper (dont sound too dissimilar!) so this is a good step. thanks for all the advice. i am in the process of finding my camera cable to give you all pics of the gorgeous boy, my old pics i realised were of him as a kitten which he certainly isnt anymore!! wouldnt want to fool you!
ive got a feeling my brother has nicked the cable so a call has been made and pics will be with you very soon!
i cant believe you guys found something else he liked! thank you
i also didnt know that chocolate was so harmful for cats. thanks for telling me. ive cut him off from all chocolate now as a rule and there is a note on the kitcehn fridge 'no chocolate for sumo'.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: maryas on March 15, 2011, 15:56:10 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: Another cat addicted to Dreamies  :hug:

Looking forward to the pics Hugh.

Love the sign on the fridge for Sumo  :Luv2: what's so great on here is that we can all makeeach other aware of things we never new.

Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: mervyn7451 on March 16, 2011, 19:15:33 PM
Daisy the Fuzzlebug has just had her first 'Dreamies'...she nibbled three or four of them but that was only cuz she's had a good feed!
Oh,And I've got her off the Go Kat & onto a 'Purina' dry as well as Sheba..(can't remember which one's,I can't move to go and check as she's asleep) now that I'm working.. :wow:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Tigerlily (Allison) on March 16, 2011, 19:37:05 PM
Toby and Molly have read this thread and are now demanding to know why I haven't bought them Dreamies yet  :rofl:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: mervyn7451 on March 16, 2011, 19:47:57 PM

Daisy LOVES Dreamies!!! :shocked:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Dawn F on March 17, 2011, 16:03:20 PM
are mine the only ones who don't like them  :shocked:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: mervyn7451 on March 17, 2011, 19:42:49 PM
Just got home from work to find Mistress Daisy has chewed the Dreamies packet & scattered them on the living room carpet! :evillaugh: The's crumbs everywhere!! ;D
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: maryas on March 17, 2011, 19:48:43 PM
Merv, I'm surprised she left the crumbs  :naughty:  You need a tin or a cupboard to put them in.

Dawn, I think I've heard a few more people say their cat's don't like them either.  When my Smudge was alive he would never eat any treats I bought him.

Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: mervyn7451 on March 17, 2011, 19:58:16 PM
Merv, I'm surprised she left the crumbs  :naughty:  You need a tin or a cupboard to put them in.

Dawn, I think I've heard a few more people say their cat's don't like them either.  When my Smudge was alive he would never eat any treats I bought him.



Daisy was the same,I tried her on a few of the same treats that Orbit like but she turned her nose up at them,when I gave her a couple of them yesterday it was like a child trying something for the first time.....Guess that's changed now! :scared:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: shirleyp01 on March 21, 2011, 09:19:10 AM
Samantha and Abigail love dreamies, they will only eat them if we leave them in certain places. Samantha likes to eat her treats on the stairs and Abigail will only eat them off the little mat that we have between the kitchen and living room.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: thekittensmittens on March 21, 2011, 09:30:48 AM
I got some dreamies -Georgia loves them but Mr Miyagi treats them like i am trying to poison him and shoves them out of the way in corners :Crazy:
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: souffle on March 21, 2011, 13:03:44 PM
Callie and Monty love the Dreamies. The come running at the rustle of the packet and I make them do some things for them like dog training  :rofl:
It's quite funny to see two kittens and a GSD doing things for Dreamies. They can sort of sit and give a paw :)
The look on Tiber's face is amazing though as he does everything as well as them and he looks at them as if to say 'are you two thick or something..SIT she said sit@
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Halimamau on March 21, 2011, 13:15:55 PM
 :wow:My three also love Dreamies. I use them to get them in at night so that I can shut the catflap. So far none of them has come in through the wall though :P.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 21, 2011, 13:36:29 PM
:wow: My three also love Dreamies. I use them to get them in at night so that I can shut the catflap. So far none of them has come in through the wall though :P.


I love that advert  :evillaugh:

The look on Tiber's face is amazing though as he does everything as well as them and he looks at them as if to say 'are you two thick or something..SIT she said sit'

Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Owned_By_Napkin on March 23, 2011, 00:11:30 AM
I try to limit Napkin's treat intake but she doesn't liek that ONE BIT. She's a yeowler, so in order to keep her quiet I'll give her 2-3 pieces of treat at a time repeated about 4x instead of giving her a handful of treat each time. Her favorites are "Kitty Rewards" that seem to be exclusive to a local shop, and she's recently had some catnip bites, Webbox and malt bits imported for her and she goes insane for those as well. Funny about the catnip bits as she doesn't care for catnip toys one bit.
Title: Re: do you give your cat treats?
Post by: Shiroi-Neko on March 23, 2011, 20:04:10 PM
My girl loves Dreamies i only give her some after a weekly brush or her after her nails have been trimmed. don't want her to be getting hooked to them, especially the cheese ones.