Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => For FIV & FELV babes => Topic started by: sheilarose on February 06, 2011, 18:29:12 PM

Title: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on February 06, 2011, 18:29:12 PM

Hi all.

Here's the quick bit...

My ex-stray Chubby, who has been settling in with me for about 8 months now, but is still very much "hands off", has been gradually beefing up - he's now pretty huge around the middle, I guess around 5-6 kilos. I've read quite a few blogs on this site and others and this does seem to be a fairly common theme. My short question is this...do FIV and obesity go together?
Also he has arthritis in his hip joints and broken tendons in his back feet that prevent him from retracting four of his claws, and prevent him from exercising as perhaps he should, the claws are now quite long and need clipping, the unretracted ones tap on the floor and look uncomfortable for him. I detest the idea of de-clawing, or knuckle amputation, but as I can't get hands on the beastie to clip his nails, and he can't seem to bite them down himself, would this be an occasion where de-clawing the injured toes is a fair solution? If not this, then how do I get to him for this otherwise simple procedure? Knock out drops, anyone?

Here's the story.

He was a lovely when he first turned up. He broke in most nights - I don't lock the cat flap so occasionally find strays sitting pretty in my kitchen - and helped himself to the resident cat food. My cats weren't bothered by him at all, I suspected that he was sleeping inside on cold nights too but only ever found him on the couch once. This suited everyone, he was happy to drop in when he needed us, and disappear when he didn't. We named him Chubby because of his chubby cheeks - long fur around his cheeks made him look quite pudgy, although back then he was just average sized.

Then last winter he disappeared for months. Until one freezing cold day in March 2010, there he was on the back step, looking into my eyes challenging me not to feed him. Of course I did, and noticed he was limping badly, his claws wouldn't retract on his back feet and he was matted and dirty. It was time to act.

I called the local warden who leant me his trap and we got him indoors, made the vet appointment, went through major trauma when he escaped and had to be re-trapped, then finally got him before the vet.

Fab vet Richard saw him. Richard removed his billies, diagnosed arthritis as being the cause of his lameness, took a blood sample and sent me off with a pat on the head and a very smelly, angry wild beast.

It was Richard who, 24 hrs later,  talked me through the initial panic when his results came back +ve. We re-did the test via Glasgow, it was confirmed. Initially the idea was to TNR Chubby, but this diagnosis changed everything and I agreed to bring Chubby in to my household of five FIV negative residents. Richard did me a deal on a full dental that included removing his two top canines (no biting see?) and threw in a microchip.

Chubby lived in my bathroom for two weeks whilst his stink subsided and his hormones settled down. Once he was clean and sober he was allowed to escape again, this time he was back in time for dinner, and hasn't strayed further than next door ever since.

Now he lives in the house every day, cleverly avoiding all contact with me except at meal times, but he's so cute I don't mind. He sleeps at the bottom of the bed, tucked underneath the central heating radiator. When I make breakfast he peers at me from under the kitchen table, then wobbles off into the garden for his morning poo which he fastidiously and furiously buries, sits on my porch chair for an hour or so, then back to bed till teatime when the routine begins again.

He gets his meds by food - a tastless wormer and capstar for fleas if I see him scratching. He has unquestioned respect of all my residents cats, there's never been a fight, just the occasional rumble when Sylvester the 2 year old gets too close to Chubby's dinner.

All thoughts gratefully received.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 06, 2011, 19:59:25 PM
 :welcome: to Purrs  ;D

Chubby is just a hunk  ;D

A couple of questions to help people to answer:

Where abouts do you live, ie are you in the UK? Its just that if you are in the States for example care from vets is maybe a bit different.

Is Chubby neutered now and chipped?
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on February 07, 2011, 22:11:45 PM
Hi Gill,

He is a lovely chunk of puss, thanks, I think so too.  :)

Mike and I are in East London, UK. Chubby is neutered and microchipped to me (he had no chip when we took him in). He's around late middle age, vet thinks between 8 and 10, so he's done well to last this long on the outside and was certainly on his last legs when we finally got him indoors.

Hopefully someone will have some good advice for me about getting his claws under control, they are clearly giving him some trouble, but never having seen this condition before I'm stuck. Once they are shorter, I feel he will be happier and may take a bit more interest in exercise.

It was one HECK of a job getting him to the vet for his various treatments, by the way. He really doesn't like me catching him, so I'd rather try to resolve his issues without having to trap him for the vet to see him every time he needs a manicure. I'm no wuss when it comes to claw clipping, and we have one other pretty awkward customer, but Chubby is totally hands-off.  >:(

Thanks for the wave!

Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 07, 2011, 23:35:02 PM
I think a lot of older cats cant retract back claws very well and I have a semi-feral that has to be trapped to get to the vets cos after she has lived hear for nearly 6 years I still cant touch her, although she loves her creature comforts.

I would suggest talking to your vet about Chubbys claws cos declawing is illegal in this country. except on abolute essential medical grounds.

The back claws in my experience tend to get very thick and I would expect that your vet would clip them for you, my vet did Duchas. I am supprised that he did not see them and offer when you were last there..................no I am not lol  ,cos I have had to ask to get claws clipped!!

Once clipped properly they will take quite a long time to grow again, unlike the front claws which seem to grow at a rapid rate and are sharpened on cat scratching posts and mats.

Sasa my SF freezes once on the vets table and I forgot this year to ask my vet , also called Richard, to look at her claws and also at Misas, but if necessary they can give a shot of gas to give just enough time to do claws if he doesnt freeze.

So that would be my recommendation to solve claws but of course you will have to trap him again.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on February 08, 2011, 08:38:11 AM
Thanks, Gill. I knew de-clawing was frowned upon here, I didn't know it was illegal - gosh brilliant!

I have the day off on Thursday, I'll see if we can chase little Chubby back into the bathroom (the only place he can't hide) and box him up for Richard to see him then.

Will keep you posted. Any thoughts on the obesity link? Or is it just him being greedy and sedentary these days (we free feed Applaws dry Chicken and supplement this with whatever wet pouches are on offer - seems to be a successful combination) ?


Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 08, 2011, 10:41:19 AM
All I can say aboiut his weight is that dry food puts on the kilos so more wet and less dry could help.

Being a feral for so long, he probably eats everything in case there is no more coming for a while, whether he will learn different eventually I dont know.

If you are going to reduce his food at all only do it in very small amounts very slowly and start with the dry, I am afraid I am not good at this and have two cats over 6kg! One is enormous and big boned but after 6 yrs he seems to have stabalized weightwise but the semi fereal still is piling on the kgs despite not eating that much.

I am sure bad backgrounds which both these have affects how they eat. Misa the giant cant walk past a dish without tasting it but if he eats too much his tummy rebels and he is sick.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on February 09, 2011, 22:04:07 PM
Hi and  :welcome:

I lost my FIV boy Tramp in December - He lived with my 10 other cats who don't have FIV !

Funny you should say about the claws because Tramp had the same problem, I used to clip one as he slept lol took me weeks to get all of them clipped!

Think I would take Chubby to the vets for it to be done, they can clip them really short so they take longer to grow back.

Chubby is lucky he found you....good luck with him, so glad you're not afraid to keep him with your other cats

Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on February 10, 2011, 11:21:43 AM
Hi Michelle and thank you for the wave!

So sorry to hear about Tramp, it sounds like he found a most loving home with you. I wish Chubby would sleep long enough for me to get close to him, but the moment I move towards him, he's off under the bed. Maybe he just needs a few more months...sigh.

Chubby is booked in to see great vet (cat oriented) Neil this afternoon. Neil's practice doesn't discount for treating strays which is why I took him to Richard's in the first instance, but Richard has left his practice  :( , so I'll have to stump up the full whack unless Chubby can charm a little discount out of Neil as he's a furry friend in need.

I'll let you know what Neil says about his claws - i managed to get a really good look at his back foot yesterday (he forgets how much he detests me when there's a slab of cooked chicken under his nose) and there's a definite dark red ring around one of the nail beds that looks sore, so I think he's caught it which may explain why he's extra lame at the moment.

I've spaced five carriers around the house in the vain hope that he'll hide in one of them when I come for him. Fat chance! :rofl: It'll be like an episode of Benny Hill, as usual.
It's raining today, so he hurried back in after his toilet stop this morning, and is showing every sign of holing up under the bed until it stops.

Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 10, 2011, 11:25:02 AM
Good luck at the vets and hope Neil can sort Chubby out nailwise  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Dawn F on February 10, 2011, 13:06:41 PM
he is lovely!!  hope his feet get sorted
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on February 10, 2011, 15:36:27 PM
Haha, just went to check the 5 carriers in case Chubs had taken residence. No HE hasn't but Pursley and Sly are occupying the two nearest the radiators. Smart.

Now how come they won't go near the boxes when it's their turn to go to the vet??  :sneaky:

Chubs is still under the bed eyeing me with great suspicion.   :shify: I think he's twigged.

Looking for a board to block off the cat flap - Chubby is strong enough to bust out past the locking mechanism when he puts his shoulder against it. Can't find anything except a horrible picture bought as a gift for our housewarming, I never liked it. That'll do then, perhaps it just fell of the wall. :P
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 10, 2011, 15:41:51 PM
I have to trap my semi feral Sasa, she wont go near a carrier and I have to shut all the doors and get her in one room.............I use the hall and then trap her in one corner with the cage and its door..........all one end opens ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and then I can stroke her and she freezes and with cage covered with a towel , eventually I can gentley push her in........she is nearly 6.5 kgs lol.

Its the only time I can touch her except on vets table.

She doest want to hurt me so I am lucky.

Good luck  :innocent:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on February 10, 2011, 20:11:20 PM
Chubby was not a good cat, he pee'd all over the place and led me a merry dance around the house before I finally got him cornered at the top of the stairs - much akin to your method, Gill, except I had to adopt a mop to poke him out from under the bed in the first place.
He left a big puddle on the stair carpet (made from plastic fleece and rubber backed so will go in the washing machine) but eventually gave in and crawled into the basket.

Phew. Sylvester (2) came to poke a paw through the basket door, he's a terrible tease. Theo (5) (our other ex-stray and boss of the household) took the opportunity for a good sniff but backed off without incident.

Neil, totally new fave vet  :Luv:, spent almost an hour with us. Chubs was fine in the car but terrified at the vet, he pee'd through the bottom of the basket all over the vet's waiting room floor which actually meant we jumped the queue  :naughty: Good Boy Chubby... ;D

The lovely receptionist / tech washed out his basket and provided me with a puppy pad to get us home (dry) and popped his soggy blanket in a bag - real five star treatment.

In the room with Neil, Chubby was wide eyed, flat eared and alert but didn't strike out, bless. We heard his voice for the first time, he has a low tenor that says clearly "HEWWO!"  and "GERROFF!" and "NO!" that raised everyone's eyebrows and had the tech in stitches  :rofl: .

Under cover of a soft towel he froze nicely and let Neil examine him thoroughly. He didn't squeal at all when he manipulated his hips, so maybe arthritis isn't the right diagnosis after all (Rich only ever manipulated him when he was under anaesthetic, so he wouldn't have been able to gauge a pain reaction). Neil didn't feel the characteristic crunching associated with arthritis so thinks it's an old healed injury that may not have healed quite right.

Chubby weighs in a 5.75 Kg.

Neil also thinks he may be a bit younger than previously thought. Although it's a difficult call he feels there is enough healthy gum tissue and really good teeth to suggest he's nearer 5 than 8, and he's generally in very rude health indeed  :)

Chubby has certainly had a traumatic event that has led to his back feet and hips being injured, one paw doesn't sit right and two of his toes are in fact broken: the claw is not actually attached to anything, the pads on one back paw sit proud and don't naturally curl inwards. Now it's not hurting Chubby, it seems, but it does explain why these claws just kind of stick out a funny angles. Neil offered a de-claw for these two toes, as they are clearly already smashed, but he said it would be an unnecessary procedure with no real benefit to anyone, a lot to put Chubby through and I would still have to clip his other claws anyway.

Neil sees a crush injury on one back paw that has been left untreated and has led to this deformity, the other back paw also has a broken toe and some ligament damage, but doesn't looked crushed like the other one. This combined with the immobility and reduced width of his hips, strongly suggests he was run over by a vehicle some time ago, maybe as a youngster, and the hip has not developed properly. I know he had these narrow hips (which are way out of proportion the the rest of him) when he first came to us for food in 2009, so this didn't happen during his 3 month absence last winter, but was an earlier incident, and goes to support my instinct that he has been outside for years, maybe forever.  :'(

Chubs allowed the (really) short nail clip without any complaint. Neil showed me the dangly nature of his broken toes that will continue to grow claws. The one I had concerns about looking sore is actually one of the deformed toes showing evidence of crush injury, and is indeed injured, but this is recent and might have been caught in the plastic carpet!

Now to his FIV - Neil has a slightly different take to Richard - he doesn't support Richard's decision to de-tooth him (to lessen his infectability), as Chubby has shown he is non-aggressive to other cats so feels this was a step too far, and the risk of spreading the infection to my -ve residents by "received" bite still exists. I feel terrible about this now, poor Chubs. However, Neil admits that because of his de-tooth, he is less likely to pick a fight so maybe it has contributed to his continued safety in some small way, but he wouldn't have recommended this drastic measure. God, no wonder Chubby hates me. Neil's happy that Chubby is as happy and healthy as he could be, given his history and status, and recommends I just keep on doing what I'm doing, but has prescribed a trial size metacam for his dicky hip should the manicure not relieve his painful gait.

Neil gave him a thorough comb through while he was still and has relieved him of a nasty pile up in the middle of his back. I'm pleased that I've been using the appropriate flea and worm treatments, with a hands off cat all I can do is Capstar his fleas. Now I know how much he actually weighs, however, I need to increase his worming dose to 1.5 sachets of Panacur granules, and continue to Indorex his sleeping area as he did have some flea dirt in his scrapings.

Chubs went straight out when we got home, he's still sitting out on my porch seat after 2 hours and doesn't want to come in. The rain has stopped so he's not getting wet, but he's proper got the hump. I think come supper time he'll have forgiven me enough to partake of a small tin of tuna as a special treat, but I want him to come in for this so I'm not taking any grub outside for his convenience.

Mike just came home from work - I've regaled him with the tale and he's distraught about the poor little guy's story. I think Chubby might get extra chicken tonight.

Much peace to all... sighs with relief and acceptance. 

Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Feline Costumier on February 10, 2011, 20:38:33 PM
What a wonderful vet you have found and what wonderful slaves Chubby has found!

It sounds like he's had a very rough time of it and couldn't have landed on his paws any better with you. Poor boy, is it any wonder he's so nervous of people.

Great news that he's otherwise fit and healthy and will now receive all the long term care he needs :Luv:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 11, 2011, 02:06:44 AM
That Neil sounds great and so pleased you have a real heads up on Chubby  :hug: :hug:

He will forgive you as he gets hungry and wont want to lose his creature comforts but will remember for next time LOL

I had to use a brush to try and push Sasa from out under the bed last time but took me 3 days to catch her last summer.........didnt want to tell you that bit  :rofl: :rofl:

I didnt used to have an under the bed and I cant reach the centre and she knew it!! I forgot to shut the bedroom door and she flew upstairs!
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on February 11, 2011, 19:14:10 PM
Looks like it's going to be Okay, he slept on the bed all day and has eaten well, you were right, Gill.

I thought about Tramp when I was chasing Chubby around the house yesterday, it really helped to keep my focus on why I'm doing this. Thank you Michelle. And Tramp, a little bit of you lives on with Chubby.

Gratitude to everyone else for the encouragement and advice , I may have wee on my shoes but my heart is full.  :hug: :thanks: :hug:

Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: clarenmax on February 12, 2011, 22:31:34 PM
Chubby is gorgeous, and he's definitely landed on his paws finding you  :hug:

As a fellow FIV slave I'm kind of biased about how wonderful they are, and your vet Neil sounds wonderful too, hang on to him  :)
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on February 13, 2011, 01:55:09 AM
So poleased that Chubby is back and settled  ;D
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on April 09, 2011, 14:26:54 PM
Just a quick note - Chubby has been well and lapping up the recent sunshine. I have another stray indoors just now and he's under a different vet, and when I mentioned to her that I have a FIVer in the family, she said I should get him vaccinated against the 'flu, as apparently flu + fiv is disastrous.

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 09, 2011, 23:12:20 PM
I hope someone with an FIV cat knows the answer to this.

I think you need to start a new thead with an informing title.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Dawn F on April 10, 2011, 09:00:41 AM
I would start a new thread or maybe pm claremax, she has fiv cats and would know
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: clarenmax on April 10, 2011, 20:38:49 PM
Hellloooooooo, sorry only just seen this!!

I think generally the jury is still out about whether to vaccinate FIVs.

As my boys have always been only cats with no danger of mixing, I've always taken the view that the risk is very low, and therefore have not vaccinated, on the advice of my vet.

However I know that CP do vaccinate as they cannot guarantee that the FIVs in pens are not clear of airborne virus issues.

I would speak to your vet, and discuss maybe the possibility of the dead vaccines instead of the live ones, as they pose less risk to our FIV babes.

If there's another unknown furry in close proximity, then it might be better to err on the side of caution and go with the dead vaccine if your vet agrees? xx
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Schmew on April 10, 2011, 21:37:35 PM
Hi FIV peeps  :Luv:

Chubby looks brill  :)

All my cats have been FIV and they've all been vaccinated at one time or another (with the exception of Biscuit  :Luv2: cos I knew I wouldn't take any more in once he came to stay) as it's kept them covered if any fosters/extras have arrived - the two I have currently are kept up to date with theirs but I don't have them done for Leukemia.

there's all sorts of stuff you can read up on about live and dead vaccines but to be honest it's not something I've paid too much attention to, I think if the cat is healthy then they should be fine, and if other cats are coming in then it's probably well worth it.

He's landed on his paws with you, nice one  ;)

Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on April 11, 2011, 21:29:21 PM
OK,  this has made my mind up.

I'll talk to Neil about a dead vaccine for Chubby (I have two vets on the go right now, both with diverse POVs) but as I have a cat sitter for when we go on holiday and she has cats of her own, I think it's fairer to her to keep our household as risk free as possible.

Chubs is due a claw clip in a couple of weeks, I'll get him done then.

Appreciate the advice, guys, as ever. :thanks:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws UPDATE
Post by: sheilarose on August 04, 2011, 13:43:14 PM
Chubby has been for his first annual check up.

He's absolutely FINE  ;D ;D

He's lost a little weight, now a trim and healthy 4.8 kgs (down from 5.75kgs)

No flea dirt, no further injuries or apparent worsening of his old wounds, just a healthy little FIV boy (albeit one with no social skills whatsoever).

He was good as gold for Neil, no fight in him at all, just almost paralysed with fear, poor mite. Neil managed to trim his claws up nicely and even managed to de-scale Chubbys back teeth with his thumbnail (he's magic at this) and gave him a worming pill.

I took the opportunity to give him a cuddle whilst he glued himself flat down on the examination table (Chubby that is, not Neil  ;D) , aww bless he's just terrified  :scared: of everyone.

Anyway, home safe without so much as a wet basket this time, he wandered out into the garden, had a sniff round then scoffed a whole sachet of Whiskas oh-so-smelly before disappearing back into his kennel for a sulk.

Ahh, happiness...  :)
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on August 04, 2011, 13:55:42 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwww Chubby . he is so handsome and pleasaed the vet visit went well  ;D ;D
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Liz on August 04, 2011, 13:57:58 PM
have to say that its the closest we get to some of our worst ferals and we can stroke them cause they assume the position we even had purrs from some of 8 who were at the vet last Saturday

Chubby will forgive you eventually :rofl:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Dawn F on August 04, 2011, 14:10:06 PM
what a great update!
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: clarenmax on August 05, 2011, 08:31:56 AM
Aw bless him, so pleased he's passed his MOT with flying colours  ;D ;D
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Janeyk on August 05, 2011, 11:52:39 AM
 :Luv2: aww he's a darling, glad all went well.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on August 11, 2011, 21:02:08 PM
:cheer: so glad to hear the Chubby is doing well ....and long may it continue xx
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Turbogirlie on September 05, 2011, 12:25:24 PM
What a wonderful story - I am so glad you have a sympathetic vet, as we did with Fizz - other vets in our practice would have suggested putting Fizz to sleep upon the diagnosis of FIV.

So pleased he's doing so well - he's landed on his feet good and proper with you!


Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on November 10, 2011, 20:11:42 PM

Chubby will forgive you eventually :rofl:

Well, I don't know how you knew this, Liz, but he HAS forgiven me.

Chubby has relented. After almost two years his campaign of mild hatred mixed with disdain is over  :shake:

Today he was asleep on the bedding box at the bottom of my bed and I steeled myself, crept up on him and offered him a wiggly finger on da nose. He blinked those big feral eyes at me, just once, and let me tickle his forehead.

Half an hour later I've got cramp and my left arm has gone dead but I daren't stop in case I disturb his happiness. Chubby is butting and purring and rolling over like a kitten. I can now get the mikki matt breaker down as far as his shoulders before I get that "back off" look, but one wiggle of my finger on his nose and he's on his back again with his fluffy orange tummy exposed for tickles.

This is the first contact I've had with him on my own since he was here at first: a spitting, swiping, stinking prisoner in my bathroom, desperate to escape and nothing but sheer hatred in his eyes for me. I had his rotten teeth removed and his peas podded, took him away from the outdoor freedom he loved and consigned him to a life trapped in one house, one garden. No wonder.  :(

One vet advised he be PTS, the state he was in, and even the council animal warden said he was untamable and I was wasting my time. But I knew there was a lovely cat deep down inside there, I could just feel it, and wanted to give him the chance to be a pet cat.

So tonight, ladies and gentlemen, the toast is to Chubby, my new /old /new pet cat  :briggin: I'm the happiest woman alive  :happy dance:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 10, 2011, 22:30:53 PM
Wonderful wonderful and so pleased that Chubby loves you  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on November 10, 2011, 23:15:29 PM
Fan-bloomin-tastic  :)
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Dawn F on November 11, 2011, 08:45:40 AM
awww what great news!!!
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Turbogirlie on November 13, 2011, 17:03:39 PM
What wonderful news - we're all so happy for you guys!  Chubby sure fell on his paws with finding you.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Janeyk on November 13, 2011, 17:11:25 PM
 ;D That's brilliant, sounds like your efforts are finally paying off.  It's so satisfying to get that trust and affection at last, well done  :hug:
he's a lovely lad  :Luv2:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on November 13, 2011, 17:41:13 PM
Thanks everyone  :briggin:

Here's my little FIVer boy now We're having a few problems with some previously un-noticed matts in his back end, but apart from these he's really turned the corner.

Oh and I forgot to mention, he's also found his proper voice.

The only time he ever spoke before was a low panicked yowl at the vet on his first ever visit. This week he has revealed a sweet little yelp, quite high pitched, which he uses when his dinner bowl is empty or someone is in his way when he needs to pee.  :dance: :dance: :dance:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Jiji on November 13, 2011, 18:21:41 PM
I am so pleased for you and the lovely Chubby  ;D
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Turbogirlie on November 22, 2011, 21:59:03 PM
Thanks for the picture - so nice to 'meet' Chubby!  He's gorgeous! 

Loving the voice bit - Alfie's the same, big, bruiser of a cat, with a pipsqueak of a voice!
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 22, 2011, 23:33:44 PM
Chubby is just so handsome  ;D ;D
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: thekittensmittens on November 23, 2011, 07:45:10 AM
he looks such a snugglebum :Luv2:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on January 02, 2012, 17:31:21 PM
I know there's a thread on here somewhere about twin cats separated at birth but I cannot find it (Bonny and Minimopsical were featured), but I saw this today and my heart stopped


Now, tell me that's not my Chubby and I'll call you a liar  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Teresa Pawcats on January 02, 2012, 19:23:55 PM
I know there's a thread on here somewhere about twin cats separated at birth but I cannot find it (Bonny and Minimopsical were featured), but I saw this today and my heart stopped


Now, tell me that's not my Chubby and I'll call you a liar  :rofl: :rofl:

Sheila the one in the link is not Chubby,its the late great Minimopsical, I shed a tear when I saw her.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on June 09, 2012, 17:33:26 PM
Chubby is now our official outdoor deck chair attendant and indoor bedding box monitor. He's shed quite a lot of weight but our vet nurse has taken a shine to him.  ;) So we take him in for his weight check and nail clip every few weeks now he's happy to be handled/cuddled/picked up (OK, he pushes back but never bites or claws  :) )

Here's his new, happier pic. Loves ya Chubs  ;D :Luv:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: thekittensmittens on June 09, 2012, 17:38:04 PM
oh shiela isnt he handsome :wow: :Luv2: :Luv2:
glad to hear hes come on so well ;D
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: emmmy_lou on June 09, 2012, 18:24:09 PM
That's a lovely pic Sheila  :Luv:

I never read Chubbys story before, glad he is doing so well now.

Talk about separated at birth tho, he is the double of our feline intruder!
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: emmmy_lou on June 09, 2012, 18:27:17 PM
oops! meant to attach this one as well...
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on June 09, 2012, 18:30:07 PM
Crikey, Emma you had me thinking there! Who is this cute doppleganger then?
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: emmmy_lou on June 09, 2012, 18:38:48 PM
He lives in the next street, has a home, but likes to sneak into ours for a snooze! He comes in through the (upstairs) bedroom window if its open and OH refuses to kick him out! Although I do if he's not around  :shify:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on June 09, 2012, 18:48:27 PM
I'm wondering if emmmy_lou actually lives round the corner from you Sheila and it IS Chubby who sneaks in  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 10, 2012, 15:08:16 PM
The intrruder hasnt got Chubbys shredded ears but the paws are even the same  ;D
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Sylvia on June 10, 2012, 23:48:32 PM
Chubby is looking wonderful, and so handsome  :Luv: :Luv2:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on July 27, 2012, 15:01:37 PM
Chubs is off to the vet tonight for a vet check. He went a couple of weeks ago for a claw clip (his back claws don't fragment so grow twisted and very thick, need to be wrestled off with beak clippers!) and vet nurse said he'd dropped 1kg in the last year  :scared:

As he's been pretty ravenous lately I suspect Hyperthyroid so I've bought some HT food from Zooplus and booked him in for blood tests this afternoon.

Fingers crossed we can get on top of this before the condition goes too far.

BTW I've designated Chubby as our official Olympic Cat  ;D as he's our little hero  :Luv:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on July 27, 2012, 19:48:25 PM
Apart from doing a poo in his carrier  :-[ :sick: he was a good little boy  :) but he has dropped more weight.

I've plumped for the full £90 blood tests that will be sent off and results will be back Tuesday. Will let you know how he gets on. Meantime, he's enjoying the Hills YD pate and dry food I got from Zooplus, but it's going to be a struggle making this his ONLY food. Iodine is the ingredient missing and it is this that will reduce the size of the Thyroid gland, but apparently just small treats like Ham or milk will spoil the effect - so no more treats for the Chubster  :(

I'll keep this thread here even though it's likely to be HT, but as I can't see another thread for FIV babes with possible HT it's quite possibly related.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on August 16, 2012, 11:52:54 AM
Sending lots of love and cuddles to Chubby  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on August 16, 2012, 12:17:18 PM
Thanks, Gill. I think I posted the update on another thread, but in short, it's not Hyperthyroidism, and most of his blood count is within the normal range but the vet couldn't get a urine sample out of him to double check for poss diabetes and sent me home with a sample bottle and crossed fingers.

Still waiting for my opportunity to get him "alone" to pee in a tray for me, as I've been pushed for time myself (what with Tufty's sudden limp and now Sly's cystitis) but I'll get him this week-end with luck.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on September 30, 2012, 23:59:19 PM
Vibes please for Chubby.

He's at the vet tomorrow as his weight has continued to drop.  :scared:

Bless him, he's just fur and bone now but he still wolfs his chickun and loves a cuddle, he's actually ventured downstairs to see me a few times recently, but we have been warned by the vet that he has probably seen his last summer.  :(
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 01, 2012, 00:05:05 AM
Sending loads of good vibes for Chubby and hope the vet can work out what the pronlem is and help  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on October 01, 2012, 00:07:23 AM
I hope so, Gill. Thank you.

We're in for the first appt at 9am. Hope I can catch him without too much stress.
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: CarolM (Wendolene) on October 01, 2012, 00:13:02 AM
Sending lots of positive vibes for a fruitful and stress-free vet visit and of course lots of these  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: for Chubby and for you Sheila.
Title: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 01, 2012, 05:16:54 AM
Hope everything goes OK for the Chubster :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Liz on October 01, 2012, 06:11:11 AM
Sending you all our best for todays visit and the Clan will cross all their paws for Chubby at 9am  :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on October 01, 2012, 11:19:33 AM
Phew, he's home, alive.  :phew:

He's lost another 1lb in weight though  :scared: but he's hanging in there at 3.75kg, not as little as he looks so Neil is positive he will still be fine throughout our hols. (We leave on Wednesday).

Bless his heart, Chubby did a wee in his carrier so we got the long hoped for sample after all  ;) All completely normal - inc no sign whatsoever of diabetes. Also, no worrying lumps or bumps, no nasty blood level readings, good heartbeat, no respiratory or mouth/gum infection, great teeth (what's left of them) in fact apart from a little discrepancy on his liver function, he's utterly normal  :shocked: :)

The liver is a worry, though not an immediate one, as although it might be signifying degerative disease, it's not likely to take him down rapidly. The only other thing may be an unseen tumour sapping his calorie intake. That may mean ultrasound tests when we get home, but his weight loss is slow and steady (he's marked out a graph for me so I can see what rate he's losing weight) so isn't something we need to be troubled about.

So, yet another idiopathic cat. I'm getting quite good a reading Neil's face when he's about to deliver the news that actually he doesn't know what's going on  :Crazy:  :-: :rofl:

Prescription is now kitten food and lots of it - and try to keep Sylvester's nose out of the trough.  :shify: I've been to PaH and spent a small fortune on JW kitten food, a new litter tray and 3for2 Dreamies, kitten grade cat milk... you name it, I've got it. OH doesn't need to know, OK?  :sneaky:

I texted our wonderful catsitter to give her the good news, and now I'm thinking of going back to bed - having prepared myself for the worst (and shed a few tears overnight) I'm now thrilled and exhausted.  ;D :tired:

As I write here, Chubster is stuffing his face on Turkey flavoured kitten food from James Wellbeloved (I think even Sly will have trouble getting a look in there!), whilst staring at me over the rim of the bowl with that "How very DARE you" look.  >:( :rofl: :rofl: 

A small celebratory banana dance, I think :yayyy: :yayyy:

Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on October 01, 2012, 15:03:10 PM
Thats wonderful newws and you have answered my question on the other thread,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you know that big one LOL

I never think of Sly as Sylvetser  :rofl: :rofl:

So pleased for Chubby and you  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 01, 2012, 15:58:46 PM
Pleased to hear this Sheila  :)  :hug: Go Chubby!  :Luv:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Janeyk on November 02, 2012, 19:41:17 PM
 :Luv: snuggles for gorgeous Chubby  :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: cat~mad on November 04, 2012, 18:31:15 PM
So, yet another idiopathic cat. I'm getting quite good a reading Neil's face when he's about to deliver the news that actually he doesn't know what's going on  :Crazy:  :-: :rofl:

  :evillaugh:   Yes, my wonderful vet Adam has often had that look in the past.....mostly from my previous old boy Thomas!  He, Thomas, was a marvel at coming up with bizarre syptoms  :rofl:     adam hasn't yet met George or Suzi, my two FeLV+ babies, yet!  Probably won't either as we are moving house (40+ miles south) soon so I'll be on the lookout for a GOOD vet who understands the disease.

  Soooo wonderful to hear that Chubby is not diabetic.....and he looks like a completely different cat in that pic....more happy and relaxed and contented  :Luv2:   
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on December 04, 2012, 11:00:19 AM
Managed to get Chubby in a box this morning and off to see Neil for his weight check.

Although Chubby has been feeling well and is obviously a happy little man in his own quiet way, he's dropped another 0.2 kilos in the last two months, down to 3.4kg  :scared: and Neil thinks he can feel a lump in his intestine which appears to be a gastrointestinal lymphoma. He's also a touch anaemic suggesting his bonemarrow is struggling, one kidney is showing a lumpy surface and he has developed a minor heart murmur  :(

We discussed his prognosis, chemotherapy, options such as cortizone and intrusive biopsies, but when it boils down to it, Chubby is a happy little cat for now but has a lot of emerging problems which would be a very hard road for a cat who does not take well to the stress of vet visits.

We decided not to spoil his happiness with a myriad of concoctions that would involve many vet visits, make him feel rubbish and may not extend his life by much anyway. It's about quality now, not quantity. I'm monitoring his motions and watching out for sickness or appetite loss.

This has nothing to do with his FIV, he's been lucky with the vets he's been treated by who both understand FIV and wanted him to have this chance with us. We rescued him just in time for him to have some good quality life as a pet cat, because he wasn't doing well on the outside.

So Chubby is home again, still alive, he wobbles around the house like a little tramp on his wonky back feet - hoovering up stray Dreamies and crunching his way happily through whatever food is put in front of him, digs furiously in the garden, tears holes in his scratching post and leaves his disgusting fur everywhere, but we love him and he loves us, and we will make sure he doesn't suffer for one minute.  :cat rub:

Go Chubby!  :Luv:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Dawn F on December 04, 2012, 11:02:12 AM
oh chubby  :( I hope he has lots more dreamies to come
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Jiji on December 04, 2012, 14:41:54 PM
So very sorry to hear this Sheila  :( have always had a soft spot the the Chubster  :Luv2: and hope he has many more wonderful days with you  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on December 04, 2012, 15:13:11 PM
So very sorry to hear this Sheila  :( have always had a soft spot the the Chubster  :Luv2: and hope he has many more wonderful days with you  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Can only echo this  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 04, 2012, 15:14:29 PM
Chubby sounds like he is still enjoying his life with you and hope he can for a good time yet  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Kay and Penny on December 04, 2012, 19:58:31 PM
come on, Chubbs - no hanging your stocking up just yet - only 20 more wobbly days to Christmas, and Santa will have extra Dreamies for you :xmas cat:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: JackSpratt on December 05, 2012, 22:48:18 PM
Sheila, I'm so glad Chubbs found his way to your home. He sounds such a wonderful lad and it's so apparent how loved  he is by how you write about him.  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on December 11, 2012, 07:32:26 AM
So far so good.  ;)
He's got the hang of his metacam now, although he doesn't like the taste (unusual in my experience) he seems to forget quite quickly when it's followed by a handful of chikkun which he wolfs down.  :Luv:
After 30 minutes or so he's wobblin off to scour the kitchen for proper cat food, so his weight appears to be holding fast at the moment  ;D

I managed to clip one set of his dreadful claws last night as he was sticking to the settee fabric, so although he wriggled about it hasn't phased him and he sat with me all evening having tickles and strokes. As you can see, he will allow me to handle/clip/groom him these days but is generally happiest just sitting next to me with that "now what you doing?" look.

(NB my double chins are down to camera angle!  :-[ )

His next appointment at the vet is 3rd Jan. If we make that far it would be a minor miracle. Fingers crossed everyone. :crossed:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on December 11, 2012, 07:47:32 AM

Sheila, am sending very gentle snoozles for the cherishable Chubby, who was a very good boy letting you trim his claws.

I remember that look from Paddy, who also in his latter days used to like to just sit next to us, and would even let us rest a comforting hand on his back or a skinny little haunch. 

They are the best.   :Luv2:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 11, 2012, 14:53:04 PM
Chubby is adorable and so pleased he is having his metacam, also in my experience its strange that cats dont like the taste. Ducha used to eat the bit of food with it in first and leave the rest!

I do hope that Chubby gets through to the new year  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on December 22, 2012, 12:53:14 PM
Back from the vet, Chubby lives to fight another day.  :na na naa na:

He's not speaking to me as we had to poke him out from under the bed again (how do they know??) then he led us a merry bloomin dance all over the house.  :run: By the time I'd got a blanket over him and bundled him into the carrier I was soaked  :hot!:

He was good for Neil though, and although he has lost more weight (now 3.3kgs, down 0.2 on last the visit) the lump feels the same and he's still got plenty of go in him. Neil is happy for me to carry on as we are but says I'm to limit the metacam to days when he won't eat, as he's worried about his kidneys reacting adversely to the metacam.

Next appointment is 3rd January, so we're hopeful that not only has Chubby exceeded expectations by making it to Christmas (well almost  :crossed: ) but he's possibly got little longer on top.  :chicken:

He was sitting out in the rain scowling at me through the window until I put some chicken out for him - in like a shot, wolfed it down, then with a filthy glance over his shoulder at me shrugged off to bed.  :doh:

I know Chubby has acquired a bit of a fan club on here, thanks to everyone for your support this year, Ol' Chubby is not ready to go anywhere just yet, except perhaps back to bed for a snooze  ;)

 :snowball1: :snowball1: :snowball1: :merry xmas:
Title: Re: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 22, 2012, 14:13:42 PM
Thats great news and so pleased Chubby has another Christmas and may confound the vets yet  :hug: :hug:

Wishing Chubby a wonderful Christmas and lots of tasty stuff  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on December 28, 2012, 12:27:32 PM
We lost him today, PTS at 1130.

My little fighter went to the Bridge having suffered a seizure in his beloved garden and fitted.

His brain was damaged and there was no more we could do than pick him up and take him to the vet to be helped.

I held his tiny, muddy head while he spoke softly to me, he couldn't see me but he could feel me, and I'm glad he knew love right to the end.

I miss you already my little tramp. Go play at the Bridge, my darling Chubster.

I'll love you always xx
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: CarolM (Wendolene) on December 28, 2012, 12:40:31 PM
Oh Sheila, my heart breaks for you.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: cazzer on December 28, 2012, 12:48:31 PM
Oh Sheila so sorry to hear about Chubby  :hug:  :hug:  xxxxxx
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Liz on December 28, 2012, 13:45:08 PM
Oh Sheila my heart goes out to you and your Oh on the loss if Chubby

He did give you one last Christmas and seems to have chosen his time to leave you xx
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: pappilon on December 28, 2012, 14:04:33 PM
Oh Sheila i am so sorry :'(
RIP sweetheart.
 :hug: :hug: :hug: For you and OH.
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 28, 2012, 14:11:12 PM
Oh Sheila I am so sorry, words fail me at present.  Chubby was so loved and he he had you with him right to the end and knew your love and that you were with him by his side.  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

RIP Chubby you were so loved and have left a purr in your slaves heart
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Kay and Penny on December 28, 2012, 15:12:16 PM
so sorry, Shelia - but I am glad when Christmases come round again, you will be able to remember Chubby's last days with you, rather than his death

if it has to happen, and of course it does, then I reckon you and Chubby managed it very well :hug:
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on December 28, 2012, 17:18:42 PM
So sorry to hear about Chubby  :hug: At least he knew love and kindness in his golden years with you and your OH  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Dawn F on December 28, 2012, 18:12:49 PM
oh Sheila I'm so sorry
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Jiji on December 28, 2012, 18:22:24 PM
So sorry to hear the Chubster has gone to the bridge  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on December 28, 2012, 18:39:02 PM
A very special boy has crossed the bridge.  my heart aches for you Sheila. 
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on December 28, 2012, 20:13:39 PM
Thanks for your kind thoughts everyone.  :thanks:

It came as a terrible shock, not least that in his throes he'd managed to almost throttle himself on a russian vine and had to be cut free before we could take him to the vet.
So many times I've "rescued" this little man, but this time I heard him calling from the bottom of the garden and just knew it was the end.

Having cried myself back to my senses, and given myself a headache doing so, I'm determined that Chubby's inimitable spirit must live on.

With this firmly at the front of my mind, I've decided to send a donation in honour of The Chubster to CATWORK, the FIV/FELV sanctuary.


Their work towards providing sanctuary for these "minority" cats and in providing a vital centre of information for our veterinary and rescue communities is unique and unsurpassed in the welfare of these much misunderstood furbabies. 

Bless your heart Chubs, my little FIV pal. xx
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 28, 2012, 20:29:50 PM
I am sure that the donation will be very gratefully received and Chubby will be honored for it to be in his name  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on December 29, 2012, 07:38:54 AM

Oh Sheila.   :hug:

There's no more special gift that you each gave the other than this:

  I held his tiny, muddy head while he spoke softly to me, he couldn't see me but he could feel me, and I'm glad he knew love right to the end.

Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: sheilarose on December 29, 2012, 16:37:16 PM
Just a note to say if anyone wishes to send a small donation to Catwork, you can e-mail them directly for their details to the mailbox on their website.
I have the address to send cheque donations as they don't have a Paypal donations account.
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: funkiechicken on January 01, 2013, 00:09:10 AM
oh sheila i'm so very sorry  :'( :'(
 :hug: :hug:
God Bless you Chubby xx
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Janeyk on January 04, 2013, 07:51:52 AM
 :( I'm so sorry Sheila  :hug: :hug:

God Bless Chubby xx
Title: Re: RIP Chubby: FIV, chubby cat and non-retracting claws
Post by: Tigerlily (Allison) on January 10, 2013, 08:46:38 AM
Sheila, I've just read the whole of this thread as I hadn't before. I'm now sat at my desk desperately trying not to  :'( :'(

What a special little man Chubby was.  :hug: :hug: :hug: