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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: souffle on December 14, 2010, 19:32:46 PM

Title: Suckling behavior
Post by: souffle on December 14, 2010, 19:32:46 PM
I have introduced our two new kittens in another thread and I wonder if anyone can help with this querie.
Monty (male) keeps suckling on his sister Callie. It is mainly when they are lying together and I assume is a comfort thing. They were born and raised in a RSPCA shelter and have never been apart. They are now 14 weeks old. We do distract him when we see him at it but obviously can't do it all the time if we are not there.
Callie doesn't seem to mind and does not show any skin redness or anything but poor wee thing her tummy is always soggy from Monty padding and sucking at her.
Will he grow out of it? I don't want her getting sore from being suckled but they love being together and play and cuddle up all the time.
Monty misses his mama I think!
Title: Re: Suckling behavior
Post by: Kay and Penny on December 14, 2010, 20:40:04 PM
typical male fixation :rofl:

have you got something soft and furry he might transfer his attentions to? a fluffy jumper or scarf, perhaps?

Title: Re: Suckling behavior
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on December 14, 2010, 20:46:13 PM
Nothing wrong with it at all, its a comfort thing.

I've had kittens that have suckled off each other ...... and I had one who suckled on his Mum for 4yrs !!!!

They will grow out of it xx
Title: Re: Suckling behavior
Post by: Feline Costumier on December 14, 2010, 20:48:40 PM
Dave is a suckler but it's my clothes that get his attention. If I'm wearing a dressing gown then he kneads and suckles it while I'm wearing it. He's 2.5 years old and it's just a comfort thing he's done since a kitten, purrs away like crazy while he's doing it.

I did try to break the habit when he was a kitten but it never worked so I just leave him to it now, if he's happy I'm happy :shy:
Title: Re: Suckling behavior
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on December 14, 2010, 20:49:53 PM
I have a 9 year old male abysinnian who will spend a good 20 mins a night sitting next to me and paddling away on my thigh (he doesn't suckle) but he does dribble!  :-:

So in answer to your question "will he grow out of it" .... probably not!   :rofl:

As Monty is paddling on his sister I would recommend you keep their claws trimmed (just clip the nasty razor sharp points off) this way it won't be uncomfortable for Callie  ;)
Title: Re: Suckling behavior
Post by: Dawn F on December 15, 2010, 09:01:40 AM
one of mine did this as a kitten (she was about 14 weeks when I got her) she did grow out of it
Title: Re: Suckling behavior
Post by: Daisymac on December 15, 2010, 11:43:12 AM
Kenny Kitten sucks my clothes,  as soon as I sit down he is there for a 'suck suck',  tried all sorts to get him to stop but he isnt having any of it,  he will suck anyone who will let him,  sucked my neighbours trouser leg the other day  :rofl: