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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: JenGeorgieBob on November 17, 2010, 19:44:21 PM

Title: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: JenGeorgieBob on November 17, 2010, 19:44:21 PM
Benji has quite thick fur, so despite being short haired he seems to be getting hairballs at the moment,
I have tried lots of different furball treats but he won't eat them! I got some anti-furball paste as well, but he won't eat that either! if it is hidden in his food, he eats around it, if it is on a piece of chicken or ham, he turns his nose up at it!
so, do any of you lovely cat slaves have some tasty anti-furball treats you would recommend for a fussy and spoilt Benji,


Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Fire Fox on November 17, 2010, 22:54:58 PM
Noah is white and devotes a lot of time to personal hygiene, so I smear anti-furball paste about his person.  :evillaugh: I assume you are already Furminating (or similar) regularly - worked really well for Noah in the spring when he was shedding and he enjoys it. I find raw days can help bring up furballs, I do wonder whether in nature that would be one way cats naturally eliminate furballs? :sick: Neither of my solutions will be any use if you are houseproud tho!
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 17, 2010, 23:24:19 PM
In nature cats eat grass and that makes them sick and brings up the furball.

Big Misa is eating grass like a bloomin sheep at the moment and he waits till he has filled his tummy and am having deposits everywhere at moment.

Sasa the semi feral has adapted her body so she gets rid of fur from the back end and none of my cats have ever done that cept her. She rarely produces furballs.

All my cats hate furball paste or treats and I made a mistake of putting some on their paws and they wiped over everything but wouid not lick it off! What a bloomin mess.

The other way cats get rid of furballs is just to pig themselves with food and that makes them sick too.
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Mark on November 17, 2010, 23:44:24 PM
I don't know how well they work, but my lot love malt-bits. Clapton still liked them even when he had all but given up eating.

Most places only sell the 35g bags for about £1.20

Zooplus have 150g bags for £3.50 (deal on 3 bags)
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Liz on November 18, 2010, 00:36:00 AM
Whiskas Kitbit for Hairball are a favourite in our house and we can say more than 9 out of 10 like them ranging from 19 years young to age 14 weeks ;D
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on November 18, 2010, 07:26:37 AM
Has he tried the de-furrum hairball treats? Even Lu eats those and he's a fussy little booger when it comes to treats!
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on November 18, 2010, 09:50:40 AM
Has he tried the de-furrum hairball treats? Even Lu eats those and he's a fussy little booger when it comes to treats!

Mosi likes those too.

With the paste, have you tried smearing it on a paw?  You have to rub it in so that they can't shake it off, but that's what I do with Mosi sometimes as he won't eat katalax any other way.  It it's smeared into his fur, he has no option but to lick it off!
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Mark on November 18, 2010, 10:07:36 AM
I agree - Willow used to flick it and it ended up on walls, sofas etc  :evillaugh:

I think Katalaix is the most effective, but also really expensive - about £12 for a small tube, compared to other brands which are about £4 for twice as much  :Crazy:

I am convinced that cod-liver oil & malt would do the same job - a huge jar in Boots is about £4  :Crazy:
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: madamcat (Edd) on November 18, 2010, 10:25:44 AM
I use Katalax.

Chelsea who is long-haired suffers from furballs. She has a maintenance dose every week but wont take it whereas Sam (short-haired) thinks it is a treat and will happily lick it off my finger :-:

So with Chelsea I put it on my finger and into her mouth - normally sorts out any furballs which are deposited within the next day  :sick: but she is considerate and will do that on the oak flooring rather than the carpet.
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Mark on November 18, 2010, 11:11:43 AM
Clapton used to like de-furrum as well. At one time he liked it, but after he bacame wary of meds, he ran away from me.

I think Katalax is about £8 online for a 25g tube which is tiny. Given the ingredients, it is such a rip-off - probably costs about 2p to make  :tired:
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: madamcat (Edd) on November 18, 2010, 11:45:10 AM
Clapton used to like de-furrum as well. At one time he liked it, but after he bacame wary of meds, he ran away from me.

I think Katalax is about £8 online for a 25g tube which is tiny. Given the ingredients, it is such a rip-off - probably costs about 2p to make  :tired:

Mine would not touch the de-furrum hairball treats so back to katalax we went.
Agree with you Mark, it is very expensive for what you get and they dont even give you the attachment anymore that enabled you to squirt into the mouth. My vet charges £14 a tube. 

PS Just remembered the old way when you would put a teaspoon of liquid parrafin (obtained from vets or chemist) on the food - wonder if anyone still does that.
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: JenGeorgieBob on November 18, 2010, 12:04:04 PM
wow, lots of tips, thank you!
With the paste I did try smearing it on him and got dirty looks as he tried to clean it off himself, but now because the kittens seems to like the taste, he lets them clean it off him  :tired:
I have tried the de-ferrum treats and he turns his nose up, along with 2 other brands I have tried, but I have not tried the whiskas ones, I might look out for those.
I do brush him pretty regularly but I don't have a furminator yet, it was something I was thinking of getting though...may have to invest in one, especially if he keeps up the habit of grooming the kittens, which isn't an issue now, but next year I imagine they will get their winter coat properly...
I also haven't tried the malt bits, but have just ordered a load of stuff from zooplus, typical...looks like another order then, lol  :tired:
Also, Benji ignores grass...maybe I will try again and get him to eat some...


Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Fire Fox on November 19, 2010, 16:54:38 PM
IIRC I bought the Furminator on eBay, looking now there are some very cheap listings. To my surprise Noah actually enjoys being Furminated, he will rub his face all over the comb if I stop. Noah wouldn't touch the Defurrum treats, even tho he is far from a fussy cat! Commercial treats are extortionate if you look at the price per kilo, Noah is quite happy with prawns.  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: tasty anti-furball treats?
Post by: Elanor3 on November 25, 2010, 20:40:58 PM
Whiskas Kitbit for Hairball are a favourite in our house and we can say more than 9 out of 10 like them ranging from 19 years young to age 14 weeks ;D

These are the only ones i can use due to Indie eosinophilia he gets granulomas with others so play it safe with whiskas  ;)