Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Warm Welcome to Purrs! => Welcome to Newbies :) => Topic started by: MrsMurphy on January 13, 2011, 09:25:26 AM
Morning Everyone,
I'm looking forward to joining this forum. I'm sure I will have met some of you before and vice versa. I have 6 Bengalis and a moggie and live in sunny (sometimes) Derbyshire. My bengals are Harley, Dexter, Will, Murphy, Grace and Crystal and my mog is Maddie. At the present time they are all sulking as it was advocate day yesterday...........sigh.......
Hope to meet you all soon xxxx
:welcome: to Purrs :)
Nice to have you here. Seven is a great number isn't it ;D
Ahem....., piccies please esp as we are talking Benglies :Luv2: but naturally Maddie must under no circumstances be left out ;)
Hello and :welcome: to Purrs!
:welcome: to Purrs ;D
Glad you've found us, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. It really is a very friendly forum with lots of friendly helpful advice, if ever needed, and of course lots of fun.
I do feel it my public duty to warn you though that it can be a teensy bit addictive :Crazy: You have been warned :evillaugh:
Wow, six Bengals (and a moggie :Luv2:) - must be bliss in your house :Luv:
Awe. thank you for the lovely welcomes xxx
Yes 7 is a fabby number would like a No 8 though but the OH has banned me at the min.
I am very bad at piccy's lol but I will put some on at the weekend as will probably take me all day while I'm at work :doh:
:welcome: to the Best plaice for cat mad humans - I am the Clan Cats mother we have ferals, domestics and my rescue ragdoll - the Clan Cat have their own pets our 2 Border Collies Sky who is 3 and black and white and Sunny who is 2 he is a red and white tri colour both adore the ferals and have been well trained so they sleep and eat with the cats and get cleaned from head to tail most nights :shocked: :rofl:
:hug: :welcome:
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
:need pics: :rofl: :rofl: