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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: LazyDaisy on October 26, 2010, 20:38:42 PM

Title: advice please - cystitis
Post by: LazyDaisy on October 26, 2010, 20:38:42 PM

I think Daisy may have cystitis. I left her in today because its been so cold, and when I got home from work I noticed she went to her litter tray a number of times (actually about 5 in total). Each time she seemed to stay in it a long time but only appeared to do a tiny tiny wee. The last time there looked like there was a spot of blood. She seemed to be squeaking and chirrupping when she moved around the kitchen.

She's settled down in front the fire now so no change there and she's still bright and purring. I've put down lots of water and watered down her food abit because I know if we get cystitis we are told to drink more.

I've phoned my vets who seems to think the same, I've got an appointment first thing in the morning. If it is does anyone know what the treatment may involve.

Anybody get an extra advice.


Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Mark on October 26, 2010, 21:17:22 PM
Poor baby - The vet will probably give her a convenia shot (long-acting antibiotic) and a painkilling shot - probably Metacam. They should also take a sample to check if it is bacterial or stress-related. Apparently very few cases are bacterial. They will probably recommend cystease capsules to sprinkle on her food to help prevent a recurrence. If it does turn out to be bacterial, you can buy d-mannose. It is the sugar found in cranberries. It prevents the bacteria sticking to the lining of the urinary tract.  Is there anything that could be stressing her out? - a feliway plug-in might be an idea.

My vet told me although it stings and is very uncomfortable, it isn't agony for them.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: LazyDaisy on October 26, 2010, 21:26:52 PM
Thanks Mark, especially for your last line - I'd hate think she was in constant pain.

Interesting you mention stress - does bullying count as stress ? My neighbours cat (Gemma great big fat girl) has always disliked Daisy. Since day one when Daisy arrived in the garden as a stray and picked me, Gemma has always chased her. But as Daisy's been here nearly two and half years it seems strange if she's only suffering now.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 26, 2010, 22:02:08 PM
I've only had a cat with it once but from memory they gave her some antibiotics and she was right as rain after a week. Hope this is just a one-off for Daisy, sounds like you've caught it early so I'm sure she'll be just fine  :hug:
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Mark on October 26, 2010, 22:21:15 PM
does bullying count as stress ?

Definitely - cats are territorial and if they don't feel in control of their own space, it is very stressful for them.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on October 27, 2010, 13:50:00 PM
Jaffa has had a few instances of stress related cystitis.  On each occasion, he was given a dose of metacam (orally) and the cystitis was resolved within a couple of hours.  He now has cystease every other day.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: LazyDaisy on October 27, 2010, 20:32:45 PM

So Daisy saw the vet this morning (lovely young Irish man but hey I must remember I was there for Daisy  :rofl:)
He agrees that its cystitis so she had a couple of injections, pain killers and antibiotics and he's given me a course of antibiotics for her.

She's stayed in today and now she's in her usual place of in front of the fire. She desperately wanted to go out last night but I was strong and kept her in. And bless her she pee'd in the bath last night (better than on the bed eh).

Fingers crossed the tablets will do the trick.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 27, 2010, 20:35:33 PM
Hopefully it was just a one off and the tablets will do the trick :hug: Give her a gentle :care: from me and my boys
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on October 28, 2010, 08:21:04 AM
Am surprised they have given you ab's without a urine sample - the idea of the urine sample first is to make sujre they have the right antibiotics, as it could be resistant to the one they have prescribed. You might also find that a day or so after finishing the course it flares up again, quite a lot of cases need two lots of meds.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on October 30, 2010, 13:49:29 PM
Yes I found that with Tia Des, she had one lot of meds then was fine for a week then it came back  :Crazy:
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Fire Fox on October 30, 2010, 20:27:44 PM
In humans it is common for cystitis to recur (also thrush) after antibiotics as the medication wipes out all the beneficial bacteria which are supposed to keep the nasties under control. Since felines clean their bum with their tongue :sick: it wouldn't be too difficult to cross contaminate to the urethra (pee opening). Best way to protect against that is a course of probiotics such as LactoB.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Mark on October 30, 2010, 20:49:39 PM
If the cystitis is bacterial, d-mannose is the best thing as it stops bacteria colonising in the urinary tract. Much better than ABs and completely safe.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on October 31, 2010, 10:50:59 AM
If you want to use a probiotic, please remember to make sure you have finished the ab's first, or it is pointless.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Mark on October 31, 2010, 13:47:07 PM
I read up on this. You can give Probiotics during AB treatment, but you must give PBs 2 hours+ after ABs
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on October 31, 2010, 13:50:46 PM
I read up on this. You can give Probiotics during AB treatment, but you must give PBs 2 hours+ after ABs

Oh dear, my vet didn't mention this to me and I was giving the boys their antibiotic tablets (Metronidazole) followed straight by breakfast/dinner with probiotics sprinkled on. What issues would that cause then?
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: Gillian Harvey on October 31, 2010, 18:14:20 PM
Oh dear, my vet didn't mention this to me and I was giving the boys their antibiotic tablets (Metronidazole) followed straight by breakfast/dinner with probiotics sprinkled on. What issues would that cause then?

I don't think it would cause any issues as such, just the probiotics wouldnt be as effective.
Title: Re: advice please - cystitis
Post by: tab on November 01, 2010, 10:39:58 AM
Amber gets stress cystitis and usually a vet visit for a metacam injection works fine. That said this time they gave me metacom to put on food and that upset her tummy so we had to go back. They gave me 4 days of anti biotics for her as well as the injection and shes been ok since. She is still on cystease although we're back to one a day (going back to 2 tomorrow as Im stressed ) and I have a feliway diffused on all the time ( Thanks to Simon, Ella and Effie) which I think has helped.
Im going to send for a refill today though as vet uk have a 15% discount