Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Gizmo25 on March 02, 2011, 13:47:46 PM

Title: Help Needed
Post by: Gizmo25 on March 02, 2011, 13:47:46 PM

I need some practical advice if possible please. I have two adorable cats both male and about 4 and half years old. One is a tabby and the other is a snow leopard bengal. We have had our tabby since he was a kitten but the bengal we have only had since November 2010. We adopted him from my friend.

We have a cat flap and both cats come and go as they please throughout the day and night. Over the last couple of months we have had another cat come into our house through the cat flap during the night and has been scared off after fighting with my tabby cat.

If I am completely honest I am freaked out about the whole situation and would like to know if anyone knows of anyway we can stop this happening. I think it may be a female and has taken a likening to our bengal as its only been happening since he has arrived - this could be a conisidence however! Not sure if this makes any difference but I think it is a Maine Coon.

We have thought about a magnetic cat flat however our tabby has never worn a collar and not sure how he will react as he is a bit ferrell.

So two pieces of advice really can we do anything to avoid the cat coming in at night without resorting to the magnetic cat flat or if this is the best method does anyone have any experience of making a cat wear a collar who has never worn one? Thanks
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Angiew on March 02, 2011, 13:53:48 PM
As someone who is currently trying to nurse back to health an RTA cat (2am call out) , my advice to any cat owner is to get the cats in at night and lock the cat flap.
Emergency vets cost an arm and a leg (hopefully not literally for Mog!), and an overnight litter tray is by far the best option.

welcome to the forum by the way! had a bengal in rescue last year and loved his personality - though sadly i was the only one so keeping him was not an option.
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Gizmo25 on March 02, 2011, 13:57:11 PM
Thank you so much for the reply!

My bengal cat is absolutely adorable, his name is Willow and he is very vocal and very affectionate.  Definately wouldn't be without him!!
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: thekittensmittens on March 02, 2011, 13:59:47 PM
i saw on an animal programme that you could get a cat flap with a timer on so when in night time mode it stopped the cats going out- not sure how much they are though sorry. my moms cat brings back friends too but mom is kind of used to it now, the only way to stop it is to keep the cats in at night and ensure the cat flap cant let in the other one.
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Dawn F on March 02, 2011, 14:00:36 PM
you can get cat flaps that read micro chips (assumed yours have them)  agree with Angie on the night time curfew - I've got a benglie myself!
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Gizmo25 on March 02, 2011, 14:02:58 PM
Thank you for your message Dawn! I have just been researching different cat flaps and came across the microchip ones - how brilliant, yes both my cats are chipped.  This way only my cats can go in and out!

Think I have found the answer - thank you all!
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Angiew on March 02, 2011, 14:14:58 PM
They will not stop cats getting in by tailgating.

Are you cats insured?
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Yvonne on March 03, 2011, 21:24:48 PM
Hello Gizmo and   :welcome:  to Purrs

Please keep us updated on your new catflap
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: thekittensmittens on March 03, 2011, 22:29:51 PM
They will not stop cats getting in by tailgating.

Are you cats insured?

sorry this just made me think of the one that tried to do a speedy exit from my moms and was so fat he broke the catflap :Crazy: :rofl:
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on March 03, 2011, 22:51:49 PM
I heard a story once that a cat with one of those microchip cat flaps was actually standing there holding it open to invite all his mates in for dinner!  :innocent:

Can you get near the mystery cat? If so, cut a inch wide strip of paper, write your phone number on it along with the words "will the owner of this cat please call *** ****" and lightly sellotape it round the cat's neck like a collar. If it has a caring owner they would want to know what their cat is up to.  :sneaky:

I'll have a fiver on it being a male because female flap raiders are like rocking horse poo. They do exist I am sure but I can't remember dealing with one.  :tired:
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Frances on March 04, 2011, 14:24:57 PM
. . . female flap raiders are like rocking horse poo. They do exist I am sure but I can't remember dealing with one.

When I lived in London I fitted a cat flap to the back door for Woody.  While he appreciated the cat-height window, he never got the hang of how to use it  :doh: .  However, next door's norty tortie got it sussed in no time - I used to find Woody crouched in the hall watching her while she scoffed his food  :rofl: .  In the end I had to leave it locked.

Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: snarf on March 04, 2011, 18:53:21 PM

I'll have a fiver on it being a male because female flap raiders are like rocking horse poo. They do exist I am sure but I can't remember dealing with one.  :tired:

Sorry, ive got one too- Spare cat kept nicking next doors cats food and is now noticeably trimmer now theyve blocked up their catflap! i dont starve her honest, she just prefers cat food loaded with tut and sugar
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Tan on March 05, 2011, 12:39:40 PM
I Had the same prob with Andy the stray we eventually trapped and is now in a loving home. :) 

I brought the Sureflap microchip flap as my two lads are only house and garden cats do also do not wear collars. Works a treat and their core home is now only theirs :) 

Other cats coming in to a cat flap can cause alot of behaviour issues in the home and inter cat aggression so the flaps that stop others coming in are great.

Always best as well to check if the cats coming are in need of help ie strays that have no home and use the breaking in for survival food.

Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: tc.catz on March 06, 2011, 01:37:46 AM
Was thinking of getting a flap for ours however this has made me think twice!  Thought the microchip flaps sounded too good to be true.  I know 3 cats that would definitely come in through the flap never mind ours so is there any other solution?  At the moment they are both house cats - 9 and 7 months
Title: Re: Help Needed
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on March 06, 2011, 14:11:26 PM
Was thinking of getting a flap for ours however this has made me think twice!  Thought the microchip flaps sounded too good to be true.  I know 3 cats that would definitely come in through the flap never mind ours so is there any other solution?  At the moment they are both house cats - 9 and 7 months

I don't think 'tailgating' is a major issue with the microchip flaps. I don't have one myself but from reading on here those that do have them say it has solved the issue of other cats coming in.