Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: roxford on April 12, 2007, 18:32:32 PM

Title: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: roxford on April 12, 2007, 18:32:32 PM
Hi Everyone

I'm hoping some of you can shed some light on my problem as I'm so worried about Storm (my house cat). I have two boys who are house cats and are normally in great health. Storm is only 3 yrs old. I came home today to find sick and wee all over the house and I was able to tell it was Storm that was ill as he is more quiet and drinking lots of water.

We normally feed them tuna in brine once every morning but I'm now wondering if this is affecting them and if by any chance the warm air has caused the food to go off.

Please reply cause I'm a total worrier and my vets are closed.

Ross  :-:

Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on April 12, 2007, 18:43:20 PM
Sorry Ross can't offer any advice but I would try to keep storm in one room with a litter tray, food and water and keep hi m quite for the evening.  The off to the vet straight away in the morning.  Of course if he takes a turn for the worse I would give the emergency vet a call (if you vet is closed there should be an answer machine message giving the number of the emergency vet).

Good luck and gentle hugs to storm  :hug:
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 12, 2007, 18:45:37 PM
Welcome to Purrs, sorry its not in good circumstances for your cat.

If Storm is still being sick and having probs you need to speak to an emergency vet now.

Next Tuna is not good to be fed regularily to cats and secondly in brine is definately not good, as it is too salty. You need the type in springwater and others will advise but probably no more than once a week. However, how long have you been doing this because you may need to ween him off it as I am sure someone has posted in the past that cats become addicted to it.

I do not know whether this has any relation to your cats current problem and suspect not but if a cat is contunually sick and urinating a lot  in this weather he will quickly become dehydrated.

Please speak to a vet asap.

Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: roxford on April 12, 2007, 20:11:26 PM
Thankyou Gill and Sam for replying so quickly and giving me your advice. In the last hour he seems to have stopped being sick and has perked up a little more. I'm now going to keep an eye on him over night and if he is still ill in the morning then I will take the day off work and head to the vets.

As for the tuna, I will be stopping feeding both the cats this as now I know its not good for them.

Ross  :innocent:
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on April 12, 2007, 20:16:08 PM
Fingers crossed for him - is there anything obvious in the house that he could have got at?
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: roxford on April 12, 2007, 20:18:39 PM
Picture of Storm

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: roxford on April 12, 2007, 20:20:20 PM
My other boy, Sky!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: roxford on April 12, 2007, 20:21:58 PM
Hi Desley

We do have plants around the house, but we have had them for a long time and they have never been a problem for us before. I'm hoping he will be better by morning cause I total worry about them, I even worry about them when I'm out at work. Crazy I know, but I cant help it!
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on April 12, 2007, 22:09:35 PM
Sorry Ross meant to say  :welcome: before.

It's not mad, worrying about your furries ... it's the sign of a good slave  ;)

I'd just like to add that even if Storm appears to be better in the morning it might be worth taking him to the vet just as a precaution and for a quick check ... cats are very good at hiding their symptoms and can appear to "be better" when in actual fact they are just not showing us how porrly they really are.  I'm not trying to be alarmist but in the same respect we are not vets on this site (just cat mad folk with years of cat experience). 

All the best

Sam xx
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on April 12, 2007, 23:25:47 PM
I love black and whites, they are lovely  ;D
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on April 12, 2007, 23:48:33 PM
 :welcome: Ross

I hope Storm is a bit better now but I agree a vet visit would still be a good idea asap.  The weeing bit worries me as weeing outside the litter tray could indicate many things such as a UTI, diabetes, kidney problems etc.  Keep a close eye on him for any signs of straining to pass urine as male cats can get blockages which can be fatal very quickly.  Are you in the UK?  If so your vet has to provide emergency cover.  If you ring your vets normal number you'll be able to speak to an emergency vet who will be able to advise you better than we can.

Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) on April 13, 2007, 10:27:08 AM

ur cats look beautiful
hope storm gets bk to normal soon x
Title: Re: Storm has been sick and wee'd all over house
Post by: Mark on April 13, 2007, 11:00:15 AM
You can get the Hi-life tuna that has all the added vitamins & sugars that make it healthy for cats to eat and it's no more expensive than normal tuna.

Its fine to give regular tuna once in a while but there it doesn't have the correct vitamins and will strip the nutrients from cats. Probably the equivilent of us eating McD's - OK once in a while but not a healthy diet  :evillaugh:

I give it to mine if I run out of cat tuna - tesco's own in springwater is 50p (I think there is still salt in it so its not ideal)