Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Mitramonday on March 09, 2011, 17:11:08 PM

Title: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Mitramonday on March 09, 2011, 17:11:08 PM
Hi all!  Percy has only just recently started drinking from his water bowl.  Although it is in the same room (a large kitchen) as his food, I have separated it using the kitchen bin and a stool, as I know cats don't like their water to be near their food?  However, he takes great delight in dragging his water bowl half-way across the floor, causing flooding in the process :naughty:?!  Is there something I'm doing wrong - and is there anything I can do to prevent it?  Added to this, judging by the muddy footprints on the porcelain, he has started to drink - or, at least investigate - the contents of the toilet bowl :innocent:?!  This is something I've heard about cats doing.....but why?! (Please don't point out that he's living up to his name.....'Pointing Percy at the porcelain' :evillaugh:)
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Lindsey (thefunkyinuit) on March 09, 2011, 21:23:43 PM
I've no idea why he would drag his water bowl around but I have a few questions for you - How old is Percy? You say he has only just started drinking from his water bowl - where did he drink from before? Is he drinking alot of water and has he lost weight at all? Sorry for all the questions but my cat Lacie started drinking from the toilet and was then diagnosed with diabetes. If hes an older chap, it might be worth getting him checked out at the vets.  :hug:
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: JackSpratt on March 09, 2011, 22:56:31 PM
Yup, Toby was obsessed with water and he used to drag the water bowl around. He was diagnosed with diabetes too. Might be worth a  check up if it's a recent development. :hug:
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Feline Costumier on March 09, 2011, 23:07:05 PM
Dave and Chilli have always done this and they're fit and healthy (just to give balance). They're obsessed with water in general. When my washing machine is draining it gurgles in the shower and Dave and Little Miss dash in to watch it. If ever I forget to put the loo seat down all three will have a go at drinking form it. I gave up on water dishes on the floor anywhere as they didn't drink it, just played with it. Now they have a bowl next to the sink!

They are also obsessed with taps often jumping in the bathroom sink when I'm, um, peeing (sorry TMI!) and wait for me to turn the tap on.

Some cats are just a bit obsessed with water!
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 10, 2011, 01:43:43 AM
If it's behavioural (rather than a sign of something medical) then I got one of these - see pic - which has stopped the daily floods! My cat still tries to move the bowl very occasionally but all he succeeds in doing is spilling a small amount of water into the self contained tray, most of the time he leaves it alone as he has learnt that the bowl doesn't really move.

Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Kirst on March 10, 2011, 07:16:27 AM
Oooh I could do with one of those Helen - mine get food and water everywhere!\Where did it come from?
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Janeyk on March 10, 2011, 10:13:00 AM
My old boy does this and I have a heavy dish on a plastic plate for him in the kitchen and he has his own mug on the floor in the lounge which he doesn't drag (and prefers to his dish actually) he just does a daft dance before he drinks out of it  :evillaugh:

Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: JackSpratt on March 10, 2011, 11:56:39 AM
Oooh I could do with one of those Helen - mine get food and water everywhere!\Where did it come from?

I've got one of those that I can't use because Sage gets feline acne.  :tired: I got it from a charity shop for about £2.50! Might be worth checking every now and again.  ;)
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 10, 2011, 12:29:27 PM
Here you go Kirst - http://www.petplanet.co.uk/product.asp?dept_id=804&pf_id=8597

Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Kirst on March 10, 2011, 14:17:11 PM
All ordered , thanks so much xxxx

Sorry for hikacking the thread! :shy:
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Leanne on March 14, 2011, 16:03:01 PM
Over the past year or so we have had massive issues with Milo doing this. To the point where it has cause the laminate flooring to raise in the kitchen!!!

Milo does it for attention, if I get home late from work more often than not I'll find the water spills.

We ordered the bowls that Helen showed in this thread and they work better than any others but we do still get spillages.

Just to add the first pic is where I found a water bowl one night.

The second pic shows how far Milo had dragged it!!

The third and forth are Milo playing with the new bowls!!
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 14, 2011, 16:31:30 PM
Naughty boys!  :naughty:
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Mitramonday on March 20, 2011, 22:04:47 PM
 :thanks: to you all for your replies.  As far as his health goes, Percy is only approx. 3 years old - but I know from experience that age doesn't necessarily equal good health (R.I.P. my beloved Avalo - lost to kidney disease at 3 yrs old  :()  However, he has been checked at the vet recently re. weight gain (uh-oh - isn't that another symptom of diabetes???? :scared:).  As far as his drinking habits prior to the fun- and-games with this water bowl - I never, ever saw him drink at all in the two years since I rescued him......apart from once when he lapped at the green and scummy water  :sick: out of the watering can!!  Thanks for the suggestion of the tray, Helen - although I had to chuckle when I saw that Milo had an answer to that one :rofl:! For now, I am experimenting with a different area of the kitchen (thinking maybe he is put off by the (undetectable, to humans) smell of the kitchen bin) but, although he doesn't seem to drag it as far, I'm still getting spills from it  :P! 
Should I take him back to the vet for a diabetes test (he is successfully losing weight on a controlled diet......wish I could >:( ?!))
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Lindsey (thefunkyinuit) on March 21, 2011, 12:32:54 PM
Weight LOSS is a sympton of diabetes not weight gain. They lose weight because they cannot process glucose for energy so start burning fat and then muscle, so if hes a bit of a chubber and is only losing weight because of a controlled diet, i'd suggest him having diabetes is quite unlikely. Symptoms of diabetes include but are not limited to: Drinking more, urinating more, weight loss, increased appetite, dehydration, plantigrade posture (walking on their hocks), and sudden cataract formation. Although diabetes can affect a cat any age, its more common in older cats so I'd say 3 is quite young for diabetes. Hope that helps :)
Title: Re: Dragging his water bowl
Post by: Mitramonday on March 21, 2011, 14:53:45 PM
Thanks for setting me straight on that, Lindsey! I have to say that, after losing Avalo so cruelly, I have dubbed myself the local vet's "Hypochondriac-by-proxy" when it comes to Percy's health  :rofl:!!  I am beginning to relax a bit now, but it was hard in the beginning.  Thanks to everyone who replied on here :hug: