Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: lau200 on December 05, 2010, 22:16:04 PM

Title: Carrigan is back!
Post by: lau200 on December 05, 2010, 22:16:04 PM
we used to feed Carrigan months ago, if you remember the all black cat with the fluffy tail. he hasn't been to our garden in months as man cat used to chase him off and after one particularly vicious attempt, Carrigan never returned to our garden. i've seen him several streets away getting food from people's bins- i have no doubt he is a stray cat, although quite a few people seemed to think i was wrong in feeding him because he looked so well. he looks exactly the same, perhaps a bit thinner, i think he is just quite a young cat.

i'm glad he's back, and that he knows we'll feed him. i can't imagine the desperation he must have felt to be eating from bins.

i was minding my own business, walking to the kennel in the garden armed with food and extra blankets to put in, when he jumped out. the garden in quite dark despite the security light we have and as carriagn is black, i didn't see him in there. i screamed! i think i scared him as much as he scared me, he came flying out! i spoke to him when i realized it was him, and i know he knew it was me as he started talking to me as he used to! i gave him some fresh tuna which he enjoyed and then he disappeared again.

atleast i know he's ok and next it's operation trap carrigan!

sadly it does mean that offering a home to sky and peter will have to go on hold for now, but i'm sure we have got room for all 3 ;)
Title: Re: Carrigan is back!
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on December 06, 2010, 00:30:17 AM
Hey that's good news, at least he'll get a regular food source now  :hug:
Title: Re: Carrigan is back!
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on December 06, 2010, 02:42:49 AM
Brilliant and thats the third cat back home tonight,,,,soooooooooooooo wonderful  ;D ;D